Bobby Jindals proposed GOP alternative to Obamacare

Count Jindal unpersuaded: Repeal and replace Obamacare

In his plan, Jindal calls for:

• Providing $100 billion over 10 years to provide grants to states that take innovative steps on health care, including guaranteeing access to insurance for people with preexisting conditions. The Affordable Care Act bars insurers from discriminating against those with medical problems that often have made getting coverage difficult. Why can't this be done in addition to Obama care? If you want to provide additional money to the states for innovative it. Nothing in Obamacare prevents this

• Creating a standard individual deduction for health insurance for individuals whether they are covered through their employers or on their own.
Want a standard individual deduction for health insurance? Do it. Nothing in Obamacare prevents this

• Instituting a permanent ban on federal funding of health insurance plans that cover abortions.


The plan calls for increased state flexibility on Medicaid, expanded health savings accounts, additional price and quality disclosures by hospitals and other health care providers, and new limits on lawsuits.

Obamacare already provides increased state flexibility on Medicaid. Health savings accounts can be expanded under Obamacare, so can requiring more disclosure. If Republicans want tort reform...pass it

Nothing in this plan makes it necessary to repeal Obamacare

• Creating a standard individual deduction for health insurance for individuals whether they are covered through their employers or on their own.
Want a standard individual deduction for health insurance? Do it. Nothing in Obamacare prevents this

Fair enough, then ask yourself a very obvious question. If this is a good thing then why it not already in Obamacare? Me thinks you smart enough to know why but I am not sure you will admit it. To sell the bill to the moderate democrats Obamacare had to pay for itself. That is why how many young people sign up is so important. If they don't, or they got their figures wrong, then the thing does not pay for itself. Thus we either do the unpatriotic thing and use our Chinese credit card or cut somewhere else.

So, in order to pay for itself you can not take money in one hand and hand it back in another and say that makes any sense at all. There will be no tax credits for the middle class for Obamacare. If there are it will be an even bigger financial disaster.

Nobody ever claimed Obamacare to be the final solution. Obama has always said that if you could make it better, do it

Republicans have had 50 Repeal Obamacare bills...they have yet to pass one to improve it

repealing it would be an improvement, but we agree that there needs to be a replacement bill that would actually fix some of the problems with medical care, not create more problems as ACA has done.

When the GOP takes the senate and holds the house in November, you will see some action to fix the mess. then obama will have a choice, either sign the bills to fix his mess or veto them in arrogance--------------any idea which way he will go?
The derangement, lies and bullshit from the subversives is STRONG here, perhaps some truth and FACTS from the right is called for. Those with 3 digit IQ's will understand, "you don't have to read it to pass it." The 2 digit IQ'd FAGERALS, need not apply!

There’s a Republican alternative to Obamacare – a health insurance plan rolled out today by Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. It’s not only a better plan, but starts with a better way to think about how we pay for healthcare.

The Search For A Republican Alternative
One of the hoary, beaten-to-death talking points of Obamacare’s last-ditch defenders has been that it’s impossible to repeal the Affordable Care Act because there isn’t an alternative on the table. Of course, while there are some transitional issues that would arise in unwinding the damage Obamacare has done to the pre-Obamacare insurance market, if you believe (as most Obamacare critics do) that the statute has made things on balance worse, then there’s no reason why Congress couldn’t or shouldn’t first tear the thing up and then get to work finding a different way to improve our healthcare system. And part of what is at work in this line of criticism is the Wonk Hack Trap: the desire of liberal policy writers and Democratic ad-makers to force Republicans to submit detailed plans to be picked apart with one-sided propaganda before there is any realistic prospect of them even being seriously debated, and possibly improved, in Congress (see this Jonathan Chait piece on the 2015 Ryan budget for a classic example of the genre – of course, with Harry Reid running the Senate, no Republican policy proposal has any prospect of being considered for a vote)...... So much more...

Yes, There's A Republican Health Care Plan: Bobby Jindal's Plan | RedState
• Creating a standard individual deduction for health insurance for individuals whether they are covered through their employers or on their own.
Want a standard individual deduction for health insurance? Do it. Nothing in Obamacare prevents this

Fair enough, then ask yourself a very obvious question. If this is a good thing then why it not already in Obamacare? Me thinks you smart enough to know why but I am not sure you will admit it. To sell the bill to the moderate democrats Obamacare had to pay for itself. That is why how many young people sign up is so important. If they don't, or they got their figures wrong, then the thing does not pay for itself. Thus we either do the unpatriotic thing and use our Chinese credit card or cut somewhere else.

