Boom!!!! Scott Brown Pulls Ahead

Oh and by the way I AGREE that Tort reform is a MAJOR part of ANY TRUE healthcare reform. But I think you all should agree that having PREVENTITIVE treatment can reduce the need for MUCH more expensive and much more EFFECTIVE treatments. Almost EVERY illness can be treated CHEAPER and more EFFECTIVELY when found early on.
Oh and by the way I AGREE that Tort reform is a MAJOR part of ANY TRUE healthcare reform. But I think you all should agree that having PREVENTITIVE treatment can reduce the need for MUCH more expensive and much more EFFECTIVE treatments. Almost EVERY illness can be treated CHEAPER and more EFFECTIVELY when found early on.

Not true. It may save lives which is likely a good thing, but NOT money:

Congressional Budget Expert Says Preventive Care Will Raise -- Not Cut -- Costs - Political Punch

Congressional Budget Expert Says Preventive Care Will Raise -- Not Cut -- Costs
August 09, 2009 9:27 AM

In yet more disappointing news for Democrats pushing for health care reform, Douglas W. Elmendorf, director of the Congressional Budget Office, offered a skeptical view Friday of the cost savings that could result from preventive care -- an area that President Obama and congressional Democrats repeatedly had emphasized as a way health care reform would be less expensive in the long term.

Obviously successful preventive care can make Americans healthier and save lives. But, Elmendorf wrote, it may not save money as Democrats had been arguing.

"Although different types of preventive care have different effects on spending, the evidence suggests that for most preventive services, expanded utilization leads to higher, not lower, medical spending overall," Elmendorf wrote. "That result may seem counterintuitive.

"For example, many observers point to cases in which a simple medical test, if given early enough, can reveal a condition that is treatable at a fraction of the cost of treating that same illness after it has progressed. In such cases, an ounce of prevention improves health and reduces spending — for that individual," Elmendorf wrote. "But when analyzing the effects of preventive care on total spending for health care, it is important to recognize that doctors do not know beforehand which patients are going to develop costly illnesses. To avert one case of acute illness, it is usually necessary to provide preventive care to many patients, most of whom would not have suffered that illness anyway. ... Researchers who have examined the effects of preventive care generally find that the added costs of widespread use of preventive services tend to exceed the savings from averted illness."...
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I know I posted this before, but this video is well worth the watch if you want to see the frustration of people when it comes to a healthcare program that has been crafted to meet the needs of all. This poor girl is rightly angry and sort of sums up I would imagine the feeling of a more than a few residents of her state and thats being translated in this election. The end of the video is actually the best part. It's long so I advise skipping to the end.

Tell me this Navy what SHOULD we do maintain the "Status Quo"? What are people supposed to do when health care is tied to their employment? If you become too ill to work you will LOSE your job AND your health care at EXACTELY the time you need it MOST. WHAT SHOULD YOUR FELLOW AMERICANS DO!!! So as it is now it kicks people when they are down. You need EXPENSIVE treatments at the exact time you have NO COVERAGE so what do you do? YOU LAY DOWN AND DIE!!!! That's what!!! Is there ANY compasion in the Republican party left?

I will gladly tell you what you do- you trash this train wreck and you start again with REAL health care reform.

1. Tort reform.
2. Promote HSA's with pre-tax dollars.
3. Open competition among the states to bring insurance costs down.
4. Promote high deductible, inexpensive catastrophic plans.
5. Allow small business to group for cheaper rates.
6. Legislate and mandate that you own your own insurance plan like a 401k and you take it with you should you change jobs.
7. Legislate and mandate coverage for pre-exisiting conditions.
8. Subsidize the poor, BTW we already do- it's called Medicaid.

There you have it, health insurance reform, the REAL REFORM THAT needs to happen. If Obama was smart enough to do this he would have a 90% approval rating and a majority of Bi-partisan support. That's also why his reform is NOT about health care, it's about control over you and control over your money.

