Boom!!!! Scott Brown Pulls Ahead


I still see your rolling down the sidewalk like a good little boy.
What your boyfriend bitch slap you, or was it the donkey punch? :eusa_whistle:
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Not to break up the fight here. But you & others have gone through at least two pages here--only calling each other names---.

Does anyone really remember what you all are fighting about---:cuckoo::cuckoo:

I believe there is a topic thread here--that many would like to discuss.
I don't think cold fusion can pull his head out of his ass.

Hey Meister do you even have ANY idea what I was responding to before you stuck your nose into the conversation? Another poster brought up a politician from the early 20th century and I responded. The point was that early in the 20th century the POLITICAL PARTIES gave out MASSIVE gov't jobs as well as THOUSANDS of private sector jobs to party supporters. Not the VERY FEW party insiders but MASSIVE numbers of party supporters. So maybe now that you know the POINT you will understand how fucking STUPID your response was.
John McCain paid $175,000 of campaign money to a Republican operative accused of massive voter registration fraud in several states, it has emerged.

As the McCain camp attempts to tie Barack Obama to claims of registration irregularities by the activist group ACORN, campaign finance records detailing the payment to the firm of Nathan Sproul, investigated several times for fraud, threatens to derail that argument.

AHHHH more REPUBLICAN vote stealing.......You know I could go TIT for TAT all night long with examples of REPUBLICANS stealing elections and voter fraud and I BUSTED your ass with your OWN words so suck it up Dive and ADMIT IT!

O.K. I had to back-track your posts over the verbal war here. I assume that you can provide a LINK to your accusation that John McCain "paid" $175K to someone who was accused of voter registration fraud.

ACORN is under investigation in 17 different states over voter registration fraud--& Obama is on video--stating that the reason Mickey Mouse was registered is because ACORN volunteers get paid for the amount of registrations they turn in--not on the accuracy of them. Now this may have not swayed any election--but you can imagine that it would have cost the counties & states involved millions in tax dollars to clean Acorn's mess up.

Again--you need to provide links to "republicans" stealing elections. Do not go back to 2000 in Florida & Palm beach county--you will get creamed with facts.

I think you skiped the DIEBOLD voting machine incident. The point I was making is that the Republicans are AT LEAST as guilty as the Democrats of voter fraud. Of course Dive acts as if the Republicans can DO NO WRONG and THAT is what the argument is all about.
John McCain paid $175,000 of campaign money to a Republican operative accused of massive voter registration fraud in several states, it has emerged.

As the McCain camp attempts to tie Barack Obama to claims of registration irregularities by the activist group ACORN, campaign finance records detailing the payment to the firm of Nathan Sproul, investigated several times for fraud, threatens to derail that argument.

AHHHH more REPUBLICAN vote stealing.......You know I could go TIT for TAT all night long with examples of REPUBLICANS stealing elections and voter fraud and I BUSTED your ass with your OWN words so suck it up Dive and ADMIT IT!

O.K. I had to back-track your posts over the verbal war here. I assume that you can provide a LINK to your accusation that John McCain "paid" $175K to someone who was accused of voter registration fraud.

ACORN is under investigation in 17 different states over voter registration fraud--& Obama is on video--stating that the reason Mickey Mouse was registered is because ACORN volunteers get paid for the amount of registrations they turn in--not on the accuracy of them. Now this may have not swayed any election--but you can imagine that it would have cost the counties & states involved millions in tax dollars to clean Acorn's mess up.

Again--you need to provide links to "republicans" stealing elections. Do not go back to 2000 in Florida & Palm beach county--you will get creamed with facts.

I think you skiped the DIEBOLD voting machine incident. The point I was making is that the Republicans are AT LEAST as guilty as the Democrats of voter fraud. Of course Dive acts as if the Republicans can DO NO WRONG and THAT is what the argument is all about.
more crap you pull from your ass
did you know they convicted several republicans in NH a few years ago for election tampering by jamming a democrat phone bank?

you are the naive one thinking its only one side i think are a bunch of crooks

and btw, no one at Diebold was involved and no one at Diebold has even been indicted, let alone convicted
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Brown maintains a campaign of class and integrity, while showing Obama the truth of what he has truly become...


Following a series of recent attack ads, Brown urged Obama to bring civility to the campaign.

