Boom!!!! Scott Brown Pulls Ahead

Scott Brown's domination of the Independent vote mirrors how low Obama has fallen with national support among Independents.

Currently nearly half of all independents dissaprove of Obama's job performance.

Only 41% approve.

At the start of summer he had 57% approval from Independents - a nearly 17 point drop.

If you are almost any Democrat politician, you are clenching your teeth over such numbers - they are not good... National Job Approval (INDEPENDENTS ONLY): Pres. Barack Obama

A NEARLY 17% drop otherwise know as a 16% drop. Gawd you are weird!

Independents have been running from this administation for months--so I don't understand why you would want to make an issue over 1 point?

I "heard" that independents are breaking 3 to 1 for Scott Brown & with 57% of MASS being independent--it makes for a very interesting race on Tuesday.

ALL polls are showing Scott Brown with a small lead right now. Just last week Coakely was ahead in most polling data. So something has definitely changed within the last week.

Tuesday--we'll know.


Internal polling looking VERY GOOD for Scott Brown!!!!!!
John McCain paid $175,000 of campaign money to a Republican operative accused of massive voter registration fraud in several states, it has emerged.

As the McCain camp attempts to tie Barack Obama to claims of registration irregularities by the activist group ACORN, campaign finance records detailing the payment to the firm of Nathan Sproul, investigated several times for fraud, threatens to derail that argument.

AHHHH more REPUBLICAN vote stealing.......You know I could go TIT for TAT all night long with examples of REPUBLICANS stealing elections and voter fraud and I BUSTED your ass with your OWN words so suck it up Dive and ADMIT IT!
Latest Cook Report - rare Sunday late edition, gives the edge to Brown as well...


"Given the vagaries of voter turnout, particularly in lower participation level special elections, this race could still go either way, but we put a finger on the scale for Brown. Last-minute Democratic attacks on Brown have driven his negatives up some and slightly diminished the incredible intensity of support that Brown enjoyed, but it looks more likely than not to hold."

Charlie Cook: Brown now favored - Mike Allen -
It's just so ODD that you would see a 16 point drop and call it a NEARLY 17 point drop. Now if you said NEARLY a 20 point drop it would be an exageration but at least it would make SENSE. I guess it's just ANOTHER in a LONG LINE of attempts to SPIN the #s the way you WANT them.
John McCain paid $175,000 of campaign money to a Republican operative accused of massive voter registration fraud in several states, it has emerged.

As the McCain camp attempts to tie Barack Obama to claims of registration irregularities by the activist group ACORN, campaign finance records detailing the payment to the firm of Nathan Sproul, investigated several times for fraud, threatens to derail that argument.

AHHHH more REPUBLICAN vote stealing.......You know I could go TIT for TAT all night long with examples of REPUBLICANS stealing elections and voter fraud and I BUSTED your ass with your OWN words so suck it up Dive and ADMIT IT!
you busted NOTHING punk
fuck off
It is amazing to look back on the polling in November and see Coakley leading Brown by 31 points.

Then that same poll taken last week has Brown leading by 4 points.

That kind of polling shift is almost unheard of in politics.

Can it be a sign of an incredible shift in voter sentiment that will sweep the nation, or is it simply an incredible candidate in the form of Scott Brown????

Perhaps a bit of both...

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Quote: Originally Posted by Full-Auto
Quote: Originally Posted by Sinatra
Quote: Originally Posted by Full-Auto

agreed, democrats have way to much history of voter fraud.

Al Franken anyone???
I expect it to go tlike wash st governors race Where king county democrats committed fraud during the recount.

they kept finding votes. Odd the number of new votes found was almost identical to the 1000 extra more then voters.
"yeah, amazing how that was, eh?"

You part in quotes Dive....

And HERE......................

Dive Control Specialist
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Quote: Originally Posted by Full-Auto
Quote: Originally Posted by DiveCon
Quote: Originally Posted by Full-Auto

I expect it to go tlike wash st governors race Where king county democrats committed fraud during the recount.

they kept finding votes. Odd the number of new votes found was almost identical to the 1000 extra more then voters.
yeah, amazing how that was, eh?
Yes during the court trial the judge stated that voter fraud had been committed.

Unfortunately here in this state The law requires you to question the voter as to which way he voted, THE DEAD FAILED TO RESPOND.
"wasnt there like 5000 more votes than they had registered voters?"

Again you part in quotes Dive......

And you are trying to LIE about acusing Dems of STEALING races. Sorry Dive but you should know by now that I can't be lied to or manipulated. I remeber posts and I will CALL you on any posts that you try to distance yourself from. I am also too smart to believe ANYTHING Neo-Cons post without INVESTIGATING the SOURCES they cite. I NEVER take polls at face value and I KNOW how polls are USED and MANIPULATED to say whatever people WANT them to say. Like I have said before Dive I am a Poli-Sci MAJOR and I know a LOT more about politics than 99% of the people who post here so don't treat me like a BITCH or I MAY have to respond in kind!

