Bobby Jindals proposed GOP alternative to Obamacare

"Death Panels" under any other name are still "Death Panels".

Google it!

Death panels only exist in private health insurance.

Health insurance companies do efficacy studies of the various kinds of treatments available for any given illness, disease, etc. This is why, for example, they won't pay for homoeopathic treatments for cancer. Because homeopathy is bunk.

Insurance companies also do actuarial studies to determine how long a person should be hospitalized for any given illness, disease, etc. This is where the horror stories of cancer patients on their deathbeds are forced to leave a hospital and be transferred to a hospice by an insurance company even though they are in no condition to be moved.

The ACA tasks the government to do the same kinds of studies, since ObamaCare is an insurance setup just like corporate insurance. That's it.

After Palin tripped over her own stupidity by calling Congressman Bluemenauer's advance directive insurance payment proposal "death panels", the rubes doubled down on their retardation by shifting the goalpost to these studies in the ACA which are identical to what insurance companies have been doing for centuries.
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Count Jindal unpersuaded: Repeal and replace Obamacare

In his plan, Jindal calls for:

• Providing $100 billion over 10 years to provide grants to states that take innovative steps on health care, including guaranteeing access to insurance for people with preexisting conditions. The Affordable Care Act bars insurers from discriminating against those with medical problems that often have made getting coverage difficult. Why can't this be done in addition to Obama care? If you want to provide additional money to the states for innovative it. Nothing in Obamacare prevents this

• Creating a standard individual deduction for health insurance for individuals whether they are covered through their employers or on their own.
Want a standard individual deduction for health insurance? Do it. Nothing in Obamacare prevents this

• Instituting a permanent ban on federal funding of health insurance plans that cover abortions.


The plan calls for increased state flexibility on Medicaid, expanded health savings accounts, additional price and quality disclosures by hospitals and other health care providers, and new limits on lawsuits.

Obamacare already provides increased state flexibility on Medicaid. Health savings accounts can be expanded under Obamacare, so can requiring more disclosure. If Republicans want tort reform...pass it

Nothing in this plan makes it necessary to repeal Obamacare

Pass tort reform ,with who runs the senate and the white house,ya pigs fly also.

Why were these NOT in Obama care,the repubs were locked out when this turd was created. Dems and Dems alone own this,if they had worked with the other party we might not be having thse talks.
Jindal's proposals could have been incorporated into the ACA at the outset had Republicans wished to participate in reform rather than obstruct.

You lying sack of shit!

I watched the procedures start to finish.

The Democrats would not even consider any ideas from the Republicans! That was demonstrated in the House and the Senate during the time leading up to the midnight tyranny that resulted in what you Lefties are so proud of.

I did as well. The Dems struggled to get us on Board for almost a year, and we stonewalled and waffled. When the Dems got serious after the first of the year and rammed the plan through, it allowed Boehner to whine and shout and stamp his little feet. The minority gets to help craft through compromise, but it never ever dictates if it expects to get anything.

At the Healthcare summit with Republicans, President Obama offered......Tell me what you need added to the bill so that you can vote for it. To a man, they said....tear it up and start over
Count Jindal unpersuaded: Repeal and replace Obamacare

In his plan, Jindal calls for:

• Providing $100 billion over 10 years to provide grants to states that take innovative steps on health care, including guaranteeing access to insurance for people with preexisting conditions. The Affordable Care Act bars insurers from discriminating against those with medical problems that often have made getting coverage difficult. Why can't this be done in addition to Obama care? If you want to provide additional money to the states for innovative it. Nothing in Obamacare prevents this

• Creating a standard individual deduction for health insurance for individuals whether they are covered through their employers or on their own.
Want a standard individual deduction for health insurance? Do it. Nothing in Obamacare prevents this

• Instituting a permanent ban on federal funding of health insurance plans that cover abortions.


The plan calls for increased state flexibility on Medicaid, expanded health savings accounts, additional price and quality disclosures by hospitals and other health care providers, and new limits on lawsuits.

Obamacare already provides increased state flexibility on Medicaid. Health savings accounts can be expanded under Obamacare, so can requiring more disclosure. If Republicans want tort reform...pass it

Nothing in this plan makes it necessary to repeal Obamacare

Pass tort reform ,with who runs the senate and the white house,ya pigs fly also.

Why were these NOT in Obama care,the repubs were locked out when this turd was created. Dems and Dems alone own this,if they had worked with the other party we might not be having thse talks.

Tort forms are in place in Texas. They do little to hold down healthcare costs.

Repeating your lie that Republicans were locked out does not make it true. Democrats begged Republicans to get involved in the process. All they were interested in was delay, obstruction and fear mongering
"Death Panels" under any other name are still "Death Panels".

Google it!

Death panels only exist in private health insurance.

Health insurance companies do efficacy studies of the various kinds of treatments available for any given illness, disease, etc. This is why, for example, they won't pay for homoeopathic treatments for cancer. Because homeopathy is bunk.

