BOOM: Trump Reveals First Dept. He’ll Cut as President… Liberals Howl in Horror!!!!

...Congress just passed and Obama signed a law removing any incentives for states to use Common Core standards. The idiots have won!...

The People have won.

Why-in-the-world would we want to "dumb-down" the disciplines taught by good schools, and substitute metaphorical ebonics across the board?

To level the playing field?

Phukk that.

If a school district is under-performing, let it raises its own standards, rather than dragging the rest of the area down with it.

You don't obtain Excellence by lowering your sights and thereby changing the definition of Excellence.

You obtain Excellence by fixing what's wrong in your own back yard, then pushing hard to exploit the overhauled and improved system to its fullest.

But that's waaaaaaaayy too much like actual 'work'.

Typical mindless forced social re-engineering in a proto-nanny-state era.

If it's true, that Common Core is now being jettisoned, then, good riddance to bad rubbish.
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He should say he'll get rid of the EPA next! The base will love that!

I think I can get some agreement from a few members here that next we need to look at how much we spend on....
Infrastructure,R&D and Science....

We can probably find ways to spend our money better...

And here come the responses...
Common Core passed in 43 states. Then Obama said he liked it, too. So the Right went full retard and said, "We have always been at war with Common Core."

Too bad their kids will have to grow up stupid and ignorant, too, because of their partisan hack retarded parents.
Priceless bull shit,a simple minded hack,blubbering about other hacks,this might relieve some of the bull shit preasure built up in your little of the biggest lib around ,the gov.of a really liberal state has to say about it.this retateded talking point that the right only apose CC because we have a black president, dhow s just how simple you are.
While it is a good idea, he won't be able to 'get 'er done' unless he whips out his own 'phone and pen' to do so.
While it is a good idea, he won't be able to 'get 'er done' unless he whips out his own 'phone and pen' to do so.

You're probably right given that Washington D.C. works by Darwin's Theory in reverse; survival of the unfittest. ;)
that's a good start. then he can cut down a lot of them if not get rid of them all together. they have become so big they believe they can make up their own rules over us WITHOUT your Representation of Congress. The EPA come's to mind on that. Under OBama they have all been unleashed as a weapon to be used Against us, Like the IRS did when he first took office.

cut that Monster Federal Government down. Think how much money it would SAVE us taxpayers? Give the power back to the States and the people who lives in them.
Dept of education is unconstitutional any damn ways.
Trump, while you are at it, cut about another 100 unconstitutional departments.
This guy might be an asshole. He might be childish. But he cares about America. Yes, a guy running for president in the 21st century actually cares about America.
Like someone said last night.. Is a lunatic really worse than the corruption, scandals, criminality, lies and other bullshit we have now?

I didn't think so...
There are also DOZENS of DUPLICATE federal agencies charged with doing the same thing that either need to be consolidated and cut back or cut completely. .
how do you get rid of the local morons?

the local voters need to decide that issue, which really should not be that difficult. :up:
With gerrymandering and re
districting its harder than ever.

Gerrymandering is yet another liberal excuse.

Gerrymandering is what political parties do, when possible, to re arrange the voting districts to best enable them to be elected or re elected.

It makes you look stupid to not be aware of this. Especially when you live in Ohio where we recently went through a re districting after the last censes.

Look at the district of the recently retired Speaker of the House and tell me that his district was not redrawn to assure him of re election.

Miami County is nowhere close to Cinci.
But Miami County was in Johns district. Because the farmers in Miami County reliably vote Republican.
I am an educator first and I know the details that you do not.

if you are any good at educating, why are there so damn many dumbass kids entering college who can not spell, and if they do spell a word correctly it is wrongly used, evidence can be found right here on USMB, e.g., there - their, and my favorite.., "were are you at" !!

Your education failed you for sure.

Try reading the drivel you write. No caps, no correct punctation, run on sentences etc etc.

You must be a product of a Republican run education system. And YOU have the balls to complain about the writings of other posters?

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I am an educator first and I know the details that you do not.

if you are any good at educating, why are there so damn many dumbass kids entering college who can not spell, and if they do spell a word correctly it is wrongly used, evidence can be found right here on USMB, e.g., there - their, and my favorite.., "were are you at" !!

Your education failed you for sure.

Try reading the drivel you write. No caps, no correct punctation, run on sentences etc etc.

You must be a product of a Republican run education system. And YOU have the balls to complain about the writings or other posters?

try not being a smartass. that might get you further in life
You must be a product of a Republican run education system.
Such ignorance in an attempted final insult, as if there WAS such a thing as a 'Republican-run' education system. LOL! You obviously know little to nothing about what the education system consists of / is made up of and all the 'parties' involved. The Republicans...any where...have their own education THAT'S funny!
try not being a smartass. that might get you further in life Stephanie, if you can't be a smartass life isn't really worth living now is it? :)

"You’re arrogant, domineering, egotistical, and disdainful of the law.

He lifted one amused brow. “And your point would be?" -- J.D. Robb, Vengeance in Death
try not being a smartass. that might get you further in life Stephanie, if you can't be a smartass life isn't really worth living now is it? :)

"You’re arrogant, domineering, egotistical, and disdainful of the law.

He lifted one amused brow. “And your point would be?" -- J.D. Robb, Vengeance in Death

yeah but, there's a way to be one and still be taken seriously. and then there's his way of just cutting people down:thanks:
He needs a Congress that will make it happen, that means we have to eradicate Ryan and the RINOS
He needs a Congress that will make it happen, that means we have to eradicate Ryan and the RINOS
and the Democrat AKA Socialist/Communist party of the Untied States. they aren't the Democrat party anymore and they are now infiltrating the Republican party. It's up to we the people to keep them IN CHECK. not enough citizens are engaged with it.
You must be a product of a Republican run education system.
Such ignorance in an attempted final insult, as if there WAS such a thing as a 'Republican-run' education system. LOL! You obviously know little to nothing about what the education system consists of / is made up of and all the 'parties' involved. The Republicans...any where...have their own education THAT'S funny!

So you think there is NO Republican run education system? Not many educated Republicans. But thats a different topic,

That is funny. What does "home schooled" mean to you? Who is the biggest fan of home schooling? Republicans. And home schooling is an educational system.

What school districts in Miss or Alabama wanted to add Creation Theory to the science classes? Are those districts Democrat run you think?

What is "Liberty Univ" if not Republican run?

You didnt think your response through very well now did you?
try not being a smartass. that might get you further in life Stephanie, if you can't be a smartass life isn't really worth living now is it? :)

"You’re arrogant, domineering, egotistical, and disdainful of the law.

He lifted one amused brow. “And your point would be?" -- J.D. Robb, Vengeance in Death

yeah but, there's a way to be one and still be taken seriously. and then there's his way of just cutting people down:thanks:

You have a point but I'm too much of a smartass to acknowledge it. :p
We can't be leaving our children with a bunch of angry old pedophile female homosexuals. They hate on the boys and hit on the girls. It's disgusting.
You know, I am friends with more than the average persons share of "female homosexuals" and I can tell you one thing for sure, I would be more comfortable leaving my children in their care than I would in the care of the average person.
Unless they are hiding it from me, I dont know of any plot to transform straight children into gay children. besides, homophobic parents are doing a pretty good job of that already. Where do you think most gays come from? straight parents.
Common core is hard! Whaaaaaa Get rid of it!!!

Blue state students score far better than red state students . You want those hillbillys running education wh no oversight !?

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