Book of Mormon a bunch of crap?

Same could be said about the Bible.

Is there really better proof supporting the bible over the book of mormon? Doubt it.
Nailed it (for once...), 'rox.

Quoting the bible, koran, or any other Heavenly tome is just childish.
What is childish is making a saint out of Darwin. Read the Bible and you will note the differences between those other books. Read Dawin and you will see he was taking a stab using secular imagination.
Same could be said about the Bible.

Is there really better proof supporting the bible over the book of mormon? Doubt it.

The Holy Spirit testified that both the Bible and Book of Mormon are true. All you have to do is take the challenge
So the bible is true? So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
Did it ever occur to you that Australia was not a Continent until some centuries after the FLOOD? I can find error in the book of Mormon and an attempt to make the book of Mormon sound like a poor rendition the King James Bible. I can find nothing wrong with the Bible.
Same could be said about the Bible.

Is there really better proof supporting the bible over the book of mormon? Doubt it.

The Holy Spirit testified that both the Bible and Book of Mormon are true. All you have to do is take the challenge
So the bible is true? So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
Did it ever occur to you that Australia was not a Continent until some centuries after the FLOOD? I can find error in the book of Mormon and an attempt to make the book of Mormon sound like a poor rendition the King James Bible. I can find nothing wrong with the Bible.
Agree. It's a little weird that the book of Mormon was written in King James English when no one talked that way when it was written. I've heard people pray in King James English and thought....why are they talking that way? Do they think it's more spiritual?
Same could be said about the Bible.

Is there really better proof supporting the bible over the book of mormon? Doubt it.

The Holy Spirit testified that both the Bible and Book of Mormon are true. All you have to do is take the challenge
So the bible is true? So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
Did it ever occur to you that Australia was not a Continent until some centuries after the FLOOD? I can find error in the book of Mormon and an attempt to make the book of Mormon sound like a poor rendition the King James Bible. I can find nothing wrong with the Bible.
Geologic record shows that Australia was attached to the other continents 250 million years ago when there were also dinosaurs. So did the flood happen 250 million years ago and wipe out the dinosaurs?
What is childish is making a saint out of Darwin
We honor Darwin for the hard-earned knowledge he gave us, and nothing else. This isnt like your silly cult, where we would beatify him and pretend he had some magical conduit to magical wizards that divined him this knowledge .
Same could be said about the Bible.

Is there really better proof supporting the bible over the book of mormon? Doubt it.

The Holy Spirit testified that both the Bible and Book of Mormon are true. All you have to do is take the challenge
So the bible is true? So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
Did it ever occur to you that Australia was not a Continent until some centuries after the FLOOD? I can find error in the book of Mormon and an attempt to make the book of Mormon sound like a poor rendition the King James Bible. I can find nothing wrong with the Bible.
Geologic record shows that Australia was attached to the other continents 250 million years ago when there were also dinosaurs. So did the flood happen 250 million years ago and wipe out the dinosaurs?
The issue has always been that such ancient dates are based entirely on the belief that the various minerals and rocks were not created swiftly by the CREATOR. I believe they were created quickly and that these elements were mixed up as a result of the FLOOD. This means that when a fossil is discovered in what appears to be very ancient material, in fact it is eroded and redeposited material reloacated by the FLOOD with the breaking up of the surface of the earth from volcanic, meteoric, and hydraulic events surrounding the FLOOD.

The dinosaurs being usually quite large would in fact be the easiest to find. Any man not killed (possibly obliterated by an asteroid collision) would have made every effort to move to higher ground that was quickly disappearing. It is my contention that when man is discovered around dinosaurs it is overlooked and or considered only the result of a landslide or burial. There is too strong a belief that man could not have lived among the dinosaurs among agnostics. The reality is that in the Bible there is every indication that not only man but animals lived to be very old. Imagine just what a 900 year old chicken or lizard might has looked like. There is no way presently to prove the age of any given dinosaur when it expired. There is though building evidence that the flesh of these animals and DNA could not survive millions of years and this pose an anomaly.
Same could be said about the Bible.

Is there really better proof supporting the bible over the book of mormon? Doubt it.

The Holy Spirit testified that both the Bible and Book of Mormon are true. All you have to do is take the challenge
So the bible is true? So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
Did it ever occur to you that Australia was not a Continent until some centuries after the FLOOD? I can find error in the book of Mormon and an attempt to make the book of Mormon sound like a poor rendition the King James Bible. I can find nothing wrong with the Bible.
Geologic record shows that Australia was attached to the other continents 250 million years ago when there were also dinosaurs. So did the flood happen 250 million years ago and wipe out the dinosaurs?
The issue has always been that such ancient dates are based entirely on the belief that the various minerals and rocks were not created swiftly by the CREATOR. I believe they were created quickly and that these elements were mixed up as a result of the FLOOD. This means that when a fossil is discovered in what appears to be very ancient material, in fact it is eroded and redeposited material reloacated by the FLOOD with the breaking up of the surface of the earth from volcanic, meteoric, and hydraulic events surrounding the FLOOD.

The dinosaurs being usually quite large would in fact be the easiest to find. Any man not killed (possibly obliterated by an asteroid collision) would have made every effort to move to higher ground that was quickly disappearing. It is my contention that when man is discovered around dinosaurs it is overlooked and or considered only the result of a landslide or burial. There is too strong a belief that man could not have lived among the dinosaurs among agnostics. The reality is that in the Bible there is every indication that not only man but animals lived to be very old. Imagine just what a 900 year old chicken or lizard might has looked like. There is no way presently to prove the age of any given dinosaur when it expired. There is though building evidence that the flesh of these animals and DNA could not survive millions of years and this pose an anomaly.
"I believe they were created quickly and that these elements were mixed up as a result of the FLOOD". What do you base this on? Science tells us otherwise. Is science just pure crap?

