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*BOMBSHELL* donor scandal about to break wide open with NEW:

Are you really this stupid? Or just this partisan? Who Proved he wasn't involved? Oh yeah, His own Justice Department which he runs.


I believe he's saying YOU'RE that stupid and that partisan. Hope that helps. :cool:
You believed Nixon, too, right?

And I KNOW you believed Clinton when he said he "didn't have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky".

I know I don't believe Romney when he says he has a plan to lower the debt.
Eric Holder?

The same Eric Holder you folks have been accusing of being involved in a giant conspiracy concerning Fast and Furious, only to have him proven to have been completely uninvolved?

Yeah, you're going to have to better than that.

Are you really this stupid? Or just this partisan? Who Proved he wasn't involved? Oh yeah, His own Justice Department which he runs.

I'm sure VLWC believed Nixon when he said he wasn't a crook.

Nixon denied something of which he had not been accused.

You can't point to him stealing anything, either, you twit.
I don't think this can be ignored. There is substancial proof that Obama receives most of his donations outside of this country through UNTRACEABLE sources.

Untraceable? Then how do you know they're from foreign sources? You'd be so funny, if you weren't so darn sad.

Are you REALLY that ignorant Konny? Or is something else at work underlying that dopey post of yours?

It's not possible in your pinhead universe to BOTH know that the money coming in is from some foreigners but not know how to trace the precise sources of those donations?

Ever hear of bundling, you dildo?

Sure, it's what's ruining American politics. Support public financing of elections.
Eric Holder?

The same Eric Holder you folks have been accusing of being involved in a giant conspiracy concerning Fast and Furious, only to have him proven to have been completely uninvolved?

Yeah, you're going to have to better than that.

Are you really this stupid? Or just this partisan? Who Proved he wasn't involved? Oh yeah, His own Justice Department which he runs.

I'm sure VLWC believed Nixon when he said he wasn't a crook.

You know...it's very interesting you bring up Nixon....his own AG...John Mitchell...was found GUILTY of helping with the cover up. Isn't it odd that being AG didn't protect him like you think it does Holder. Seems to me, those accusing the Justice Dept itself of not doing its job owes them an apology.
Untraceable? Then how do you know they're from foreign sources? You'd be so funny, if you weren't so darn sad.

Are you REALLY that ignorant Konny? Or is something else at work underlying that dopey post of yours?

It's not possible in your pinhead universe to BOTH know that the money coming in is from some foreigners but not know how to trace the precise sources of those donations?

Ever hear of bundling, you dildo?

Sure, it's what's ruining American politics. Support public financing of elections.

Deftly avoiding the point.

And no. I oppose public financing of Elections.

Reasonable people do -- and should -- oppose that crap.
When you have HOLDER deciding what gets prosecuted or not why does this surprise you. They used executive order to get out of Fast And Furious

Please......don't embarrass yourself

It was not Holder in charge of the Fast and Furious investigation. What happened to Issas Congressional investigation?

Why did it fizzle. Executive Order

Yup. You don't enact the EP without a very good reason.

Like covering your buddy Holders ass??

The really sad thing is that no one will be held accountable for the death of a Border Patrol Agent. He'll just be a forgotten statistic just like the Ambassador to Libya and the three that died with him.
You left out a few I remember:

7) Mustard-gate
8) Beer-gate
9) Feet on Oval Office desk-gate
10) Terrorist fist bump-gate
11) Ignoring Israel-gate
12) Golf-gate
13) $200 million a day vacation in India-gate
I love it when you help. You're polite... but darlin', none of what you posted was illegal. What I posted was.

I'd say the only way hussein needs to worry is if republicans hold the house, take back the senate and put Romney in the White House. Then obama might start to worry, because the free ride of utter impunity he's getting from his lap dog Holder will be over.

Even if that happens we would never prosecute a former President. would send a Terrible message about the State of American Politics, and would always on the surface appear to be Revenge by the Incoming party against the out going one.

That is why the Dems dropped all talk of any Charges or anything against Bush as soon as he was out of office, and the same would happen in this case.

Mark my words.
The situation is not entirely the same. George Bush did not spend 8 years blaming everything on bill clinton. There may be more incentive to investigate
Please......don't embarrass yourself

It was not Holder in charge of the Fast and Furious investigation. What happened to Issas Congressional investigation?

Why did it fizzle. Executive Order

Yup. You don't enact the EP without a very good reason.

Like covering your buddy Holders ass??

The really sad thing is that no one will be held accountable for the death of a Border Patrol Agent. He'll just be a forgotten statistic just like the Ambassador to Libya and the three that died with him.

What happened to "Guns don't kill people....people kill people"?
Why did it fizzle. Executive Order

Yup. You don't enact the EP without a very good reason.

Like covering your buddy Holders ass??

The really sad thing is that no one will be held accountable for the death of a Border Patrol Agent. He'll just be a forgotten statistic just like the Ambassador to Libya and the three that died with him.

What happened to "Guns don't kill people....people kill people"?

Unarmed people do not kill people with guns.

There are millions of people out there that want to kill, you, me, border patrol agents and ambassadors. If they are dedicated to their cause, they will likely find a way, but it is just plain stupid to provide our enemies with the means to kill us, especially when the motivation is that, with the mayhem caused, it will be easier to enact legislation to restrict law abiding citizens first amendment rights.
I have no problem keeping guns away from violent felons and the insane. Enforce THOSE laws. I have 20 guns in a cabinet 4 feet behind me. I have never used one of them to kill a person. Had I, it would be reasonable to take my guns to prevent another incident.
Fast and furious intentionally put guns in the hands of violent people in violation of US law.
On the other hand, putting guns into the hands of violent predatory killer scumbag criminals IS likely to have a kind of deleterious impact on the ability of some people to

Remember: His Lord Obama can do no wrong.

