Bobby Jindals proposed GOP alternative to Obamacare

Get rid of the 'Death Panels' that Sarah Palin exposed creating that created a White House panic.

The only thing Palin exposed was her massive ignorance when she invoked the clause which would have allowed insurance to pay for doctor-patient advance directive consulations as "death panels".

That clause was the exact opposite of a death panel. It would have allowed an individual to decide for themselves what end of life care they would receive.

Palin is a retard.
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Government broke the system by entwining employers and healthcare with tax breaks and incentives. Now we have to rely upon them to fix it?

Yes. That is because they only way to fix the government having created the tax breaks and incentives is to have the government remove the tax breaks and incentives.


That could be done with the stroke of a pen. Phase out the deductions over 5 years - deregulate health insurance and allow the free market to work.

But that isn't the plan, is it?
Government broke the system by entwining employers and healthcare with tax breaks and incentives. Now we have to rely upon them to fix it?

Yes. That is because they only way to fix the government having created the tax breaks and incentives is to have the government remove the tax breaks and incentives.


That could be done with the stroke of a pen.

It has to be done by the government. Let me explain how it works.

First, someone writes a bill to change the existing laws and codes. Then it has to go to a committee in the House. The committee then discusses the bill and votes whether or not to send it to the full House. If a majority vote for it on the committee, it then goes to the House where the Speaker can then decide if it will ever see the light of day. If he does decide to let the House vote on it, then it gets voted on. Maybe it passes, maybe it doesn't.

At the same time, someone in the Senate would also have to draft a similar bill. And it would have to go through the same battle in committee and then be permitted to see the light of day by the Majority Leader and then voted on by the full Senate. Maybe it passes, maybe it doesn't.

If it passes in both houses of Congress, then a reconciliation committee would have to be formed by the House and Senate to iron out any differences between the two bills. Then the new bill would have to be voted on once again by the House and the Senate. Maybe it passes, maybe it doesn't.

If it passes both the House and the Senate, then it goes to the President who may then veto the shit out of it, or sign it.

Anything that repeals more than five decades of tax incentives and breaks is going to meet strong resistance, and there are countless milestones where it can be murdered in its tracks.

So much for a "stroke of a pen".

Phase out the deductions over 5 years - deregulate health insurance and allow the free market to work.

"Allow the free market to work" is a throwaway phrase, and light years from an actual plan. It's like believing wearing a flag pin turns you into a true blue American.
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Jindal's proposals could have been incorporated into the ACA at the outset had Republicans wished to participate in reform rather than obstruct.

You lying sack of shit!

I watched the procedures start to finish.

The Democrats would not even consider any ideas from the Republicans! That was demonstrated in the House and the Senate during the time leading up to the midnight tyranny that resulted in what you Lefties are so proud of.
We don't need anything "comprehensive".

Obamacare has one good idea- no exclusions for pre-existing conditions. Keep that- and toss the rest.

Then make small changes one at at time.

Obamacare is a monument to the fact that Government doesn't do "comprehensive" well.

How do you fund your no exclusions on pre-existing conditions?
What do you have against Healthcare exchanges to allow small business and individuals to get competitive rates?

do you understand what the word "mandate" means? The central problem with obozocare is that it takes away our freedom to choose whether we want to buy insurance and what kind we choose to buy. What's next, mandatory life insurance ?

under ACA you have to buy the policy "dictated" (note, dictated is a derivative of dictator) by the government.

If you don't want or need maternity and child care you still have to buy it.

Its nothing but another dem/lib attempt to redistribute wealth and to take over more and more of the economy.

If you can't see the danger then you are as stupid as we all have suspected for some time.
Jindal's proposals could have been incorporated into the ACA at the outset had Republicans wished to participate in reform rather than obstruct.

You lying sack of shit!

I watched the procedures start to finish.

The Democrats would not even consider any ideas from the Republicans! That was demonstrated in the House and the Senate during the time leading up to the midnight tyranny that resulted in what you Lefties are so proud of.

I did as well. The Dems struggled to get us on Board for almost a year, and we stonewalled and waffled. When the Dems got serious after the first of the year and rammed the plan through, it allowed Boehner to whine and shout and stamp his little feet. The minority gets to help craft through compromise, but it never ever dictates if it expects to get anything.
I can only hope that there will be much-much-much needed changes to the disaster called Obamacare.
Things that regardless of party affiliate, or political compass can agree on.
Things that ACA did not address whatsoever, in fact makes worse.

Undoubtedly one of the biggest (if not THE biggest) faux pas in America's history. A total joke. Of the paltry 7 million that signed up the bulk were poor folks who believed Obama's lie but lost their insurance anyway. It's questionable as to whether the rest have paid their premiums. If they HAD paid their premiums then you can rest assured that the Obama administration would be rubbing that in our collective face. But ... silence prevails.

