Boom!!!! Scott Brown Pulls Ahead

Oh and by the way I AGREE that Tort reform is a MAJOR part of ANY TRUE healthcare reform. But I think you all should agree that having PREVENTITIVE treatment can reduce the need for MUCH more expensive and much more EFFECTIVE treatments. Almost EVERY illness can be treated CHEAPER and more EFFECTIVELY when found early on.

Not true. It may save lives which is likely a good thing, but NOT money:

Congressional Budget Expert Says Preventive Care Will Raise -- Not Cut -- Costs - Political Punch

Congressional Budget Expert Says Preventive Care Will Raise -- Not Cut -- Costs
August 09, 2009 9:27 AM

In yet more disappointing news for Democrats pushing for health care reform, Douglas W. Elmendorf, director of the Congressional Budget Office, offered a skeptical view Friday of the cost savings that could result from preventive care -- an area that President Obama and congressional Democrats repeatedly had emphasized as a way health care reform would be less expensive in the long term.

Obviously successful preventive care can make Americans healthier and save lives. But, Elmendorf wrote, it may not save money as Democrats had been arguing.

"Although different types of preventive care have different effects on spending, the evidence suggests that for most preventive services, expanded utilization leads to higher, not lower, medical spending overall," Elmendorf wrote. "That result may seem counterintuitive.

"For example, many observers point to cases in which a simple medical test, if given early enough, can reveal a condition that is treatable at a fraction of the cost of treating that same illness after it has progressed. In such cases, an ounce of prevention improves health and reduces spending — for that individual," Elmendorf wrote. "But when analyzing the effects of preventive care on total spending for health care, it is important to recognize that doctors do not know beforehand which patients are going to develop costly illnesses. To avert one case of acute illness, it is usually necessary to provide preventive care to many patients, most of whom would not have suffered that illness anyway. ... Researchers who have examined the effects of preventive care generally find that the added costs of widespread use of preventive services tend to exceed the savings from averted illness."...

Savings from averted illness........How about averted DEATHS?

Can you read?
The obvious answer is no. The less obvious is not critically. Anyone who believes the CBO scoring of the health care bill is living in LaLa Land.
I have a very good feeling about today's election in Mass. that is to say I feel that Scott Brown will win. Let's then see how long it takes for him to get sworn in.

Savings from averted illness........How about averted DEATHS?

Can you read?

How about fewer SICK days and a MORE productive work force. Oh and I disagree that PREVENTITIVE medical care will cost MORE than trying to cure ACUTE illnesses. Do you have ANY idea how much chemo, radiation, and surgury cost for ADVANCED cancer compared to cancer that is caught early on? Do you have ANY idea how much better the survival rate is when cancer is treated EARLY?
Oh and I don't think Dems have argued that HC reform would SAVE money that is MY contention. I believe the Dems are saying $800 billion over 10 years so they are NOT saying it will save money. I think we will be surprised by the savings we will realize.

However Martha Coakley has claimed it and she did so in the middle of the debate on january 11th.
Oh and I don't think Dems have argued that HC reform would SAVE money that is MY contention. I believe the Dems are saying $800 billion over 10 years so they are NOT saying it will save money. I think we will be surprised by the savings we will realize.

Jeezus are you fucking stupid or what?
If this legislation becomes law, workers won’t have to worry about losing coverage if they lose or change jobs. Families will save on their premiums. Businesses that would see their costs rise if we do not act will save money now, and they will save money in the future. This bill will strengthen Medicare and extend the life of the program. It will make coverage affordable for over 30 million Americans who do not have it--30 million Americans. And because it is paid for and curbs the waste and inefficiency in our health care system, this bill will help reduce our deficit by as much as $1.3 trillion in the coming decades, making it the largest deficit-reduction plan in over a decade.
Statement: Obama On Senate Passage Of Health Care Bill -
Stupid because you think health care reform as in the senate bill save money. Doubly stupid because you dont think the Dums are making that very argument.
Oh and I don't think Dems have argued that HC reform would SAVE money that is MY contention. I believe the Dems are saying $800 billion over 10 years so they are NOT saying it will save money. I think we will be surprised by the savings we will realize.

However Martha Coakley has claimed it and she did so in the middle of the debate on january 11th.

in light of new facts I read about obama speaking in his own words I recant my above post and wish to restate it.'

New Post should read "Actually they did and so did Martha Coakley in her debate on january 11th"

Oh and I don't think Dems have argued that HC reform would SAVE money that is MY contention. I believe the Dems are saying $800 billion over 10 years so they are NOT saying it will save money. I think we will be surprised by the savings we will realize.

Jeezus are you fucking stupid or what?
If this legislation becomes law, workers won’t have to worry about losing coverage if they lose or change jobs. Families will save on their premiums. Businesses that would see their costs rise if we do not act will save money now, and they will save money in the future. This bill will strengthen Medicare and extend the life of the program. It will make coverage affordable for over 30 million Americans who do not have it--30 million Americans. And because it is paid for and curbs the waste and inefficiency in our health care system, this bill will help reduce our deficit by as much as $1.3 trillion in the coming decades, making it the largest deficit-reduction plan in over a decade.
Statement: Obama On Senate Passage Of Health Care Bill -
Stupid because you think health care reform as in the senate bill save money. Doubly stupid because you dont think the Dums are making that very argument.
Oh and I don't think Dems have argued that HC reform would SAVE money that is MY contention. I believe the Dems are saying $800 billion over 10 years so they are NOT saying it will save money. I think we will be surprised by the savings we will realize.

