Bolton says secondary sanction on Europe possible

If Iran deserves sanctions, if Russia deserves sanctions, if European companies deserve sanctions for working with Iran...

When does Israel deserve sanctions, they're the only genocidal terrorist state I see in the Mid-East that actually has Nukes.

What about the Joos?
Bolton says 'it's possible' US will sanction European companies working with Iran - CNNPolitics

Cause sanctioning our long time allies makes the orange king happy....If Iran continues to abide by the even Mattis has admitted....why would our allies be punished?

This country is no longer a world leader....
The only thin JCPOA does is temporarily limit the production of low enriched uranium. It has numerous flaws and omissions that will not be addressed unless the US pressures the Iranians and the Europeans to pay attention. That's why sanctions are necessary.
any country that helps the Iranians should pay the price. We won’t allow Iran to get nukes. This isn’t a negotiation
Iran doesn’t have nukes

The other countries will not comply with our sanctions because they are honoring their agreement

What does the US do if the Trump sanctions are not honored by other countries

Again, put sanctions on any country that helps Iran. The obozo deal never put an end to iran’s Nuclear aspirations, in fact because of the sunset clause, it paved the way for Iran to get nukes. The only reason why our so called European allies signed off was they’re not the ones in immediate harms way and they wanted oil.

Yes it did. The chairman of the JCS says that Iran was honoring the agreement. The sunset clause could have been changed if necessary. Trump's withdrawal has now set Iran on a course to obtain nuclear weapons. Trump screwed up big time and Bolton is a idiot.
any country that helps the Iranians should pay the price. We won’t allow Iran to get nukes. This isn’t a negotiation
Iran doesn’t have nukes

The other countries will not comply with our sanctions because they are honoring their agreement

What does the US do if the Trump sanctions are not honored by other countries

Again, put sanctions on any country that helps Iran. The obozo deal never put an end to iran’s Nuclear aspirations, in fact because of the sunset clause, it paved the way for Iran to get nukes. The only reason why our so called European allies signed off was they’re not the ones in immediate harms way and they wanted oil.

Yes it did. The chairman of the JCS says that Iran was honoring the agreement. The sunset clause could have been changed if necessary. Trump's withdrawal has now set Iran on a course to obtain nuclear weapons. Trump screwed up big time and Bolton is a idiot.
Iran is saying now that it will stick to the deal - of course by not coming clean about its past efforts to acquire nukes, it has never stuck to the deal. Iran apparently understands any attempt to openly pursue nukes at this point will lead to it being bombed, so while the sanctions are destroying its economy bombs will be blowing up its nuclear program and its military assets. The only question left is when will Iran finally realize the only way forward for it is to submit to President Trump's demands.
any country that helps the Iranians should pay the price. We won’t allow Iran to get nukes. This isn’t a negotiation
Iran doesn’t have nukes

The other countries will not comply with our sanctions because they are honoring their agreement

What does the US do if the Trump sanctions are not honored by other countries

Again, put sanctions on any country that helps Iran. The obozo deal never put an end to iran’s Nuclear aspirations, in fact because of the sunset clause, it paved the way for Iran to get nukes. The only reason why our so called European allies signed off was they’re not the ones in immediate harms way and they wanted oil.

Yes it did. The chairman of the JCS says that Iran was honoring the agreement. The sunset clause could have been changed if necessary. Trump's withdrawal has now set Iran on a course to obtain nuclear weapons. Trump screwed up big time and Bolton is a idiot.
Iran is saying now that it will stick to the deal - of course by not coming clean about its past efforts to acquire nukes, it has never stuck to the deal. Iran apparently understands any attempt to openly pursue nukes at this point will lead to it being bombed, so while the sanctions are destroying its economy bombs will be blowing up its nuclear program and its military assets. The only question left is when will Iran finally realize the only way forward for it is to submit to President Trump's demands.

