Book of Mormon a bunch of crap?

The Word of GOD is founded on fact and not feelings. The Book of Mormon is founded on feelings and not fact.

That is empty rhetoric. Its complete jibberish.

The Holy Spirit is not a feeling. He is a member of Godhead. He testifies of truth. He speaks the Word of God because He is God. And He will show any who study the Book of Mormon and take Moroni's challenge that it is true
There is no such Moroni challenge found anywhere in the Bible --- only in the book of Mormon. Mormons need converts ---- not Christians, and the only way that can happen is if one accepts the book of Mormon. Christians need only CHRIST.

The Bible tells us that if we ask, we can receive, that if we seek we shall find, that if we knock it shall be opened into us.

It teaches that if we lack wisdom we can ask God who gives it liberally

It teaches us to prove all things

It teaches us that we can learn truth by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Those are the exact principles at play in Moronis promise. IF we seek to know it’s true through study and prayer. IF we ask in faith, the Lord will show us it’s true by the power of the Spirit.

As for you comments about Christians not seeking converts, that’s absurd. Christ specifically commissioned His Saints to preach the gospel and draw men to Him

And the Book of Mormon is the most powerful tool there is to bring men to Christ
Christians do not need to become Mormons. The book of Mormon is not superior in anyway to the Bible.. It's purely a necessary stepping stone to other books that promote the "mormon" doctrine. There is no doctrinal teaching regarding Christ which doesn't already exist in the Bible. No one becomes saved by becoming Mormon. A person becomes saved by becoming Christ's adopted brothers and sisters. ALL SAVED CHRISTIANS GO TO THE CELESTIAL PLACE KNOWN AS HEAVEN.

Then you have nothing to fear by reading the book for yourself and asking the Lord
The Word of GOD is founded on fact and not feelings. The Book of Mormon is founded on feelings and not fact.

That is empty rhetoric. Its complete jibberish.

The Holy Spirit is not a feeling. He is a member of Godhead. He testifies of truth. He speaks the Word of God because He is God. And He will show any who study the Book of Mormon and take Moroni's challenge that it is true
There is no such Moroni challenge found anywhere in the Bible --- only in the book of Mormon. Mormons need converts ---- not Christians, and the only way that can happen is if one accepts the book of Mormon. Christians need only CHRIST.

The Bible tells us that if we ask, we can receive, that if we seek we shall find, that if we knock it shall be opened into us.

It teaches that if we lack wisdom we can ask God who gives it liberally

It teaches us to prove all things

It teaches us that we can learn truth by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Those are the exact principles at play in Moronis promise. IF we seek to know it’s true through study and prayer. IF we ask in faith, the Lord will show us it’s true by the power of the Spirit.

As for you comments about Christians not seeking converts, that’s absurd. Christ specifically commissioned His Saints to preach the gospel and draw men to Him

And the Book of Mormon is the most powerful tool there is to bring men to Christ
Christians do not need to become Mormons. The book of Mormon is not superior in anyway to the Bible.. It's purely a necessary stepping stone to other books that promote the "mormon" doctrine. There is no doctrinal teaching regarding Christ which doesn't already exist in the Bible. No one becomes saved by becoming Mormon. A person becomes saved by becoming Christ's adopted brothers and sisters. ALL SAVED CHRISTIANS GO TO THE CELESTIAL PLACE KNOWN AS HEAVEN.

Then you have nothing to fear by reading the book for yourself and asking the Lord
I read the Book of Mormon ---- TWICE. And GOD pointed out to me its many contradictions. God's ways are not man's ways. Unfortunately, the book of Mormon is a fabricated attempt at humanizing GOD.
That is empty rhetoric. Its complete jibberish.

The Holy Spirit is not a feeling. He is a member of Godhead. He testifies of truth. He speaks the Word of God because He is God. And He will show any who study the Book of Mormon and take Moroni's challenge that it is true
There is no such Moroni challenge found anywhere in the Bible --- only in the book of Mormon. Mormons need converts ---- not Christians, and the only way that can happen is if one accepts the book of Mormon. Christians need only CHRIST.

The Bible tells us that if we ask, we can receive, that if we seek we shall find, that if we knock it shall be opened into us.

It teaches that if we lack wisdom we can ask God who gives it liberally

It teaches us to prove all things

It teaches us that we can learn truth by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Those are the exact principles at play in Moronis promise. IF we seek to know it’s true through study and prayer. IF we ask in faith, the Lord will show us it’s true by the power of the Spirit.

