Boom!!!! Scott Brown Pulls Ahead

I doubt there are ANY Senators who have NOT taken money from big Pharma. Sad but true. I HATE the fact that out members of Congress are OWNED by big business but that is how it is.

I wonder if Scott Brown took money from them or had them hold a fundraiser for him?

Go find out for us Cold Fusion, I have to go pick up some people so they can go vote...i'll be back in however long it takes for them to get through the line.

Are you going to let them vote their conscious or are you going to try to sway them during the ride?
I doubt there are ANY Senators who have NOT taken money from big Pharma. Sad but true. I HATE the fact that out members of Congress are OWNED by big business but that is how it is.

I wonder if Scott Brown took money from them or had them hold a fundraiser for him?

Go find out for us Cold Fusion, I have to go pick up some people so they can go vote...i'll be back in however long it takes for them to get through the line.

Are you going to let them vote their conscious or are you going to try to sway them during the ride?

"let them?" :cuckoo:

False dichotomy alert!

Trying to "sway them" during a ride is not even remotely inconsistent with "letting them" vote their conscience.

ConFusion38 is indeed confused.
I wonder if Scott Brown took money from them or had them hold a fundraiser for him?

Go find out for us Cold Fusion, I have to go pick up some people so they can go vote...i'll be back in however long it takes for them to get through the line.

Are you going to let them vote their conscious or are you going to try to sway them during the ride?

"let them?" :cuckoo:

False dichotomy alert!

Trying to "sway them" during a ride is not even remotely inconsistent with "letting them" vote their conscience.

ConFusion38 is indeed confused.

I think you may have lost Fusion on that one...:lol:
I doubt there are ANY Senators who have NOT taken money from big Pharma. Sad but true. I HATE the fact that out members of Congress are OWNED by big business but that is how it is.

Richard C Shelby, R. Alabama.

You are the biggest goof-ball on this site, slinging your ill informed opinions all over the place like they are have a basis in reality.
Scott Brown draws bigger crowd than Obama during Sunday political rallies...

I'm just trying to figure out how unconscious voting work.

I suppose he MAY have meant conscience... but you never know.

Oh! I see. They only vote their conscience when they agree with liberals. If they vote for conservatives, they've somehow become brainwashed mind numbed robots following the orders of Rush Limbaugh.

Semantic and intellectual dingbattery.
I doubt there are ANY Senators who have NOT taken money from big Pharma. Sad but true. I HATE the fact that out members of Congress are OWNED by big business but that is how it is.

I wonder if Scott Brown took money from them or had them hold a fundraiser for him?

Go find out for us Cold Fusion, I have to go pick up some people so they can go vote...i'll be back in however long it takes for them to get through the line.

Are you going to let them vote their conscious or are you going to try to sway them during the ride?

I have 3 things to say to this comment starting with the most obvious

1) I wouldn't pick them up if they were voting for Coakley
2) If I did pick up a coakley supporter I would take the time to try and convince them why i think she is the wrong choice
3) I can't fill in the bubbles for them so there is no way i could force anyone to vote how they don't want to.
A vote for Coakley means your union health insurance gets taxed.

No. The latest bribe--oops negotiation--exempts union negotiated "cadillac health plans" from taxation.

[ame=]YouTube - People's Rally[/ame]

An incompetent democrat makes a ridiculous accusation, and their sycophants repeat the mantra as if it is true.

RykerWrite at
Dearest darling Nancy Coakley,
I am a strong admirer of yours. I think that you are the greatest thing to come along since Karl Marx, and you probably have the same ideas that he did too.

Would you like my dog to become your campaign manager? The reason that I am offering the services of my dog is that he would obviously be better than the dog running your campaign now – or maybe it’s the dog that is in the campaign that is a loser. It is sure beginning to look that way. We should know by Tuesday night.

RykerWrite at
I doubt there are ANY Senators who have NOT taken money from big Pharma. Sad but true. I HATE the fact that out members of Congress are OWNED by big business but that is how it is.

Richard C Shelby, R. Alabama.

You are the biggest goof-ball on this site, slinging your ill informed opinions all over the place like they are have a basis in reality.

Well then where does Mr Shelby get his money? Big OIL maybe?
I doubt there are ANY Senators who have NOT taken money from big Pharma. Sad but true. I HATE the fact that out members of Congress are OWNED by big business but that is how it is.

Richard C Shelby, R. Alabama.

You are the biggest goof-ball on this site, slinging your ill informed opinions all over the place like they are have a basis in reality.

At least I believe in MY country first unlike you who puts Israel above ALL OTHER NATIONS including you OWN!!! Fucking Israeli firster.
I wonder if Scott Brown took money from them or had them hold a fundraiser for him?

Go find out for us Cold Fusion, I have to go pick up some people so they can go vote...i'll be back in however long it takes for them to get through the line.

Are you going to let them vote their conscious or are you going to try to sway them during the ride?

I have 3 things to say to this comment starting with the most obvious

1) I wouldn't pick them up if they were voting for Coakley
2) If I did pick up a coakley supporter I would take the time to try and convince them why i think she is the wrong choice
3) I can't fill in the bubbles for them so there is no way i could force anyone to vote how they don't want to.

Thought maybe you were taking seniors from a home to go vote so they wouldn't all necessarily vote for Brown........I know I used the wrong word I did mean conscience. I am a bit tired so I made a mistake sorry guys.

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