So, in order to pay for itself you can not take money in one hand and hand it back in another and say that makes any sense at all. There will be no tax credits for the middle class for Obamacare. If there are it will be an even bigger financial disaster.

Nobody ever claimed Obamacare to be the final solution. Obama has always said that if you could make it better, do it

Republicans have had 50 Repeal Obamacare bills...they have yet to pass one to improve it

repealing it would be an improvement, but we agree that there needs to be a replacement bill that would actually fix some of the problems with medical care, not create more problems as ACA has done.

When the GOP takes the senate and holds the house in November, you will see some action to fix the mess. then obama will have a choice, either sign the bills to fix his mess or veto them in arrogance--------------any idea which way he will go?

Five years of temper tantrums and bitching is a long time

Republicans have yet to endorse a replacement plan. Don't like Obamacare? Then fix it
If Republicans want to expand Health Savings accounts, why don't they pass legislation to do it?

Want to know the answer? Because Healthcare is a third rail with many in the Republican base. Limbaugh and Hannity will savagely attack any Republican who comes up with a plan. Republicans will not support ANY healthcare plan.

That is why they have done nothing but bitch for five years
Nobody ever claimed Obamacare to be the final solution. Obama has always said that if you could make it better, do it

Republicans have had 50 Repeal Obamacare bills...they have yet to pass one to improve it

repealing it would be an improvement, but we agree that there needs to be a replacement bill that would actually fix some of the problems with medical care, not create more problems as ACA has done.

When the GOP takes the senate and holds the house in November, you will see some action to fix the mess. then obama will have a choice, either sign the bills to fix his mess or veto them in arrogance--------------any idea which way he will go?

Five years of temper tantrums and bitching is a long time

Republicans have yet to endorse a replacement plan. Don't like Obamacare? Then fix it
If Republicans want to expand Health Savings accounts, why don't they pass legislation to do it?

Want to know the answer? Because Healthcare is a third rail with many in the Republican base. Limbaugh and Hannity will savagely attack any Republican who comes up with a plan. Republicans will not support ANY healthcare plan.

That is why they have done nothing but bitch for five years

When you have a socialist president, and a lapdog Senate majority leader, how do the Republican's get to change anything/?I know you only have a 2 digit IQ, but putting it constantly on display should be humiliating to you!
Nobody ever claimed Obamacare to be the final solution. Obama has always said that if you could make it better, do it

Republicans have had 50 Repeal Obamacare bills...they have yet to pass one to improve it

Oye....this is Revisionist history 101= Lie and deny. :cuckoo:

You do know that there is video coverage of Obama, Pelosi, Reid, et. al. making grandiose claims about all the wonderful benefits of Obamacare. The sun would rise from the west!!! Families would save $2500 each!! Everything under the sun would be covered!! At lower cost!! The lamb will lie down with the lion!! Like your plan? Keep it!! Like your Doctor? Keep your Doctor (and pay less!!) ! Kumbya my lord, Kumbya!!

Democrats will be paying a price for all these lies and denials.
The derangement, lies and bullshit from the subversives is STRONG here, perhaps some truth and FACTS from the right is called for. Those with 3 digit IQ's will understand, "you don't have to read it to pass it." The 2 digit IQ'd FAGERALS, need not apply!

There’s a Republican alternative to Obamacare – a health insurance plan rolled out today by Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. It’s not only a better plan, but starts with a better way to think about how we pay for healthcare.

The Search For A Republican Alternative
One of the hoary, beaten-to-death talking points of Obamacare’s last-ditch defenders has been that it’s impossible to repeal the Affordable Care Act because there isn’t an alternative on the table. Of course, while there are some transitional issues that would arise in unwinding the damage Obamacare has done to the pre-Obamacare insurance market, if you believe (as most Obamacare critics do) that the statute has made things on balance worse, then there’s no reason why Congress couldn’t or shouldn’t first tear the thing up and then get to work finding a different way to improve our healthcare system. And part of what is at work in this line of criticism is the Wonk Hack Trap: the desire of liberal policy writers and Democratic ad-makers to force Republicans to submit detailed plans to be picked apart with one-sided propaganda before there is any realistic prospect of them even being seriously debated, and possibly improved, in Congress (see this Jonathan Chait piece on the 2015 Ryan budget for a classic example of the genre – of course, with Harry Reid running the Senate, no Republican policy proposal has any prospect of being considered for a vote)...... So much more...