Jeezus are you fucking stupid or what?
If this legislation becomes law, workers won’t have to worry about losing coverage if they lose or change jobs. Families will save on their premiums. Businesses that would see their costs rise if we do not act will save money now, and they will save money in the future. This bill will strengthen Medicare and extend the life of the program. It will make coverage affordable for over 30 million Americans who do not have it--30 million Americans. And because it is paid for and curbs the waste and inefficiency in our health care system, this bill will help reduce our deficit by as much as $1.3 trillion in the coming decades, making it the largest deficit-reduction plan in over a decade.
Statement: Obama On Senate Passage Of Health Care Bill -
Stupid because you think health care reform as in the senate bill save money. Doubly stupid because you dont think the Dums are making that very argument.

Wow a COMPLETELY unsubstantiated quote with NO CONTEXT what-so-ever. I'm glad to see you continue to be completely devoid of ANY intellectual honesty at all.
Oh and I don't think Dems have argued that HC reform would SAVE money that is MY contention. I believe the Dems are saying $800 billion over 10 years so they are NOT saying it will save money. I think we will be surprised by the savings we will realize.

Jeezus are you fucking stupid or what?
If this legislation becomes law, workers won’t have to worry about losing coverage if they lose or change jobs. Families will save on their premiums. Businesses that would see their costs rise if we do not act will save money now, and they will save money in the future. This bill will strengthen Medicare and extend the life of the program. It will make coverage affordable for over 30 million Americans who do not have it--30 million Americans. And because it is paid for and curbs the waste and inefficiency in our health care system, this bill will help reduce our deficit by as much as $1.3 trillion in the coming decades, making it the largest deficit-reduction plan in over a decade.
Statement: Obama On Senate Passage Of Health Care Bill -
Stupid because you think health care reform as in the senate bill save money. Doubly stupid because you dont think the Dums are making that very argument.

Wow a COMPLETELY unsubstantiated quote with NO CONTEXT what-so-ever. I'm glad to see you continue to be completely devoid of ANY intellectual honesty at all.

if you click on the link, asshat, you'll get the whole statement.
Well good they agree with my contention that REAL HC reform will SAVE money by treating illnesses BEFORE they become CRITICAL ILLNESSES! Lives SAVED $s SAVED FEWER people in the ER for problems that can be treated with a simple office visit freeing up ER workers for SERIOUS injuries/ illnesses. Sounds like a good idea. Just think YOU the TAXPAYER will no longer be on the hook for UNNECESSARY ER visits isn't that something you WANT!!!???
Irregardless of health care...

Scott Brown is poised to become the new Republican Senator from Massachusetts.

God speed Senator Brown!!!!!
Well good they agree with my contention that REAL HC reform will SAVE money by treating illnesses BEFORE they become CRITICAL ILLNESSES! Lives SAVED $s SAVED FEWER people in the ER for problems that can be treated with a simple office visit freeing up ER workers for SERIOUS injuries/ illnesses. Sounds like a good idea. Just think YOU the TAXPAYER will no longer be on the hook for UNNECESSARY ER visits isn't that something you WANT!!!???

The problem is the current health care bill sint REAL HC reform...hence it not saving money but costing.

If it was real HC reform that why would Big Pharm and The health insurance companies be donating money to Martha Coakley?

Yup - the same select group Obama made deals with to minimize resistance to his asinine Big Government spending spree under the guise of health reform.

Not working out Barry O....

Well good they agree with my contention that REAL HC reform will SAVE money by treating illnesses BEFORE they become CRITICAL ILLNESSES! Lives SAVED $s SAVED FEWER people in the ER for problems that can be treated with a simple office visit freeing up ER workers for SERIOUS injuries/ illnesses. Sounds like a good idea. Just think YOU the TAXPAYER will no longer be on the hook for UNNECESSARY ER visits isn't that something you WANT!!!???

The problem is the current health care bill sint REAL HC reform...hence it not saving money but costing.

If it was real HC reform that why would Big Pharm and The health insurance companies be donating money to Martha Coakley?

I doubt there are ANY Senators who have NOT taken money from big Pharma. Sad but true. I HATE the fact that out members of Congress are OWNED by big business but that is how it is.

I wonder if Scott Brown took money from them or had them hold a fundraiser for him?

Go find out for us Cold Fusion, I have to go pick up some people so they can go vote...i'll be back in however long it takes for them to get through the line.
I doubt there are ANY Senators who have NOT taken money from big Pharma. Sad but true. I HATE the fact that out members of Congress are OWNED by big business but that is how it is.

I wonder if Scott Brown took money from them or had them hold a fundraiser for him?

Go find out for us Cold Fusion, I have to go pick up some people so they can go vote...i'll be back in however long it takes for them to get through the line.


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