As for you comments about Christians not seeking converts, that’s absurd. Christ specifically commissioned His Saints to preach the gospel and draw men to Him

And the Book of Mormon is the most powerful tool there is to bring men to Christ
Christians do not need to become Mormons. The book of Mormon is not superior in anyway to the Bible.. It's purely a necessary stepping stone to other books that promote the "mormon" doctrine. There is no doctrinal teaching regarding Christ which doesn't already exist in the Bible. No one becomes saved by becoming Mormon. A person becomes saved by becoming Christ's adopted brothers and sisters. ALL SAVED CHRISTIANS GO TO THE CELESTIAL PLACE KNOWN AS HEAVEN.

Then you have nothing to fear by reading the book for yourself and asking the Lord
I read the Book of Mormon ---- TWICE. And GOD pointed out to me its many contradictions. God's ways are not man's ways. Unfortunately, the book of Mormon is a fabricated attempt at humanizing GOD.

Can you give any examples out of the Book of Mormon?
There is no such Moroni challenge found anywhere in the Bible --- only in the book of Mormon. Mormons need converts ---- not Christians, and the only way that can happen is if one accepts the book of Mormon. Christians need only CHRIST.

The Bible tells us that if we ask, we can receive, that if we seek we shall find, that if we knock it shall be opened into us.

It teaches that if we lack wisdom we can ask God who gives it liberally

It teaches us to prove all things

It teaches us that we can learn truth by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Those are the exact principles at play in Moronis promise. IF we seek to know it’s true through study and prayer. IF we ask in faith, the Lord will show us it’s true by the power of the Spirit.

As for you comments about Christians not seeking converts, that’s absurd. Christ specifically commissioned His Saints to preach the gospel and draw men to Him

And the Book of Mormon is the most powerful tool there is to bring men to Christ
Christians do not need to become Mormons. The book of Mormon is not superior in anyway to the Bible.. It's purely a necessary stepping stone to other books that promote the "mormon" doctrine. There is no doctrinal teaching regarding Christ which doesn't already exist in the Bible. No one becomes saved by becoming Mormon. A person becomes saved by becoming Christ's adopted brothers and sisters. ALL SAVED CHRISTIANS GO TO THE CELESTIAL PLACE KNOWN AS HEAVEN.

Then you have nothing to fear by reading the book for yourself and asking the Lord
I read the Book of Mormon ---- TWICE. And GOD pointed out to me its many contradictions. God's ways are not man's ways. Unfortunately, the book of Mormon is a fabricated attempt at humanizing GOD.

Can you give any examples out of the Book of Mormon?
Nephi is told by GOD to murder his uncle and then swaps clothes and tries to pass himself off as the uncle to con Laman's servant then threaten to murder him too --- all for a scrap of metal that doesn't exist for anyone to see anymore. All this for the Mormon god that is supposed to be the very same who struck so many people dead HIMSELF. Remember the husband and wife who lied about their donation to the Church? Remember Jezebel? The book of Mormon doesn't even read like the Bible except where actual portions have been transcribed directly from the King James Bible!
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By asking God

Why is this so hard to understand?
But the other religious people...they "asked god", too. And they got a different answer. So, what is hard to understand is why anyone should think you have the correct answer.

That’s just it. They don’t. Revelation is a foreign concept to most religions
That is empty rhetoric. Its complete jibberish.

The Holy Spirit is not a feeling. He is a member of Godhead. He testifies of truth. He speaks the Word of God because He is God. And He will show any who study the Book of Mormon and take Moroni's challenge that it is true
There is no such Moroni challenge found anywhere in the Bible --- only in the book of Mormon. Mormons need converts ---- not Christians, and the only way that can happen is if one accepts the book of Mormon. Christians need only CHRIST.

The Bible tells us that if we ask, we can receive, that if we seek we shall find, that if we knock it shall be opened into us.

It teaches that if we lack wisdom we can ask God who gives it liberally

It teaches us to prove all things

It teaches us that we can learn truth by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Those are the exact principles at play in Moronis promise. IF we seek to know it’s true through study and prayer. IF we ask in faith, the Lord will show us it’s true by the power of the Spirit.

As for you comments about Christians not seeking converts, that’s absurd. Christ specifically commissioned His Saints to preach the gospel and draw men to Him

And the Book of Mormon is the most powerful tool there is to bring men to Christ
Christians do not need to become Mormons. The book of Mormon is not superior in anyway to the Bible.. It's purely a necessary stepping stone to other books that promote the "mormon" doctrine. There is no doctrinal teaching regarding Christ which doesn't already exist in the Bible. No one becomes saved by becoming Mormon. A person becomes saved by becoming Christ's adopted brothers and sisters. ALL SAVED CHRISTIANS GO TO THE CELESTIAL PLACE KNOWN AS HEAVEN.