Yes, There's A Republican Health Care Plan: Bobby Jindal's Plan | RedState

1. They want to end the tax bias in favor of employer-sponsored health insurance to create full portability (either through a tax credit, deductibility, or another method);

2. They want to reform medical malpractice laws (likely through carrot incentives to the states);

3. They want to allow for insurance purchases across state lines;

4. They want to support state-level pre-existing condition pools;

5. They want to fully block grant Medicaid;

6. They want to shift Medicare to premium support;

7. They want to speed up the FDA device and drug approval process; and

8. They want to maximize the health savings account model, one of the few avenues proven to lower health care spending, making these high deductible + HSA plans more attractive where Obamacare hamstrung them.

Sounds good Republicans. But much of it is already done as part of Obamacare. I see little that can't be done in addition to Healthcare Exchanges. Most seems to duplicate the statewide exchanges
The derangement, lies and bullshit from the subversives is STRONG here, perhaps some truth and FACTS from the right is called for. Those with 3 digit IQ's will understand, "you don't have to read it to pass it." The 2 digit IQ'd FAGERALS, need not apply!

There’s a Republican alternative to Obamacare – a health insurance plan rolled out today by Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. It’s not only a better plan, but starts with a better way to think about how we pay for healthcare.

The Search For A Republican Alternative
One of the hoary, beaten-to-death talking points of Obamacare’s last-ditch defenders has been that it’s impossible to repeal the Affordable Care Act because there isn’t an alternative on the table. Of course, while there are some transitional issues that would arise in unwinding the damage Obamacare has done to the pre-Obamacare insurance market, if you believe (as most Obamacare critics do) that the statute has made things on balance worse, then there’s no reason why Congress couldn’t or shouldn’t first tear the thing up and then get to work finding a different way to improve our healthcare system. And part of what is at work in this line of criticism is the Wonk Hack Trap: the desire of liberal policy writers and Democratic ad-makers to force Republicans to submit detailed plans to be picked apart with one-sided propaganda before there is any realistic prospect of them even being seriously debated, and possibly improved, in Congress (see this Jonathan Chait piece on the 2015 Ryan budget for a classic example of the genre – of course, with Harry Reid running the Senate, no Republican policy proposal has any prospect of being considered for a vote)...... So much more...

Yes, There's A Republican Health Care Plan: Bobby Jindal's Plan | RedState

1. They want to end the tax bias in favor of employer-sponsored health insurance to create full portability (either through a tax credit, deductibility, or another method);

2. They want to reform medical malpractice laws (likely through carrot incentives to the states);

3. They want to allow for insurance purchases across state lines;

4. They want to support state-level pre-existing condition pools;

5. They want to fully block grant Medicaid;

6. They want to shift Medicare to premium support;

7. They want to speed up the FDA device and drug approval process; and

8. They want to maximize the health savings account model, one of the few avenues proven to lower health care spending, making these high deductible + HSA plans more attractive where Obamacare hamstrung them.

Sounds good Republicans. But much of it is already done as part of Obamacare. I see little that can't be done in addition to Healthcare Exchanges. Most seems to duplicate the statewide exchanges

Please quote the Obumacare statues with links to prove your point for all of these...thanks in advance!
The derangement, lies and bullshit from the subversives is STRONG here, perhaps some truth and FACTS from the right is called for. Those with 3 digit IQ's will understand, "you don't have to read it to pass it." The 2 digit IQ'd FAGERALS, need not apply!

There’s a Republican alternative to Obamacare – a health insurance plan rolled out today by Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. It’s not only a better plan, but starts with a better way to think about how we pay for healthcare.

The Search For A Republican Alternative
One of the hoary, beaten-to-death talking points of Obamacare’s last-ditch defenders has been that it’s impossible to repeal the Affordable Care Act because there isn’t an alternative on the table. Of course, while there are some transitional issues that would arise in unwinding the damage Obamacare has done to the pre-Obamacare insurance market, if you believe (as most Obamacare critics do) that the statute has made things on balance worse, then there’s no reason why Congress couldn’t or shouldn’t first tear the thing up and then get to work finding a different way to improve our healthcare system. And part of what is at work in this line of criticism is the Wonk Hack Trap: the desire of liberal policy writers and Democratic ad-makers to force Republicans to submit detailed plans to be picked apart with one-sided propaganda before there is any realistic prospect of them even being seriously debated, and possibly improved, in Congress (see this Jonathan Chait piece on the 2015 Ryan budget for a classic example of the genre – of course, with Harry Reid running the Senate, no Republican policy proposal has any prospect of being considered for a vote)...... So much more...

