Bolton threatens Iran.

Who's more of a war criminal Bolton or Iran?

  • Bolton

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Iran

    Votes: 5 62.5%

  • Total voters
How do you figure that one?

Because Iran is the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world.

The U.S.A in wars has killed 15 - 30 million since WW2, and how about Iran?
I hope Trump has your IP address.

Are you suggesting the FBI and Trump Admin should monitor us, everyone?
Mossad has your IP address.

I don't care, Mossad may of taken the twin towers down but as long as I have free speech I'm going to use it before Trump takes it away.
Because Iran is the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world.

The U.S.A in wars has killed 15 - 30 million since WW2, and how about Iran?
I hope Trump has your IP address.

Are you suggesting the FBI and Trump Admin should monitor us, everyone?
Mossad has your IP address.

I don't care, Mossad may of taken the twin towers down but as long as I have free speech I'm going to use it before Trump takes it away.
Like I said, to be a leftist requires mental illness.
Because Iran is the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world.

The U.S.A in wars has killed 15 - 30 million since WW2, and how about Iran?
I hope Trump has your IP address.

Are you suggesting the FBI and Trump Admin should monitor us, everyone?
Mossad has your IP address.

Classic confused small government Republican, for small government when it comes to saving Americans from dying from poverty, or dying from lack of healthcare, but then supports massive government when it comes to the most harmful aspects like monitoring free speech, pro-War, or for massive military power.

No wonder why not just Democrats, but most of the World thinks of Republicans as delusional, and retarded.
You really do miss the USSR
see the difference , according to the lefties the assembled world supposedly laughs at the TRUMP just yesterday . Go one day forward and TRUMP tells the world that he MIGHT kick their azzes starting with 'iran' .
The Left can’t keep their delusional stories straight.
Shot across the bow....but when Iran shouts death to America it's crickets from the left....why?
Because the left wants to see America go the way of the Dodo bird,

Real Right-Wingers aren't particularly thrilled with the U.S.A, either.

Considering the U.S.A is the #1 most diverse, and multicultural of the White nations, and the U.S.A has a lot of abortion, Gay marriage, and all other kind of junk.

Then there's the U.S.A being the center of the Liberal, and degenerate World's film industry, called Hollywood.

Don't get me started on how the U.S.A melting pot, starts causing everybody's heritage to disappear, in favor of the American banner of Capitalist junk like Walmart, McDonald's, Papa John's, Home Depot etc. etc.
All of those points are Liberal Democrat's shortcomings.
The U.S.A in wars has killed 15 - 30 million since WW2, and how about Iran?
I hope Trump has your IP address.

Are you suggesting the FBI and Trump Admin should monitor us, everyone?
Mossad has your IP address.

Classic confused small government Republican, for small government when it comes to saving Americans from dying from poverty, or dying from lack of healthcare, but then supports massive government when it comes to the most harmful aspects like monitoring free speech, pro-War, or for massive military power.

No wonder why not just Democrats, but most of the World thinks of Republicans as delusional, and retarded.
You really do miss the USSR

The Soviet Union not only had almost no immigrant issues, it solved diversity in Poland by shipping Germans, and Ukrianians out of Polish soil to prevent Balkanized conflict.

Capitalism might be richer, but socially they're far-Left, Liberal kooks even compared to Soviets.

Fascism is the only real answer, especially Polish Fascist Roman Dmowski.

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