Bobby Jindals proposed GOP alternative to Obamacare

The GOP plan,

kick the poor people off Medicaid, but give them a consolation prize of a tax advantaged Medical savings account,

that they can fill up with money they don't have.

That same money they will need for huge deductibles they now face? That money?
The GOP plan,

kick the poor people off Medicaid, but give them a consolation prize of a tax advantaged Medical savings account,

that they can fill up with money they don't have.

Well put

Tax cuts only help upper middle class and above. Medicaid is in place for the poor, but lower working class struggle for healthcare

tax cuts help everyone who pays taxes.. No one has said we should do away with medicaid.

Do you libs ever stop lying?

Santorum: End Medicaid as a Federal Entitlement Program

Santorum: End Medicaid as a Federal Entitlement Program | CNS News
Obama wants to kill my baby

RW, you just don't get it---------obama wants to kill YOU. When you go to the hospital with a heart attack and are told to wait your turn, you will die waiting because thousands of doctors have left medicine.

Oh, you have cancer? well M. D. Anderson and Mayo clinic won't take your obamacare coverage--------too bad, maybe you can get a kenyan medicine man to treat you with mud and snake vomit.

Wait a minute...wait a god damned minute

Is that Fear Mongering? :eek:

From you? Never thought I would see the day

No, its simply the truth. Hospitals and doctors are opting out of obozocare. private medical co-ops where you pay a monthly fee are being created. Surgery centers are offering reduced prices to cash paying patients. The free market is getting back into medicine.

the stupid dems have done exactly the opposite of what they planned, they have a created a situation where the free market is competing with the government and winning.

ACA is the worst legislation in the history of our nation. You dems and libs own it. obama owns it, as to Reid and Pelosi and every dem that voted for the piece of shit bill.
Well put

Tax cuts only help upper middle class and above. Medicaid is in place for the poor, but lower working class struggle for healthcare

tax cuts help everyone who pays taxes.. No one has said we should do away with medicaid.

Do you libs ever stop lying?

Santorum: End Medicaid as a Federal Entitlement Program

Santorum: End Medicaid as a Federal Entitlement Program | CNS News

Santorum is an idiot. He doesn't speak for anyone but himself. Do you dems agree with every word coming out of the mouth of Sheila Jackson Lee?

Are you so stupid that you think all republicans and conservatives agree with every statement from every republican? Unlike you libtards, we actually think for ourselves.
RW, you just don't get it---------obama wants to kill YOU. When you go to the hospital with a heart attack and are told to wait your turn, you will die waiting because thousands of doctors have left medicine.

Oh, you have cancer? well M. D. Anderson and Mayo clinic won't take your obamacare coverage--------too bad, maybe you can get a kenyan medicine man to treat you with mud and snake vomit.

Wait a minute...wait a god damned minute

Is that Fear Mongering? :eek:

From you? Never thought I would see the day

No, its simply the truth. Hospitals and doctors are opting out of obozocare. private medical co-ops where you pay a monthly fee are being created. Surgery centers are offering reduced prices to cash paying patients. The free market is getting back into medicine.

the stupid dems have done exactly the opposite of what they planned, they have a created a situation where the free market is competing with the government and winning.

ACA is the worst legislation in the history of our nation. You dems and libs own it. obama owns it, as to Reid and Pelosi and every dem that voted for the piece of shit bill.

:eek: Double down fear mongering!

Death Panels!
Obama wants to kill my baby

And don't call it ACA....its correct name is Obamacare
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The GOP plan,

kick the poor people off Medicaid, but give them a consolation prize of a tax advantaged Medical savings account,

that they can fill up with money they don't have.

That same money they will need for huge deductibles they now face? That money?

"the average family will save $2500 per year on their medical insurance" Obama

the asshole has not told the truth about any element of this POS law, now he is lying about the number who have signed up.
Wait a minute...wait a god damned minute

Is that Fear Mongering? :eek:

From you? Never thought I would see the day

No, its simply the truth. Hospitals and doctors are opting out of obozocare. private medical co-ops where you pay a monthly fee are being created. Surgery centers are offering reduced prices to cash paying patients. The free market is getting back into medicine.

the stupid dems have done exactly the opposite of what they planned, they have a created a situation where the free market is competing with the government and winning.

ACA is the worst legislation in the history of our nation. You dems and libs own it. obama owns it, as to Reid and Pelosi and every dem that voted for the piece of shit bill.

:eek: Double down fear mongering!

Death Panels!
Obama wants to kill my baby

Ignore the truth at your peril, RW.
The GOP plan,

kick the poor people off Medicaid, but give them a consolation prize of a tax advantaged Medical savings account,

that they can fill up with money they don't have.

That same money they will need for huge deductibles they now face? That money?

"the average family will save $2500 per year on their medical insurance" Obama

the asshole has not told the truth about any element of this POS law, now he is lying about the number who have signed up.