Yes, There's A Republican Health Care Plan: Bobby Jindal's Plan | RedState

1. They want to end the tax bias in favor of employer-sponsored health insurance to create full portability (either through a tax credit, deductibility, or another method);

2. They want to reform medical malpractice laws (likely through carrot incentives to the states);

3. They want to allow for insurance purchases across state lines;

4. They want to support state-level pre-existing condition pools;

5. They want to fully block grant Medicaid;

6. They want to shift Medicare to premium support;

7. They want to speed up the FDA device and drug approval process; and

8. They want to maximize the health savings account model, one of the few avenues proven to lower health care spending, making these high deductible + HSA plans more attractive where Obamacare hamstrung them.

Sounds good Republicans. But much of it is already done as part of Obamacare. I see little that can't be done in addition to Healthcare Exchanges. Most seems to duplicate the statewide exchanges

Please quote the Obumacare statues with links to prove your point for all of these...thanks in advance!

he can't and won't. RW is a mouthpiece for the radical left. he is good at repeating talking points but not much else.
The derangement, lies and bullshit from the subversives is STRONG here, perhaps some truth and FACTS from the right is called for. Those with 3 digit IQ's will understand, "you don't have to read it to pass it." The 2 digit IQ'd FAGERALS, need not apply!

There’s a Republican alternative to Obamacare – a health insurance plan rolled out today by Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. It’s not only a better plan, but starts with a better way to think about how we pay for healthcare.

The Search For A Republican Alternative
One of the hoary, beaten-to-death talking points of Obamacare’s last-ditch defenders has been that it’s impossible to repeal the Affordable Care Act because there isn’t an alternative on the table. Of course, while there are some transitional issues that would arise in unwinding the damage Obamacare has done to the pre-Obamacare insurance market, if you believe (as most Obamacare critics do) that the statute has made things on balance worse, then there’s no reason why Congress couldn’t or shouldn’t first tear the thing up and then get to work finding a different way to improve our healthcare system. And part of what is at work in this line of criticism is the Wonk Hack Trap: the desire of liberal policy writers and Democratic ad-makers to force Republicans to submit detailed plans to be picked apart with one-sided propaganda before there is any realistic prospect of them even being seriously debated, and possibly improved, in Congress (see this Jonathan Chait piece on the 2015 Ryan budget for a classic example of the genre – of course, with Harry Reid running the Senate, no Republican policy proposal has any prospect of being considered for a vote)...... So much more...

Yes, There's A Republican Health Care Plan: Bobby Jindal's Plan | RedState

1. They want to end the tax bias in favor of employer-sponsored health insurance to create full portability (either through a tax credit, deductibility, or another method);

2. They want to reform medical malpractice laws (likely through carrot incentives to the states);

3. They want to allow for insurance purchases across state lines;

4. They want to support state-level pre-existing condition pools;

5. They want to fully block grant Medicaid;

6. They want to shift Medicare to premium support;

7. They want to speed up the FDA device and drug approval process; and

8. They want to maximize the health savings account model, one of the few avenues proven to lower health care spending, making these high deductible + HSA plans more attractive where Obamacare hamstrung them.

Sounds good Republicans. But much of it is already done as part of Obamacare. I see little that can't be done in addition to Healthcare Exchanges. Most seems to duplicate the statewide exchanges

Please quote the Obumacare statues with links to prove your point for all of these...thanks in advance!

Republicans want tort reform and interstate sales. Both are gimicks that will do little to bring down costs.

State level pre-existing condition pools? Isn't that a Healthcare exchange?

If you want to expand Healthsavings accounts, there is nothing blocking you from doing so

What I don't see is a way to provide comprehensive healthcare to those who own their own business or work for a small business. I also don't see where people with pre-existing conditions do not get hammered
1. They want to end the tax bias in favor of employer-sponsored health insurance to create full portability (either through a tax credit, deductibility, or another method);

2. They want to reform medical malpractice laws (likely through carrot incentives to the states);

3. They want to allow for insurance purchases across state lines;

4. They want to support state-level pre-existing condition pools;

5. They want to fully block grant Medicaid;

6. They want to shift Medicare to premium support;

7. They want to speed up the FDA device and drug approval process; and

8. They want to maximize the health savings account model, one of the few avenues proven to lower health care spending, making these high deductible + HSA plans more attractive where Obamacare hamstrung them.

