Boebert: "I'm tired of this separation of church and state junk".

What did the letter to the Danbury Baptists say? The Pastor of the Baptists wrote to the president wanting to know if the federal government would interfere if the only people allowed to live in Danbury belonged to the Danbury Baptist Church. All others would be driven out. They were assured, by the president, that there was a wall of separation between church and state. The government would not interfere in the Baptists cleansing their town of unbelievers.
That is complete and total bullshit. Who told you that?
What did the letter to the Danbury Baptists say? The Pastor of the Baptists wrote to the president wanting to know if the federal government would interfere if the only people allowed to live in Danbury belonged to the Danbury Baptist Church. All others would be driven out. They were assured, by the president, that there was a wall of separation between church and state. The government would not interfere in the Baptists cleansing their town of unbelievers.
You have it exactly wrong. You could not have gotten it more backwards if you tried.

The Baptists were a minority in Connecticut and they wrote to Jefferson to express their concern that the majority might establish a state religion as there was no protection of religious freedom in the Connecticut charter/constitution.

Jefferson's response was that the federal Constitution had constructed a wall of separation between church and state and thus no one could establish a state religion.

I already posted Jefferson's letter in an earlier post, but you can read both letters here: Letters between Thomas Jefferson and the Danbury Baptists (1802) - Bill of Rights Institute
I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. - Thomas Jefferson

Jefferson was a Deist, not a "devout Christian".
I wasn’t referring to Thomas Jefferson, dolt.
GLADLY. :clap: :clap: :clap: :party:

Why should they? They are right! Do you ever try to hide your hate and subversion of America?

Meaning that now we have a plurality of Justices who will rule based on the original intent of the CONSTITUTION, as their job requires!

WRONG as usual moron. All she is saying is that our Founders intended that our leaders be guided by morality and ethics in their decision-making and the fount of all morality comes from faith in God as our moral, guiding compass. And the proof of that is obvious in just looking at how our society has gone south falling apart crumbling into chaos over the past thirty years as government and society has been turned increasingly more secular, immoral, unethical and faithless.

The social experiment has ended, butthole, we tried it your way and you failed. If you don't want a return to a society built upon civility, unity, morality and integrity, do please get off the planet at the next stop and maybe move to Denmark.
Is Denmark on a different planet or something?
By disallowing Christianity to be the official religion, the founders made atheism the de facto official religion.

But it looks like the current Supreme Court might be going the correct way on that. What is really needed is for Roman Catholicism to become the official religion of the US. That's the best outcome for everyone.
I vehemently disagree. I have no interest in that whatsoever.
Jefferson coined the phrase, dolt.
The idea of it goes way back to the 1600’s:

“[W]hen they have opened a gap in the hedge or wall of Separation between the Garden of the Church and the Wildernes of the world, God hath ever broke down the wall it selfe, removed the Candlestick, &c. and made his Garden a Wildernesse, as at this day.”
― Roger Williams, Mr. Cottons Letter Lately Printed, Examined and Ansvvered.

No one is grooming children. Except Matt Gaetz and Gym Jordan.
….public school libraries with books providing granularity on inappropriate adult-child relationships which your side defends leaving them on the shelves yet finds the content offensive and charges those who call it out as terrorists.
There is no equivalence between the two parties, just many, many, many similar behaviors.

As I've said, roughly a thousand times.
What's similar on the left to what the right is, and has been, doing?
What's similar on the left to what the right is, and has been, doing?
As I've also said many, many times, Trumpism is unique and its own animal. I don't have a comparison.

That is the one (1) and only reason I've voted for Dem candidates in the last two Presidential elections.

How many times do I have to say these things? I know you don't like being compared to right wingers in any way, ever, period (and yes, I get the same denial from them on this topic), so we just disagree there.
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