Then you have nothing to fear by reading the book for yourself and asking the Lord
I read the Book of Mormon ---- TWICE. And GOD pointed out to me its many contradictions. God's ways are not man's ways. Unfortunately, the book of Mormon is a fabricated attempt at humanizing GOD.

God is a man. We are created in His image. The entire New Testament is about God becoming mortal and atoning for our sins. And He did this so that we can know Him and become like Him.

Are you claiming you received revelation after taking Moroni’s challenge?
Anyone who eats of off golden plates must have a good thing going.
The Bible tells us that if we ask, we can receive, that if we seek we shall find, that if we knock it shall be opened into us.

It teaches that if we lack wisdom we can ask God who gives it liberally

It teaches us to prove all things

It teaches us that we can learn truth by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Those are the exact principles at play in Moronis promise. IF we seek to know it’s true through study and prayer. IF we ask in faith, the Lord will show us it’s true by the power of the Spirit.

As for you comments about Christians not seeking converts, that’s absurd. Christ specifically commissioned His Saints to preach the gospel and draw men to Him

And the Book of Mormon is the most powerful tool there is to bring men to Christ
Christians do not need to become Mormons. The book of Mormon is not superior in anyway to the Bible.. It's purely a necessary stepping stone to other books that promote the "mormon" doctrine. There is no doctrinal teaching regarding Christ which doesn't already exist in the Bible. No one becomes saved by becoming Mormon. A person becomes saved by becoming Christ's adopted brothers and sisters. ALL SAVED CHRISTIANS GO TO THE CELESTIAL PLACE KNOWN AS HEAVEN.

Then you have nothing to fear by reading the book for yourself and asking the Lord
I read the Book of Mormon ---- TWICE. And GOD pointed out to me its many contradictions. God's ways are not man's ways. Unfortunately, the book of Mormon is a fabricated attempt at humanizing GOD.

Can you give any examples out of the Book of Mormon?
Nephi is told by GOD to murder his uncle and then swaps clothes and tries to pass himself off as the uncle to con Laman's servant then threaten to murder him too --- all for a scrap of metal that doesn't exist for anyone to see anymore. All this for the Mormon god that is supposed to be the very same who struck so many people dead HIMSELF. Remember the husband and wife who lied about their donation to the Church? Remember Jezebel? The book of Mormon doesn't even read like the Bible except where actual portions have been transcribed directly from the King James Bible!

Not one of those is a contradiction.

The law of Moses provided that sanctuary cities were set up explicitly to protect those who have killed when the Lord delivered them into their hands. What is more is he was executing a robber who had twice tried to murder him and his family and had taken all their wealth.

Zoram was not threatened. He was offered his freedom and made a covenant. He is later described as a friend

And we do have most of the record found on the plates. It’s called the Old Testament.

And what does the death of the couple or jezebel have to do with anything? Are you trying to argue that When God wants people dead He does it himself and never any other way? Then why set up the sactuary cities? Have you read the book of Joshua? God didn’t kill all the canaanites. He delivered them into the Israelites hands and had them do it.
Very interesting article. I have never heard of this before.
This is the main takeaway
In the summer of 1835, Joseph Smith had received a curious visitor in Kirtland, Ohio, then the headquarters of his burgeoning LDS church: a traveling showman, with four Egyptian mummies and some hieroglyphic texts in tow. The church bought the mummies and texts, and Smith said he translated the hieroglyphics, resulting in the Book of Abraham, which lays out Smith's cosmic vision of the afterlife. (Although Egyptian hieroglyphics had been deciphered in France in 1822 with the help of the Rosetta Stone, the news had barely reached U.S. shores.) As Smith and his followers moved around the Midwest, often fleeing angry mobs, they carried the mummies and papyri with them. After Smith's death at the hands of one of those mobs in Nauvoo, Illinois, they were sold by his family.

The fate of the mummies remains a mystery. But in 1966, a University of Utah professor examining artifacts at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City came across 11 Egyptian papyri with an 1856 certificate of sale signed by Smith's widow, Emma. The professor realized he was looking at the Book of Abraham papyri, and the documents were returned to the Mormon church.
Ferguson learned the news from a frontpage article in the newspaper Deseret News on 27 November 1967. Within days, he wrote to a friend in the church leadership, begging to know whether the papyri would be studied. Hearing that no studies were planned, Ferguson, as ever, took matters into his own hands. He received photos of the documents from the church and hired Egyptologists at UC Berkeley to translate them. He told the scholars nothing about the religious significance of the papyri. "He was conducting a clearly blind test," Clark says.