Sounds good Republicans. But much of it is already done as part of Obamacare. I see little that can't be done in addition to Healthcare Exchanges. Most seems to duplicate the statewide exchanges

Please quote the Obumacare statues with links to prove your point for all of these...thanks in advance!

Republicans want tort reform and interstate sales. Both are gimicks that will do little to bring down costs.

State level pre-existing condition pools? Isn't that a Healthcare exchange?

If you want to expand Healthsavings accounts, there is nothing blocking you from doing so

What I don't see is a way to provide comprehensive healthcare to those who own their own business or work for a small business. I also don't see where people with pre-existing conditions do not get hammered

Of course both tort reform and interstate sales will bring down costs. Lawyers will be LIMITED to how much THEY can get in healthcare settlements, and when you have a choice between 8-10 different providers, you can pick and choose what you want, and put one provider against another for your business, someone will get your money, and it's LOGIC that the lowest for the same coverage will get the money!

Must I debunk all your shit, or is this enough? BTW, a healthcare saving account will need the POTUS do understand he'd rather sign another death warrant for an ambassador and 3 ex. Seals, than sign this. Takes away BILLIONS from the FED since now WE THE PEOPLE are in charge of our own money!
Nobody ever claimed Obamacare to be the final solution. Obama has always said that if you could make it better, do it

Republicans have had 50 Repeal Obamacare bills...they have yet to pass one to improve it

Oye....this is Revisionist history 101= Lie and deny. :cuckoo:

You do know that there is video coverage of Obama, Pelosi, Reid, et. al. making grandiose claims about all the wonderful benefits of Obamacare. The sun would rise from the west!!! Families would save $2500 each!! Everything under the sun would be covered!! At lower cost!! The lamb will lie down with the lion!! Like your plan? Keep it!! Like your Doctor? Keep your Doctor (and pay less!!) ! Kumbya my lord, Kumbya!!

Democrats will be paying a price for all these lies and denials.

I am not convinced they are lying, I think them just stupid.
That same money they will need for huge deductibles they now face? That money?

"the average family will save $2500 per year on their medical insurance" Obama

the asshole has not told the truth about any element of this POS law, now he is lying about the number who have signed up.

Good God :eek:

This Obamacare stuff is horrible. Thank God that Republicans have an alternative plan ready that won't have these problems




You know that has to be one of your lamest excuses for Obamacare yet. It doesn't make a damn bit of difference if the Republicans have a plan. Obamacare sucks on its very own. All this BS so 10 million out of the 46 million they said did not have health care now can get their eyes gouged out by the insurance companies. Nice job.
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Wait a minute...wait a god damned minute

Is that Fear Mongering? :eek:

From you? Never thought I would see the day

No, its simply the truth. Hospitals and doctors are opting out of obozocare. private medical co-ops where you pay a monthly fee are being created. Surgery centers are offering reduced prices to cash paying patients. The free market is getting back into medicine.

the stupid dems have done exactly the opposite of what they planned, they have a created a situation where the free market is competing with the government and winning.

ACA is the worst legislation in the history of our nation. You dems and libs own it. obama owns it, as to Reid and Pelosi and every dem that voted for the piece of shit bill.

:eek: Double down fear mongering!

Death Panels!
Obama wants to kill my baby

And don't call it ACA....its correct name is Obamacare

Correct!!! Affordable has noting to do with Obamacare.
How do you fund your no exclusions on pre-existing conditions?
What do you have against Healthcare exchanges to allow small business and individuals to get competitive rates?

So when will we see these so called competitive rates?

If they are not competitive, nothing makes you sign up for a policy on the exchange. Go to the open insurance market

I don't see many taking this path when given the choice

I am not sure what you see on the exchanges but it is not full of new insurance companies selling cheap insurance. It is full of the same insurance companies selling insurance at the rate companies pay to cover their employees. That is why it is such as sticker shock. When people are in the group coverage at work their company pays for the majority, usually. They paid 6000-10000 per employee with most employees sharing some of the load. Now for the individual to receive the same coverage on exchanges they pay the full load. In reality it may actually lower the cost to those covered under group plans but at the expense of those who are not.

Those poor enough get subsidized so they pay much less but unlike what liberals apparently think that money is made up from, you guessed it, the middle class.
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