Insurance companies also do actuarial studies to determine how long a person should be hospitalized for any given illness, disease, etc. This is where the horror stories of cancer patients on their deathbeds are forced to leave a hospital and be transferred to a hospice by an insurance company even though they are in no condition to be moved.

The ACA tasks the government to do the same kinds of studies, since ObamaCare is an insurance setup just like corporate insurance. That's it.

After Palin tripped over her own stupidity by calling Congressman Bluemenauer's advance directive insurance payment proposal "death panels", the rubes doubled down on their retardation by shifting the goalpost to these studies in the ACA which are identical to what insurance companies have been doing for centuries.

Obama wants to kill my baby
It's funny that now all these Republicans are locked into talking about healthcare only in the context of Obamacare repeal being their pre-existing condition, so to speak,

when most of them are least smart enough to know that Obamacare is here to stay.
The GOP plan,

kick the poor people off Medicaid, but give them a consolation prize of a tax advantaged Medical savings account,

that they can fill up with money they don't have.
The GOP plan,

kick the poor people off Medicaid, but give them a consolation prize of a tax advantaged Medical savings account,

that they can fill up with money they don't have.

Well put

Tax cuts only help upper middle class and above. Medicaid is in place for the poor, but lower working class struggle for healthcare
You lying sack of shit!

I watched the procedures start to finish.

The Democrats would not even consider any ideas from the Republicans! That was demonstrated in the House and the Senate during the time leading up to the midnight tyranny that resulted in what you Lefties are so proud of.

Not even close.

The R refused to have any part of it.

That's not exactly true either.

It did go to committee, the Republicans did offer amendments..many which were used.

The problem was, they didn't stop.

It was an old trick. They wanted to lard up it and make it impossible to pass.

more lies, the bill that the dems passed (DEMS ONLY) was written in a sealed room by dem staffers, there was no floor debate allowed in either house and no republican amendments were allowed to come to a vote in either house.

Yes, there was a lot of healthcare discussion before the ACA bill, but there was ZERO on the actual bill that became law.

The GOP plan,

kick the poor people off Medicaid, but give them a consolation prize of a tax advantaged Medical savings account,

that they can fill up with money they don't have.

The dem plan-----put everyone on medicaid and subsidies and pretend that there will be enough paying people to cover all the ones getting it free.

Someone has to pay, asshole. There is no free lunch, and there is no free healthcare.
The GOP plan,

kick the poor people off Medicaid, but give them a consolation prize of a tax advantaged Medical savings account,

that they can fill up with money they don't have.

Well put

Tax cuts only help upper middle class and above. Medicaid is in place for the poor, but lower working class struggle for healthcare

tax cuts help everyone who pays taxes.. No one has said we should do away with medicaid.

Do you libs ever stop lying?
We don't need anything "comprehensive".

Obamacare has one good idea- no exclusions for pre-existing conditions. Keep that- and toss the rest.

Then make small changes one at at time.

Obamacare is a monument to the fact that Government doesn't do "comprehensive" well.

How do you fund your no exclusions on pre-existing conditions?
What do you have against Healthcare exchanges to allow small business and individuals to get competitive rates?

So when will we see these so called competitive rates?
Death panels only exist in private health insurance.

Health insurance companies do efficacy studies of the various kinds of treatments available for any given illness, disease, etc. This is why, for example, they won't pay for homoeopathic treatments for cancer. Because homeopathy is bunk.

Insurance companies also do actuarial studies to determine how long a person should be hospitalized for any given illness, disease, etc. This is where the horror stories of cancer patients on their deathbeds are forced to leave a hospital and be transferred to a hospice by an insurance company even though they are in no condition to be moved.

The ACA tasks the government to do the same kinds of studies, since ObamaCare is an insurance setup just like corporate insurance. That's it.

After Palin tripped over her own stupidity by calling Congressman Bluemenauer's advance directive insurance payment proposal "death panels", the rubes doubled down on their retardation by shifting the goalpost to these studies in the ACA which are identical to what insurance companies have been doing for centuries.

Obama wants to kill my baby

RW, you just don't get it---------obama wants to kill YOU. When you go to the hospital with a heart attack and are told to wait your turn, you will die waiting because thousands of doctors have left medicine.

Oh, you have cancer? well M. D. Anderson and Mayo clinic won't take your obamacare coverage--------too bad, maybe you can get a kenyan medicine man to treat you with mud and snake vomit.
We don't need anything "comprehensive".

Obamacare has one good idea- no exclusions for pre-existing conditions. Keep that- and toss the rest.

Then make small changes one at at time.

Obamacare is a monument to the fact that Government doesn't do "comprehensive" well.

How do you fund your no exclusions on pre-existing conditions?
What do you have against Healthcare exchanges to allow small business and individuals to get competitive rates?

So when will we see these so called competitive rates?