#FakingNews: Local PGH station stands by fraudulent ?Obamacare? coverage -
Jindal's proposals could have been incorporated into the ACA at the outset had Republicans wished to participate in reform rather than obstruct.

You lying sack of shit!

I watched the procedures start to finish.

The Democrats would not even consider any ideas from the Republicans! That was demonstrated in the House and the Senate during the time leading up to the midnight tyranny that resulted in what you Lefties are so proud of.

Not even close.

The R refused to have any part of it.
Government broke the system by entwining employers and healthcare with tax breaks and incentives. Now we have to rely upon them to fix it?

Yes. That is because they only way to fix the government having created the tax breaks and incentives is to have the government remove the tax breaks and incentives.


That could be done with the stroke of a pen. Phase out the deductions over 5 years - deregulate health insurance and allow the free market to work.

But that isn't the plan, is it?

History has already shown the "free market" DOESN'T work when it comes to health care.

Nixon was the first one to attempt something at this, and he came up with HMOs.

The "Free Market" figured out a way to bilk people who needed health care (which is everyone) and make a huge profit, while Americans were dying in droves.

Next up to bat was Reagan, who himself was sick of hospitals turning away people and passed legislation requiring that every hospital provide emergency care.

And that wasn't enough.

45K people a year die and many more go bankrupt.

Clinton tried to do something, but republicans had a fit and offered up an individual mandate to counter HillaryCare.

Well once they squashed that..nothing happened.

The Heritage foundation plan went into effect in Massachusetts under Romney.

Next up was Obama, who wanted to expand Medicare to cover everyone.

That..was to much for Republicans so Obama compromised by putting up the Republican plan..which they resisted. It still passed.

And now we are here.

Conservatives think that healthcare the way it was, was just fine.

History and the electorate, disagree.
Still looking for a Republican plan to replace Obamacare.

What Jindal proposed is far from a comprehensive plan

And Obamacare is? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Yes. ObamaCare is breathtaking in its scope and breadth. It is a massive government takeover of health care.

Yeah?...but that does not mean comprehensive though.
Comprehensive would be addressing all aspects of a plan.
Obamacare did not address most problems.
Some yes, including pre-existing conditions, but did not address scores of other problems and is insolvent from the word go.
Jindal's proposals could have been incorporated into the ACA at the outset had Republicans wished to participate in reform rather than obstruct.

You lying sack of shit!

I watched the procedures start to finish.

The Democrats would not even consider any ideas from the Republicans! That was demonstrated in the House and the Senate during the time leading up to the midnight tyranny that resulted in what you Lefties are so proud of.

Not even close.

The R refused to have any part of it.

That's not exactly true either.

It did go to committee, the Republicans did offer amendments..many which were used.

The problem was, they didn't stop.

It was an old trick. They wanted to lard up it and make it impossible to pass.
"Death Panels" under any other name are still "Death Panels".

Google it!

I did.

Look what I came up with!

Arizona Transplant Patients Die After State Cuts Medical Insurance - ABC News

Two Arizona Medicaid recipients denied potentially life-saving organ transplants have died, even as Arizona doctors, transplant survivors and some lawmakers push to restore health care benefits slashed last fall.

On Oct. 1, the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System stopped paying for seven types of transplants that the state's GOP governor, Jan Brewer, and GOP-led legislature said they could no longer afford. The state faces a projected $1 billion program deficit by July 2011.

They eliminated heart transplants for non-ischemic cardiomyopathy, lung transplants, pancreatic transplants, some bone marrow transplants, and liver transplants for patients infected with hepatitis C. Arizona also restricted coverage of prosthetics, eliminated podiatric services, preventive dental services, and wellness and physical exams for adult Medicaid enrollees.

A former University of Arizona Medical Center patient waiting for a new liver died on Dec. 28 -- the second person to die since the cuts went into effect, according to Dr. Rainer Gruessner, chairman of surgery at the University of Arizona Medical Center in Tucson.

On Thursday, surgery department spokeswoman Jo Marie Gellerman confirmed that the patient, who died at another facility, "was our patient. He was on our list." She declined to identify the patient, citing medical confidentiality.

You go Jan Brewer!
"Death Panels" under any other name are still "Death Panels".

"Death panels" is for ignorant rubes who have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker. Something they can parrot without a single spark of activity registering in the brain.

Google it!

You should have.

The Health Care Proposal that Spawned the ?Death Panels? Lie Is Back |

Blumenauer, a Democrat, introduced a bill in Congress earlier this year that would pay doctors, through Medicare, to have conversations with their patients about end-of-life directives. The effort is likely to face fierce resistance and even Blumenauer admits that success could be years away, if it happens at all.

The death panels meme, which Politifact rated its Lie of the Year in 2009, caught fire after Sarah Palin and former New York State lieutenant governor Betsy McCaughey implied that these panels, which never existed, would encourage or force Americans to end their lives early to cut costs for the government.
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