The results started coming in 6 weeks later. "I believe that all of these are spells from the Egyptian Book of the Dead," UC Berkeley Egyptologist Leonard Lesko wrote to Ferguson. Three other scholars independently gave Ferguson the same result: The texts were authentic ancient Egyptian, but represented one of the most common documents in that culture.
I hope you did a better job here than your prophecy thread.
By asking God

Why is this so hard to understand?
But the other religious people...they "asked god", too. And they got a different answer. So, what is hard to understand is why anyone should think you have the correct answer.

That’s just it. They don’t. Revelation is a foreign concept to most religions
But not to all religoons. So my point ( you know, the one you are avoiding) still stands, as does my question (you know, the one you are avoiding).
Very interesting article. I have never heard of this before.
This is the main takeaway
In the summer of 1835, Joseph Smith had received a curious visitor in Kirtland, Ohio, then the headquarters of his burgeoning LDS church: a traveling showman, with four Egyptian mummies and some hieroglyphic texts in tow. The church bought the mummies and texts, and Smith said he translated the hieroglyphics, resulting in the Book of Abraham, which lays out Smith's cosmic vision of the afterlife. (Although Egyptian hieroglyphics had been deciphered in France in 1822 with the help of the Rosetta Stone, the news had barely reached U.S. shores.) As Smith and his followers moved around the Midwest, often fleeing angry mobs, they carried the mummies and papyri with them. After Smith's death at the hands of one of those mobs in Nauvoo, Illinois, they were sold by his family.

The fate of the mummies remains a mystery. But in 1966, a University of Utah professor examining artifacts at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City came across 11 Egyptian papyri with an 1856 certificate of sale signed by Smith's widow, Emma. The professor realized he was looking at the Book of Abraham papyri, and the documents were returned to the Mormon church.
Ferguson learned the news from a frontpage article in the newspaper Deseret News on 27 November 1967. Within days, he wrote to a friend in the church leadership, begging to know whether the papyri would be studied. Hearing that no studies were planned, Ferguson, as ever, took matters into his own hands. He received photos of the documents from the church and hired Egyptologists at UC Berkeley to translate them. He told the scholars nothing about the religious significance of the papyri. "He was conducting a clearly blind test," Clark says.

The results started coming in 6 weeks later. "I believe that all of these are spells from the Egyptian Book of the Dead," UC Berkeley Egyptologist Leonard Lesko wrote to Ferguson. Three other scholars independently gave Ferguson the same result: The texts were authentic ancient Egyptian, but represented one of the most common documents in that culture.
I hope you did a better job here than your prophecy thread.
The one that triggered you? Lol right?
There is no such Moroni challenge found anywhere in the Bible --- only in the book of Mormon. Mormons need converts ---- not Christians, and the only way that can happen is if one accepts the book of Mormon. Christians need only CHRIST.

The Bible tells us that if we ask, we can receive, that if we seek we shall find, that if we knock it shall be opened into us.

It teaches that if we lack wisdom we can ask God who gives it liberally

It teaches us to prove all things

It teaches us that we can learn truth by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Those are the exact principles at play in Moronis promise. IF we seek to know it’s true through study and prayer. IF we ask in faith, the Lord will show us it’s true by the power of the Spirit.

As for you comments about Christians not seeking converts, that’s absurd. Christ specifically commissioned His Saints to preach the gospel and draw men to Him

And the Book of Mormon is the most powerful tool there is to bring men to Christ
Christians do not need to become Mormons. The book of Mormon is not superior in anyway to the Bible.. It's purely a necessary stepping stone to other books that promote the "mormon" doctrine. There is no doctrinal teaching regarding Christ which doesn't already exist in the Bible. No one becomes saved by becoming Mormon. A person becomes saved by becoming Christ's adopted brothers and sisters. ALL SAVED CHRISTIANS GO TO THE CELESTIAL PLACE KNOWN AS HEAVEN.

Then you have nothing to fear by reading the book for yourself and asking the Lord
I read the Book of Mormon ---- TWICE. And GOD pointed out to me its many contradictions. God's ways are not man's ways. Unfortunately, the book of Mormon is a fabricated attempt at humanizing GOD.

God is a man. We are created in His image. The entire New Testament is about God becoming mortal and atoning for our sins. And He did this so that we can know Him and become like Him.

Are you claiming you received revelation after taking Moroni’s challenge?

