bonds hit all time low

And perhaps we should cut the new spending, put taxes where they were before, and tell the Fed it's ok if they want to stop buying US debt.

Hey by all means cut the Fed a personal check today, pay more in taxes voluntarily, lead by example. No? Yeah we thought not.
We don't pay taxes to the fed, but it in effect is paying for Trumps deficits.
isn't that how they did it for obammy as well, or bush, or clinton, or reagan? how is it different? it's amazing how unintelligent you can show.
Yeah, not a good sign. The bond market can be wrong, but I trust it more than the stock market.

GDP was revised down to 2.0%.

We'll see. Consumer spending is still good, although debt is getting up there. Maybe we'll have a good 3rd quarter GDP number.


and Trump could care less - he NEEDS to hear about the size of his crowds !!!!!!!
they're huge.

:suck: good boy


and Trump could care less - he NEEDS to hear about the size of his crowds !!!!!!!
they're huge.

:suck: good boy
warren, real small, exaggerated small.
Only an idiot would invest in bonds in a Trump economy. People are actually making money now that Obama's gone.
In what way are people actually making money now? Are you talking about market growth?
Oh FFS! Jobs, markets and so on. Bonds are low yield and we finally have a thriving economy. Obama's gone!
I’m checking the growth of those areas versus trump and see no difference. Actually seeing greater growth under Obama in some areas like quarterly GDP, job growth, unemployment... wanna be specific about something and we can examine?
Only an idiot would invest in bonds in a Trump economy. People are actually making money now that Obama's gone.
In what way are people actually making money now? Are you talking about market growth?
Oh FFS! Jobs, markets and so on. Bonds are low yield and we finally have a thriving economy. Obama's gone!
I’m checking the growth of those areas versus trump and see no difference. Actually seeing greater growth under Obama in some areas like quarterly GDP, job growth, unemployment... wanna be specific about something and we can examine?
You can examine peace and prosperity. You can also quit whining, but I suppose that's asking too much from snowflake.

Then why are you concerned about the bond market?

Did you not make money under Obama?

We monitored the downward trends in '08 and got out until the market recovered, then we got back in. We held our ground "under Obama" until the future looked more secure and stable--out from "under Obama". We never try to time the market but we react to well established trends up or down. It's worked well for us.
And perhaps we should cut the new spending, put taxes where they were before, and tell the Fed it's ok if they want to stop buying US debt.

What spending, specifically, would you cut?

How would driving up taxes on business and the public.... thus reducing money in the working economy.... improve the economy? Or prevent a slow down that you imply is coming?

How would having the government stop buying it's own debt.... while still borrowing money... help or harm anything?
In what way are people actually making money now? Are you talking about market growth?

We have five well-diversified accounts and they are all making money. Very happy with them.
That’s wonderful. Did you not make money under Obama? Market has been on similar growth trends for nearly 10 years now

I can say for myself, that the growth rate of my 401k and IRA, have both dramatically increased since Trump has been in office.
Oh so you suddenly care now? Or are you simply cheering on a recession at the expense of hard working, tax paying Americans?


Your concern is false.

fuck a recession, I care about Trumps crowds !!!!!!!!
Oh so you suddenly care now? Or are you simply cheering on a recession at the expense of hard working, tax paying Americans?


Your concern is false.

fuck a recession, I care about Trumps crowds !!!!!!!!

You're a sadist if I ever saw one.
Only an idiot would invest in bonds in a Trump economy. People are actually making money now that Obama's gone.
In what way are people actually making money now? Are you talking about market growth?
Oh FFS! Jobs, markets and so on. Bonds are low yield and we finally have a thriving economy. Obama's gone!
I’m checking the growth of those areas versus trump and see no difference. Actually seeing greater growth under Obama in some areas like quarterly GDP, job growth, unemployment... wanna be specific about something and we can examine?

Oh so you suddenly care now? Or are you simply cheering on a recession at the expense of hard working, tax paying Americans?


Your concern is false.

fuck a recession, I care about Trumps crowds !!!!!!!!

You're a sadist if I ever saw one.
More like a masochist. :abgg2q.jpg:
I can say for myself, that the growth rate of my 401k and IRA, have both dramatically increased since Trump has been in office.
Well, since we're talking about comparing 401Ks, let's do a little number crunching. We'll use the S&P 500 ETF SPY as our proxy for the market:

Barack Obama
Days in office: 2,291
SPY price on first day in office: $92.00
SPY price on last day in office: $227.53
Annualized Return: 11.99%

Donald Trump
Days in office: 964
SPY price on first day in office: $227.53
SPY price at close today: $292.57
Annualized Return: 9.98%

Calculate Duration Between Two Dates – Results
SPDR S&P 500 (SPY) Stock Price, Quote, History & News
Return on Investment (ROI) Calculator
That's because other countries have lowered their rates to 0 and the U.S. is the only place to park money right now. :itsok:


NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury debt yields fell on Wednesday, with 30-year yields setting all-time lows, as fears about a recession and trade tensions between China and the United States stoked unrelenting demand for low-risk government debt.

Inversion is spreading across the U.S. yield curve, where short-dated yields are running above long-dated ones, which has also unsettled investors as yield curve inversion often precedes a recession.
/—-/ Well, Spanky, you can rest easy. The Chinks buckled and said they would negotiate with Trump. All 3 indexes shot up on the news.

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