Boom!!!! Scott Brown Pulls Ahead

Al Franken anyone???

Not QUITE as bad as the owner of Diebold PUBLICALY telling people he is "commited to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the President next year."

Voting Machine Controversy
by Julie Carr Smyth

COLUMBUS - The head of a company vying to sell voting machines in Ohio told Republicans in a recent fund-raising letter that he is "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year."

How is THAT for voter FRAUD.......Oh I know when REPUBLICANS do it it is NOT WRONG I forgot that REPUBLICANS can DO no wrong!!! FUCKING HYPOCRITES!!!!
its not at all
he never said he would fix the machines to do it
that comment has been taken way out of context by morons on the left for YEARS now

REALLY? HOW was it taken out of context?
Not QUITE as bad as the owner of Diebold PUBLICALY telling people he is "commited to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the President next year."

Voting Machine Controversy
by Julie Carr Smyth

COLUMBUS - The head of a company vying to sell voting machines in Ohio told Republicans in a recent fund-raising letter that he is "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year."

How is THAT for voter FRAUD.......Oh I know when REPUBLICANS do it it is NOT WRONG I forgot that REPUBLICANS can DO no wrong!!! FUCKING HYPOCRITES!!!!
its not at all
he never said he would fix the machines to do it
that comment has been taken way out of context by morons on the left for YEARS now

REALLY? HOW was it taken out of context?
you assume he would do something ILLEGAL to do it
I am under the impression that when you look at this campaign that Coakley is a weak candidate and from all I have read and seen on the subject she has not run a very smart campaign. That said, I am also not ready to say Brown has a lock on this election because of the factors at play here. It does appear that Brown has a lot of the momentum going his way. However this is a long term democrat seat and would a lot not depend on how many of those democrats turnout?
Considering he is in a POSITION to make his pledge come true and it DID leaves one to believe he had something to do with it. Add to that the EASE with which he could DELIVER on his pledge and it become a VERY scary scenario.
only to the weak minded that believe the man would put his company on the line for politics
thats just fucking stupid to think he would do anything of the sort
Massachusetts Senate Race: Will Democrats Delay Seating Scott Brown?
With Healthcare Vote at Stake, Republicans Brace for Stalling Tactics Should Brown Beat Martha Coakley

...Even before Obama scheduled his trip, however, campaign lawyers in both political parties had begun quietly cramming for the colossal legal battle that could ensue should Brown pull off a stunning upset in one of the nation's bluest states.

Republican lawyers fear that if Brown wins, Democrats will use stall tactics to delay certification of his victory till after the U.S. Senate casts its final vote on President Obama's healthcare bill.

Massachusetts Senate Race: Will Democrats Delay Seating Scott Brown? - ABC News

I know this video is long but it sort of sums up at least part of the feelings for some from what I understand as to why the people in MA are a little upset over another healthcare bill. This is EXACTLY the sort of thing that a few see Coakley as supporting just to name a few. Its a little long but sort of get the idea at the poor girls frustration.
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Video won't play.

I will try and watch it directly from YouTube...

I know this video is long but it sort of sums up at least part of the feelings for soime from what I understand as to why the people in MA are a little upset over another healthcare bill. This is EXACTLY the sort of thing that a few see Coakley as supporting just to name a few. Its a little long but sort of get the idea at the poor girls frustration.
Latest polling also shows Brown with a growing lead...


Poll: Brown up 9.6%

A poll conducted by the Merriman River Group (MRG) and indicates that Scott Brown leads Martha Coakley 50.8% – 41.2% in the contest to fill the seat of the late Senator Ted Kennedy. Liberty Party candidate Joe Kennedy pulls in just 1.8% support, while 6.2% of voters are still not sure. Brown and Coakley both have most of their supporters locked in. 98% of both candidate’s supporters say they are definitely or probably going to vote for their candidate. In contrast, 22% of Kennedy’s supporters are just leaning toward him, suggesting that Brown and Coakley may both want to take aim at swaying those voters.


Hot Air » Blog Archive » Poll: Brown up 9.6%
Regardless of the outcome, Democrats had better think twice about voting for the haelth care bill. For many it will be the end of their political careers next election., if they vote for it. Most don't enjoy the support a Democratic Seantor from MA has.
its not at all
he never said he would fix the machines to do it
that comment has been taken way out of context by morons on the left for YEARS now

REALLY? HOW was it taken out of context?
you assume he would do something ILLEGAL to do it

As YOU assume that EVERY contested election that goes the Democrats way is STOLEN through ILLEGAL MEANS! You see this goes BOTH WAYS. Do you get the point?
you assume he would do something ILLEGAL to do it

As YOU assume that EVERY contested election that goes the Democrats way is STOLEN through ILLEGAL MEANS! You see this goes BOTH WAYS. Do you get the point?
well now, to back that up you will have to PROVE i ever said anything of the sort

good luck and i hope you dont have to go to bed early

Oh well you certainly parroted all the CLAIMS of such activity didn't you?
Scott Brown's domination of the Independent vote mirrors how low Obama has fallen with national support among Independents.

Currently nearly half of all independents dissaprove of Obama's job performance.

Only 41% approve.

At the start of summer he had 57% approval from Independents - a nearly 17 point drop.

If you are almost any Democrat politician, you are clenching your teeth over such numbers - they are not good... National Job Approval (INDEPENDENTS ONLY): Pres. Barack Obama
As YOU assume that EVERY contested election that goes the Democrats way is STOLEN through ILLEGAL MEANS! You see this goes BOTH WAYS. Do you get the point?
well now, to back that up you will have to PROVE i ever said anything of the sort

good luck and i hope you dont have to go to bed early

Oh well you certainly parroted all the CLAIMS of such activity didn't you?
oh, now you are ASKING me?
before you were making statements that i had

again, do your research and get back to me

Dive Control Specialist
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Quote: Originally Posted by Full-Auto
Quote: Originally Posted by Sinatra
Quote: Originally Posted by Full-Auto

agreed, democrats have way to much history of voter fraud.

