bonds hit all time low

Only an idiot would invest in bonds in a Trump economy. People are actually making money now that Obama's gone.

No kidding. Who wants to invest in bonds when the economy is cruising. This is your typical govt lover.
The obvious answer is that the economy is not that strong, just 2.0%, and there are signs of further weakening, which increases the value of bonds.

So, some facts: VOO, the ETF that tracks the S&P 500, is up 16.88% YTD, and has volatile and flat overall for the last five months.

TLT, the ETF that tracks 20+ year Treasuries, is up 21.21% YTD and is increasing, because markets see the weakness, too.

So, a person is not an "idiot" or a "typical govt lover" if they are investing in bonds right now.
Only an idiot would invest in bonds in a Trump economy. People are actually making money now that Obama's gone.

No kidding. Who wants to invest in bonds when the economy is cruising. This is your typical govt lover.
The obvious answer is that the economy is not that strong, just 2.0%, and there are signs of further weakening, which increases the value of bonds.

So, some facts: VOO, the ETF that tracks the S&P 500, is up 16.88% YTD, and has volatile and flat overall for the last five months.

TLT, the ETF that tracks 20+ year Treasuries, is up 21.21% YTD and is increasing, because markets see the weakness, too.

So, a person is not a "typical govt lover" if they are investing in bonds.

I never invest in govt bonds or the stock market. I never have trusted either. I like to build my own companies and then sell them.
Only an idiot would invest in bonds in a Trump economy. People are actually making money now that Obama's gone.

No kidding. Who wants to invest in bonds when the economy is cruising. This is your typical govt lover.
The obvious answer is that the economy is not that strong, just 2.0%, and there are signs of further weakening, which increases the value of bonds.

So, some facts: VOO, the ETF that tracks the S&P 500, is up 16.88% YTD, and has volatile and flat overall for the last five months.

TLT, the ETF that tracks 20+ year Treasuries, is up 21.21% YTD and is increasing, because markets see the weakness, too.

So, a person is not a "typical govt lover" if they are investing in bonds.

I never invest in govt bonds or the stock market. I never have trusted either. I like to build my own companies and then sell them.
My point remains.
Only an idiot would invest in bonds in a Trump economy. People are actually making money now that Obama's gone.

No kidding. Who wants to invest in bonds when the economy is cruising. This is your typical govt lover.
The obvious answer is that the economy is not that strong, just 2.0%, and there are signs of further weakening, which increases the value of bonds.

So, some facts: VOO, the ETF that tracks the S&P 500, is up 16.88% YTD, and has volatile and flat overall for the last five months.

TLT, the ETF that tracks 20+ year Treasuries, is up 21.21% YTD and is increasing, because markets see the weakness, too.

So, a person is not a "typical govt lover" if they are investing in bonds.

I never invest in govt bonds or the stock market. I never have trusted either. I like to build my own companies and then sell them.
My point remains.

I don't disagree. Watch this next crash. It'll be the one that ends currency and causes a reset for a digital global mark.
Nice and biased of you to give Obozo a lot more days than Trump. Let's double Trump to the same amount of days. That puts him at around 20% return. Almost double Obozo's. Oops. Before you cry, going the opposite way would also lower Obozo's number. Oops again.
Obviously you don't know what "annualized" means.

I guess they don't cover that in TrumpWorld.

Oops, indeed.

Guess they don't cover simple numbers in LibtardLand. You make a false claim by giving Obozo over double the amount of time you give Trump. So of course Obozo looks better. Obviously you didn't make it out of first grade and simple numbers. Oops.
Holy crap. You're doubling down on your ignorance.

First, I didn't "give" anyone "time". Those are DAYS ACTUALLY SPENT IN OFFICE.


Third, I annualized it so that THE DAYS IN OFFICE DON'T MATTER.

Fourth, I provided LINKS to all RESOURCES and PRECISE FIGURES.


You are the only one saying these stupid things because EVERYONE ELSE GETS IT.

Jesus. Your combination of arrogance and ignorance is funny, but a little disturbing.

Hey ignorant twat. Days in office DO matter. You are giving Obozo an unfair advantage of giving him over TWICE AS MUCH TIME as Trump has had. You showed your stupidity again. Your level of comprehension must be that of a toddler. Also dumbo, I don't need to show any links because the numbers are RIGHT THERE! Your melting down over this is just funny to watch.
So you just assume the market will now go up until both guys will have been in office for exactly the same amount of time.


This is a great example of why trying to discuss markets and economics with nutters is a waste of time. I'm done with you.

Yes duscussing things with a dishonest hack is a waste of time. Now that you recognize your problem you can begin to seek help.

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