Boom!!!! Scott Brown Pulls Ahead

Man oh man is there some anger out there regarding Obama and the Democrats!!!


It's as clear as Obama's non negro accent that Democrats are more prone to blame than to actually lead. Obama hasn't led. He's let congress write the bills and that was by design. Obama struck a deal with top dems in the house and senate. They'd help him get elected and he'd let them run wild with their radical leftist agenda. Hillary wouldn't have done that as she would have wanted control and forced Congress to do what she wanted. It's why you have not yet seen Obama craft one piece of important legislation. He's not a leader. And he's a horrible president. 2010 will hopefully be the year that starts the beginning of the end of this corrupt community organizer from Chicago.

After Obama Rally, Dems Pin Blame On Bush - Hotline On Call

Good Grief!!! Still whining about Bush. I never one time heard Bush say anything derogatory about Clinton and he inherited a recession from his administration.

That is also why Reid and Pelosi threw Hillary under the bus. She would never have let them roll her as they have Obama.
Funny article on Martha the Moonbat from the Boston Herald:

Please, can somebody buy Martha Coakley a clue?

Everyone knows she is and always has been a blithering moonbat, obsessed with Political Correctness and not much else. But the rule is, you don’t let the whole world - or at least the peasants - in on your little secret, at least until after you’ve been safely elected.

Apparently Martha didn’t get the memo. This week she’s had at least three “Do you know who I am?” moments, starting with her snide dismissal of Scott Brown for campaigning outside Fenway Park [map] before the recent Bruins [team stats] game.

Asked whether she should have deigned to campaign for the office she seems to believe she inherited, she snapped: “As opposed to standing outside Fenway Park? In the cold? Shaking hands?”

Hey Martha, even Ted Kennedy worked factory gates. It was a good place to meet broads.

Then on Thursday she went on a radio talk show in New Bedford and let slip exactly what she thinks of Catholics.

“You can have religious freedom, but you probably shouldn’t work in the emergency room.”
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John McCain paid $175,000 of campaign money to a Republican operative accused of massive voter registration fraud in several states, it has emerged.

As the McCain camp attempts to tie Barack Obama to claims of registration irregularities by the activist group ACORN, campaign finance records detailing the payment to the firm of Nathan Sproul, investigated several times for fraud, threatens to derail that argument.

AHHHH more REPUBLICAN vote stealing.......You know I could go TIT for TAT all night long with examples of REPUBLICANS stealing elections and voter fraud and I BUSTED your ass with your OWN words so suck it up Dive and ADMIT IT!

You need to take a very deeeeeeeeeeeeeeep breath here and get yourself under control, your losing it.:lol:
For your Poli-sci class, you can impress your teacher with this knowledge. A famous quote by Richard Daley- democrat mayor of Chicago.

Topics at 22C3: Voting early, voting often « CCC Events Weblog

“Vote early, vote often” is a quote variously attributed to three different Chicagoans: Al Capone, the famous gangster; Richard J. Daley, mayor from 1955 to 1976; and William Hale Thompson, mayor from 1915-1923 and 1931-1935. All three were notorious for their corruption and their manipulation of the democratic process. It is most likely that Thompson invented the phrase, and Capone and Daley later repeated it.

Aren't you glad the social programs are administered by the Federal Gov't rather than by the political parties.
Little BITCH Dive Con can't debate the FACTS so he neg reps me. What a little fucking PUNK!!!
no, i neg repped your whining punk ass because you said i lied, i did not

Awwww did I hurt your feewings? I have only neg repped maybe a HALF a dozen times and NEVER because my FEEWINGS got hurt. I reserve it for only the MOST EXTREME cases or when someone negs me for NO REASON.
Little BITCH Dive Con can't debate the FACTS so he neg reps me. What a little fucking PUNK!!!
no, i neg repped your whining punk ass because you said i lied, i did not

Awwww did I hurt your feewings? I have only neg repped maybe a HALF a dozen times and NEVER because my FEEWINGS got hurt. I reserve it for only the MOST EXTREME cases or when someone negs me for NO REASON.
no feelings involved at all, punk
John McCain paid $175,000 of campaign money to a Republican operative accused of massive voter registration fraud in several states, it has emerged.

As the McCain camp attempts to tie Barack Obama to claims of registration irregularities by the activist group ACORN, campaign finance records detailing the payment to the firm of Nathan Sproul, investigated several times for fraud, threatens to derail that argument.

AHHHH more REPUBLICAN vote stealing.......You know I could go TIT for TAT all night long with examples of REPUBLICANS stealing elections and voter fraud and I BUSTED your ass with your OWN words so suck it up Dive and ADMIT IT!