Al Franken anyone???
I expect it to go tlike wash st governors race Where king county democrats committed fraud during the recount.

they kept finding votes. Odd the number of new votes found was almost identical to the 1000 extra more then voters.
"yeah, amazing how that was, eh?"

You part in quotes Dive....

And HERE......................

Dive Control Specialist
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Quote: Originally Posted by Full-Auto
Quote: Originally Posted by DiveCon
Quote: Originally Posted by Full-Auto

I expect it to go tlike wash st governors race Where king county democrats committed fraud during the recount.

they kept finding votes. Odd the number of new votes found was almost identical to the 1000 extra more then voters.
yeah, amazing how that was, eh?
Yes during the court trial the judge stated that voter fraud had been committed.

Unfortunately here in this state The law requires you to question the voter as to which way he voted, THE DEAD FAILED TO RESPOND.
"wasnt there like 5000 more votes than they had registered voters?"

Again you part in quotes Dive......

And you are trying to LIE about acusing Dems of STEALING races. Sorry Dive but you should know by now that I can't be lied to or manipulated. I remeber posts and I will CALL you on any posts that you try to distance yourself from. I am also too smart to believe ANYTHING Neo-Cons post without INVESTIGATING the SOURCES they cite. I NEVER take polls at face value and I KNOW how polls are USED and MANIPULATED to say whatever people WANT them to say. Like I have said before Dive I am a Poli-Sci MAJOR and I know a LOT more about politics than 99% of the people who post here so don't treat me like a BITCH or I MAY have to respond in kind!
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Scott Brown's domination of the Independent vote mirrors how low Obama has fallen with national support among Independents.

Currently nearly half of all independents dissaprove of Obama's job performance.

Only 41% approve.

At the start of summer he had 57% approval from Independents - a nearly 17 point drop.

If you are almost any Democrat politician, you are clenching your teeth over such numbers - they are not good... National Job Approval (INDEPENDENTS ONLY): Pres. Barack Obama

A NEARLY 17% drop otherwise know as a 16% drop. Gawd you are weird!
Man oh man is there some anger out there regarding Obama and the Democrats!!!


It's as clear as Obama's non negro accent that Democrats are more prone to blame than to actually lead. Obama hasn't led. He's let congress write the bills and that was by design. Obama struck a deal with top dems in the house and senate. They'd help him get elected and he'd let them run wild with their radical leftist agenda. Hillary wouldn't have done that as she would have wanted control and forced Congress to do what she wanted. It's why you have not yet seen Obama craft one piece of important legislation. He's not a leader. And he's a horrible president. 2010 will hopefully be the year that starts the beginning of the end of this corrupt community organizer from Chicago.

After Obama Rally, Dems Pin Blame On Bush - Hotline On Call

Dive Control Specialist
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Quote: Originally Posted by Full-Auto
Quote: Originally Posted by Sinatra
Quote: Originally Posted by Full-Auto

agreed, democrats have way to much history of voter fraud.

Al Franken anyone???
I expect it to go tlike wash st governors race Where king county democrats committed fraud during the recount.

they kept finding votes. Odd the number of new votes found was almost identical to the 1000 extra more then voters.
"yeah, amazing how that was, eh?"

You part in quotes Dive....

And HERE......................

Dive Control Specialist
Member #11636 Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Richmond, ME
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Quote: Originally Posted by Full-Auto
Quote: Originally Posted by DiveCon
Quote: Originally Posted by Full-Auto

I expect it to go tlike wash st governors race Where king county democrats committed fraud during the recount.

they kept finding votes. Odd the number of new votes found was almost identical to the 1000 extra more then voters.
yeah, amazing how that was, eh?
Yes during the court trial the judge stated that voter fraud had been committed.

Unfortunately here in this state The law requires you to question the voter as to which way he voted, THE DEAD FAILED TO RESPOND.
"wasnt there like 5000 more votes than they had registered voters?"

Again you part in quotes Dive......

And you are trying to LIE about acusing Dems of STEALING races. Sorry Dive but you should know by now that I can't be lied to or manipulated. I remeber posts and I will CALL you on any posts that you try to distance yourself from. I am also too smart to believe ANYTHING Neo-Cons post without INVESTIGATING the SOURCES they cite. I NEVER take polls at face value and I KNOW how polls are USED and MANIPULATED to say whatever people WANT them to say. Like I have said before Dive I am a Poli-Sci MAJOR and I know a LOT more about politics than 99% of the people who post here so don't treat me like a BITCH or I MAY have to respond in kind!
ok dumbfuck
you dont get it
in king county they DID steal it
5000 more votes than they had registered voters
Scott Brown's domination of the Independent vote mirrors how low Obama has fallen with national support among Independents.

Currently nearly half of all independents dissaprove of Obama's job performance.

Only 41% approve.

At the start of summer he had 57% approval from Independents - a nearly 17 point drop.

If you are almost any Democrat politician, you are clenching your teeth over such numbers - they are not good... National Job Approval (INDEPENDENTS ONLY): Pres. Barack Obama

A NEARLY 17% drop otherwise know as a 16% drop. Gawd you are weird!

Independents have been running from this administation for months--so I don't understand why you would want to make an issue over 1 point?

I "heard" that independents are breaking 3 to 1 for Scott Brown & with 57% of MASS being independent--it makes for a very interesting race on Tuesday.

ALL polls are showing Scott Brown with a small lead right now. Just last week Coakely was ahead in most polling data. So something has definitely changed within the last week.

Tuesday--we'll know.

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