Said Brown, “How quickly the politics of hope have been replaced with the politics of desperation.”

He added, “It’s us against the machine.”


Well said Senator Brown.

President Obama aims to beat back Scott Brown for Dem -
Just announced on Fox, Coakley's husband's police officer's union has just endorsed BROWN. LOLOLOLOL The reason, they are opposed to the takeover of 6% of our economy in health care.
Brown maintains a campaign of class and integrity, while showing Obama the truth of what he has truly become...


Following a series of recent attack ads, Brown urged Obama to bring civility to the campaign.

Said Brown, “How quickly the politics of hope have been replaced with the politics of desperation.”

He added, “It’s us against the machine.”


Well said Senator Brown.

President Obama aims to beat back Scott Brown for Dem -

Now the dems are scheming and making plans, they are desperate about passing health care should Brown get the nod.

Democrats consider backup plan for health care reform -

But Democratic sources on Capitol Hill say "what-if" discussions are taking place about how they could proceed with health care if Coakley is defeated, and they privately admit none of their alternatives is very good. According to senior Democratic congressional officials, here are options under discussion:

Pass health care reform before Scott Brown is seated.

But multiple Democratic sources say this is unlikely. Even if House and Senate Democrats could reach a deal to meld their bills and pass them in the next couple of weeks -- a big if -- there would be a huge outcry from not only Republicans, but also an increasingly distrustful public.

Video: Obama stumps for Coakley

Video: Obama's hope for health care
Health Care Policy
Domestic Policy
For that reason, one senior Democratic source says some Democratic lawmakers who voted yes last time have already warned they would vote no if health care is voted on in advance of any swearing in of Brown.

In my opinion this health care propsal is dead and has been for many months. They should have trashed it months ago and started over with REAL reform. Brought in Republicans, some of them former and current physcians, and put the whole damn thing on C-Span as was promised to us 8-9 different times by President Obama during his campaign for President. Instead- it,s been Obama, Pelosi and Reid writting this in the back rooms of the White House. No-one trusts it- not even many democrats. 25% of the democrats have split to go and vote for Brown in this race. Secretly, I beleive that many democrat lawmakers are praying for a Brown win because it will give them the excuse to bail on this peice of shit bill.
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Brown maintains a campaign of class and integrity, while showing Obama the truth of what he has truly become...


Following a series of recent attack ads, Brown urged Obama to bring civility to the campaign.

Said Brown, “How quickly the politics of hope have been replaced with the politics of desperation.”

He added, “It’s us against the machine.”


Well said Senator Brown.

President Obama aims to beat back Scott Brown for Dem -

Now the dems are scheming and making plans, they are desperate about passing health care should Brown get the nod.

Democrats consider backup plan for health care reform -

But Democratic sources on Capitol Hill say "what-if" discussions are taking place about how they could proceed with health care if Coakley is defeated, and they privately admit none of their alternatives is very good. According to senior Democratic congressional officials, here are options under discussion:

Pass health care reform before Scott Brown is seated.

But multiple Democratic sources say this is unlikely. Even if House and Senate Democrats could reach a deal to meld their bills and pass them in the next couple of weeks -- a big if -- there would be a huge outcry from not only Republicans, but also an increasingly distrustful public.

Video: Obama stumps for Coakley

Video: Obama's hope for health care
Health Care Policy
Domestic Policy
For that reason, one senior Democratic source says some Democratic lawmakers who voted yes last time have already warned they would vote no if health care is voted on in advance of any swearing in of Brown.

In my opinion this health care propsal is dead and has been for many months. They should have trashed it months ago and started over with REAL reform. Brought in Republicans, some of them former and current physcians, and put the whole damn thing on C-Span as was promised to us 8-9 different times by President Obama during his campaign for President. Instead- it,s been Obama, Pelosi and Reid writting this in the back rooms of the White House. No-one trusts it- not even many democrats. 25% of the democrats have split to go and vote for Brown in this race. Secretly, I beleive that many democrat lawmakers are praying for a Brown win because it will give them the excuse to bail on this peice of shit bill


Agreed - but this healthcare reform was never about true reform - it has always been first and foremost about CONTROL. The Democrats see healthcare as another huge entitlement program, through which the government's control over lifestyle will greatly increase. They will also use it each election to threaten voters, just like they do with Social Security.