You are a Pol-sci major, oooooooooooooooooooh now I am really impressed. What do you have to say about democrat Mayer Dailey of Chicago in the 1960's??? Hmmmmmmmmmmm Or have you not yet studied that? :lol::lol:

United States presidential election, 1960 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kennedy won Illinois by less than 9,000 votes out of 4.75 million cast, or a margin of two-tenths of one percent.[16] However, Nixon carried 92 of the state's 101 counties, and Kennedy's victory in Illinois came from the city of Chicago, where Mayor Richard J. Daley held back much of Chicago's vote until the late morning hours of November 9. The efforts of Daley and the powerful Chicago Democratic organization gave Kennedy an extraordinary Cook County victory margin of 450,000 votes—more than 10% of Chicago's 1960 population of 3.55 million[21]—thus barely overcoming the heavy Republican vote in the rest of Illinois. Earl Mazo, a reporter for the pro-Nixon New York Herald Tribune, investigated the voting in Chicago and claimed to have discovered sufficient evidence of vote fraud to prove that the state was stolen for Kennedy
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John McCain paid $175,000 of campaign money to a Republican operative accused of massive voter registration fraud in several states, it has emerged.

As the McCain camp attempts to tie Barack Obama to claims of registration irregularities by the activist group ACORN, campaign finance records detailing the payment to the firm of Nathan Sproul, investigated several times for fraud, threatens to derail that argument.

AHHHH more REPUBLICAN vote stealing.......You know I could go TIT for TAT all night long with examples of REPUBLICANS stealing elections and voter fraud and I BUSTED your ass with your OWN words so suck it up Dive and ADMIT IT!
you busted NOTHING punk
fuck off

I just kickd the FUCK out of you with your OWN WORDS!!! I am SO SORRY that you can't handle being PROVEN either WRONG or a flat out LIAR but if you can't handle it then get the FUCK out of here.
John McCain paid $175,000 of campaign money to a Republican operative accused of massive voter registration fraud in several states, it has emerged.

As the McCain camp attempts to tie Barack Obama to claims of registration irregularities by the activist group ACORN, campaign finance records detailing the payment to the firm of Nathan Sproul, investigated several times for fraud, threatens to derail that argument.

AHHHH more REPUBLICAN vote stealing.......You know I could go TIT for TAT all night long with examples of REPUBLICANS stealing elections and voter fraud and I BUSTED your ass with your OWN words so suck it up Dive and ADMIT IT!
you busted NOTHING punk
fuck off

I just kickd the FUCK out of you with your OWN WORDS!!! I am SO SORRY that you can't handle being PROVEN either WRONG or a flat out LIAR but if you can't handle it then get the FUCK out of here.
no, you didnt
you said EVERY and found ONE
fuck off punk, i'm DONE with you
you have shown you are just another fucking partisan HACK and nothing more
John McCain paid $175,000 of campaign money to a Republican operative accused of massive voter registration fraud in several states, it has emerged.

As the McCain camp attempts to tie Barack Obama to claims of registration irregularities by the activist group ACORN, campaign finance records detailing the payment to the firm of Nathan Sproul, investigated several times for fraud, threatens to derail that argument.

AHHHH more REPUBLICAN vote stealing.......You know I could go TIT for TAT all night long with examples of REPUBLICANS stealing elections and voter fraud and I BUSTED your ass with your OWN words so suck it up Dive and ADMIT IT!

You need to take a very deeeeeeeeeeeeeeep breath here and get yourself under control, your losing it.:lol:
For your Poli-sci class, you can impress your teacher with this knowledge. A famous quote by Richard Daley- democrat mayor of Chicago.

Topics at 22C3: Voting early, voting often « CCC Events Weblog

“Vote early, vote often” is a quote variously attributed to three different Chicagoans: Al Capone, the famous gangster; Richard J. Daley, mayor from 1955 to 1976; and William Hale Thompson, mayor from 1915-1923 and 1931-1935. All three were notorious for their corruption and their manipulation of the democratic process. It is most likely that Thompson invented the phrase, and Capone and Daley later repeated it.
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Man oh man is there some anger out there regarding Obama and the Democrats!!!


It's as clear as Obama's non negro accent that Democrats are more prone to blame than to actually lead. Obama hasn't led. He's let congress write the bills and that was by design. Obama struck a deal with top dems in the house and senate. They'd help him get elected and he'd let them run wild with their radical leftist agenda. Hillary wouldn't have done that as she would have wanted control and forced Congress to do what she wanted. It's why you have not yet seen Obama craft one piece of important legislation. He's not a leader. And he's a horrible president. 2010 will hopefully be the year that starts the beginning of the end of this corrupt community organizer from Chicago.

After Obama Rally, Dems Pin Blame On Bush - Hotline On Call

Good Grief!!! Still whining about Bush. I never one time heard Bush say anything derogatory about Clinton and he inherited a recession from his administration.
Over a HALF MILLION hits for the "It's the people's seat" quote by Scott Brown.

The guy has hit the national stage running and appears poised to make political history and become the single strongest show of opposition to the Obama led Big Government Democrat agenda.

Simply fantastic!
And the quip heard round the world... was the start of the revolution....

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