You need to take a very deeeeeeeeeeeeeeep breath here and get yourself under control, your losing it.:lol:
For your Poli-sci class, you can impress your teacher with this knowledge. A famous quote by Richard Daley- democrat mayor of Chicago.

Topics at 22C3: Voting early, voting often « CCC Events Weblog

“Vote early, vote often” is a quote variously attributed to three different Chicagoans: Al Capone, the famous gangster; Richard J. Daley, mayor from 1955 to 1976; and William Hale Thompson, mayor from 1915-1923 and 1931-1935. All three were notorious for their corruption and their manipulation of the democratic process. It is most likely that Thompson invented the phrase, and Capone and Daley later repeated it.

Aren't you glad the social programs are administered by the Federal Gov't rather than by the political parties.

It seems the social mandated healthcare will be administered by not the political parties, but by A political party. This is just my observation
AWWWW Dive I said you lied and you CRIED I know I hurt your FEEWINGS but you should not post something if you don't want it to come back and bite you in the ass.
nothing i posted HAS

and it looks more like YOUR Feelings were hurt
You need to take a very deeeeeeeeeeeeeeep breath here and get yourself under control, your losing it.:lol:
For your Poli-sci class, you can impress your teacher with this knowledge. A famous quote by Richard Daley- democrat mayor of Chicago.

Topics at 22C3: Voting early, voting often « CCC Events Weblog

“Vote early, vote often” is a quote variously attributed to three different Chicagoans: Al Capone, the famous gangster; Richard J. Daley, mayor from 1955 to 1976; and William Hale Thompson, mayor from 1915-1923 and 1931-1935. All three were notorious for their corruption and their manipulation of the democratic process. It is most likely that Thompson invented the phrase, and Capone and Daley later repeated it.

Aren't you glad the social programs are administered by the Federal Gov't rather than by the political parties.

It seems the social mandated healthcare will be administered by not the political parties, but by A political party. This is just my observation

Fucking STUPID!!! It's a FEDERAL PROGRAM so it is NOT administrated by a political PARTY!
WRONG I liked you and even befriended you because I thought you WERE open-minded and fair but since then you have been NOTHING but a partisan POS!


Not to break up the fight here. But you & others have gone through at least two pages here--only calling each other names---.

Does anyone really remember what you all are fighting about---:cuckoo::cuckoo:

I believe there is a topic thread here--that many would like to discuss.

Not to break up the fight here. But you & others have gone through at least two pages here--only calling each other names---.

Does anyone really remember what you all are fighting about---:cuckoo::cuckoo:

I believe there is a topic thread here--that many would like to discuss.
I don't think cold fusion can pull his head out of his ass.
he does seem to have it firmly ensconced, doesn't he?
John McCain paid $175,000 of campaign money to a Republican operative accused of massive voter registration fraud in several states, it has emerged.

As the McCain camp attempts to tie Barack Obama to claims of registration irregularities by the activist group ACORN, campaign finance records detailing the payment to the firm of Nathan Sproul, investigated several times for fraud, threatens to derail that argument.

AHHHH more REPUBLICAN vote stealing.......You know I could go TIT for TAT all night long with examples of REPUBLICANS stealing elections and voter fraud and I BUSTED your ass with your OWN words so suck it up Dive and ADMIT IT!

O.K. I had to back-track your posts over the verbal war here. I assume that you can provide a LINK to your accusation that John McCain "paid" $175K to someone who was accused of voter registration fraud.

ACORN is under investigation in 17 different states over voter registration fraud--& Obama is on video--stating that the reason Mickey Mouse was registered is because ACORN volunteers get paid for the amount of registrations they turn in--not on the accuracy of them. Now this may have not swayed any election--but you can imagine that it would have cost the counties & states involved millions in tax dollars to clean Acorn's mess up.

Again--you need to provide links to "republicans" stealing elections. Do not go back to 2000 in Florida & Palm beach county--you will get creamed with facts.
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it seems the social mandated healthcare will be administered by not the political parties, but by a political party. This is just my observation

fucking stupid!!! It's a federal program so it is not administrated by a political party!

hey asswipe, stick your fucking head up your fucking ass and roll down the fucking sidewalk.
You want to bring it to this level you fucking little peon asswipe??? Huh well do ya fucker?????
Who in the fuck wrote the damn bill and who in the fuck will be passing it ya little fucking asswipe????? The government is no more than just the after thought of this fucking bill. Kiss my ass cold fusion your a disgrace to the great state of idaho, you bogus little chump punk!!!!!!!! So eat shit and die, asshole.


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