I know I posted this before, but this video is well worth the watch if you want to see the frustration of people when it comes to a healthcare program that has been crafted to meet the needs of all. This poor girl is rightly angry and sort of sums up I would imagine the feeling of a more than a few residents of her state and thats being translated in this election. The end of the video is actually the best part. It's long so I advise skipping to the end.

Tell me this Navy what SHOULD we do maintain the "Status Quo"? What are people supposed to do when health care is tied to their employment? If you become too ill to work you will LOSE your job AND your health care at EXACTELY the time you need it MOST. WHAT SHOULD YOUR FELLOW AMERICANS DO!!! So as it is now it kicks people when they are down. You need EXPENSIVE treatments at the exact time you have NO COVERAGE so what do you do? YOU LAY DOWN AND DIE!!!! That's what!!! Is there ANY compasion in the Republican party left?

I will gladly tell you what you do- you trash this train wreck and you start again with REAL health care reform.

1. Tort reform.
2. Promote HSA's with pre-tax dollars.
3. Open competition among the states to bring insurance costs down.
4. Promote high deductible, inexpensive catastrophic plans.
5. Allow small business to group for cheaper rates.
6. Legislate and mandate that you own your own insurance plan like a 401k and you take it with you should you change jobs.
7. Legislate and mandate coverage for pre-exisiting conditions.
8. Subsidize the poor, BTW we already do- it's called Medicaid.

There you have it, health insurance reform, the REAL REFORM THAT needs to happen. If Obama was smart enough to do this he would have a 90% approval rating and a majority of Bi-partisan support. That's also why his reform is NOT about health care, it's about control over you and control over your money.

Do those things and it will pass.

I know I posted this before, but this video is well worth the watch if you want to see the frustration of people when it comes to a healthcare program that has been crafted to meet the needs of all. This poor girl is rightly angry and sort of sums up I would imagine the feeling of a more than a few residents of her state and thats being translated in this election. The end of the video is actually the best part. It's long so I advise skipping to the end.

Tell me this Navy what SHOULD we do maintain the "Status Quo"? What are people supposed to do when health care is tied to their employment? If you become too ill to work you will LOSE your job AND your health care at EXACTELY the time you need it MOST. WHAT SHOULD YOUR FELLOW AMERICANS DO!!! So as it is now it kicks people when they are down. You need EXPENSIVE treatments at the exact time you have NO COVERAGE so what do you do? YOU LAY DOWN AND DIE!!!! That's what!!! Is there ANY compasion in the Republican party left?

First, how about actually crafting legislation that reflects what people are asking for and that healthcare reform and not Medicaid for All / Mandatory health insurance purchase disguised as healthcare reform. It's my belief that most Americans want healthcare costs to come down and want healthcare insurance to be more available and the quality of care to rise. Where I part compnay with more than a few on this one I suppose is I do not think that you craft legislation that impacts all Americans unless you have the input of ALL Americans and clearly in thie bill you do not. Of course there is compassion, no one wants anyone to die in the streets but in order to realize a healthcare system that suits the needs of ALL Americans then it needs to represent those needs and not the needs of Some.
Oh and by the way I AGREE that Tort reform is a MAJOR part of ANY TRUE healthcare reform. But I think you all should agree that having PREVENTITIVE treatment can reduce the need for MUCH more expensive and much more EFFECTIVE treatments. Almost EVERY illness can be treated CHEAPER and more EFFECTIVELY when found early on.

I agree that preventative care is important that's why I beleive in HSA's, Heath savings plans, that are pre-tax dollar that you use for preventative care, such as check-ups, medications, etc. What you don't use out of this plan- you get to keep-it's your money. It would encourage people to get wellness checks and discourage people from over-whelming our health care providers by running to the doctor for a simple hang-nail, because after all, it is money in the bank and it's your money at the end of a calender year.
O.K. I had to back-track your posts over the verbal war here. I assume that you can provide a LINK to your accusation that John McCain "paid" $175K to someone who was accused of voter registration fraud.

