Boebert: "I'm tired of this separation of church and state junk".

I'm merely observing the responses. Your approval of that is not required.
Horseshit! Your OP alleges that the "Republican Party is pushing for an authoritarian Nationalist Theocracy" because of something stupid Boebert said. You give absolutely no definitive exegesis as to what the Party's doctrine is or what it should be relative to the First Amendment.
Yeah... except that holy spirit part.
The pertinent video is at youtube: "Hitchens Eviscerates the Catholic Church" @ timepoint 6:25: ....'Concordat, the first treaty Hitler ever signed, giving the church a monopoly over education in Germany in exchange for the dissolution of the Catholic Center Party to give the Nazi Party a clear run.'
Give them credit: They're no longer even trying to hide it. And why should they? They know they have the Supreme Court in their pocket.

I'm not kidding when I say that the current incarnation of the Republican Party is pushing for an authoritarian Nationalist Theocracy.

"The Church is supposed to direct the government". Right, Republicans?

She's right about separation of church and state. It's not valid Constitutionally. She's dead wrong about "the church directing the state".

(Note I did that without the hyperbolic dramatics)
Horseshit! Your OP alleges that the "Republican Party is pushing for an authoritarian Nationalist Theocracy" because of something stupid Boebert said. You give absolutely no definitive exegesis as to what the Party's doctrine is or what it should be relative to the First Amendment.

This is Mac's MO. Make the most hyperbolic over the top statements and then blame the "two parties" for making....hyperbolic statements, and "dividing our nation".

Like we can't see what you do Mac lol
Horseshit! Your OP alleges that the "Republican Party is pushing for an authoritarian Nationalist Theocracy" because of something stupid Boebert said. You give absolutely no definitive exegesis as to what the Party's doctrine is or what it should be relative to the First Amendment.
I'm seeing many on the Right defending her, to one degree or another. That's all I was interested in.

And I was correct in assuming that this would happen.

So I'm fine. Calm down.
Horseshit! Your OP alleges that the "Republican Party is pushing for an authoritarian Nationalist Theocracy" because of something stupid Boebert said. You give absolutely no definitive exegesis as to what the Party's doctrine is or what it should be relative to the First Amendment.
The Nazi Dem puppet now in the White House is also a CIA puppet, so Nazi-Catholic Ukraine is definitely up for exegesis. The swastika itself is documented as having come from Ice Age Mezin, Ukraine. Hitler also knew about Mezin, because there are German documents to reinforce this claim, which we have already posted at USMB.
The Nazi Dem puppet now in the White House is also a CIA puppet, so Nazi-Catholic Ukraine is definitely up for exegesis. The swastika itself is documented as having come from Ice Age Mezin, Ukraine. Hitler also knew about Mezin, because there are German documents to reinforce this claim, which we have already posted at USMB.
Link to you whacky source?
POSSCOTUS has lost legitimacy.

'Robert Ingersoll: " They knew that to put God in the constitution was to put man out. They knew that the recognition of a Deity would be seized upon by fanatics and zealots as a pretext for destroying the liberty of thought. They knew the terrible history of the church too well to place in her keeping, or in the keeping of God, the sacred rights of man. They intended that all should have the right to worship, or not to worship; that our laws should make no distinction on account of creed. They intended to found and frame a government for man, and for man alone. They wished to preserve the individuality and liberty of all, to prevent the few from governing the many, and the many from persecuting and destroying the few."

....our Constitution's only reference to religion is exclusionary. It excludes the state from involving itself in religion (the First Amendment's "free exercise" clause) and excludes religion from involving itself in the state (The First Amendment's "establishment" clause....The separation of church and state was woven into the constitutional design even before the First Amendment was drafted....Divorcing religion from government offices was so important that the US Congress edited the word god out of its oath of office.'
(Seidel, The Founding Myth, pp. 32-3)
That's the most convoluted, indecipherable bullshit I've read in some time.
That seems unlikely. I don't know anyone that supports that. And it has never been gop policy.

Everything I have ever heard or seem, indicates it is a fringe position.

Can you support your claim with...anything?
Good luck with that, Correll. I've never been able to get a definitive exegesis of the doctrine of separation from a leftist. They always talk in slogans.

Of course, there is a separation between church and state per the classical liberalism of the Anglo-American tradition of natural law embraced by the Founders and expressed in the First Amendment.

Boebet is wrong. But the likeliest sense in which she is wrong is to think that no separation exists because that terminology is not in the First Amendment. I have no idea, and neither does Mac1958, what she's actually thinking beyond that. I think it's likely her understanding of the First Amendment is correct in spite of her historical ignorance about the traditional construct.
Welcome to Sharia Law
You're a ridiculous person who can't make up his mind from one day to the next about who the statists are in America. One day, it's lefty. The next day, it's conservatives. And all the while I seriously doubt you have the faintest clue what the historical doctrine of separation is per the Anglo-American tradition of natural law and classical liberalism.
Your pathology is the false problem of the more and the less. More xians than non-xians is the contradiction that opposes the Constitution.

'First, our Constitution is deliberately godless. There are no references to gods, goddesses, or divine intervention. The omission was not an oversight. Supernatural power was rejected in favor of the natural power contained in the first three words: "We the People."

Robert Ingersoll: " They intended that all should have the right to worship or not to worship; that our laws make no distinction on account of creed. They intended to found and frame a government for man and man alone. They wished to preserve the individuality and liberty of all, to prevent the few from governing the many, and the many from persecuting and destroying the few." '
(Seidel, The Founding Myth)
Has government told you which church to attend?

Or whether to attend church at all?


Libs are engaging in strawman rhetoric
You're a ridiculous person who can't make up his mind from one day to the next about who the statists are in America. One day, it's lefty. The next day, it's conservatives. And all the while I seriously doubt you have the faintest clue what the historical doctrine of separation is per the Anglo-American tradition of natural law and classical liberalism.
Ol Mac1958 is a Tweener who in a moment of insanity voted for biden

But normally he votes for some 1% wacko eho does not stand a chance of winning

That way mac can throw stones at everyone who is trying to make things better while doing nothing himself
You're a ridiculous person who can't make up his mind from one day to the next about who the statists are in America. One day, it's lefty. The next day, it's conservatives. And all the while I seriously doubt you have the faintest clue what the historical doctrine of separation is per the Anglo-American tradition of natural law and classical liberalism.
"Statists" isn't even a term I use.

So your nonsensical post is nonsensical.

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