Sorry! GOD is a SPIRIT. Jesus emanated from GOD to become a man. True we are created in GOD's image; however, that is meaning that we like GOD are creative in nature and like GOD we are TRIUNE. We possess a BODY, SOUL and SPIRIT. And egg is triune in that it is made up of a shell, a yoke, and an egg white. HOLY, HOLY, HOLY --- which always was, now is, and shall ever be! The heavens are triune, in that there is a Celestial, Telestial and Terrestrial
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Very interesting article. I have never heard of this before.
This is the main takeaway
In the summer of 1835, Joseph Smith had received a curious visitor in Kirtland, Ohio, then the headquarters of his burgeoning LDS church: a traveling showman, with four Egyptian mummies and some hieroglyphic texts in tow. The church bought the mummies and texts, and Smith said he translated the hieroglyphics, resulting in the Book of Abraham, which lays out Smith's cosmic vision of the afterlife. (Although Egyptian hieroglyphics had been deciphered in France in 1822 with the help of the Rosetta Stone, the news had barely reached U.S. shores.) As Smith and his followers moved around the Midwest, often fleeing angry mobs, they carried the mummies and papyri with them. After Smith's death at the hands of one of those mobs in Nauvoo, Illinois, they were sold by his family.

The fate of the mummies remains a mystery. But in 1966, a University of Utah professor examining artifacts at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City came across 11 Egyptian papyri with an 1856 certificate of sale signed by Smith's widow, Emma. The professor realized he was looking at the Book of Abraham papyri, and the documents were returned to the Mormon church.
Ferguson learned the news from a frontpage article in the newspaper Deseret News on 27 November 1967. Within days, he wrote to a friend in the church leadership, begging to know whether the papyri would be studied. Hearing that no studies were planned, Ferguson, as ever, took matters into his own hands. He received photos of the documents from the church and hired Egyptologists at UC Berkeley to translate them. He told the scholars nothing about the religious significance of the papyri. "He was conducting a clearly blind test," Clark says.

The results started coming in 6 weeks later. "I believe that all of these are spells from the Egyptian Book of the Dead," UC Berkeley Egyptologist Leonard Lesko wrote to Ferguson. Three other scholars independently gave Ferguson the same result: The texts were authentic ancient Egyptian, but represented one of the most common documents in that culture.
I hope you did a better job here than your prophecy thread.
The one that triggered you? Lol right?
You'd like to think that.

What it really shows is your poor problem solving skills.
Christians do not need to become Mormons. The book of Mormon is not superior in anyway to the Bible.. It's purely a necessary stepping stone to other books that promote the "mormon" doctrine. There is no doctrinal teaching regarding Christ which doesn't already exist in the Bible. No one becomes saved by becoming Mormon. A person becomes saved by becoming Christ's adopted brothers and sisters. ALL SAVED CHRISTIANS GO TO THE CELESTIAL PLACE KNOWN AS HEAVEN.

Then you have nothing to fear by reading the book for yourself and asking the Lord
I read the Book of Mormon ---- TWICE. And GOD pointed out to me its many contradictions. God's ways are not man's ways. Unfortunately, the book of Mormon is a fabricated attempt at humanizing GOD.

Can you give any examples out of the Book of Mormon?
Nephi is told by GOD to murder his uncle and then swaps clothes and tries to pass himself off as the uncle to con Laman's servant then threaten to murder him too --- all for a scrap of metal that doesn't exist for anyone to see anymore. All this for the Mormon god that is supposed to be the very same who struck so many people dead HIMSELF. Remember the husband and wife who lied about their donation to the Church? Remember Jezebel? The book of Mormon doesn't even read like the Bible except where actual portions have been transcribed directly from the King James Bible!

Not one of those is a contradiction.

The law of Moses provided that sanctuary cities were set up explicitly to protect those who have killed when the Lord delivered them into their hands. What is more is he was executing a robber who had twice tried to murder him and his family and had taken all their wealth.

Zoram was not threatened. He was offered his freedom and made a covenant. He is later described as a friend

And we do have most of the record found on the plates. It’s called the Old Testament.

And what does the death of the couple or jezebel have to do with anything? Are you trying to argue that When God wants people dead He does it himself and never any other way? Then why set up the sactuary cities? Have you read the book of Joshua? God didn’t kill all the canaanites. He delivered them into the Israelites hands and had them do it.
I totally disagree. GOD had one criteria for the enemies of Israel (outsiders) and a code of ethic as to how the Israelites were to legally deal with each other. There were laws the israelites followed in dealing with each other. Sanctuary cities were set up to protect an individual who accidentally killed another, until the court could review the case! This protected such an individual from being killed in a vendetta...


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