ACORN is under investigation in 17 different states over voter registration fraud--& Obama is on video--stating that the reason Mickey Mouse was registered is because ACORN volunteers get paid for the amount of registrations they turn in--not on the accuracy of them. Now this may have not swayed any election--but you can imagine that it would have cost the counties & states involved millions in tax dollars to clean Acorn's mess up.

Again--you need to provide links to "republicans" stealing elections. Do not go back to 2000 in Florida & Palm beach county--you will get creamed with facts.

I think you skiped the DIEBOLD voting machine incident. The point I was making is that the Republicans are AT LEAST as guilty as the Democrats of voter fraud. Of course Dive acts as if the Republicans can DO NO WRONG and THAT is what the argument is all about.
more crap you pull from your ass
did you know they convicted several republicans in NH a few years ago for election tampering by jamming a democrat phone bank?

you are the naive one thinking its only one side i think are a bunch of crooks

and btw, no one at Diebold was involved and no one at Diebold has even been indicted, let alone convicted

So you agree that VOTER FRAUD is a BI-PARTISAN issue. Thank you for your honesty with regards to that. If you had just made that clear a couple of pages ago we could have avoided much friction.
Oh and by the way I AGREE that Tort reform is a MAJOR part of ANY TRUE healthcare reform. But I think you all should agree that having PREVENTITIVE treatment can reduce the need for MUCH more expensive and much more EFFECTIVE treatments. Almost EVERY illness can be treated CHEAPER and more EFFECTIVELY when found early on.

Not true. It may save lives which is likely a good thing, but NOT money:

Congressional Budget Expert Says Preventive Care Will Raise -- Not Cut -- Costs - Political Punch

Congressional Budget Expert Says Preventive Care Will Raise -- Not Cut -- Costs
August 09, 2009 9:27 AM

In yet more disappointing news for Democrats pushing for health care reform, Douglas W. Elmendorf, director of the Congressional Budget Office, offered a skeptical view Friday of the cost savings that could result from preventive care -- an area that President Obama and congressional Democrats repeatedly had emphasized as a way health care reform would be less expensive in the long term.

Obviously successful preventive care can make Americans healthier and save lives. But, Elmendorf wrote, it may not save money as Democrats had been arguing.

"Although different types of preventive care have different effects on spending, the evidence suggests that for most preventive services, expanded utilization leads to higher, not lower, medical spending overall," Elmendorf wrote. "That result may seem counterintuitive.

"For example, many observers point to cases in which a simple medical test, if given early enough, can reveal a condition that is treatable at a fraction of the cost of treating that same illness after it has progressed. In such cases, an ounce of prevention improves health and reduces spending — for that individual," Elmendorf wrote. "But when analyzing the effects of preventive care on total spending for health care, it is important to recognize that doctors do not know beforehand which patients are going to develop costly illnesses. To avert one case of acute illness, it is usually necessary to provide preventive care to many patients, most of whom would not have suffered that illness anyway. ... Researchers who have examined the effects of preventive care generally find that the added costs of widespread use of preventive services tend to exceed the savings from averted illness."...

Savings from averted illness........How about averted DEATHS?
I think you skiped the DIEBOLD voting machine incident. The point I was making is that the Republicans are AT LEAST as guilty as the Democrats of voter fraud. Of course Dive acts as if the Republicans can DO NO WRONG and THAT is what the argument is all about.
more crap you pull from your ass
did you know they convicted several republicans in NH a few years ago for election tampering by jamming a democrat phone bank?

you are the naive one thinking its only one side i think are a bunch of crooks

and btw, no one at Diebold was involved and no one at Diebold has even been indicted, let alone convicted

So you agree that VOTER FRAUD is a BI-PARTISAN issue. Thank you for your honesty with regards to that. If you had just made that clear a couple of pages ago we could have avoided much friction.
if you had bothered to actually READ what i said you would already KNOW that
you didnt, so thats why you got everything WRONG
If the most current polling holds up - it is Scott Brown in a near-landslide folks.

