Boehner finally attacks obamacare - “What the hell is this, a joke?”


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Yes it is a joke. Obozo cannot legally change even a comma in any law and yet he makes huge changes whenever he wants to.

'What the hell is this, a joke?' | TheHill

March 26, 2014, 11:29 am

“What the hell is this, a joke?” Boehner said at his weekly press conference.

He was responding to the administration’s announcement on Tuesday evening that people who had begun the process of signing up for insurance through the federal exchanges would have until mid-April to do so, instead of March 31.
The Speaker called the move “another deadline made meaningless,” adding it to a litany of unilateral changes that the administration has made to the law.

“This is part of a long-term pattern of this administration manipulating the law for its own convenience,” Boehner said. “It’s not hard to understand why the American people question this administration’s commitment to the rule of law.”

The Speaker mocked the use of the “honor system” to determine who was eligible for an extension after the administration said it would make no effort to ensure that people had actually begun the process of signing up by March 31.

“The dates are the dates, and the law is the law,” he said. “The president doesn’t have the authority to change the law whenever he wants, which he continues to do.”

Boehner added later in the press conference: “The law says that enrollment stops at the end of March. That’s what the law says. I’ve got to live by the law; you’ve got to live by the law; the American people have got to live by the law. And guess what? The president needs to live by the law as well.”
The GOP needs to learn an old phrase "Learn how to pick your battles"

If you're against everything all the time when that wolf actually shows up, no one believes you
When it comes to Democrap Care, the only wolf that has shown up is, it takes a lot of stupid people in order to maintain mass delusion.
Finally? hasn't the house repealed this thing more often that Obama has found teaching moments?
In complete understanding of the current situation around Obama Care and the delusion of the American public during it's demise is absolutely redundant. The people at first accepted with hesitation. Then the people throttled their anger when changes and revisions were made. Then the people watched this stagnate pile of foolishness fester. It is our faults that it was even enacted. On a numerical scale, it makes since (ask Canada). However when implementing the human variable into a purely numeric equation, we find a result similar to that of the chaos theory. In short, though it may have originally been perceived by, not only the law makers, but some of the general public, as a sound solution to a decaying problem, it's rough institution and deliberate disregard for freedom has enabled this rolling chassis of disaster to become a knot in the backs of many Americans. It will fail even if installed into our lifestyle. Just as democracy has fallen before, the perpetual bliss of this annoyance will erode under new administration and sound thinkers. So, I would like to give praise to Obama for truly being a man with no indication of truth or righteousness, but instead being the typical hot air balloon politician that will go down in history as another vagrant waste of time.
@ B. Kidd Thank you for thanking me :) Oxymoronic as it may be in me saying that, I do appreciate the gratitude.
Boehner is slow. Took him too long to respond to all this. Must have seen the latest polls and figured he better say something, but it's too little, too late.

Meanwhile, Lerner is angry that people keep calling the unilateral changes by Obama 'extensions.' They are extensions, but not really extensions, so we should stop calling them extensions. That's the message I got.

Actually, these extensions are nothing more than illegal changes to an existing law that Obama makes on the spot as he sees more and more people frustrated with the piece of crap known as Obamacare.

Sadly, it's not a joke. I wish it was, then we could move on. Instead, it's all too real and all too damaging to people's lives.
So what will Boehner do about it...........

Not a damned thing.........Why? Because when it gets to the Senate Reid will simply trash it....

And the world will laugh some more..........
So what will Boehner do about it...........

Not a damned thing.........Why? Because when it gets to the Senate Reid will simply trash it....

And the world will laugh some more..........

and obamacare will keep being a TRAINWRECK because arrogant o-bots and left-wing simpletons arent man enough to admit the thing needs to be repealed

thats why obama himself is the one delaying the phuck out of his own law

who's laughing?
The GOP needs to learn an old phrase "Learn how to pick your battles"

If you're against everything all the time when that wolf actually shows up, no one believes you

Your problem is that you are not interested in, nor do you comprehend what we are for.
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So what will Boehner do about it...........

Not a damned thing.........Why? Because when it gets to the Senate Reid will simply trash it....

And the world will laugh some more..........

and obamacare will keep being a TRAINWRECK because arrogant o-bots and left-wing simpletons arent man enough to admit the thing needs to be repealed

thats why obama himself is the one delaying the phuck out of his own law

who's laughing?

Everyone who isn't American.......
In complete understanding of the current situation around Obama Care and the delusion of the American public during it's demise is absolutely redundant. The people at first accepted with hesitation. Then the people throttled their anger when changes and revisions were made. Then the people watched this stagnate pile of foolishness fester. It is our faults that it was even enacted. On a numerical scale, it makes since (ask Canada). However when implementing the human variable into a purely numeric equation, we find a result similar to that of the chaos theory. In short, though it may have originally been perceived by, not only the law makers, but some of the general public, as a sound solution to a decaying problem, it's rough institution and deliberate disregard for freedom has enabled this rolling chassis of disaster to become a knot in the backs of many Americans. It will fail even if installed into our lifestyle. Just as democracy has fallen before, the perpetual bliss of this annoyance will erode under new administration and sound thinkers. So, I would like to give praise to Obama for truly being a man with no indication of truth or righteousness, but instead being the typical hot air balloon politician that will go down in history as another vagrant waste of time.

Man! Where have you been?! We need thoughtful posters like you around here! Welcome. Looking forward to your future contribution.

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