Bolton says secondary sanction on Europe possible

We’re the number one consumer in the world. Our sanctions carry weight. If we threaten to sanction any company that does Buisness with Iran, then that will isolate Iran

No it will not. These companies have locations in the US. They can close shop and take jobs away. They can decide to do more business in China, they do not have to listen to crazy coming from of so called US leadership.
US companies that violate the sanctions will face heavy fines. The same is true of US subsidiaries of foreign companies. US offices of foreign companies that violate sanctions will be closed. If you violate US sanctions, you simply will not be able to do business in America.
I doubt if we can enforce that broad a sanction

What if the US punishes them and Russia, China, Germany, France, UK and EU rewards them with more business

The US economy is not alone
I assume a country, France for example, tries to get the best value for taxpayer euros it spends, so you are suggesting France would be willing to switch to a second of third choice and get less value for the Euros it spends just to spite the US?
More likely, France will say Fuck Trump and buy from whom they like

This guy trump will only be happy when we are isolated and have double digit inflation.
No it will not. These companies have locations in the US. They can close shop and take jobs away. They can decide to do more business in China, they do not have to listen to crazy coming from of so called US leadership.
US companies that violate the sanctions will face heavy fines. The same is true of US subsidiaries of foreign companies. US offices of foreign companies that violate sanctions will be closed. If you violate US sanctions, you simply will not be able to do business in America.
I doubt if we can enforce that broad a sanction

What if the US punishes them and Russia, China, Germany, France, UK and EU rewards them with more business

The US economy is not alone
I assume a country, France for example, tries to get the best value for taxpayer euros it spends, so you are suggesting France would be willing to switch to a second of third choice and get less value for the Euros it spends just to spite the US?
More likely, France will say Fuck Trump and buy from whom they like

This guy trump will only be happy when we are isolated and have double digit inflation.

He's the King of debt, it's all he knows.
It destroys the Iranian economy. Germany is saying at this point that it will stay in JCPOA, meaning it will not impose sanctions, but any German company that violates US sanctions will lose access to US markets, which will cost them more than they will ear from doing business with Iran, so these companies will respect US sanctions even if their governments do not.
Iran makes its money off of oil

If the US sanctions their oil and everyone else buys are they hurt?
What are they going to buy it with. Banks that handle international transactions will lose access to the US market, so unless these buyers are traveling to Iran with suitcases of money, they won't be able to buy Iranian oil. During the last sanctions regime, countries bartered goods for oil with Iran, but the process is so cumbersome Iran's oil sales fell precipitously and Iran was forced to sell its oil at deep discounts under market price. It's economy was about to crumble before Obama rode in and saved the regime.

How do you figure? US sanctions will not work if the US is the only country sanctioning. And then there needs to be a reason for sanctions. Obama did not save anything.
US sanctions will make it unprofitable for companies to do business with sectors of the Iranian economy and that will drive the Iranian economy to ruin. The reason for the sanctions is to force Iran to give up its nuclear weapons program, end its support for terrorism and end its imperialist wars. Obama sided with the regime against the people during the protests in 2009 and and saved the regime by resuscitating the failing Iranian economy with JCPOA.

Things are not going to work the way you say. You keep lying about Obama, and what Trump has done just isolates us. The other 5 countries that signed the agreement still support it. The US threatening to sanction any company from one of those countries is going to hurt us. You are stupid to think that if the US decides to threatn a German company with sanctions the German government is not going to support them.
There is no substance to your post. We both know I didn't lie about Obama, although you may not like to face these facts, and while some countries disagree with the new sanctions, in no sense is the US isolated and neither Germany or any other of the European countries will want a conflict with the US over doing business with Iran.
You're dreaming again, You've got to work harder to try to tell the difference between fantasy and real life. Nobody is trying to tell our "allies" to impose sanctions.

Riight...secondary sanctions against them is in no way a threat. It is s....Get Well Soon card....yeah...."We love bend over."
There are no secondary sanctions against other nations, just against companies that violate our sanctions no matter where they are located. The point Bolton is making is that he doesn't believe many companies will violate US sanctions no matter what their governments think or do.

Bolton is wrong.
Unlikely, companies that violate US sanctions will lose access to the US market and that will cost them more money than they will earn doing business with Iran, so no more than a few companies will violate US sanctions. Putin is the US against the EU and Britian

This is going according to the script from Moscow.
Hardly, it is the US leading and the Europeans following because there is not choice.
What grounds go we have to force our allies to impose new sanctions on Iran?

