Boom!!!! Scott Brown Pulls Ahead

agreed, democrats have way to much history of voter fraud.

Al Franken anyone???

I expect it to go tlike wash st governors race Where king county democrats committed fraud during the recount.

they kept finding votes. Odd the number of new votes found was almost identical to the 1000 extra more then voters.


We won both initial vote tallies.

Then the hand counting began, and things got real dicey real fast. Mr King County Ron Sims, (now working within the Obama administration I believe) managed to find enough votes to push the victory back into Gregoire's camp.

She is the Governor of Seattle - no more than that.

Painful-painful-painful days were those.

Dino Rossi is a good man and he would have made a fine governor of Washington State, which of course is now mired in terrible debt and the Democrats are pondering a state income tax...

But now we are fighting new battles.

Scott Brown in 2010.

It's looking good folks. It really is...
I expect it to go tlike wash st governors race Where king county democrats committed fraud during the recount.

they kept finding votes. Odd the number of new votes found was almost identical to the 1000 extra more then voters.
yeah, amazing how that was, eh?

Yes during the court trial the judge stated that voter fraud had been committed.

Unfortunately here in this state The law requires you to question the voter as to which way he voted, THE DEAD FAILED TO RESPOND.
wasnt there like 5000 more votes than they had registered voters?
Al Franken anyone???

I expect it to go tlike wash st governors race Where king county democrats committed fraud during the recount.

they kept finding votes. Odd the number of new votes found was almost identical to the 1000 extra more then voters.


We won both initial vote tallies.

Then the hand counting began, and things got real dicey real fast. Mr King County Ron Sims, (now working within the Obama administration I believe) managed to find enough votes to push the victory back into Gregoire's camp.

She is the Governor of Seattle - no more than that.

Painful-painful-painful days were those.

Dino Rossi is a good man and he would have made a fine governor of Washington State, which of course is now mired in terrible debt and the Democrats are pondering a state income tax...

But now we are fighting new battles.

Scott Brown in 2010.

It's looking good folks. It really is...

The Washington state democrat motto. I never seen a tax I didnt like. Porn ofcourse being the only exception. they say that is unconstitutional.
yeah, amazing how that was, eh?

Yes during the court trial the judge stated that voter fraud had been committed.

Unfortunately here in this state The law requires you to question the voter as to which way he voted, THE DEAD FAILED TO RESPOND.
wasnt there like 5000 more votes than they had registered voters?


Many of us wanted to bump it up to the State Supreme Court, but Dino's inner circle said no - try again in 2008.

But by 2008 the Republican brand was greatly diminished - especially in a state that leans strongly left of center and it didn't happen. I was not part of that campaign as I was still too burned out from 2004.

Holy smokes folks - this story is proving to be THE political story since the 2008 election. WOW.

Poll shocker: Scott Brown surges ahead in Senate

Riding a wave of opposition to Democratic health-care reform, GOP upstart Scott Brown is leading in the U.S. Senate race, raising the odds of a historic upset that would reverberate all the way to the White House, a new poll shows.

Although Brown’s 4-point lead over Democrat Martha Coakley is within the Suffolk University/7News survey’s margin of error, the underdog’s position at the top of the results stunned even pollster David Paleologos

“It’s a Brown-out,” said Paleologos, director of Suffolk’s Political Research Center. “It’s a massive change in the political landscape

...“Either Brown’s momentum accelerates and his lead widens, or this becomes a wake-up call for Coakley to become the ‘Comeback Kid’ this weekend,” Paleologos said.

And with 99 percent having made up their minds, voters may be hard to persuade.

The poll surveyed a carefully partitioned electorate meant to match voter turnout: 39 percent Democrat, 15 percent Republican and 45 percent unenrolled.

Brown wins among men and is remarkably competitive among women - trailing Coakley’s 50 percent with 45 percent.

While Brown has 91 percent of registered Republicans locked up, an astonishing 17 percent of Democrats report they’re jumping ship for Brown as well - likely a product of Coakley’s laser-focus on hard-core Dems, potentially at the exclusion of other Democrats whom she needed to win over, Paleologos said.

Full article here:

Poll shocker: Scott Brown surges ahead in Senate race -

A visit to real clear politics yielded some interesting points:

1. Of the four most recent polls, The highest percentage of Democrats was ARG. Results Brown +3.
2. With the same group, highest Republican percentage was ARG and PJM in a tie. Brown +3 or more.
3. Same group, highest percentage Independents was SU. Brown +4.
4. The closest with how people probably vote in Massachusetts was ARG. Brown +3.