The same can be said for Cap n Tax - it has nothing to do about "saving the planet" an everything to do about control and profit for a very select few. (General Electric)

The American people are finally getting wise to all of it, and so the Democrats are finding themselves on the wrong side of history again...
Latest polling indicates Brown has increased his lead since latest poll by same firm:

Brown Leads Poll, Last Push for Votes in Mass
January 18, 2010 - 11:47 AM | by: Molly Line

The latest Public Policy Poll shows Republican state Senator Scott Brown with a lead over the Democratic candidate, the state's Attorney General Martha Coakley, in the Massachusetts Senate Race- 51% to 46%.

Several recent polls have shown Brown with the advantage among likely voters, this in a state where Registered Dems have a 3 to 1 advantage over Republicans.
A GOP candidate has not won a U.S. Senate seat in the Bay State since 1972, making Brown's last minute surge even more remarkable.

White House aides have quietly expressed fears that the race is lost and some Washington insiders and political strategists are throwing the blame on the Coakley campaign for taking a contest that was expected to be an easy win for Democrats and turning it into a toss-up

Brown Leads Poll, Last Push for Votes in Mass « Liveshots
Are the Dems EVER on the right side of history? If the Dems had their way, blacks, as Clinton remarked would still be bringing us coffee.... FOR FREE.
Scott Brown manages to score points with Massachusetts voters yet again, and thumb his nose at the Democrat Party Machine elite who are scrambling to save her campaign in the final hourse.

Coakley decides to push for votes at a MLK breakfast, and Brown rightfully calls her out on it - even as MLK Jr tries to defend her...


The son of Martin Luther King Jr. this morning defended Democrat Attorney General Martha Coakley after her GOP U.S. Senate rival took a swipe at her for asking for votes during an annual breakfast honoring the slain civil rights leader.

...“I certainly didn’t realize that this was a rally for Martha,” said Brown. “I think it’s inappropriate to ask for people’s votes when they’re trying to remember Martin Luther King Jr.”

MLK’s son defends Coakley politicking at breakfast -
Brown maintains a campaign of class and integrity, while showing Obama the truth of what he has truly become...


Following a series of recent attack ads, Brown urged Obama to bring civility to the campaign.

Said Brown, “How quickly the politics of hope have been replaced with the politics of desperation.”

He added, “It’s us against the machine.”


Well said Senator Brown.

President Obama aims to beat back Scott Brown for Dem -

Now the dems are scheming and making plans, they are desperate about passing health care should Brown get the nod.

Democrats consider backup plan for health care reform -

But Democratic sources on Capitol Hill say "what-if" discussions are taking place about how they could proceed with health care if Coakley is defeated, and they privately admit none of their alternatives is very good. According to senior Democratic congressional officials, here are options under discussion:

Pass health care reform before Scott Brown is seated.

But multiple Democratic sources say this is unlikely. Even if House and Senate Democrats could reach a deal to meld their bills and pass them in the next couple of weeks -- a big if -- there would be a huge outcry from not only Republicans, but also an increasingly distrustful public.

Video: Obama stumps for Coakley

Video: Obama's hope for health care
Health Care Policy
Domestic Policy
For that reason, one senior Democratic source says some Democratic lawmakers who voted yes last time have already warned they would vote no if health care is voted on in advance of any swearing in of Brown.

In my opinion this health care propsal is dead and has been for many months. They should have trashed it months ago and started over with REAL reform. Brought in Republicans, some of them former and current physcians, and put the whole damn thing on C-Span as was promised to us 8-9 different times by President Obama during his campaign for President. Instead- it,s been Obama, Pelosi and Reid writting this in the back rooms of the White House. No-one trusts it- not even many democrats. 25% of the democrats have split to go and vote for Brown in this race. Secretly, I beleive that many democrat lawmakers are praying for a Brown win because it will give them the excuse to bail on this peice of shit bill


Agreed - but this healthcare reform was never about true reform - it has always been first and foremost about CONTROL. The Democrats see healthcare as another huge entitlement program, through which the government's control over lifestyle will greatly increase. They will also use it each election to threaten voters, just like they do with Social Security.

The same can be said for Cap n Tax - it has nothing to do about "saving the planet" an everything to do about control and profit for a very select few. (General Electric)

The American people are finally getting wise to all of it, and so the Democrats are finding themselves on the wrong side of history again...

