BOOM! 3rd Circuit Tosses Trump PA Lawsuit - "Voters, not Lawyers, Choose the President"

Judge Stephanos Bibas is clearly in on it as well.
His "reasoning" is about as faulty as a K-Mart Chinese wristwatch.
That much is clear. Yes, voters, not lawyers choose the president.

And people that program the Dominion vote changing machine
determine who casts those votes.

This will be appealed to the Supreme Court of course.
lol. of course. and then happens what, you terminal twat?
Joe Biden is as illegitimate in 2020, as Hitler was in 1933, and over half of America will reject him even if he becomes president illegitimately through fraud of this scale.
Postal workers and elections workers worked the ballot box full of false and fraudulent votes for Joe Biden, and now they are trying to work an Adolf Hitler into office.
When you have any real evidence, please introduce it in court.
The real votes sent by mail were not introduced in the ballot box.
boldly asserted. now please provide some support. lol
Ridiculous interpretation. LEGAL voters select the president, that is clear to all.
What they're saying is just that. Legal voters decided the election.
Just another one of your lies.

A legal vote is cast by a living voter, and one who's identity can be verified.

The statements by many of these judges have been so asinine that Supreme court action is required.

No one disagrees with the fact that voters decide elections.

But when there are doubts on the validity of votes, then it is the task for the courts, as has been many times in history. This is a declare that they are not going to do their job.
Ridiculous interpretation. LEGAL voters select the president, that is clear to all.
That's right. and the legal voters in a clear majority told your troll in chief to GET THE FUCK OUT.
Yeah, you and I have a factual disagreement.
is that so, hoss? what are you going to do about it?
The same thing you're gonna do.....NOTHING!!!

(stupid fuck)
i am not queefing about the revolution and shooting commies for mommy. that would be you, fraud.
When you have any real evidence, please introduce it in court.
The real votes sent by mail were not introduced in the ballot box.
boldly asserted. now please provide some support. lol
That's not supporting your assertion. hahahaha
Sorry. That allegation is a super long stretch.
Go do my slant eyed bitch!

Coming from a supporter of The Fake News Instigator in Chief, your comment is slightly amusing...and racist.
Two Thirds of the American people support Trump's requests for recounts.

The Demonrats don't want their criminal poll cheating divulged information known to the public and their bought and paid for bench sitters like the occasional around the world luxury trips and exotic bank accounts frequently filled. The judges went along with the retailers getting burned to the ground. I guess they wouldn't mind if their luxury paneled chambers, libraries, and courthouses lit up too for ignoring the silent sleeping giant Americans right to know what in the hell the commie Demonrats have been flushing votes for the President via Dominion computer rigged election elections in key voter states.

Maybe that since the little people can be abused by the court of see no evil hear no evil, the hard of hearing Demonrat judges know they're completely safe in their pompous little safe, officer-attended courtrooms where they can frequently nap instead of fixing the corruption problems on voting day, no matter how egregious and blatant the demonrat precinct chairmen act to steal votes from the very people they smile politely at when revering their spot in the damn deep state where the double standard flourishes by them shutting the door on those who were cheated.

Pitoo on the lazy justices who don't want to be bothered by the millions of votes their comrades stole from the people of the United States of America.
Ridiculous interpretation. LEGAL voters select the president, that is clear to all.
That's right. and the legal voters in a clear majority told your troll in chief to GET THE FUCK OUT.
Yeah, you and I have a factual disagreement.

You don't have any facts.
If you did, you would produce them.
I am getting tired of producing them. Every single time I do, YOU FUCKING IGNORE IT!!!

I hear ya. All these judges are wrong, but the legal 'team' on the USMB are legal scholars all. And you call me dumb. I couldn't make this shit up.
But you ARE dumb if you think some low level judges will have the last word on all this.

If you think the issue of the Dominion vote changing machine will just disappear you are truly
stupid! Truly.
Two Thirds of the American people support Trump's requests for recounts.

The Demonrats don't want their criminal poll cheating divulged information known to the public and their bought and paid for bench sitters like the occasional around the world luxury trips and exotic bank accounts frequently filled. The judges went along with the retailers getting burned to the ground. I guess they wouldn't mind if their luxury paneled chambers, libraries, and courthouses lit up too for ignoring the silent sleeping giant Americans right to know what in the hell the commie Demonrats have been flushing votes for the President via Dominion computer rigged election elections in key voter states.

Maybe that since the little people can be abused by the court of see no evil hear no evil, the hard of hearing Demonrat judges know they're completely safe in their pompous little safe, officer-attended courtrooms where they can frequently nap instead of fixing the corruption problems on voting day, no matter how egregious and blatant the demonrat precinct chairmen act to steal votes from the very people they smile politely at when revering their spot in the damn deep state where the double standard flourishes by them shutting the door on those who were cheated.

Pitoo on the lazy justices who don't want to be bothered by the millions of votes their comrades stole from the people of the United States of America.
you better not be religious. holy flonz.

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