Boehner reelected over tea party opposition

Liberals believe in the following:

  1. The money you earned doesn't really belong to you
  2. Massive spending is the answer to a weak economy
  3. Profits are evil
  4. The needs of the government outweighs the needs of the people
  5. Honesty in government is a handicap
  6. Social Justice is needed to right the wrongs of the past
  7. The government knows what's good for you
  8. Global Warming is a national security issue
  9. America is the greatest threat to peace on the planet
  10. Americans are stupid
Boner is a sellout.
The Tea Party is just a group of citizens that want to end the massive spending in Washington.

For this they're called terrorists.
The teabaggers are angry, bitter, spiteful, uneducated white Christians
Boner is a set.
The Tea Party is just a group of citizens that want to end the massive spending in Washington.

For this they're called terrorists.
The teabaggers are angry, bitter, spiteful, uneducated white Christians

Teabaggers suck balls.

The Tea Party is filled with angry folks that are being taken to the cleaners by our politicians and decided it was time to institute spending reforms.
Boner is a sellout.
The Tea Party is just a group of citizens that want to end the massive spending in Washington.

For this they're called terrorists.

I don't call them Terrorists. I do call them unpatriotic because they brought real hate to the table for just one side. If they were for stopping massive spending, they would go after the Rhinos with as much vigor.
Boner is a sellout.
The Tea Party is just a group of citizens that want to end the massive spending in Washington.

For this they're called terrorists.
They are called terrorists because they have a militia and they threaten violence every time they don't get their way. Teapers are more of a threat to Americans than ISIS.
Boner is a sellout.
The Tea Party is just a group of citizens that want to end the massive spending in Washington.

For this they're called terrorists.

I don't call them Terrorists. I do call them unpatriotic because they brought real hate to the table for just one side. If they were for stopping massive spending, they would go after the Rhinos with as much vigor.
They are terrorists...they threatened to use women as human shields during the Bndy fiasco. Their supporters are assassinating cops and threatening armed insurrection all of the time. They are terrorists, without a doubt.
Boner is a sellout.
The Tea Party is just a group of citizens that want to end the massive spending in Washington.

For this they're called terrorists.
The teabaggers are angry, bitter, spiteful, uneducated white Christians
Quit calling theses idiots Christians and Conservatives. They are neither one.
Boner is a sellout.
The Tea Party is just a group of citizens that want to end the massive spending in Washington.

For this they're called terrorists.

I don't call them Terrorists. I do call them unpatriotic because they brought real hate to the table for just one side. If they were for stopping massive spending, they would go after the Rhinos with as much vigor.

They have.

Now they get it from both sides.

Who knew calling for spending cuts would result in such an angry response from the very people it effects the most

Washington has been hosing us for so long, your aholes are getting used to the abuse.
Boner is a sellout.
The Tea Party is just a group of citizens that want to end the massive spending in Washington.

For this they're called terrorists.
The teabaggers are angry, bitter, spiteful, uneducated white Christians

Says the far left drone that is programmed by far left rich white people that are not connected to reality..


teapartysamurai CrusaderFrank @mebelle60 WillowTree
Boner is a sellout.
The Tea Party is just a group of citizens that want to end the massive spending in Washington.

For this they're called terrorists.

I don't call them Terrorists. I do call them unpatriotic because they brought real hate to the table for just one side. If they were for stopping massive spending, they would go after the Rhinos with as much vigor.
They are terrorists...they threatened to use women as human shields during the Bndy fiasco. Their supporters are assassinating cops and threatening armed insurrection all of the time. They are terrorists, without a doubt.

Please go fuck yourself

A certain amount of "schisms" is the sign of a healthy political party. Beware of a political party that has such rigid standards that an independent politician is not allowed to voice his discomfort. Nazis and democrats come to mind.
Boehner was never in danger. Teaper propaganda and nothing more. They want to destroy the GOP...thank God the GOP took a stand today.

Republicans need a youthful fresh faced leader like Boehner, most of the leadership is about twenty years past retirement age.

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