If they are not competitive, nothing makes you sign up for a policy on the exchange. Go to the open insurance market

I don't see many taking this path when given the choice
Count Jindal unpersuaded: Repeal and replace Obamacare

In his plan, Jindal calls for:

• Providing $100 billion over 10 years to provide grants to states that take innovative steps on health care, including guaranteeing access to insurance for people with preexisting conditions. The Affordable Care Act bars insurers from discriminating against those with medical problems that often have made getting coverage difficult. Why can't this be done in addition to Obama care? If you want to provide additional money to the states for innovative it. Nothing in Obamacare prevents this

• Creating a standard individual deduction for health insurance for individuals whether they are covered through their employers or on their own.
Want a standard individual deduction for health insurance? Do it. Nothing in Obamacare prevents this

• Instituting a permanent ban on federal funding of health insurance plans that cover abortions.


The plan calls for increased state flexibility on Medicaid, expanded health savings accounts, additional price and quality disclosures by hospitals and other health care providers, and new limits on lawsuits.

Obamacare already provides increased state flexibility on Medicaid. Health savings accounts can be expanded under Obamacare, so can requiring more disclosure. If Republicans want tort reform...pass it

Nothing in this plan makes it necessary to repeal Obamacare

Pass tort reform ,with who runs the senate and the white house,ya pigs fly also.

Why were these NOT in Obama care,the repubs were locked out when this turd was created. Dems and Dems alone own this,if they had worked with the other party we might not be having thse talks.

Tort forms are in place in Texas. They do little to hold down healthcare costs.

Repeating your lie that Republicans were locked out does not make it true. Democrats begged Republicans to get involved in the process. All they were interested in was delay, obstruction and fear mongering

Right,that why the dems had to bribe ech other to pass this mill stone.

Dems own this its that simple.

Begged my ass !!! ignored is what happened.
Health insurance companies do efficacy studies of the various kinds of treatments available for any given illness, disease, etc. This is why, for example, they won't pay for homoeopathic treatments for cancer. Because homeopathy is bunk.

Insurance companies also do actuarial studies to determine how long a person should be hospitalized for any given illness, disease, etc. This is where the horror stories of cancer patients on their deathbeds are forced to leave a hospital and be transferred to a hospice by an insurance company even though they are in no condition to be moved.

The ACA tasks the government to do the same kinds of studies, since ObamaCare is an insurance setup just like corporate insurance. That's it.

After Palin tripped over her own stupidity by calling Congressman Bluemenauer's advance directive insurance payment proposal "death panels", the rubes doubled down on their retardation by shifting the goalpost to these studies in the ACA which are identical to what insurance companies have been doing for centuries.

Obama wants to kill my baby

RW, you just don't get it---------obama wants to kill YOU. When you go to the hospital with a heart attack and are told to wait your turn, you will die waiting because thousands of doctors have left medicine.

Oh, you have cancer? well M. D. Anderson and Mayo clinic won't take your obamacare coverage--------too bad, maybe you can get a kenyan medicine man to treat you with mud and snake vomit.

Wait a minute...wait a god damned minute

Is that Fear Mongering? :eek:

From you? Never thought I would see the day
Count Jindal unpersuaded: Repeal and replace Obamacare

In his plan, Jindal calls for:

• Providing $100 billion over 10 years to provide grants to states that take innovative steps on health care, including guaranteeing access to insurance for people with preexisting conditions. The Affordable Care Act bars insurers from discriminating against those with medical problems that often have made getting coverage difficult. Why can't this be done in addition to Obama care? If you want to provide additional money to the states for innovative it. Nothing in Obamacare prevents this

• Creating a standard individual deduction for health insurance for individuals whether they are covered through their employers or on their own.
Want a standard individual deduction for health insurance? Do it. Nothing in Obamacare prevents this

• Instituting a permanent ban on federal funding of health insurance plans that cover abortions.


The plan calls for increased state flexibility on Medicaid, expanded health savings accounts, additional price and quality disclosures by hospitals and other health care providers, and new limits on lawsuits.

Obamacare already provides increased state flexibility on Medicaid. Health savings accounts can be expanded under Obamacare, so can requiring more disclosure. If Republicans want tort reform...pass it

Nothing in this plan makes it necessary to repeal Obamacare

Where does abortion appear in the COTUS?
I can only hope that there will be much-much-much needed changes to the disaster called Obamacare.
Things that regardless of party affiliate, or political compass can agree on.
Things that ACA did not address whatsoever, in fact makes worse.

How about this.

Life Caps on Health Care.

Yearly Caps on Health Care.

End coverage for people with Pre-Existing Conditions.

People filing for bankruptcy because of costs of Health Care.

That is the coverage before the Affordable Health Care Act and Insurance loved it.
Pass tort reform ,with who runs the senate and the white house,ya pigs fly also.

Why were these NOT in Obama care,the repubs were locked out when this turd was created. Dems and Dems alone own this,if they had worked with the other party we might not be having thse talks.

Tort forms are in place in Texas. They do little to hold down healthcare costs.

Repeating your lie that Republicans were locked out does not make it true. Democrats begged Republicans to get involved in the process. All they were interested in was delay, obstruction and fear mongering

Right,that why the dems had to bribe ech other to pass this mill stone.

Dems own this its that simple.

Begged my ass !!! ignored is what happened.

What was ignored by Democrats was

Lets wait another year
Lets tear it up and start over
This bill is SOCIALISM you know

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