Because Trump says so?

This is a test of Trumps leadership. Let’s see how it works out
You're dreaming again, You've got to work harder to try to tell the difference between fantasy and real life. Nobody is trying to tell our "allies" to impose sanctions.

If the US imposes sanctions and nobody else does
What does that accomplish?
It destroys the Iranian economy. Germany is saying at this point that it will stay in JCPOA, meaning it will not impose sanctions, but any German company that violates US sanctions will lose access to US markets, which will cost them more than they will ear from doing business with Iran, so these companies will respect US sanctions even if their governments do not.

So Iran abides by the terms of the stated by Mattis...and we still sanction them....cause a Man who claims he is really smart and has not read the agreement....says so.

What a dunce....
No, don't call yourself a dunce just because you find all this so confusing.
We’re the number one consumer in the world. Our sanctions carry weight. If we threaten to sanction any company that does Buisness with Iran, then that will isolate Iran

No it will not. These companies have locations in the US. They can close shop and take jobs away. They can decide to do more business in China, they do not have to listen to crazy coming from of so called US leadership.
US companies that violate the sanctions will face heavy fines. The same is true of US subsidiaries of foreign companies. US offices of foreign companies that violate sanctions will be closed. If you violate US sanctions, you simply will not be able to do business in America.
I doubt if we can enforce that broad a sanction

What if the US punishes them and Russia, China, Germany, France, UK and EU rewards them with more business

The US economy is not alone
I assume a country, France for example, tries to get the best value for taxpayer euros it spends, so you are suggesting France would be willing to switch to a second of third choice and get less value for the Euros it spends just to spite the US?
More likely, France will say Fuck Trump and buy from whom they like
lol The French buy from whom they like now.
What grounds go we have to force our allies to impose new sanctions on Iran?

Because Trump says so?

This is a test of Trumps leadership. Let’s see how it works out
You're dreaming again, You've got to work harder to try to tell the difference between fantasy and real life. Nobody is trying to tell our "allies" to impose sanctions.

If the US imposes sanctions and nobody else does
What does that accomplish?
It destroys the Iranian economy. Germany is saying at this point that it will stay in JCPOA, meaning it will not impose sanctions, but any German company that violates US sanctions will lose access to US markets, which will cost them more than they will ear from doing business with Iran, so these companies will respect US sanctions even if their governments do not.

So Iran abides by the terms of the stated by Mattis...and we still sanction them....cause a Man who claims he is really smart and has not read the agreement....says so.

What a dunce....
If it has Obama’s name on it

It must be bad
That's actually a pretty reliable guide.
No it will not. These companies have locations in the US. They can close shop and take jobs away. They can decide to do more business in China, they do not have to listen to crazy coming from of so called US leadership.
US companies that violate the sanctions will face heavy fines. The same is true of US subsidiaries of foreign companies. US offices of foreign companies that violate sanctions will be closed. If you violate US sanctions, you simply will not be able to do business in America.
I doubt if we can enforce that broad a sanction

What if the US punishes them and Russia, China, Germany, France, UK and EU rewards them with more business

The US economy is not alone
I assume a country, France for example, tries to get the best value for taxpayer euros it spends, so you are suggesting France would be willing to switch to a second of third choice and get less value for the Euros it spends just to spite the US?
More likely, France will say Fuck Trump and buy from whom they like

This guy trump will only be happy when we are isolated and have double digit inflation.
lol Truth be told that's what would make you happy. What would make you unhappy would be the US being successful in denuclearizing Iran and NK while Trump is President.
US companies that violate the sanctions will face heavy fines. The same is true of US subsidiaries of foreign companies. US offices of foreign companies that violate sanctions will be closed. If you violate US sanctions, you simply will not be able to do business in America.
I doubt if we can enforce that broad a sanction

What if the US punishes them and Russia, China, Germany, France, UK and EU rewards them with more business

The US economy is not alone
I assume a country, France for example, tries to get the best value for taxpayer euros it spends, so you are suggesting France would be willing to switch to a second of third choice and get less value for the Euros it spends just to spite the US?
More likely, France will say Fuck Trump and buy from whom they like

This guy trump will only be happy when we are isolated and have double digit inflation.
lol Truth be told that's what would make you happy. What would make you unhappy would be the US being successful in denuclearizing Iran and NK while Trump is President.