Do we all fall to our knees now and cry out...."HAIL TO THE ORANGE ONE!"

any country that helps the Iranians should pay the price. We won’t allow Iran to get nukes. This isn’t a negotiation
Iran doesn’t have nukes

The other countries will not comply with our sanctions because they are honoring their agreement

What does the US do if the Trump sanctions are not honored by other countries

Again, put sanctions on any country that helps Iran. The obozo deal never put an end to iran’s Nuclear aspirations, in fact because of the sunset clause, it paved the way for Iran to get nukes. The only reason why our so called European allies signed off was they’re not the ones in immediate harms way and they wanted oil.

Yes it did. The chairman of the JCS says that Iran was honoring the agreement. The sunset clause could have been changed if necessary. Trump's withdrawal has now set Iran on a course to obtain nuclear weapons. Trump screwed up big time and Bolton is a idiot.
Iran is saying now that it will stick to the deal - of course by not coming clean about its past efforts to acquire nukes, it has never stuck to the deal. Iran apparently understands any attempt to openly pursue nukes at this point will lead to it being bombed, so while the sanctions are destroying its economy bombs will be blowing up its nuclear program and its military assets. The only question left is when will Iran finally realize the only way forward for it is to submit to President Trump's demands.

Do we all fall to our knees now and cry out...."HAIL TO THE ORANGE ONE!"

A simple thank you would be sufficient.
any country that helps the Iranians should pay the price. We won’t allow Iran to get nukes. This isn’t a negotiation
Iran doesn’t have nukes

The other countries will not comply with our sanctions because they are honoring their agreement

What does the US do if the Trump sanctions are not honored by other countries

Again, put sanctions on any country that helps Iran. The obozo deal never put an end to iran’s Nuclear aspirations, in fact because of the sunset clause, it paved the way for Iran to get nukes. The only reason why our so called European allies signed off was they’re not the ones in immediate harms way and they wanted oil.

Yes it did. The chairman of the JCS says that Iran was honoring the agreement. The sunset clause could have been changed if necessary. Trump's withdrawal has now set Iran on a course to obtain nuclear weapons. Trump screwed up big time and Bolton is a idiot.[/
any country that helps the Iranians should pay the price. We won’t allow Iran to get nukes. This isn’t a negotiation
Iran doesn’t have nukes

The other countries will not comply with our sanctions because they are honoring their agreement

What does the US do if the Trump sanctions are not honored by other countries

Again, put sanctions on any country that helps Iran. The obozo deal never put an end to iran’s Nuclear aspirations, in fact because of the sunset clause, it paved the way for Iran to get nukes. The only reason why our so called European allies signed off was they’re not the ones in immediate harms way and they wanted oil.

Yes it did. The chairman of the JCS says that Iran was honoring the agreement. The sunset clause could have been changed if necessary. Trump's withdrawal has now set Iran on a course to obtain nuclear weapons. Trump screwed up big time and Bolton is a idiot.

If Iran didn’t have nuclear aspirations because of the Hussein deal, then what was the purpose of the ICBM tests?
What grounds go we have to force our allies to impose new sanctions on Iran?

Because Trump says so?

This is a test of Trumps leadership. Let’s see how it works out
What grounds go we have to force our allies to impose new sanctions on Iran?

Because Trump says so?

This is a test of Trumps leadership. Let’s see how it works out

This is a test of his leadership. That part you’re right about
any country that helps the Iranians should pay the price. We won’t allow Iran to get nukes. This isn’t a negotiation
Iran doesn’t have nukes

The other countries will not comply with our sanctions because they are honoring their agreement

What does the US do if the Trump sanctions are not honored by other countries

Again, put sanctions on any country that helps Iran. The obozo deal never put an end to iran’s Nuclear aspirations, in fact because of the sunset clause, it paved the way for Iran to get nukes. The only reason why our so called European allies signed off was they’re not the ones in immediate harms way and they wanted oil.