Good God :eek:

This Obamacare stuff is horrible. Thank God that Republicans have an alternative plan ready that won't have these problems



The GOP plan,

kick the poor people off Medicaid, but give them a consolation prize of a tax advantaged Medical savings account,

that they can fill up with money they don't have.

Well put

Tax cuts only help upper middle class and above. Medicaid is in place for the poor, but lower working class struggle for healthcare

tax cuts help everyone who pays taxes.. No one has said we should do away with medicaid.

Do you libs ever stop lying?

Ron Paul: End Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid

Ron Paul: End Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid *|*Raw Replay
That same money they will need for huge deductibles they now face? That money?

"the average family will save $2500 per year on their medical insurance" Obama

the asshole has not told the truth about any element of this POS law, now he is lying about the number who have signed up.

Good God :eek:

This Obamacare stuff is horrible. Thank God that Republicans have an alternative plan ready that won't have these problems




there are several, Jindal's is just one of them.

But go right ahead and enjoy your higher premium, higher deductibles, fewer doctors, fewer hospitals, and remember, you now have maternity coverage even though no woman would ever consider mating with you.
tax cuts help everyone who pays taxes.. No one has said we should do away with medicaid.

Do you libs ever stop lying?

Santorum: End Medicaid as a Federal Entitlement Program

Santorum: End Medicaid as a Federal Entitlement Program | CNS News

Santorum is an idiot. He doesn't speak for anyone but himself. Do you dems agree with every word coming out of the mouth of Sheila Jackson Lee?

Are you so stupid that you think all republicans and conservatives agree with every statement from every republican? Unlike you libtards, we actually think for ourselves.

May I remind you what YOU said?

No one has said we should do away with medicaid.

I made it a bit bigger to refresh your memory. You should be a man, or whatever passes for a man in your world,

and apologize to the people you've been calling liars on this.
Well put

Tax cuts only help upper middle class and above. Medicaid is in place for the poor, but lower working class struggle for healthcare

tax cuts help everyone who pays taxes.. No one has said we should do away with medicaid.

Do you libs ever stop lying?

Ron Paul: End Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid

Ron Paul: End Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid *|*Raw Replay

tell us again what Ron Paul is running for.
"the average family will save $2500 per year on their medical insurance" Obama

the asshole has not told the truth about any element of this POS law, now he is lying about the number who have signed up.

Good God :eek:

This Obamacare stuff is horrible. Thank God that Republicans have an alternative plan ready that won't have these problems




there are several, Jindal's is just one of them.

But go right ahead and enjoy your higher premium, higher deductibles, fewer doctors, fewer hospitals, and remember, you now have maternity coverage even though no woman would ever consider mating with you.

5 years and you still don't have a plan that is officailly supported by the party?

What are you waiting for? People are dying from this Obamacare

Why won't Republicans save us?
We don't need anything "comprehensive".

Obamacare has one good idea- no exclusions for pre-existing conditions. Keep that- and toss the rest.

Then make small changes one at at time.

Obamacare is a monument to the fact that Government doesn't do "comprehensive" well.

How do you fund your no exclusions on pre-existing conditions?
What do you have against Healthcare exchanges to allow small business and individuals to get competitive rates?

So when will we see these so called competitive rates?

They are in effect now. You can't prove otherwise.
Santorum: End Medicaid as a Federal Entitlement Program

Santorum: End Medicaid as a Federal Entitlement Program | CNS News

Santorum is an idiot. He doesn't speak for anyone but himself. Do you dems agree with every word coming out of the mouth of Sheila Jackson Lee?

Are you so stupid that you think all republicans and conservatives agree with every statement from every republican? Unlike you libtards, we actually think for ourselves.

May I remind you what YOU said?

No one has said we should do away with medicaid.

I made it a bit bigger to refresh your memory. You should be a man, or whatever passes for a man in your world,

and apologize to the people you've been calling liars on this.

OK, you found two republicans who have made that statement. Neither of them represents a majority view with conservatives or republicans. Neither of them have any chance of ever being anything but what they are today.

Should I put up some quotes from Sheila Jackson Lee and Al Franken and then claim that all dems and libs agree with them?
Count Jindal unpersuaded: Repeal and replace Obamacare

In his plan, Jindal calls for:

• Providing $100 billion over 10 years to provide grants to states that take innovative steps on health care, including guaranteeing access to insurance for people with preexisting conditions. The Affordable Care Act bars insurers from discriminating against those with medical problems that often have made getting coverage difficult. Why can't this be done in addition to Obama care? If you want to provide additional money to the states for innovative it. Nothing in Obamacare prevents this

• Creating a standard individual deduction for health insurance for individuals whether they are covered through their employers or on their own.
Want a standard individual deduction for health insurance? Do it. Nothing in Obamacare prevents this

• Instituting a permanent ban on federal funding of health insurance plans that cover abortions.


The plan calls for increased state flexibility on Medicaid, expanded health savings accounts, additional price and quality disclosures by hospitals and other health care providers, and new limits on lawsuits.