Are you eight years old?
No it will not. These companies have locations in the US. They can close shop and take jobs away. They can decide to do more business in China, they do not have to listen to crazy coming from of so called US leadership.
US companies that violate the sanctions will face heavy fines. The same is true of US subsidiaries of foreign companies. US offices of foreign companies that violate sanctions will be closed. If you violate US sanctions, you simply will not be able to do business in America.
I doubt if we can enforce that broad a sanction

What if the US punishes them and Russia, China, Germany, France, UK and EU rewards them with more business

The US economy is not alone
I assume a country, France for example, tries to get the best value for taxpayer euros it spends, so you are suggesting France would be willing to switch to a second of third choice and get less value for the Euros it spends just to spite the US?
More likely, France will say Fuck Trump and buy from whom they like

This guy trump will only be happy when we are isolated and have double digit inflation.
That is a best case scenario
US companies that violate the sanctions will face heavy fines. The same is true of US subsidiaries of foreign companies. US offices of foreign companies that violate sanctions will be closed. If you violate US sanctions, you simply will not be able to do business in America.
I doubt if we can enforce that broad a sanction

What if the US punishes them and Russia, China, Germany, France, UK and EU rewards them with more business

The US economy is not alone
I assume a country, France for example, tries to get the best value for taxpayer euros it spends, so you are suggesting France would be willing to switch to a second of third choice and get less value for the Euros it spends just to spite the US?
More likely, France will say Fuck Trump and buy from whom they like

This guy trump will only be happy when we are isolated and have double digit inflation.
lol Truth be told that's what would make you happy. What would make you unhappy would be the US being successful in denuclearizing Iran and NK while Trump is President.
Iran was already denuclearized before Trump fucked it up

North Korea will teach Trump a lesson in not trusting North Korea
I doubt if we can enforce that broad a sanction

What if the US punishes them and Russia, China, Germany, France, UK and EU rewards them with more business

The US economy is not alone
I assume a country, France for example, tries to get the best value for taxpayer euros it spends, so you are suggesting France would be willing to switch to a second of third choice and get less value for the Euros it spends just to spite the US?
More likely, France will say Fuck Trump and buy from whom they like

This guy trump will only be happy when we are isolated and have double digit inflation.
lol Truth be told that's what would make you happy. What would make you unhappy would be the US being successful in denuclearizing Iran and NK while Trump is President.
Iran was already denuclearized before Trump fucked it up

North Korea will teach Trump a lesson in not trusting North Korea

Iran said they’re not not going to restart their nuclear program. So why trust them before and not now?

You mean like they did to Clinton and obozo?

Raman Ghavami @Raman_Ghavami

H.J.Ansari Zarif’s senior advisor: “If Europeans stop trading with Iran and don’t put pressure on US then we will reveal which western politicians and how much money they had received during nuclear negotiations to make #IranDeal happen.”
That would be interesting.#JCPOA

2:16 PM - May 8, 2018
Angry Iran threatens to expose Western officials who took bribes to make nuke deal happen
Wish they would do same with US politicians.....people be damned politicians gotta get rich and if that means their country men suffer....oh well
I doubt if we can enforce that broad a sanction

What if the US punishes them and Russia, China, Germany, France, UK and EU rewards them with more business

The US economy is not alone
I assume a country, France for example, tries to get the best value for taxpayer euros it spends, so you are suggesting France would be willing to switch to a second of third choice and get less value for the Euros it spends just to spite the US?
More likely, France will say Fuck Trump and buy from whom they like

This guy trump will only be happy when we are isolated and have double digit inflation.
lol Truth be told that's what would make you happy. What would make you unhappy would be the US being successful in denuclearizing Iran and NK while Trump is President.

Are you eight years old?
lol Is that as high as you can count?
any country that helps the Iranians should pay the price. We won’t allow Iran to get nukes. This isn’t a negotiation
Then you have to sanction Trump dum dum. Even Trump says the Iranians were abiding by the treaty. Now, because of Trump, they don't have to.
Bolton says 'it's possible' US will sanction European companies working with Iran - CNNPolitics

Cause sanctioning our long time allies makes the orange king happy....If Iran continues to abide by the even Mattis has admitted....why would our allies be punished?

This country is no longer a world leader....

Sanctioning our NATO allies.

Putin must be dancing the Hamster dance every morning when he wakes up.

Yup...he and his orange King's plan is working great. We will be declaring war on England any day now.

They truly did.
Imagine if the US starts sanctions with Europe. Who do we sell to then? New Zealand? Argentina? Who?

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