Yes it did. The chairman of the JCS says that Iran was honoring the agreement. The sunset clause could have been changed if necessary. Trump's withdrawal has now set Iran on a course to obtain nuclear weapons. Trump screwed up big time and Bolton is a idiot.[/
any country that helps the Iranians should pay the price. We won’t allow Iran to get nukes. This isn’t a negotiation
Iran doesn’t have nukes

The other countries will not comply with our sanctions because they are honoring their agreement

What does the US do if the Trump sanctions are not honored by other countries

Again, put sanctions on any country that helps Iran. The obozo deal never put an end to iran’s Nuclear aspirations, in fact because of the sunset clause, it paved the way for Iran to get nukes. The only reason why our so called European allies signed off was they’re not the ones in immediate harms way and they wanted oil.

Yes it did. The chairman of the JCS says that Iran was honoring the agreement. The sunset clause could have been changed if necessary. Trump's withdrawal has now set Iran on a course to obtain nuclear weapons. Trump screwed up big time and Bolton is a idiot.

If Iran didn’t have nuclear aspirations because of the Hussein deal, then what was the purpose of the ICBM tests?

Not all missiles carry nukes
Long range missiles are still used to extend your capabilities to hit an enemy
What grounds go we have to force our allies to impose new sanctions on Iran?

Because Trump says so?

This is a test of Trumps leadership. Let’s see how it works out
You're dreaming again, You've got to work harder to try to tell the difference between fantasy and real life. Nobody is trying to tell our "allies" to impose sanctions.
What grounds go we have to force our allies to impose new sanctions on Iran?

Because Trump says so?

This is a test of Trumps leadership. Let’s see how it works out

Yup.....can the Bully in Chief bully across the Atlantic?
What grounds go we have to force our allies to impose new sanctions on Iran?

Because Trump says so?

This is a test of Trumps leadership. Let’s see how it works out

This is a test of his leadership. That part you’re right about

Trump should have engaged the other signees of the Iran treaty before he unilaterally pulled out. That is what Obama would have done

Does Trump have the leadership to get others to implement his new sanctions?
Liberal logic...Russian sanctions that hurt our European allies OKAY, Iran sanctions that hurt our European allies NOT OKAY. :eusa_think: I think the OP is a :290968001256257790-final:
Our allies signed the Iran agreement and are complying with it

Our allies, the European Commission to retaliate against proposed new U.S. sanctions on Russia that could affect European firms HELLO EARTH TO LIBERALS.
No idea what you are talking about

Neither does he.
What grounds go we have to force our allies to impose new sanctions on Iran?

Because Trump says so?

This is a test of Trumps leadership. Let’s see how it works out
You're dreaming again, You've got to work harder to try to tell the difference between fantasy and real life. Nobody is trying to tell our "allies" to impose sanctions.

Riight...secondary sanctions against them is in no way a threat. It is s....Get Well Soon card....yeah...."We love bend over."
What grounds go we have to force our allies to impose new sanctions on Iran?

Because Trump says so?

This is a test of Trumps leadership. Let’s see how it works out

This is a test of his leadership. That part you’re right about

Trump should have engaged the other signees of the Iran treaty before he unilaterally pulled out. That is what Obama would have done

Does Trump have the leadership to get others to implement his new sanctions?

Why do u assume he didn’t
What grounds go we have to force our allies to impose new sanctions on Iran?

Because Trump says so?

This is a test of Trumps leadership. Let’s see how it works out
You're dreaming again, You've got to work harder to try to tell the difference between fantasy and real life. Nobody is trying to tell our "allies" to impose sanctions.

If the US imposes sanctions and nobody else does
What does that accomplish?
What grounds go we have to force our allies to impose new sanctions on Iran?

Because Trump says so?

This is a test of Trumps leadership. Let’s see how it works out

This is a test of his leadership. That part you’re right about

Trump should have engaged the other signees of the Iran treaty before he unilaterally pulled out. That is what Obama would have done

Does Trump have the leadership to get others to implement his new sanctions?

Why do u assume he didn’t

Because we are standing alone

He just met with France and Germany.......why didn’t they support him?
Putin has got to be loving this. Putin's Choice is now sending this country down a dark road.

So is he also going to boycott companies that still advance the green initiative? Save for Mattis....the adults have left the room.

For excluding Mattis you gotta know you just lost your spot in the bike rack at Lenin Elementary!

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