Most likely outcome...Brown wins and Coakley contests leaving the temp. in place to vote Democratic. The other option, Coakley wins and Brown contests, same result. I think it will take an overwhelming number to put Brown in place and have it be uncontested.

The whole world is watching - and Brown may pull out a comfortable 3-5% slam-dunk election victory.

Let's see what Barry teleprompts to the folks of Massachusetts tomorrow. If he paints this race as something that will destroy all the "hard work" of the Democrats who are the party of "change" - and then Coakley loses, or even barely wins, it's a loss for Obama.

Heck, it already is a loss for Obama - no way the Democrats should have to be pouring in money and manpower for Ted Kennedy's old seat - that is astoundingly bad for the Democrat Party, showing clearly how far from even the views of liberal Massachusetts they have become.

Oh he MAY pull out a "slam-dunk" but he won't. IF he wins it will be by a very slim margin. I see you are ALREADY hedging your bets talking about how it is ALREDY a "win" for the Republicans. Funny it sound like you are not so confident.
At this point, I would just like to see Martha win and would pay $100 to get the instant reaction of Sinatra. Oh my goodness, that would be truly hilarious. :cool:

I would LOVE to see Maple's reaction since she has been talking so much shit(crow). I really have no idea who will win that's not my point. My point is that this particular poll is FLAWED due to how the questions were asked and sample size, that's it I have made NO OTHER point. I have NEVER said that Coakely would win so all the yelling about me eating crow from Maple is stupid. If I thought Maple was anything more than a sock puppet I would wager NEVER POSTING HERE AGAIN under ANY name but I don't trust her to keep her word.

WHOA!!!! Did I just see Mr nou, verb 9/11 campagning for BROWN!!!??? You know if Gulianni came to my town to campaign for a local politician I would vote AGAINST that guy in a SECOND!
hold on here
dont count your chickens yet

agreed, democrats have way to much history of voter fraud.

Al Franken anyone???

Not QUITE as bad as the owner of Diebold PUBLICALY telling people he is "commited to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the President next year."

Voting Machine Controversy
by Julie Carr Smyth

COLUMBUS - The head of a company vying to sell voting machines in Ohio told Republicans in a recent fund-raising letter that he is "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year."

How is THAT for voter FRAUD.......Oh I know when REPUBLICANS do it it is NOT WRONG I forgot that REPUBLICANS can DO no wrong!!! FUCKING HYPOCRITES!!!!
I expect it to go tlike wash st governors race Where king county democrats committed fraud during the recount.

they kept finding votes. Odd the number of new votes found was almost identical to the 1000 extra more then voters.
yeah, amazing how that was, eh?

Yes during the court trial the judge stated that voter fraud had been committed.

Unfortunately here in this state The law requires you to question the voter as to which way he voted, THE DEAD FAILED TO RESPOND.

Save America SHOOT A DEMOCRAT!!!??? You are a pretty sick little fuck wad aren't you? You see you represent EVERYTHING that is bad about the Republican party. Calling out for MURDERING political opponents? Maybe you would be more comfortable in IRAN!
Great News! Lets not get too far ahead of ourselves though. The Dems will do anything to rig that thing up there...and i do mean Anything. Brown is the common sense choice and i think even the Democrats know this. They are now showing their desperation by resorting to cruel personal smears against Brown. and other Liberal hate groups are now up there spending $Millions smearing the man. So this thing is far from over. Anything can happen up there with the desperate Liberals. Lets just wait and see. It's gonna be interesting. Go get em Mr. Brown!
Great News! Lets not get too far ahead of ourselves though. The Dems will do anything to rig that thing up there...and i do mean Anything. Brown is the common sense choice and i think even the Democrats know this. They are now showing their desperation by resorting to cruel personal smears against Brown. and other Liberal hate groups are now up there spending $Millions smearing the man. So this thing is far from over. Anything can happen up there with the desperate Liberals. Lets just wait and see. It's gonna be interesting. Go get em Mr. Brown!

