Bolton: Obama's speech a 'frightening revelation' about how president thinks

Then what's the point of this discussion, or any other discussion about Obama's terrible policies?

What do Republicans propose to do about Russia? Come up with some ideas besides repeating, "Obama's weak!" What is the GOP plan for dealing with Russia? What is the GOP plan for fixing Obamacare? What is the GOP plan for ending the drug war? What is the GOP plan for creating jobs?

Does the GOP have any plan other than trying to make Obama a one-term President?
Obama has done nothing re Ukraine to change Bolton's earlier description of his foreign policy as 'limp wristed'.....

Not at all civil, how the term 'limp wristed' was formerly used. However in this context it's downright euphemistic. Shame on you, Bolton, for not saying what you really, really think. OK, so you were speaking for an audience that might have included women and children but candor might be excused in this particular case.

limp-wristed Obama wagged his finger at Putin today giving him a big tongue-lashing for using 'brute force'.....:lol:
And your solution would be open war against Russia?

What do Republicans propose to do about Putin?'s bolton...neocon and nothing else. Anything short of his view is a problem. So i could careless about this jerk off piece.
Does that mean that you agree with Obama that Russia is a regional power, and that Syria is actually a bigger threat to the US, even though Russia has over 3000 nuclear tipped ICBMs? Or is it an attempt to deflect?
Is anyone really going to take a neocon like Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton seriously?
If Bolton had his way we would have already been at war with Iran, the man has no credibility left.
Is anyone really going to take a neocon like Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton seriously?
If Bolton had his way we would have already been at war with Iran, the man has no credibility left.

lol.....and you think Obama does.....?
Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton saw President Obama’s speech in Brussels today as deeply concerning for the United States and a grave insight into how Obama views international relations.

Bolton, speaking directly after the speech on Fox News, was flummoxed that President Obama’s chief concern appeared to be that Russian President Vladimir Putin violated international law by invading Ukraine.

Absent, Bolton noted, was any mention of Russia’s imperialist motivations or the need to implement further deterrents against Putin.

“There’s nothing in the speech about understanding force and power and international affairs the way the Russians do and how they proceeded, nor anything about deterrents or dissuasion. It was almost entirely about international norms, international law, the United Nations, none of which have done a thing to stop Russians in Ukraine.”

Additionally, Bolton ripped President Obama for suggesting U.S. interests in Ukraine are minimal considering the former Soviet state’s geopolitical significance.

Bolton: Obama Is Living In a World of Words, Putin Is Living In a World of Power | Washington Free Beacon
Mr. Paranoid, do as you like regardless, has concerns? Cry me a river.
If Bolton did not like the speech he should apply for a job as the president's speech writer. Nonsense total fucking nonsense.
good one dorks; you gauge your messiah's effectiveness by the number of people laughing at him?

typical of the loser left to celebrate FAILURE
If Bolton did not like the speech he should apply for a job as the president's speech writer. Nonsense total fucking nonsense.


and he should remember to never practice his free speech regarding his opinions of obama's speeches UNLESS he's a writer for obama i guess

cuz left-wing crybabies gets their panties in a knot when obama is criticized
Is anyone really going to take a neocon like Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton seriously?
If Bolton had his way we would have already been at war with Iran, the man has no credibility left.

Time will prove former Ambassador John Bolton right.:eusa_clap:

A nuclear Iran will be of crucial importance to global events in the early 21st century....its defiance over its nuclear program, rising repression, support for extremists, and menacing not chopped liver and it is slowly but surely leading to a regional and dangerous confrontation.

obama's lemming horde of bootlickers gets s upset when their Messiah is criticized

obama is a laughingstock on the world stage from russia to israel, and egypt to china
And your solution would be open war against Russia?

What do Republicans propose to do about Putin? this point....what difference does it make......?


You ever want to shut down a republican? Just ask them one question and they will respond like above showing they have nothing

you're wrong....Ted Cruz has a good response....

The Texas Republican wouldn’t commit to voting for aid for the country fending off Russian President Vladimir Putin’s army — or say whether there would need to be a financial offset to get his support — but argued that neither this nor conservative calls for military exercises are the right approach.

Instead, Cruz argued for immediately passing a new free trade treaty with Ukraine and “looking at existing treaties between the United States and Russia, and considering abrogating those treaties.”

“More important than aid is expanding economic trade — expanding mutually beneficial commerce, helping open the door for energy to flow to Ukraine in the private market,” Cruz said, speaking exclusively to POLITICO after addressing AIPAC’s Texas delegation Tuesday afternoon.

He said Russia should be kicked out of the G-8, but that the United States shouldn’t wait on its allies for further action. That includes, Cruz said, re-initiating plans to move forward with the missile defense system in Europe, which Obama scaled back while in earlier discussions with Russia.

The crisis in Ukraine, he said, proves that his vision of Republican foreign policy is the right one, for both the GOP and the country — and is “very much the same as Ronald Reagan’s,” invoking the former president, as he often does.

Read more: Ted Cruz?s Ukraine plan: Have the market handle it - Edward-Isaac Dovere -

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