Boebert: "I'm tired of this separation of church and state junk".

By disallowing Christianity to be the official religion, the founders made atheism the de facto official religion.
No they didn't.

Since the days of the Continental Congress, federal legislative sessions have always opened with a prayer.
I’m tired of liberals losing their shit over a mention of God or saying a prayer in public school because they think it is a form of indoctrination yet these same people will defend with passion that a public school library stocking a book about an adult-child sexual relationship is “not grooming”.
You not being able to tell the difference reflects more on you than on anyone else.
Give them credit: They're no longer even trying to hide it. And why should they? They know they have the Supreme Court in their pocket.

I'm not kidding when I say that the current incarnation of the Republican Party is pushing for an authoritarian Nationalist Theocracy.

"The Church is supposed to direct the government". Right, Republicans?

But the left has an equivalent to this, right OP?
Here is the full video from the church where she spoke.


Her opinion was given inartfully. The government may not meddle in religion whereas there is no Constitutional prohibition against religion influencing the government.
What Boebert said is a big deal. That "stinking letter" to which she referred was written by none other than Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists of Connecticut.

Jefferson knew more about the intent of the First Amendment than this fricking airhead does.

The religious people of that time knew more than the right wing fundamentalists do today the harm that comes from NOT separating church and state. And it is ironic that Boebert's statement actually confirms the very thing they sought to avoid.

You see, when you mix church and state, you aren't just infecting the state with religion. More importantly, you are infecting the religion with politics. Boebert in the pulpit is proof positive of this.

I will let Alexis de Tocqueville take it from here:

The unbelievers of Europe attack the Christians as their political opponents rather than as their religious adversaries; they hate the Christian religion as the opinion of a party much more than as an error of belief; and they reject the clergy less because they are the representatives of the Deity than because they are the allies of government.

In Europe, Christianity has been intimately united to the powers of the earth. Those powers are now in decay, and it is, as it were, buried under their ruins. The living body of religion has been bound down to the dead corpse of superannuated polity; cut but the bonds that restrain it, and it will rise once more. I do not know what could restore the Christian church of Europe to the energy of its earlier days; that power belongs to God alone; but it may be for human policy to leave to faith the full exercise of the strength which it still retains.
What did the letter to the Danbury Baptists say? The Pastor of the Baptists wrote to the president wanting to know if the federal government would interfere if the only people allowed to live in Danbury belonged to the Danbury Baptist Church. All others would be driven out. They were assured, by the president, that there was a wall of separation between church and state. The government would not interfere in the Baptists cleansing their town of unbelievers.
Give them credit: They're no longer even trying to hide it. And why should they? They know they have the Supreme Court in their pocket.

I'm not kidding when I say that the current incarnation of the Republican Party is pushing for an authoritarian Nationalist Theocracy.

"The Church is supposed to direct the government". Right, Republicans?

Ah ha. Hahahahahahahaha. Ha. :auiqs.jpg:

Yes, magaturds. You should definitely run with this as your new platform.

Ha. Hahahahahahahaha
What does the church have to do with it?

I've expressed about as much interest as I have in the discussion already, tumbleweeds.

It's already been covered. For the most part.

Besides, I don't even know how you're defining "the church" anyway.

And I've blown too much time on here already today.

I'm hungry. Gonna do my whites. Maybe vacuum.
I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. - Thomas Jefferson
She’s 100% correct.

There is no such thing as “separation of church and state” in the Constitution, other than the state cannot create or sanction a church.

The term came from a devout Christian who said there should be a “wall of separation“, but it was in order to protect the church from the state. No where did anyone ever claim that religion cannot shape our laws. It’s a fable made up by the degenerate left because they hate Christianity so much.
Jefferson was a Deist, not a "devout Christian".
Where is the rest if the video, Lying Leftist?

Do you think we forgot the deceptively edited Palin church video?
See post 207.

The only reason I can think of as to why you doubted it is real is because even you find Boebert's remarks to be insane.

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