All you really need are Diebold voting machines.
I can confess, I invented the Diebold D2R Voting Machine, its call D2R because whenever a Dem would vote it would flip the vote to a Republican. Rove paid me a bazillion from his stash for it.
I can confess, I invented the Diebold D2R Voting Machine, its call D2R because whenever a Dem would vote it would flip the vote to a Republican. Rove paid me a bazillion from his stash for it.

Argue the fucking QUOTE CF! Do you claim he did NOT say that? You guys are here BITCHING about voter FRAUD and the OWNER of Diebold said he would do whatever he could to DELIVER Ohio to Bush. Are you pretending that ELECTRONIC voting machines with NO PAPER TRAIL what-so-ever can't be hacked!!!???
Over a HALF MILLION hits for the "It's the people's seat" quote by Scott Brown.

The guy has hit the national stage running and appears poised to make political history and become the single strongest show of opposition to the Obama led Big Government Democrat agenda.

Simply fantastic!

I think that his answer to Gergen sent the people of Massachusetts over the top. He handled that question very well, the arrogance of the question angered me as I am sure it did many Massachusetts voters.
crooks and liars
And it's a pathetic pandering to the birthers. But maybe we should expect that from Brown, since he

•Panders to the teabaggers (while protesting his ignorance of the movement);
•Refuses to pay health benefits to his campaign workers, labeling them as independent contractors (which may be a violation of the FEC);
•Prioritized building a golf course over aiding 9/11 volunteers;
•Has notorious anti-gay NOM make robo-calls for him;
•Protects big banks from paying back their TARP money;
•and allegedly, is about to be endorsed by none other than Democratic turncoat and McCain BFF, Joe Lieberman.
The DSCC has put together a website just to track all of Brown's lies, and it's growing daily.

Seriously? This is who should replace the liberal lion of the Senate?

No fraking way. Massachusetts residents, get out there on Tuesday. Vote for Martha Coakley, because notwithstanding his Cosmo centerfold, this is not someone who should be the Republican Party's 41st vote.
At this point, I would just like to see Martha win and would pay $100 to get the instant reaction of Sinatra. Oh my goodness, that would be truly hilarious. :cool:

I would LOVE to see Maple's reaction since she has been talking so much shit(crow). I really have no idea who will win that's not my point. My point is that this particular poll is FLAWED due to how the questions were asked and sample size, that's it I have made NO OTHER point. I have NEVER said that Coakely would win so all the yelling about me eating crow from Maple is stupid. If I thought Maple was anything more than a sock puppet I would wager NEVER POSTING HERE AGAIN under ANY name but I don't trust her to keep her word.

WHOA!!!! Did I just see Mr nou, verb 9/11 campagning for BROWN!!!??? You know if Gulianni came to my town to campaign for a local politician I would vote AGAINST that guy in a SECOND!

It appears that you are extremely worried about this election, you can't seem to get off of the topic. ----- And this is the reason why. From the very LIBERAL Boston Globe.

It appears the magic man has lost his magic.

Democrats struggle to rally base for upcoming votes - The Boston Globe

People are rightfully disenchanted’’ with the way things are going in Washington, said Michael Vastola, 21, a Tufts University senior and active College Democrat. “I’m personally concerned, because I hope they keep their interest in this upcoming election.’’

While many young voters imagined that an Obama presidency would mean a speedy closure of Guantanamo Bay prison, a wind-down of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and a health care plan that would, at least, provide a government insurance plan to compete with the private sector, they instead are frustrated at the slow pace of change, Vastola and others said.

“There was this expectation that this was going to be like a Hollywood movie. He was a candidate almost fictionalized from day one,’’ Boston-based Democratic political consultant Michael Goldman said of Obama. “Does it make me frustrated? It does. But it’s reality, it’s the world as it really is, not the fantasy.’’
Last edited:
crooks and liars
And it's a pathetic pandering to the birthers. But maybe we should expect that from Brown, since he

•Panders to the teabaggers (while protesting his ignorance of the movement);
•Refuses to pay health benefits to his campaign workers, labeling them as independent contractors (which may be a violation of the FEC);
•Prioritized building a golf course over aiding 9/11 volunteers;
•Has notorious anti-gay NOM make robo-calls for him;
•Protects big banks from paying back their TARP money;
•and allegedly, is about to be endorsed by none other than Democratic turncoat and McCain BFF, Joe Lieberman.
The DSCC has put together a website just to track all of Brown's lies, and it's growing daily.