I couldn't agree more, if it were truly about Health care reform, they would have started with Tort reform, open up competition in the states, promoted HSA' s with pre-tax dollars, allowed small business to group, promoted inexpensive high deductible catastrophic plans,
Legislated for portability and pre-existing conditions. It has NOTHING to do with Health care reform and EVERYTHING to do with control over 6% of our economy and more control over our TAX dollar.
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Saw a doctor on one of the talking shows over the weekend who offered up this simple suggestion regarding healthcare:

-Give families a $1500-$2000 per year HSA voucher, open up high deductible low cost health plans to compete across state lines, initiate real Tort reform, and you have solved the so-called health care crisis, and for about 1/10th the cost of what is being proposed by Obama.

He went on to say that there has never been a health care crisis - that America has the best health care in the world. The only difficulty is coverage access for some, though many of these same people are not taking advantage of the plans available in their own states.

He called Obamacare health care for the lazy, because so many of these people simply do not take the time to figure out how get health coverage for themselves, and the Democrat Party seems to think they are incapable of doing so. He also pointed out that of the millions being cited by the Democrats as uninsured, the at least a third are in fact illegals. He stated the Democrats and Obama know this, and they are certainly lying about it.

This was on one of the local stations, but offered up one of the best explanations of what is really going on with this debate that I have seen by a practicing physician. (This guy was a cancer treatment specialist I believe)

It really is so damn simple:

HSA voucher for individuals and/or families

State to state competition of high deductible low cost plans

Tort Reform.

Ah, but none of those suggestions give MORE POWER to the government , thus the Democrats don't even mention them.

Now the dems are scheming and making plans, they are desperate about passing health care should Brown get the nod.

Democrats consider backup plan for health care reform -

But Democratic sources on Capitol Hill say "what-if" discussions are taking place about how they could proceed with health care if Coakley is defeated, and they privately admit none of their alternatives is very good. According to senior Democratic congressional officials, here are options under discussion:

Pass health care reform before Scott Brown is seated.

But multiple Democratic sources say this is unlikely. Even if House and Senate Democrats could reach a deal to meld their bills and pass them in the next couple of weeks -- a big if -- there would be a huge outcry from not only Republicans, but also an increasingly distrustful public.

Video: Obama stumps for Coakley

Video: Obama's hope for health care
Health Care Policy
Domestic Policy
For that reason, one senior Democratic source says some Democratic lawmakers who voted yes last time have already warned they would vote no if health care is voted on in advance of any swearing in of Brown.

In my opinion this health care propsal is dead and has been for many months. They should have trashed it months ago and started over with REAL reform. Brought in Republicans, some of them former and current physcians, and put the whole damn thing on C-Span as was promised to us 8-9 different times by President Obama during his campaign for President. Instead- it,s been Obama, Pelosi and Reid writting this in the back rooms of the White House. No-one trusts it- not even many democrats. 25% of the democrats have split to go and vote for Brown in this race. Secretly, I beleive that many democrat lawmakers are praying for a Brown win because it will give them the excuse to bail on this peice of shit bill


Agreed - but this healthcare reform was never about true reform - it has always been first and foremost about CONTROL. The Democrats see healthcare as another huge entitlement program, through which the government's control over lifestyle will greatly increase. They will also use it each election to threaten voters, just like they do with Social Security.

The same can be said for Cap n Tax - it has nothing to do about "saving the planet" an everything to do about control and profit for a very select few. (General Electric)

The American people are finally getting wise to all of it, and so the Democrats are finding themselves on the wrong side of history again...

I couldn't agree more, if it were truly about Health care reform, they would have started with Tort reform, open up competition in the states, promoted HSA' s with pre-tax dollars, allowed small business to group, promoted inexpensive high deductible catastrophic plans,
Legislated for portability and pre-existing conditions. It has NOTHING to do with Health care reform and EVERYTHING to do with control over 6% of our economy and more control over our TAX dollar.
In the last three days, this is as good as it gets for Coakley:

QUESTION: If the 2010 special election for U.S. Senate were held today, would you vote for Martha Coakley, the Democrat, Scott Brown, the Republican, or Joseph Kennedy, the Libertarian candidate?
ALL........... 48..................... 48....................3.....................1

It took the Daily Kos to do it. :eek::lol:
Not to break up the fight here. But you & others have gone through at least two pages here--only calling each other names---.