Obamacare already provides increased state flexibility on Medicaid. Health savings accounts can be expanded under Obamacare, so can requiring more disclosure. If Republicans want tort reform...pass it

Nothing in this plan makes it necessary to repeal Obamacare

• Creating a standard individual deduction for health insurance for individuals whether they are covered through their employers or on their own.
Want a standard individual deduction for health insurance? Do it. Nothing in Obamacare prevents this

Fair enough, then ask yourself a very obvious question. If this is a good thing then why it not already in Obamacare? Me thinks you smart enough to know why but I am not sure you will admit it. To sell the bill to the moderate democrats Obamacare had to pay for itself. That is why how many young people sign up is so important. If they don't, or they got their figures wrong, then the thing does not pay for itself. Thus we either do the unpatriotic thing and use our Chinese credit card or cut somewhere else.

So, in order to pay for itself you can not take money in one hand and hand it back in another and say that makes any sense at all. There will be no tax credits for the middle class for Obamacare. If there are it will be an even bigger financial disaster.
Yo, NY carbonpaper

This is an example of dem stupidity, so I assume that all dems agree with this guy, right?

[ame=]3-25-2010_Hank_Johnson_Guam_Tip_Over.wmv - YouTube[/ame]
tax cuts help everyone who pays taxes.. No one has said we should do away with medicaid.

Do you libs ever stop lying?

Santorum: End Medicaid as a Federal Entitlement Program

Santorum: End Medicaid as a Federal Entitlement Program | CNS News

Santorum is an idiot. He doesn't speak for anyone but himself. Do you dems agree with every word coming out of the mouth of Sheila Jackson Lee?

Are you so stupid that you think all republicans and conservatives agree with every statement from every republican? Unlike you libtards, we actually think for ourselves.

How is Medicaid an Entitlement program? My thoughts are that entitlement meant that a person puts money in then they are entitled to get something out, like Medicare or SS. In my opinion Medicaid is a welfare program not an entitlement.
Santorum: End Medicaid as a Federal Entitlement Program

Santorum: End Medicaid as a Federal Entitlement Program | CNS News

Santorum is an idiot. He doesn't speak for anyone but himself. Do you dems agree with every word coming out of the mouth of Sheila Jackson Lee?

Are you so stupid that you think all republicans and conservatives agree with every statement from every republican? Unlike you libtards, we actually think for ourselves.

How is Medicaid an Entitlement program? My thoughts are that entitlement meant that a person puts money in then they are entitled to get something out, like Medicare or SS. In my opinion Medicaid is a welfare program not an entitlement.

it is, but remember, the dems believe that everyone is "entitled" to welfare. Welfare and FREE medical care. Free stuff for everyone, its only "fair".

don't forget, liberalism is a mental disease. I fully support putting all liberals in mental hospitals where they cannot harm themselves or others.
Count Jindal unpersuaded: Repeal and replace Obamacare

In his plan, Jindal calls for:

• Providing $100 billion over 10 years to provide grants to states that take innovative steps on health care, including guaranteeing access to insurance for people with preexisting conditions. The Affordable Care Act bars insurers from discriminating against those with medical problems that often have made getting coverage difficult. Why can't this be done in addition to Obama care? If you want to provide additional money to the states for innovative it. Nothing in Obamacare prevents this

• Creating a standard individual deduction for health insurance for individuals whether they are covered through their employers or on their own.
Want a standard individual deduction for health insurance? Do it. Nothing in Obamacare prevents this

• Instituting a permanent ban on federal funding of health insurance plans that cover abortions.


The plan calls for increased state flexibility on Medicaid, expanded health savings accounts, additional price and quality disclosures by hospitals and other health care providers, and new limits on lawsuits.

Obamacare already provides increased state flexibility on Medicaid. Health savings accounts can be expanded under Obamacare, so can requiring more disclosure. If Republicans want tort reform...pass it

Nothing in this plan makes it necessary to repeal Obamacare

• Creating a standard individual deduction for health insurance for individuals whether they are covered through their employers or on their own.
Want a standard individual deduction for health insurance? Do it. Nothing in Obamacare prevents this

Fair enough, then ask yourself a very obvious question. If this is a good thing then why it not already in Obamacare? Me thinks you smart enough to know why but I am not sure you will admit it. To sell the bill to the moderate democrats Obamacare had to pay for itself. That is why how many young people sign up is so important. If they don't, or they got their figures wrong, then the thing does not pay for itself. Thus we either do the unpatriotic thing and use our Chinese credit card or cut somewhere else.

So, in order to pay for itself you can not take money in one hand and hand it back in another and say that makes any sense at all. There will be no tax credits for the middle class for Obamacare. If there are it will be an even bigger financial disaster.

Nobody ever claimed Obamacare to be the final solution. Obama has always said that if you could make it better, do it

Republicans have had 50 Repeal Obamacare bills...they have yet to pass one to improve it

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