Seriously? This is who should replace the liberal lion of the Senate?

No fraking way. Massachusetts residents, get out there on Tuesday. Vote for Martha Coakley, because notwithstanding his Cosmo centerfold, this is not someone who should be the Republican Party's 41st vote.

You do know where the original tea party started, don't you??? The citizens of Massachusetts threw the English tea into the harbor and started the Revolution. I don't know that it is such a good idea to criticize the tea party movement out there, they have an historical connection to it.:lol::lol: Historically challenged liberals- at it again.:cuckoo:
At this point, I would just like to see Martha win and would pay $100 to get the instant reaction of Sinatra. Oh my goodness, that would be truly hilarious. :cool:

I would LOVE to see Maple's reaction since she has been talking so much shit(crow). I really have no idea who will win that's not my point. My point is that this particular poll is FLAWED due to how the questions were asked and sample size, that's it I have made NO OTHER point. I have NEVER said that Coakely would win so all the yelling about me eating crow from Maple is stupid. If I thought Maple was anything more than a sock puppet I would wager NEVER POSTING HERE AGAIN under ANY name but I don't trust her to keep her word.

WHOA!!!! Did I just see Mr nou, verb 9/11 campagning for BROWN!!!??? You know if Gulianni came to my town to campaign for a local politician I would vote AGAINST that guy in a SECOND!

It appears that you are extremely worried about this election, you can't seem to get off of the topic. ----- And this is the reason why. From the very LIBERAL Boston Globe.

It appears the magic man has lost his magic.

Democrats struggle to rally base for upcoming votes - The Boston Globe

People are rightfully disenchanted’’ with the way things are going in Washington, said Michael Vastola, 21, a Tufts University senior and active College Democrat. “I’m personally concerned, because I hope they keep their interest in this upcoming election.’’

While many young voters imagined that an Obama presidency would mean a speedy closure of Guantanamo Bay prison, a wind-down of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and a health care plan that would, at least, provide a government insurance plan to compete with the private sector, they instead are frustrated at the slow pace of change, Vastola and others said.

“There was this expectation that this was going to be like a Hollywood movie. He was a candidate almost fictionalized from day one,’’ Boston-based Democratic political consultant Michael Goldman said of Obama. “Does it make me frustrated? It does. But it’s reality, it’s the world as it really is, not the fantasy.’’

No I just won't allow somebody to MISUSE polling data to their advantage.
crooks and liars
And it's a pathetic pandering to the birthers. But maybe we should expect that from Brown, since he

•Panders to the teabaggers (while protesting his ignorance of the movement);
•Refuses to pay health benefits to his campaign workers, labeling them as independent contractors (which may be a violation of the FEC);
•Prioritized building a golf course over aiding 9/11 volunteers;
•Has notorious anti-gay NOM make robo-calls for him;
•Protects big banks from paying back their TARP money;
•and allegedly, is about to be endorsed by none other than Democratic turncoat and McCain BFF, Joe Lieberman.
The DSCC has put together a website just to track all of Brown's lies, and it's growing daily.

Seriously? This is who should replace the liberal lion of the Senate?

No fraking way. Massachusetts residents, get out there on Tuesday. Vote for Martha Coakley, because notwithstanding his Cosmo centerfold, this is not someone who should be the Republican Party's 41st vote.

You do know where the original tea party started, don't you??? The citizens of Massachusetts threw the English tea into the harbor and started the Revolution. I don't know that it is such a good idea to criticize the tea party movement out there, they have an historical connection to it.:lol::lol: Historically challenged liberals- at it again.:cuckoo:

Only an IDIOT like you would believe that the Boston Tea Party and the "Tea Party" movement have ANYTHING in common other than TEA.
agreed, democrats have way to much history of voter fraud.

Al Franken anyone???

Not QUITE as bad as the owner of Diebold PUBLICALY telling people he is "commited to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the President next year."

Voting Machine Controversy
by Julie Carr Smyth

COLUMBUS - The head of a company vying to sell voting machines in Ohio told Republicans in a recent fund-raising letter that he is "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year."

How is THAT for voter FRAUD.......Oh I know when REPUBLICANS do it it is NOT WRONG I forgot that REPUBLICANS can DO no wrong!!! FUCKING HYPOCRITES!!!!
its not at all
he never said he would fix the machines to do it
that comment has been taken way out of context by morons on the left for YEARS now

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