"It is my contention that when man is discovered around dinosaurs it is overlooked" there were no humans 250 million years ago when dinos roamed. So you think all the scientists in the world are hiding things from us?

Yes, we believe just what the Apostle Paul taught.

1 Corinthians 8:5-6
5 For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,)
6 But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.

We also believe what God said in the Old Testament:

Psalm 82:6
6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

And what Jesus reiterated in the New Testament:

John 10:31-36
31 Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.
32 Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me?
33 The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.
34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;
36 Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?
The Holy Spirit testified that both the Bible and Book of Mormon are true. All you have to do is take the challenge
So the bible is true? So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
Did it ever occur to you that Australia was not a Continent until some centuries after the FLOOD? I can find error in the book of Mormon and an attempt to make the book of Mormon sound like a poor rendition the King James Bible. I can find nothing wrong with the Bible.
Geologic record shows that Australia was attached to the other continents 250 million years ago when there were also dinosaurs. So did the flood happen 250 million years ago and wipe out the dinosaurs?
The issue has always been that such ancient dates are based entirely on the belief that the various minerals and rocks were not created swiftly by the CREATOR. I believe they were created quickly and that these elements were mixed up as a result of the FLOOD. This means that when a fossil is discovered in what appears to be very ancient material, in fact it is eroded and redeposited material reloacated by the FLOOD with the breaking up of the surface of the earth from volcanic, meteoric, and hydraulic events surrounding the FLOOD.

The dinosaurs being usually quite large would in fact be the easiest to find. Any man not killed (possibly obliterated by an asteroid collision) would have made every effort to move to higher ground that was quickly disappearing. It is my contention that when man is discovered around dinosaurs it is overlooked and or considered only the result of a landslide or burial. There is too strong a belief that man could not have lived among the dinosaurs among agnostics. The reality is that in the Bible there is every indication that not only man but animals lived to be very old. Imagine just what a 900 year old chicken or lizard might has looked like. There is no way presently to prove the age of any given dinosaur when it expired. There is though building evidence that the flesh of these animals and DNA could not survive millions of years and this pose an anomaly.
"I believe they were created quickly and that these elements were mixed up as a result of the FLOOD". What do you base this on? Science tells us otherwise. Is science just pure crap?

"It is my contention that when man is discovered around dinosaurs it is overlooked" there were no humans 250 million years ago when dinos roamed. So you think all the scientists in the world are hiding things from us?
I believe the Bible. Yes, I do firmly believe that discoveries that could undermine evolution and old universe ideology have been stored until some adaptable "logical" explanation can be discovered. Science is not crap. However, educated guesses and preconceived notions can distort the truth --- even work around it. All scientists are not involved in the STUDY of evolution but I can imagine that everyone has a skeleton or two in their closet --- just trying to seem agreeable. People who rock the boat are not usually respected by their peers. Frankly, "troublemakers" are seen as not good for business...
Left to right;

Funny thing is I came to the same conclusion only I didn’t decide to start my own religion.

I wonder how many preachers went into the ministry realizing this. It is the perfect racket for a con man.

Wasn’t there a Steve Martin movie about those preachers who get fed information thru an earpiece? They walk around healing people. If that shit were true we would have taken my mom with Alzheimer’s to get her cured
Left to right;

Funny thing is I came to the same conclusion only I didn’t decide to start my own religion.

I wonder how many preachers went into the ministry realizing this. It is the perfect racket for a con man.

Wasn’t there a Steve Martin movie about those preachers who get fed information thru an earpiece? They walk around healing people. If that shit were true we would have taken my mom with Alzheimer’s to get her cured
I'm very sorry to hear about your mother. My mom died of melanoma in her brain; however, the reality is that all must die. And even those whom Jesus himself healed eventually died --- some even died a second time! I am happy to say that my mother believed on Jesus and I will find her again someday in heaven. And the fact that in the end she had no fear to die and was again able to talk and say how she loved us is far more comforting than anything an atheist holds dear!
Funny thing is I came to the same conclusion only I didn’t decide to start my own religion.I wonder how many preachers went into the ministry realizing this. It is the perfect racket for a con man.Wasn’t there a Steve Martin movie about those preachers who get fed information thru an earpiece? They walk around healing people. If that shit were true we would have taken my mom with Alzheimer’s to get her cured
That's not even the tip of the iceberg, to wit;
Left to right;

Funny thing is I came to the same conclusion only I didn’t decide to start my own religion.

I wonder how many preachers went into the ministry realizing this. It is the perfect racket for a con man.

Wasn’t there a Steve Martin movie about those preachers who get fed information thru an earpiece? They walk around healing people. If that shit were true we would have taken my mom with Alzheimer’s to get her cured
I'm very sorry to hear about your mother. My mom died of melanoma in her brain; however, the reality is that all must die. And even those whom Jesus himself healed eventually died --- some even died a second time! I am happy to say that my mother believed on Jesus and I will find her again someday in heaven. And the fact that in the end she had no fear to die and was again able to talk and say how she loved us is far more comforting than anything an atheist holds dear!
My dad and I were talking about how in 100 years everyone alive today will be dead. All new humans will be inhabiting earth. Crazy
Funny thing is I came to the same conclusion only I didn’t decide to start my own religion.I wonder how many preachers went into the ministry realizing this. It is the perfect racket for a con man.Wasn’t there a Steve Martin movie about those preachers who get fed information thru an earpiece? They walk around healing people. If that shit were true we would have taken my mom with Alzheimer’s to get her cured
That's not even the tip of the iceberg, to wit;
Yea but are there any poor Mormons?

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