Bombshell Alert: More Lies Debunked in the Fake Hunter Biden Fabricated Scandal

It might be a good habit for you to start forming. Prior to throwing up something on a message board, do your own research and don't depend on your beloved far-left and legacy media to tell you what to think. Just sayin'.

It might be a good habit for you to start forming. Prior to throwing up something on a message board, do your own research and don't depend on your beloved far-left and legacy media to tell you what to think. Just sayin'.

Markle the paid shills from China and the dnc are in desperation mode trying to laugh off facts after you exposed the d Biden Demonrats connections to China.
It might be a good habit for you to start forming. Prior to throwing up something on a message board, do your own research and don't depend on your beloved far-left and legacy media to tell you what to think. Just sayin'.


Here is your problem.
None of those names are actually "Joe" or anyone in the US Government.

Is this whole thing the most massive corruption act in the history of the US.?

Will any Democrats go to jail?
Probably not.

It's business as usual in the Democrat Party.
Why is Biden too old but Trump is not?

Trump is too old also. Let's set an upper age limit of 62 trips around the Sun to be eligible to run for US Representative, Senator or President. This would totally eliminate the Dianne Feinstein dilemma where an old crone has no idea what she's voting into law.
Trump is too old also. Let's set an upper age limit of 62 trips around the Sun to be eligible to run for US Representative, Senator or President. This would totally eliminate the Dianne Feinstein dilemma where an old crone has no idea what she's voting into law.
While I agree that there should be a cut off because elected officials obviously don't have the good sense to step away voluntarily, 62 is not too old for most people. More like 75, those guys enjoyed good health insurance for most of their lives and are in pretty good shape. I actually admire Fetterman for getting treatment for his depression and taking good care of himself.
While I agree that there should be a cut off because elected officials obviously don't have the good sense to step away voluntarily, 62 is not too old for most people. More like 75, those guys enjoyed good health insurance for most of their lives and are in pretty good shape. I actually admire Fetterman for getting treatment for his depression and taking good care of himself.

Fetterman is a good case in point. He was elected when the electorate knew he was pretty much a brain addled moron. And now were supposed to go out and re-elect Biden? I think not.
Fetterman is a good case in point. He was elected when the electorate knew he was pretty much a brain addled moron. And now were supposed to go out and re-elect Biden? I think not.
Not you. We don't want the likes of you in the party
More projection from the pathetic whining pussy, STD Clap. I hope you’re hungry. Word has it Potato completely filled his Depends today.
POTUS Biden already dropped a deuce in Trump's lap when he appointed Garland as AG who appointed Jack Smith as SC who is rattling Trump's cage like there's no tomorrow, assclown.
Bombshell Alert

US attorney David Weiss (a Trump appointee) has destroyed 2 key lies in the fake and fabricated Hunter Biden investigation.
1) He was never refuse authority to bring Charges against Hunter Biden (there was no evidence of a crime)
2) He never requested a Special Council

There you have it. The fake Hunter Biden corruption scandal, up in smoke. More GOP lies, like Hunters paying Joe rent and all the other lies.
Charges were not filed against Hunter, because there is no evidence of any crimes at all.

The Biden Crime family fake scandal has been fully destroyed, like we knew it would be. There is no evidence of any crimes or any scandals at all. Republicans just made it up, like always. Sorry, but democrats don't commit crimes or scandals.

I'm not aware that any Republam said either of those two things, moron.
Doing coke with prostitutes is not in question.

Fabricated bull shit lies about corruption are, and the lies are being destroyed, like all GOP lies.
There is no evidence of corruption at all, the lies have been debunked, like always.
What about the 250 SARs? The 1023 forms?
No. He dropped a load in his Depends. Chow down, ya bitch.
Nah, just enjoying your angst over the Trump indictments with more coming. Do ya think your boy will ever change his ways & become a model citizen instead of a serial criminal? Or is he beyond hope? In the meantime::fu:
I think you’re terminally stupid.

What a waste of oxygen you are. :fu:
I'm not the one facing multiple criminal indictments. But your boy is. So, who's stupid?

Do you usually back serial criminals fpr public office, you asswipe?
I'm not the one facing multiple criminal indictments. But your boy is. So, who's stupid?

You are. Terminally. Thanks for asking. 👍
Do you usually back serial criminals fpr public office,
His criminal record is clean. No entry at all. Certainly not “serial” as you falsely claim.

I wonder how often you’ve been convicted, though.

Hey, people have suggested that Pedo Pete (a/k/a President Potato) has been engaged in a series of crimes, too. I don’t suppose it bothers you to vote for him.
Bombshell Alert

US attorney David Weiss (a Trump appointee) has destroyed 2 key lies in the fake and fabricated Hunter Biden investigation.
1) He was never refuse authority to bring Charges against Hunter Biden (there was no evidence of a crime)
2) He never requested a Special Council

There you have it. The fake Hunter Biden corruption scandal, up in smoke. More GOP lies, like Hunters paying Joe rent and all the other lies.
Charges were not filed against Hunter, because there is no evidence of any crimes at all.

The Biden Crime family fake scandal has been fully destroyed, like we knew it would be. There is no evidence of any crimes or any scandals at all. Republicans just made it up, like always. Sorry, but democrats don't commit crimes or scandals.

That is ridiculous.
When a VP publicly announces that the Inspector General of a country has to be fired or else he will cut off foreign aid, that clearly is a crime that should have been investigated, but never was.
The fact Hunter was never investigated, does NOT at all, in any way, indicate there was no crime.
It does the opposite, and proves there was more crimes than we can count.
You are. Terminally. Thanks for asking. 👍

His criminal record is clean. No entry at all. Certainly not “serial” as you falsely claim.

I wonder how often you’ve been convicted, though.

Hey, people have suggested that Pedo Pete (a/k/a President Potato) has been engaged in a series of crimes, too. I don’t suppose it bothers you to vote for him.
Biden has been engaged in a series of crimes? How so, & you can leave out the bullshit that's been spoonfed to you by your keepers.

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