Bolton: Obama's speech a 'frightening revelation' about how president thinks

Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton saw President Obama’s speech in Brussels today as
The keyword here is FORMER. as in Milli Vanilli, the New Kids of the Block, the past, Ted Nugget of the 21st century...

good one doofus''

just remember FORMER president carter USED TO BE the worst president in history

until your Messiah of Change came along

and he should remember to never practice his free speech regarding his opinions of obama's speeches UNLESS he's a writer for obama i guess

cuz left-wing crybabies gets their panties in a knot when obama is criticized

I have no problem criticizing any president but over a speech.....the former ambassador should get his bolts tightened.

wears a tough guy hat; cries like a baby

I wish everybody left and right and center would shut up and try some diplomacy behind closed doors.

All these chest thumpers from both sides should keep their opinions to themselves. We do not need to kick this situation up a notch.

I personally don't find the possibility of WWIII alluring. Sheesh. This should never have gotten as wild as it has.

The chorus of that old song really rings true right now. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right.....

ETA: Only referring to the headline politicos shutting up. We can bitch all we want.

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I wish everybody left and right and center would shut up and try some diplomacy behind closed doors.

All these chest thumpers from both sides should keep their opinions to themselves. We do not need to kick this situation up a notch.

I personally don't find the possibility of WWIII alluring. Sheesh. This should never have gotten as wild as it has.

The chorus of that old song really rings true right now. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right.....

I agree with you about Crimea


Bolton is totally correct about Iran! :eusa_clap:
There is a pattern to Obama's handling of foreign crisis. Guys like Bolton hate it. Allies who are getting stuck with handling their own regional difficulties are not happy. The US slowly but surely backing off from being the worlds police force angers the MIC (Military Industrial Complex).
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There is a pattern to Obama's handling of foreign crisis. Guys like Bolton hate it. Allies who are getting stuck with handling their own regional difficulties are not happy. The US slowly but surely backing off from being the worlds police force angers the MIC (Military Industrial Complex).

as Bolton says.....'Our biggest national security threat is Barack Obama'....

[ame=]CPAC 2014 - The Hon. John Bolton, American Enterprise Institute - YouTube[/ame]
Is anyone really going to take a neocon like Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton seriously?
If Bolton had his way we would have already been at war with Iran, the man has no credibility left.

lol.....and you think Obama does.....?

Where did I say Obama is credible? Bolton and Obama have zero credibility, but for different reasons.

well i'd say Obama's chit chat with Iran isn't what next...?
I just saw another one of obama's pathetic and useless speeches. Again he chided Russia as a 20th century power in a 21st century world who could not NOT redraw national borders. To which Putin should reply "I just did. Didn't you see that? Watch. I'll do it again."

The most disturbing thing is that obama doesn't seem to understand what happened. Maybe it's his drug use. Reality is not penetrate his pea brain. There is no stopping Putin from taking Crimea. He already did it. obama isn't going to make him give it back.
Imagine what Bolton would have said about President Eisenhower when he sat back and watched as Hungary was invaded and forced back into the Soviet bloc. Or President Johnson when they invaded Czechoslovakia.'s only what Obama does or does not do that's worthy of matter what any other prez did ...or did not do.. Before.
Bolton is, has been, and always will be a TOTAL ASS.

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I just saw another one of obama's pathetic and useless speeches. Again he chided Russia as a 20th century power in a 21st century world who could not NOT redraw national borders. To which Putin should reply "I just did. Didn't you see that? Watch. I'll do it again."

The most disturbing thing is that obama doesn't seem to understand what happened. Maybe it's his drug use. Reality is not penetrate his pea brain. There is no stopping Putin from taking Crimea. He already did it. obama isn't going to make him give it back.

Obama didn't know how to stop Putin in the first place nor does he know how to make him give it back.....other than running to 'the collective' for support....

like a professor Obama lives in a world of words.....while Putin and Iran live in worlds of cold hard power...
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Really...? And who knew how to "stop Putin"? W, the prez who decided Putin was "a good man" when he saw his soul thru his eyes?
How would u suggest Putin be stopped? Thru saber rattling? Outright aggression? Would any of that work without hurting us? What Obama is doing thru rallying allies to impose economic sanctions and exclude Russia from the G-8 could put the brakes on Putin...but it may take some time...something u TV program solution kids don't comprehend. Do U have any better ideas for "stopping Putin"?

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Really...? And who knew how to "stop Putin"? W, the prez who decided Putin was "a good man" when he saw his soul thru his eyes?
How would u suggest Putin be stopped? Thru saber rattling? Outright aggression? Would any of that work without hurting us? What Obama is doing thru rallying allies to impose economic sanctions and exclude Russia from the G-8 could put the brakes on Putin...but it may take some time...something u TV program solution kids don't comprehend. Do U have any better ideas for "stopping Putin"?

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already posted here Ted Cruz's boots on the ground...things we the U.S. can do right now....without any approval from the UN or the EU...

one of the major problems with Obama is that he is so indecisive....he needs to 'consult' and dither with the rest of the 'collective' before he even thinks about maybe doing something eventually in baby steps....if he had been on the ball he might have anticipated and even prevented Putin's move into Crimea...

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