You're asking the guy to admit his deity is not perfect. Never gonna happen, guy.

Dude, you people make EVERYTHING into a conspiracy theory. And by everything I mean everything.

When Obama takes a shit, you people theorize as to why he took so long in there, and pretend that it's a threat to national security.

And then you claim that the left deifies Obama because they argue against your crazy-assed, black-helicopter BS.

Give it up man. Obama is a US citizen, he's not a Muslim, he's not trying to destroy capitalism, he's didn't have cocaine laden sex with that guy from Texas, Bin Laden is really dead... Etc, etc, etc.

When you throw out literally HUNDREDS of conspiracy theories, at some point it just becomes utterly ridiculous.
On the other hand, putting guns into the hands of violent predatory killer scumbag criminals IS likely to have a kind of deleterious impact on the ability of some people to



Price we pay for having a second amendment
Remember: His Lord Obama can do no wrong.

You're asking the guy to admit his deity is not perfect. Never gonna happen, guy.

Dude, you people make EVERYTHING into a conspiracy theory. And by everything I mean everything.

When Obama takes a shit, you people theorize as to why he took so long in there, and pretend that it's a threat to national security.

And then you claim that the left deifies Obama because they argue against your crazy-assed, black-helicopter BS.

Give it up man. Obama is a US citizen, he's not a Muslim, he's not trying to destroy capitalism, he's didn't have cocaine laden sex with that guy from Texas, Bin Laden is really dead... Etc, etc, etc.

When you throw out literally HUNDREDS of conspiracy theories, at some point it just becomes utterly ridiculous.


SOME people make everything into a conspiracy theory.

Others simply note an occasional bit of evidence that suggests that The ONE is a lying piece of shit.

THIS piece suggests that there may very well be some highly suspicious behavior by Team Obama. Sadly, the included hyperlinks lead to web-sites which my firewall is blocking (warning!) intently.

So, I am gonna have to check sources by other means.
On the other hand, putting guns into the hands of violent predatory killer scumbag criminals IS likely to have a kind of deleterious impact on the ability of some people to



Price we pay for having a second amendment

Mexican gangs don't have a Second Amendment;

and even WITH a Second Amendment there are still laws that govern the sale and distribution of guns.

But thanks anyway for your vapid contribution of stupid, meaningless lib-fluff.
Epic Fail. The Justice Department was in effect investigating it's self. We all know if the rolls were reversed you would rightly doubt any Investigation conducted by an administration on it's self.

The Congressional Investigation was Stone Walled with Executive Privilege and you are fully aware of it. And again if the rolls were reversed you would be screaming that the Use of Executive Privilege is tantamount to proof of wrong doing on some level.

You blind Partisan hacks are pathetic.


The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) in the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is a statutorily created independent entity whose mission is to detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct in DOJ programs and personnel, and to promote economy and efficiency in those programs.

They're the internal affairs department of the DOJ. They are held accountable in their investigation by no-one. And no-one in Congress contradicts their findings in this case.

Just wing-nuts like you do that.
Are you really this stupid? Or just this partisan? Who Proved he wasn't involved? Oh yeah, His own Justice Department which he runs.


The inspector general cleared him.

But perhaps you're just too damn stupid to understand what the inspector general does.
I'm sure VLWC believed Nixon when he said he wasn't a crook.

Nixon was in fact a crook.

However, what he did wasn't half as bad as Iran-Contra.

Though I imagine that, in your mind, since Reagan was President, it was Reagan that cleared Reagan, right?
From the Daily Caller:

Claim: Obama campaign illegally solicited foreign donors via social media website | The Daily Caller

President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign has been soliciting foreigners for donations, an explosive report from the conservative Government Accountability Institute (GAI) shows. Those foreign donors are allegedly visiting the Obama campaign’s donation solicitation Web pages through a social media website the campaign controls, and through an outside website that serves mostly Internet users from outside the United States.

This man is going to prison..

He should be going to prison. But his apologists and the race-baiters will do everything they can to prevent that.
It's objection to Obama's political agenda of pandering to the liberal socialistic
use of govt while also pulling the same favoritism toward corporate financiers
that all politicians do using the given system of getting elected this way.

People who object to Bush and corporate powermongers as "abuse of white privilege"
are also opposing the bullying by CLASS but blaming it on Race as a cultural identity factor.

It's not really the race of the person, it's the CLASS they are taken to represent.

Bush represented to opponents the abuse of upper class influence in govt to pander to corporations like oil companies he and his family were associated with.

Obama represents pandering both to corporate financiers doing this same thing from the left, but also exploiting the lower classes for their votes by claiming to represent them.

So that is seen as worse, because it is doubly dishonest and damaging.

Note: I believe Obama's policy of teaching dependence on govt (instead of promoting local governance and responsibility) is more dangerous and damaging, but we may still end up with 8 years of Obama to balance having 8 years of Bush. Since all this is part of the learning curve in society and politics, we may suffer equal backlash until we learn our lessons and work together to succeed, instead of competing to make others wrong or fail.
It seems both right and left are taking turns punishing and blaming the other, until it becomes clear this does not solve problems but perpetuates endless denial and backlash.

See, but while you have good points, you're speaking from the point of view of someone who attacks his policies, rather than someone who comes up with a new conspiracy theory every day.

Therefore, you can't really speak for these hacks, because you just don't know.

I'll keep my suspicions. I feel they're justified.

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