Bombshell Alert: More Lies Debunked in the Fake Hunter Biden Fabricated Scandal

It is more fact than argument. You have not seen lawyers disbarred? Intimidation is the number one priority. And since when hasn't money talked? You can plainly see the crap that is our government. You need to stop lying to yourself and everyone else.
So this Trump appointed US Attorney has been paid off and is lying, because he told the truth !!!

No wonder you people are failures in life, you are stupid, dumb fucks.
You people try to blame democrats and politicians for all your failure and misery in your pathetic lives, but really its because you are stupid.
Explain how a letter from the Trump appointed US Attorney is lies and disinformation??

You just don't like the facts the letter states, so you pretend it doesn't exist and continue on living a lie.
I do not believe the story. It is the narrative which is never fact based. People know when it is bullshit.
I don't have to there are plenty of Trump voters in Florida... you tards picked the wrong state to do your fascist tyrannical dictatorship dirty tricks in....

First off, you don't just get to pick a state to be prosecuted in. If that were the case nobody would get the death penalty. Trump crimed in Florida, so Florida it is.

I really believe that Trump banks on a juror to deliver a mistrial. It's risky but just about all he's got to work with at this point.
First off, you don't just get to pick a state to be prosecuted in. If that were the case nobody would get the death penalty. Trump crimed in Florida, so Florida it is.

I really believe that Trump banks on a juror to deliver a mistrial. It's risky but just about all he's got to work with at this point.

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Bombshell Alert

US attorney David Weiss (a Trump appointee) has destroyed 2 key lies in the fake and fabricated Hunter Biden investigation.
1) He was never refuse authority to bring Charges against Hunter Biden (there was no evidence of a crime)
2) He never requested a Special Council

There you have it. The fake Hunter Biden corruption scandal, up in smoke. More GOP lies, like Hunters paying Joe rent and all the other lies.
Charges were not filed against Hunter, because there is no evidence of any crimes at all.

The Biden Crime family fake scandal has been fully destroyed, like we knew it would be. There is no evidence of any crimes or any scandals at all. Republicans just made it up, like always. Sorry, but democrats don't commit crimes or scandals.


A Deep Swamp toadie saying the Deep Swamp didn't behave improperly?

I'm convinced!

Those are the crimes we all agreed occurred.

Those are not the crimes that the right wing has been fantasizing about which is why they’re outraged and working so hard to create a hoax about prosecutors being corrupt.
Ah glad you agree...I could of sworn you and the OP claimed there was no evidence of crimes
I'd be surprised if Biden is still able change his own underwear after a bathroom accident if he gets reelected in 2024. C'mon people you know he's too old. What's so bad about his number two Kamala you think?
Why is Biden too old but Trump is not?
Ah glad you agree...I could of sworn you and the OP claimed there was no evidence of crimes
I did not claim there was no evidence of crimes.

But clearly the conservative right is upset about not getting the indictment they wanted. Denying this would be willful ignorance.
First off, you don't just get to pick a state to be prosecuted in. If that were the case nobody would get the death penalty. Trump crimed in Florida, so Florida it is.

I really believe that Trump banks on a juror to deliver a mistrial. It's risky but just about all he's got to work with at this point.
The federal prosecutor filed in Florida and he got a Trump appointed judge... and no way will she allow this trial to begin pre 2024 election.... she will allow Trump to delay and postpone.....
You're listening right now retard.

The evidence against Trump is rock solid and overwhelming.

The evidence against Hunter and Joe is non-extistent and fake or fabricated. There is no credible evidence, just like no evidence of election fraud.

You people believe any lie they feed you

Comic Relief.
I'm still waiting for you to hold the GOP accountable.

I'm still waiting for you to admit Trump and Bush ramped up the deficit every year of their presidencies.

Can you admit the whistleblower is lying and the reason Hunter was not charged was because there is no evidence to warrant a charge??
Can you admit that??
if i say both parties are that not holding the GOP and your shitty party accountable?...if i say all the presidents this century are a bunch of sub-par incompetent idiots is that not saying they all were shit presidents?.....and im sorry i dont believe anything they tell us about hunter because they are protecting bidens of course buy anything they tell you....for instance,they know dam well who put that coke in the WH ...why are they not telling us?....
yea nice try

A letter from the Trump appointed US Attorney proving the lying whistleblower is lying again is Bull shit??

Please explain...
Explain this????
Explain why that same attorney attempted to bring charges on Crackhead Hunter in 2 different states and was denied both times moron. The whistleblower is legitimate. Hence why Garland is now trying to have him arrested. Explain that.

The statute was extended to Nov. 2022 by agreement.

On Oct. 7 2022 there was a meeting of SENIOR supervisors from every agency involved. At that meeting Weiss said he didn't have final charging authority.

Shapley was asked to memorialize it that day by his SAC.

He did so and his SAC who was present said the email was accurate.

The FBI and DOJ Tax were there too.

No one has contradicted Shapley. Nothing was filed prior to the statute expiring on the 2014 and 2015 felonies that had been approved by DOJ Tax in Feb. 2022.

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