Boom!!!! Scott Brown Pulls Ahead

I doubt there are ANY Senators who have NOT taken money from big Pharma. Sad but true. I HATE the fact that out members of Congress are OWNED by big business but that is how it is.

Richard C Shelby, R. Alabama.

You are the biggest goof-ball on this site, slinging your ill informed opinions all over the place like they are have a basis in reality.

At least I believe in MY country first unlike you who puts Israel above ALL OTHER NATIONS including you OWN!!! Fucking Israeli firster.

At least I never had to register as a sex offender.

What a hoot you are. You get caught in a bold faced lie, you've shown you cannot read a simple post, and your response to all this to engage in ad hominem attacks. No wonder half this board has you on Ignore.
Are you going to let them vote their conscious or are you going to try to sway them during the ride?

I have 3 things to say to this comment starting with the most obvious

1) I wouldn't pick them up if they were voting for Coakley
2) If I did pick up a coakley supporter I would take the time to try and convince them why i think she is the wrong choice
3) I can't fill in the bubbles for them so there is no way i could force anyone to vote how they don't want to.

Thought maybe you were taking seniors from a home to go vote so they wouldn't all necessarily vote for Brown........I know I used the wrong word I did mean conscience. I am a bit tired so I made a mistake sorry guys.

If someone really needed a ride and it was a friend I'd drive em even if they were voting for coakley...these were people that contacted the local Scott Brown Office and said they needed transportation to and from the poll and they were all from the same senior center right down the street.

:lol: about the mistake....dont worry about that they were just having fun with you. Notice I didn't give you crap about it? Thats because i make typos all the time.
Richard C Shelby, R. Alabama.

You are the biggest goof-ball on this site, slinging your ill informed opinions all over the place like they are have a basis in reality.

At least I believe in MY country first unlike you who puts Israel above ALL OTHER NATIONS including you OWN!!! Fucking Israeli firster.

At least I never had to register as a sex offender.

What a hoot you are. You get caught in a bold faced lie, you've shown you cannot read a simple post, and your response to all this to engage in ad hominem attacks. No wonder half this board has you on Ignore.

Uh yeah a LIE about Senators taking money from big business. YEAH YOU CAUGHT ME LOL. What an ignorant little Israeli Firster you are.
Polls close in two hours. I think I will enjoy watching Cold Fusion go supernova on this.

If he wins he wins so be it. I have NEVER said he wouldn't or he couldn't I said the POLL #s are BULLSHIT!!!! Get it straight. If you really want a laugh come back if he LOSES and watch Maple, Sinatra, and Pilg tell everyone how it was a VICTORY!!! LOL!
At least I believe in MY country first unlike you who puts Israel above ALL OTHER NATIONS including you OWN!!! Fucking Israeli firster.

At least I never had to register as a sex offender.

What a hoot you are. You get caught in a bold faced lie, you've shown you cannot read a simple post, and your response to all this to engage in ad hominem attacks. No wonder half this board has you on Ignore.

Uh yeah a LIE about Senators taking money from big business. YEAH YOU CAUGHT ME LOL. What an ignorant little Israeli Firster you are.
so, are you one of those Idaho "amurika fursters"?
At least I never had to register as a sex offender.

What a hoot you are. You get caught in a bold faced lie, you've shown you cannot read a simple post, and your response to all this to engage in ad hominem attacks. No wonder half this board has you on Ignore.

Uh yeah a LIE about Senators taking money from big business. YEAH YOU CAUGHT ME LOL. What an ignorant little Israeli Firster you are.
so, are you one of those Idaho "amurika fursters"?

Do I support taking care of our OWN back yard first.........YEAH I DO!!! Do I think Israel is a self serving country who has KILLED US servicemen to advance their agenda? YEAH I DO!!! Now before I get labled an anti-semite let me say as I have said NUMEROUS other times I have no problem with the Jewish PEOPLE but I have a SERIOUS issue with Israel the COUNTRY! The attack of the USS Liberty should NOT be forgotten or down played. It was an act of PRE-MEDITATED MURDER!!! Nothing less!!!
At least I never had to register as a sex offender.

What a hoot you are. You get caught in a bold faced lie, you've shown you cannot read a simple post, and your response to all this to engage in ad hominem attacks. No wonder half this board has you on Ignore.

Uh yeah a LIE about Senators taking money from big business. YEAH YOU CAUGHT ME LOL. What an ignorant little Israeli Firster you are.
so, are you one of those Idaho "amurika fursters"?

Or as we like to put it here I am a PATRIOT!!!
Uh yeah a LIE about Senators taking money from big business. YEAH YOU CAUGHT ME LOL. What an ignorant little Israeli Firster you are.
so, are you one of those Idaho "amurika fursters"?

Do I support taking care of our OWN back yard first.........YEAH I DO!!! Do I think Israel is a self serving country who has KILLED US servicemen to advance their agenda? YEAH I DO!!! Now before I get labled an anti-semite let me say as I have said NUMEROUS other times I have no problem with the Jewish PEOPLE but I have a SERIOUS issue with Israel the COUNTRY! The attack of the USS Liberty should NOT be forgotten or down played. It was an act of PRE-MEDITATED MURDER!!! Nothing less!!!
just WOW
so, are you one of those Idaho "amurika fursters"?

Do I support taking care of our OWN back yard first.........YEAH I DO!!! Do I think Israel is a self serving country who has KILLED US servicemen to advance their agenda? YEAH I DO!!! Now before I get labled an anti-semite let me say as I have said NUMEROUS other times I have no problem with the Jewish PEOPLE but I have a SERIOUS issue with Israel the COUNTRY! The attack of the USS Liberty should NOT be forgotten or down played. It was an act of PRE-MEDITATED MURDER!!! Nothing less!!!
just WOW

Tell me Dive are you FAMILIAR with the Liberty? Do you believe that it was an ACCIDENTAL FOUR HOUR ATTACK!!!???
At least I believe in MY country first unlike you who puts Israel above ALL OTHER NATIONS including you OWN!!! Fucking Israeli firster.

At least I never had to register as a sex offender.

What a hoot you are. You get caught in a bold faced lie, you've shown you cannot read a simple post, and your response to all this to engage in ad hominem attacks. No wonder half this board has you on Ignore.

Uh yeah a LIE about Senators taking money from big business. YEAH YOU CAUGHT ME LOL. What an ignorant little Israeli Firster you are.

You made a statement about Senators taking money from Big Pharma. I showed you one who didnt. You were wrong. Pretty simple.
Now man up, put the pipe down, and admit you're an ignorant little pissant without a brain in his head. And we'll call it a day.
So is someone going to explain where in that video it said that there were more people than Obama attracted?

Well you better watch it again - it's really a great video!!!!!!

God Speed Senator Brown!!!!

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