Boebert: "I'm tired of this separation of church and state junk".

She's right about separation of church and state. It's not valid Constitutionally
Even the current court says you are wrong. They acknowledge the establishment clause, but say the coach's actions did not fall under it.

As has every scotus in history.

That means you're wrong.
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Ol Mac1958 is a Tweener who in a moment of insanity voted for biden

But normally he votes for some 1% wacko eho does not stand a chance of winning

That way mac can throw stones at everyone who is trying to make things better while doing nothing himself
Yep. He's pretty confused alright. Also, given his obvious animus for traditional religious systems of thought, as opposed to those he no doubt doesn't regard as religious simply because they're humanistic, I'd be willing to bet that his notion of separation is that of a statist bootlick.
Yep. He's pretty confused alright. Also, given his obvious animus for traditional religious systems of thought, as opposed to those he no doubt doesn't regard as religious simply because they're humanistic, I'd be willing to bet that his notion of separation is that of a statist bootlick.
The statistics bootlickers in This topic are you and your fellow religious nutters who want government protection for your State sponsored religious activity.
I’m tired of liberals losing their shit over a mention of God or saying a prayer in public school because they think it is a form of indoctrination yet these same people will defend with passion that a public school library stocking a book about an adult-child sexual relationship is “not grooming”.
Give them credit: They're no longer even trying to hide it. And why should they? They know they have the Supreme Court in their pocket.

I'm not kidding when I say that the current incarnation of the Republican Party is pushing for an authoritarian Nationalist Theocracy.

"The Church is supposed to direct the government". Right, Republicans?

She’s 100% correct.

There is no such thing as “separation of church and state” in the Constitution, other than the state cannot create or sanction a church.

The term came from a devout Christian who said there should be a “wall of separation“, but it was in order to protect the church from the state. No where did anyone ever claim that religion cannot shape our laws. It’s a fable made up by the degenerate left because they hate Christianity so much.
She’s 100% correct.

There is no such thing as “separation of church and state” in the Constitution, other than the state cannot create or sanction a church.

The term came from a devout Christian who said there should be a “wall of separation“, but it was in order to protect the church from the state. No where did anyone ever claim that religion cannot shape our laws. It’s a fable made up by the degenerate left because they hate Christianity so much.
More confirmation, very good!
Yep. He's pretty confused alright. Also, given his obvious animus for traditional religious systems of thought, as opposed to those he no doubt doesn't regard as religious simply because they're humanistic, I'd be willing to bet that his notion of separation is that of a statist bootlick.
radical dembots are furious that the SCOTUS said a coach can say a prayer after a football's really gotten bad with the dembot cult.
liberals give humans in general a bad name

they are an embarrassment to the human race..
Give them credit: They're no longer even trying to hide it. And why should they? They know they have the Supreme Court in their pocket.

I'm not kidding when I say that the current incarnation of the Republican Party is pushing for an authoritarian Nationalist Theocracy.

"The Church is supposed to direct the government". Right, Republicans?

Remember when right wing fascists worried that Sharia law was coming to the US. They want to use Christian laws instead of the Koran and turn us into the Christian version of Iran.
Remember when right wing fascists worried that Sharia law was coming to the US. They want to use Christian laws instead of the Koran and turn us into the Christian version of Iran.
Yeah, talk about projection. Brutal.

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