Does anyone really remember what you all are fighting about---:cuckoo::cuckoo:

I believe there is a topic thread here--that many would like to discuss.
I don't think cold fusion can pull his head out of his ass.

Hey Meister do you even have ANY idea what I was responding to before you stuck your nose into the conversation? Another poster brought up a politician from the early 20th century and I responded. The point was that early in the 20th century the POLITICAL PARTIES gave out MASSIVE gov't jobs as well as THOUSANDS of private sector jobs to party supporters. Not the VERY FEW party insiders but MASSIVE numbers of party supporters. So maybe now that you know the POINT you will understand how fucking STUPID your response was.

If you could have read between the lines of what I was saying, it was on your topic, and it wasn't that, how did you put it...."fucking stupid".
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Now the dems are scheming and making plans, they are desperate about passing health care should Brown get the nod.

Democrats consider backup plan for health care reform -

But Democratic sources on Capitol Hill say "what-if" discussions are taking place about how they could proceed with health care if Coakley is defeated, and they privately admit none of their alternatives is very good. According to senior Democratic congressional officials, here are options under discussion:

Pass health care reform before Scott Brown is seated.

But multiple Democratic sources say this is unlikely. Even if House and Senate Democrats could reach a deal to meld their bills and pass them in the next couple of weeks -- a big if -- there would be a huge outcry from not only Republicans, but also an increasingly distrustful public.

Video: Obama stumps for Coakley

Video: Obama's hope for health care
Health Care Policy
Domestic Policy
For that reason, one senior Democratic source says some Democratic lawmakers who voted yes last time have already warned they would vote no if health care is voted on in advance of any swearing in of Brown.

In my opinion this health care propsal is dead and has been for many months. They should have trashed it months ago and started over with REAL reform. Brought in Republicans, some of them former and current physcians, and put the whole damn thing on C-Span as was promised to us 8-9 different times by President Obama during his campaign for President. Instead- it,s been Obama, Pelosi and Reid writting this in the back rooms of the White House. No-one trusts it- not even many democrats. 25% of the democrats have split to go and vote for Brown in this race. Secretly, I beleive that many democrat lawmakers are praying for a Brown win because it will give them the excuse to bail on this peice of shit bill


Agreed - but this healthcare reform was never about true reform - it has always been first and foremost about CONTROL. The Democrats see healthcare as another huge entitlement program, through which the government's control over lifestyle will greatly increase. They will also use it each election to threaten voters, just like they do with Social Security.

The same can be said for Cap n Tax - it has nothing to do about "saving the planet" an everything to do about control and profit for a very select few. (General Electric)

The American people are finally getting wise to all of it, and so the Democrats are finding themselves on the wrong side of history again...

I couldn't agree more, if it were truly about Health care reform, they would have started with Tort reform, open up competition in the states, promoted HSA' s with pre-tax dollars, allowed small business to group, promoted inexpensive high deductible catastrophic plans,
Legislated for portability and pre-existing conditions. It has NOTHING to do with Health care reform and EVERYTHING to do with control over 6% of our economy and more control over our TAX dollar.

WillowTree for senate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know I posted this before, but this video is well worth the watch if you want to see the frustration of people when it comes to a healthcare program that has been crafted to meet the needs of all. This poor girl is rightly angry and sort of sums up I would imagine the feeling of a more than a few residents of her state and thats being translated in this election. The end of the video is actually the best part. It's long so I advise skipping to the end.

I know I posted this before, but this video is well worth the watch if you want to see the frustration of people when it comes to a healthcare program that has been crafted to meet the needs of all. This poor girl is rightly angry and sort of sums up I would imagine the feeling of a more than a few residents of her state and thats being translated in this election. The end of the video is actually the best part. It's long so I advise skipping to the end.

Tell me this Navy what SHOULD we do maintain the "Status Quo"? What are people supposed to do when health care is tied to their employment? If you become too ill to work you will LOSE your job AND your health care at EXACTELY the time you need it MOST. WHAT SHOULD YOUR FELLOW AMERICANS DO!!! So as it is now it kicks people when they are down. You need EXPENSIVE treatments at the exact time you have NO COVERAGE so what do you do? YOU LAY DOWN AND DIE!!!! That's what!!! Is there ANY compasion in the Republican party left?

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