Booker stays up late to marry gays

Chris Christie drops challenge to same-sex marriage in New Jersey - U.S. News

Senator-elect Cory Booker married seven gay couples early Monday, as New Jersey became the 14th state to allow same-sex marriage.

"It is officially past midnight, marriage is now equal in New Jersey," Booker said to applause and cheers.

Booker, who had never officiated a wedding since becoming Newark mayor in 2006, called the occasion one of "the greatest privileges and honors" and "one of the most magical moments" of his life.

Good for Booker. He's definitely one of the good guys.

But, the meddlers just had to stick their noses in where thy don't belong.

When Booker asked if anyone objected to the marriage of the night's first couple -- retired advertising executive Joseph Panessidi and LGBTQ educator Orville Bell -- a protester yelled that the marriages were "unlawful in the eyes of God and Jesus Christ," The Associated Press reported.

The protester was then removed, as Booker continued the ceremony, saying he was "not hearing any substantive and worthy objections."

Gov. Chris Christie said that he instructed the state’s Department of Health to cooperate with municipalities to issue licenses. Christie's administration is appealing the Supreme Court ruling, but justices said they would not hold up marriages while they consider it.

Christie has now agreed to stop trying to end gay marriage in NJ.

Its really time the haters shut up and way past time for all Americans to enjoy the constitutional rights.

Congratulations to the happy couples.

whats the rush? They'll be diviorced in 5 years anyway. :clap2:
When Booker asked if anyone objected to the marriage of the night's first couple -- retired advertising executive Joseph Panessidi and LGBTQ educator Orville Bell -- a protester yelled that the marriages were "unlawful in the eyes of God and Jesus Christ," The Associated Press reported.

Which is thankfully legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

No church can be compelled to accommodate same-sex couples, but all persons are subject to the rule of law, including Christians.
With a special note clarifying that I do not oppose same sex marriage...

Could you not have just as easily titled this thread:

Booker stays up late for photo op?
With a special note clarifying that I do not oppose same sex marriage...

Could you not have just as easily titled this thread:

Booker stays up late for photo op?

In most cases, I'd say you were right.

But I saw the footage, he was WAY too excited about it for it just to be PR.

A little too excited, it got weird.
No evidence yet ?
If your allegations are true call the fucking police!!
They haven't got here yet you fucking liar!!
I'm still here, my two kids with me!!
Fucking do something shit sucker !!!
Come one you lying liberal shit !
Oh crap.

Never mind.

I forgot about the mind-numbing ignorance of the right.

Nambla is a liberal organization supported and embraced by the liberal juggernaut is it not?
Namblas closest international ally, the paedophile right to rape agitator, peter Titchell is a big supporter of the current liberal machine.

NAMBLA was founded by a conservative
Bullshit, Paul Shanley was a catholic preist with close links to the democrat party.
Harry Hay was a labour rights activist.
They were the founders of your beloved organization.
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Nambla is a liberal organization supported and embraced by the liberal juggernaut is it not?
Namblas closest international ally, the paedophile right to rape agitator, peter Titchell is a big supporter of the current liberal machine.

NAMBLA was founded by a conservative

He knows that.

You can bet he knows that.

Ah a labour activist, Harry hey was a conservative?

Harry hay, nancy Pelosi marched alongside him on a number of occasions.

Paul Shanley a preist with close links to the democrats.

You could hardly find two less conservative types!!

Still the Nambla libs remain silent.
Showing once and for all that Nambla is a liberal organization!!
To bad this idiot wasn't around in 2008. Obama was lucky enough to have a white whore for a mother he got his little bit of IQ he has from her obviously. If this moron who is full on negro I am assuming had become president this dump of a country would have collapsed already. So I am fully endorsing BOOKER IN 2016! LETS BRING THIS BITCH TO HER KNEES!

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