Holy Smokes!!!

Politico/InAdv 1/17 - 1/17 804 LV 52 43 Brown +9
PJM/CrossTarget (R) 1/17 - 1/17 574 LV 52 42 Brown +10
PPP (D) 1/16 - 1/17 1231 LV 51 46 Brown +5
ARG 1/15 - 1/17 600 LV 52 45 Brown +7

RealClearPolitics - Election 2010 - Massachusetts Senate - Special Election
Even the people of Massechussetts see what's going on. I say welcome BACK to the UNION Massechussetts...!
Some fascinating facts from the most recent polling shows just how far Scott Brown's appeal to the voters actually goes.

-Among 18-29 year olds Brown gets 61% to Coakley's 30.3% That is HUGE support among the youngest section of voters.

-Brown is also getting nearly 27% of the Black vote. Again, that is simply AWESOME!!!

-Even more impressive, Brown is getting nearly 77% of the Hispanic vote!!!! BOOM!!!!

-Scott Brown gets nearly 69% of Independent voters, as well as over 24% of DEMOCRAT voters!!!!

-Brown is also now showing a slight edge over Coakley among women voters.

Scott Brown is running the table - we could be talking a very significant victory here for Brown over Coakley, especially if some of Kennedy's polled votes actually break for Brown, which insiders believe is exactly what is going to happen.

We may be talking about a DOUBLE-DIGIT victory here.

(I still stick by my earlier prediction of a 6-point victory though :) )

Way to go Senator Scott Brown!!!!

Make it happen tomorrow Massachusetts - BRING THIS ELECTION HOME FOR AMERICA!!!!
Some fascinating facts from the most recent polling shows just how far Scott Brown's appeal to the voters actually goes.

-Among 18-29 year olds Brown gets 61% to Coakley's 30.3% That is HUGE support among the youngest section of voters.

-Brown is also getting nearly 27% of the Black vote. Again, that is simply AWESOME!!!

-Even more impressive, Brown is getting nearly 77% of the Hispanic vote!!!! BOOM!!!!

-Scott Brown gets nearly 69% of Independent voters, as well as over 24% of DEMOCRAT voters!!!!

-Brown is also now showing a slight edge over Coakley among women voters.

Scott Brown is running the table - we could be talking a very significant victory here for Brown over Coakley, especially if some of Kennedy's polled votes actually break for Brown, which insiders believe is exactly what is going to happen.

We may be talking about a DOUBLE-DIGIT victory here.

(I still stick by my earlier prediction of a 6-point victory though :) )

Way to go Senator Scott Brown!!!!

Make it happen tomorrow Massachusetts - BRING THIS ELECTION HOME FOR AMERICA!!!!

It's because the MAN is an independent thinker, and knows that what is going on is WRONG for this Nation. He's stated as such. People are strangely attracted to what is correct, and not necessarily in political Vogue.
HYANNIS — The red, white and blue signs. Chants of "Yes We Can." People of all ages and races clamoring for one glance at the candidate.

It was state Sen. Scott Brown — not President Barack Obama — who received the rock star treatment yesterday in Hyannis, as several hundred supporters lined Main Street to cheer the Republican hopeful for the U.S. Senate on to victory against state Attorney General Martha Coakley.

The hefty turnout surprised some people, including police officers, as Main Street was down to one lane in spots and Brown supporters crowded in the street caused frequent traffic backups
Hundreds greet Brown in Hyannis |
Well, this might be taken wrong way, but I am gonna say it anyways.

It's pretty sad that Republican's hope laying in the hands of blue state voters. When you put yourself in the position like that, than you should know you're doing something wrong all along.

Even though I would like to see Scott Brown win tomorrow, it's still bad for whole America to be in this position. There is no future for us as long there we have one party with two heads in Washington. I guess we don't deserve much better then we already have there.
Not only has Bill Clinton become involved, but also President Obama is now campaigning to secure the Senate seat in Massachusetts.

