Bono: “Capitalism takes more people out of poverty than aid”

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Just recently drawing upon his Christian faith (and possibly
the economics influence of Professor Ayittey?), in a speech
at Georgetown University,
Bono altered his economic and political views and declared that only capitalism can end poverty. “Aid is just a stopgap,” he said. “Commerce [and] entrepreneurial capitalism take more people out of poverty than aid. We need Africa to become an economic powerhouse.”
Bono: ?Capitalism takes more people out of poverty than aid? | Peace . Gold . Liberty
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I agree with Bono.
But the capitalism of today has been weakened by a weakening Middle Class due to falling/flat incomes.
The fundamental law of capitalism is that if workers have no money, businesses have no customers. That’s why the extreme, and widening, wealth gap in our economy presents not just a moral challenge, but an economic one, too. In a capitalist system, rising inequality creates a death spiral of falling demand that ultimately takes everyone down.
Low-wage jobs are fast replacing middle-class ones in the U.S. economy. Sixty percent of the jobs lost in the last recession were middle-income, while 59 percent of the new positions during the past two years of recovery were in low-wage industries that continue to expand such as retail, food services, cleaning and health-care support. By 2020, 48 percent of jobs will be in those service sectors.
The Capitalist?s Case for a $15 Minimum Wage - Bloomberg
To detour poverty, to strengthen the middle class and to for the US to participate in the perfect model of capitalism there has be a loosening of the current state of wage growth.
Is this not a better approach than living in a society where poverty is growing along with the usage of taxpayer funded entitlements?
I agree with Bono.
But the capitalism of today has been weakened by a weakening Middle Class due to falling/flat incomes.
The fundamental law of capitalism is that if workers have no money, businesses have no customers. That’s why the extreme, and widening, wealth gap in our economy presents not just a moral challenge, but an economic one, too. In a capitalist system, rising inequality creates a death spiral of falling demand that ultimately takes everyone down.
Low-wage jobs are fast replacing middle-class ones in the U.S. economy. Sixty percent of the jobs lost in the last recession were middle-income, while 59 percent of the new positions during the past two years of recovery were in low-wage industries that continue to expand such as retail, food services, cleaning and health-care support. By 2020, 48 percent of jobs will be in those service sectors.
The Capitalist?s Case for a $15 Minimum Wage - Bloomberg
To detour poverty, to strengthen the middle class and to for the US to participate in the perfect model of capitalism there has be a loosening of the current state of wage growth.
Is this not a better approach than living in a society where poverty is growing along with the usage of taxpayer funded entitlements?
If customers dont have money then businesses dont either.

It is the result of Obama's terrible policies that we have the worst growth in history, not likely to improve. Had he spent his time playing golf instead of dreaming up ways to screw working Americans we would see higher paying jobs.
Capitalism is probably one of the best things humanity ever created. Pure capitalism can be bad but a hybrid system of it works with human nature...Wanting to improve on ones self.
people settle for low wage jobs because they know they will get helped.
low wage jobs are on the rise for 2 reasons China and high taxes.
lower taxes and quit letting china help ruin our economy the manufacturing will come back.
Policies that understand economics = more jobs.

We're competing on the world stage is what we must remember. I'd say start a asteroid mining corporation that would allow for a dozen smaller ones to make parts = the way to go ;) One of many suggestions.
Capitalism is probably one of the best things humanity ever created. Pure capitalism can be bad but a hybrid system of it works with human nature...Wanting to improve on ones self.

Capitalism runs the train. Socialism saves the people the train tries to leave behind.
Capitalism is probably one of the best things humanity ever created. Pure capitalism can be bad but a hybrid system of it works with human nature...Wanting to improve on ones self.

Capitalism runs the train. Socialism saves the people the train tries to leave behind.

You have a point. I believe it is a balance that we must walk to have a strong economy but a fair system for the people.
Capitalism is probably one of the best things humanity ever created. Pure capitalism can be bad but a hybrid system of it works with human nature...Wanting to improve on ones self.

Capitalism runs the train. Socialism saves the people the train tries to leave behind.

Socialism derails the train so everyone is equally poor and miserable.
Next ridiculous metaphor you'd care to foist?
Capitalism is probably one of the best things humanity ever created. Pure capitalism can be bad but a hybrid system of it works with human nature...Wanting to improve on ones self.

Capitalism runs the train. Socialism saves the people the train tries to leave behind.
Capitalism is the train, socialism teaches that you don't need to catch it so you are left behind.
Capitalism is probably one of the best things humanity ever created. Pure capitalism can be bad but a hybrid system of it works with human nature...Wanting to improve on ones self.

Capitalism runs the train. Socialism saves the people the train tries to leave behind.

Socialism derails the train so everyone is equally poor and miserable.
Next ridiculous metaphor you'd care to foist?

Benefits of socialism
1. High working standards for the workers
2. Fairness to the smaller businesses/corporations. No more standard oil or Grand bell telephones.
3. Children aren't abused...Sure something's like office work and helping to clean up are fine. ;)

Like I said we need a system that allows a person to advance but also be treated well.
Capitalism runs the train. Socialism saves the people the train tries to leave behind.

Socialism derails the train so everyone is equally poor and miserable.
Next ridiculous metaphor you'd care to foist?

Benefits of socialism
1. High working standards for the workers
2. Fairness to the smaller businesses/corporations. No more standard oil or Grand bell telephones.
3. Children aren't abused...Sure something's like office work and helping to clean up are fine. ;)

Like I said we need a system that allows a person to advance but also be treated well.
Benefits of socialism:
1. High leisure time for workers since they can't find jobs.
2) Declining standard of living
3) No pesky competition for state-sanctioned businesses
4) Relief from worry over having to make a living.
5) More art! Thanks, Nancy!
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Just recently drawing upon his Christian faith (and possibly
the economics influence of Professor Ayittey?), in a speech
at Georgetown University,
Bono altered his economic and political views and declared that only capitalism can end poverty. “Aid is just a stopgap,” he said. “Commerce [and] entrepreneurial capitalism take more people out of poverty than aid. We need Africa to become an economic powerhouse.”
Bono: ?Capitalism takes more people out of poverty than aid? | Peace . Gold . Liberty

And thus he comes to a conclusion that people have been saying all along. Why are people poor? Is it cos they're lazy? Sometimes. Other times it's because the institution want it so. And that can mean businesses; but since businesses are motivated by profits, they are more likely to pull up people than say the govenment who has no such motivations.
Capitalism runs the train. Socialism saves the people the train tries to leave behind.

Socialism derails the train so everyone is equally poor and miserable.
Next ridiculous metaphor you'd care to foist?

Benefits of socialism
1. High working standards for the workers
2. Fairness to the smaller businesses/corporations. No more standard oil or Grand bell telephones.
3. Children aren't abused...Sure something's like office work and helping to clean up are fine. ;)

Like I said we need a system that allows a person to advance but also be treated well.

you do ma bell was broken up in like the 80's right?
Socialism derails the train so everyone is equally poor and miserable.
Next ridiculous metaphor you'd care to foist?

Benefits of socialism
1. High working standards for the workers
2. Fairness to the smaller businesses/corporations. No more standard oil or Grand bell telephones.
3. Children aren't abused...Sure something's like office work and helping to clean up are fine. ;)

Like I said we need a system that allows a person to advance but also be treated well.

you do ma bell was broken up in like the 80's right?

I mean owning the market within a monopoly.

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