Bob Menedez announces he will retire soon from Congress


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Bob Menendez held a press conference today announcing he was much closer to retirement after flying to Vegas and betting 1000 gold bars that Trump would be convicted in New York City. "Today is a proud day for the US justice system", declared Mendendez. "Americans should be proud that our justice system works at even the highest levels of government."

However, when pressed to give a date for retirement, Menendez said, "Depends how the gold markets hold up, but soon."
View attachment 954705

Bob Menendez held a press conference today announcing he was much closer to retirement after flying to Vegas and betting 1000 gold bars that Trump would be convicted in New York City. "Today is a proud day for the US justice system", declared Mendendez. "Americans should be proud that our justice system works at even the highest levels of government."

However, when pressed to give a date for retirement, Menendez said, "Depends how the gold markets hold up, but soon."
good riddance.
good riddance.

nice try Stain. It won’t work. You and your kind of people aren’t capable of moral conduct or equal Justice. You only do as instructed by the Deep State slime that you support 100%. Your kind kills countries. The Children have to clean up your destruction.
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good riddance.
Actually, this is satire

Menendez is going nowhere, I can assure you, even though people in both parties knows he belongs behind bars

But alas, he has a "D" by his name, so he is bullet proof.
Actually, this is satire

Menendez is going nowhere, I can assure you, even though people in both parties knows he belongs behind bars

But alas, he has a "D" by his name, so he is bullet proof.
franken was not bullet proof, weiner and the ny governor come to mind as well. i don't understand why we can't get rid of menendez any more than i understand why gaetz or jordan are still in congress.
View attachment 954705

Bob Menendez held a press conference today announcing he was much closer to retirement after flying to Vegas and betting 1000 gold bars that Trump would be convicted in New York City. "Today is a proud day for the US justice system", declared Mendendez. "Americans should be proud that our justice system works at even the highest levels of government."

However, when pressed to give a date for retirement, Menendez said, "Depends how the gold markets hold up, but soon."
Good, then convict this mf and throw his ass in prison.
Good, then convict this mf and throw his ass in prison.
There is a reason he is untouchable even though everyone admits he should be in jail

It is then up to you to figure out why.
There is a reason he is untouchable even though everyone admits he should be in jail

It is then up to you to figure out why.
Think about it though, he doesn't seem to well liked in the senate not to mention he can be the token dem that goes to prison.
Think about it though, he doesn't seem to well liked in the senate not to mention he can be the token dem that goes to prison.
Corruption with impunity seems worth the cost to Bob to not be "well liked"

Funny fact, they refuse to hold him to any standard close to what Trump is being held, so them must like him more than Trump.

See, being liked in important in the Swamp.
His wife accepted the Gold w/o his knowledge. Drag it out (along with Hunter) to OCT….then the pardon in DEC?

Or drag it out till he’s age 90 like the rest of DEM & dirty “R”.
His wife accepted the Gold w/o his knowledge. Drag it out (along with Hunter) to OCT….then the pardon in DEC?

Or drag it out till he’s age 90 like the rest of DEM & dirty “R”.
Yep, what a guy blaming is wife who has cancer. What a fucking prick.

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