As Newsmax reports, “Obama blasted his massive campaign e-mail list with a letter praising Coakley and seeking support. Also, his Twitter feed urged supporters to make phone calls promoting Coakley’s candidacy.”

Scott Brown described how the Democratic machine is working overtime for Coakley, and how “Everybody who is part of the political establishment in Massachusetts is rallying around her. …she’ll be a Washington insider and be part of the political establishment down there, be the 60th vote, shut off debate, ram things through.”

Additionally, the Coakley campaign is resorting to the most disgusting attack ads, suggesting that Brown opposes emergency contraception for women who have suffered rape. Even Brown’s two daughters are making an appeal to Coakley to cancel the ad, calling it “completely inaccurate and misleading.”

Democrats may try every trick in the book as they did in Minnesota when Al Franken was able to ‘win’ the Senate seat from Coleman. Expect them to use the same dirty tactics in Massachusetts should Brown win by a close margin.

As was written in the WSJ Opinion Journal about the Minnesota election:

“The unfortunate lesson is that you don’t need to win the vote on Election Day as long as your lawyers are creative enough to have enough new or disqualified ballots counted after the fact.”

“The Democrat’s strategy from the start was to manipulate the recount in a way that would discover votes that could add to his total. The Franken legal team swarmed the recount, aggressively demanding that votes that had been disqualified be added to his count, while others be denied for Mr. Coleman.”

Democrats will simply recount until they ‘win’, probably with the help of a partisan judge and ACORN.

Scott Brown correctly points out despite the Democrats’ arrogance and elitism, this is not the “Kennedys’ seat” or the “Democrats’ seat”; it is the People’s seat.

Listen boys and girls take your camera phones and video everything you see who knows what will turn up at the election tomorrow!
Check out this video "Massachusetts Miracle"

I've been in a few campaigns - but this actually got be a bit choked up.

I totally agree with a previous post - if Brown pulls this off on Tuesday, I will be saying a prayer of thanks. Massachusetts would be leading the way once again...

The fact you think God has anything to do with this, especially with choosing a certain candidate is not only ignorance but arrogance on your part. But not surprising to say the least.

Brown is apart of the establishment. He can try to run as anti-establishment, but as long as he's running with a (R) next to his name and taking their money then he's about as clean as a pig in it's pen.

For you to say God has nothing to do with this election is ignorant and arrogant on your part. I say the Lord can put anyone he chooses into office if that is his wish to do.

I don't believe anyone has said that Scott Brown is the Messiah or walks on water. Most of us with any sense at all want somebody anybody with enough guts to stand up to Obama and the Obots to say NO we do not want this health reform in it's present state. I am hoping that Brown will be that man and will have enough integrity to stand by his word. I just pray yes pray that if he is elected he will not be a sell out. He will make or break his own political future if he is elected and the stance he takes. Messiah no fallible man yes.

For now Brown is our only hope.
Ame®icano;1917671 said:
Well, this might be taken wrong way, but I am gonna say it anyways.

It's pretty sad that Republican's hope laying in the hands of blue state voters. When you put yourself in the position like that, than you should know you're doing something wrong all along.

Even though I would like to see Scott Brown win tomorrow, it's still bad for whole America to be in this position. There is no future for us as long there we have one party with two heads in Washington. I guess we don't deserve much better then we already have there.

Yes we can point fingers all day long and we accomplish nothing. We can sit back and say this is what we deserve. I say fight America fight for our rights. We are the greatest Nation in all of the world and we did not get there by sitting back on our hands and saying woe is me I don't deserve any better. Yes we do deserve better and we can get better we have to demand better. We become the greatest nation in the world as a DEMO RACY not as Socialist. I personally don't care which political party is in office I do care about our rights. I do care when our rights are being trampled upon we should all be very upset with our administration right now and NOW is the time to let them know it!

Brown may not be the best man for the job and I truly hope he is not lying to us all like someone else did all we can do is demand what we expect from our leaders they work for us not the other way around.

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