BOOM: Trump Reveals First Dept. He’ll Cut as President… Liberals Howl in Horror!!!!

Liberals? I am just stating facts. I am a conservative Republican but I am an educator first and I know the details that you do not. I have an inside track to know what you do not.

Well, ACT like a conservative! Your OPINION is worth the SAME as my opinion! But you'll act like a liberal college grad!

How? I told you the truth. Your opinion, while worthwhile, is not based on the same level of knowledge I have in my area of expertise. I have a Master's degree in the subject for a reason. That reason is to be a better teacher and administrator.

You must be a true liberal if you prefer people to lie to you. I may not like any better than you do, but facts are facts, despite what most libs try to tell you.

Do not feel alone, because many people jump to conclusions because the see my statements on education, but that is one area where most conservative never tread, so they are in unfamiliar territory at all times.

Lie to me, people with higher degrees than you state what I stated about Common Core, so believe me, your OPINION is NOT supported by people that have more experience and more EDUCATION than you have! And that is MY OPINION!

Oh, really? Who are these people, as I notice you don't cite any references? There will always be detractors of every policy, but the system works.

Do you know what math standards I used when I first started teaching? They were from the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and were adopted by many states. Now I teach using the state's Common Core Standards. Guess which is more rigorous (that means "harder" for the liberals reading this!)? Common Core, by the NCTM's own admission. At the regional convention I attended, all that was all that was being discussed was how to teach to the Common Core Standards.

What standards does your state use? If they use Common Core what should they switch to?

Indiana played a nice game. They got rid of Common Core, but the new standards are almost identical to Common Core in many areas.

Indiana Finally OKs Standards to Replace Common-Core Adoption

I'm in NYS, and perhaps you should read some of these...

Stop Common Core in New York State
Home page for Stop Common Core in New York State. ... what we are fighting against and to educate themselves on the challenges we face. ... Tests" PAGE; Read and watch the testimonies of New York parents and teachers · The NY State ...
Educators alarmed by some questions on N.Y. Common ...
The Washington Post
Apr 19, 2015 - Educators alarmed by some questions on N.Y. Common Core tests ... the results are used for high-stakes decisions against the advice of assessment experts. The post also mentioned some complaints from teachers about the ...
Common Core | Diane Ravitch's blog
Dec 22, 2015 - Posts about Common Core written by dianeravitch. ... that one of every five New York parents opted their child out of the Common Core exams. ... State Superintendent John White responded to protests against the CCSS by ... But when the math committee assembled, the Louisiana teachers of math found ...
Lack of NY Common Core test info concerns teachers, parents
Times Union
Apr 24, 2015 - New York State United Teachers, the statewide teachers' union, has a federal lawsuit filed against the state Education Department which ...
New York teachers turn on Common Core - Stephanie ...
The board of the New York state teachers union this weekend unanimously ... But, I still cant quite figure out why "conservatives" are against common core.
I only read one of the links (Washington Post) and it was so hilarious, I haven't yet read the others. Let me give an example:
risk averse
are words too difficult for eight graders. Really? I mean really?

Wahhhhh! The words are too hard. They make me feel stupid.

And, even worse, the eighth-grade test required 13-year-olds to read articles on playground safety. Can you believe it? You would have to be brainiac to be able to do that. Right?

When I was going to school back in 195......ahem, teachers I had taught us to learn words from context so you didn't have to actually go look up every word. Believe me that totally works. I remember one word especially, unique. I knew what it meant, (one of the kind) from context from a Superman comic. I knew how to spell it, I used it in a written report at school, but because I never looked it up, I pronounced it "YOU NI Q". I was reading what I had written to the class. When I said "you ni q" the teacher stopped me and asked me to spell the word. I spelled it correctly. When we were leaving, she told me to come to her desk and then said the way to pronounce that word is "you neek". She did that so I wouldn't be embarrassed. But no one else even noticed. I just thought that was funny.

But, it is a shame that parents have become so afraid of their children learning. I could understand if children were being taught that if you mate a rat and a cat you would get a crat, but "hard" words????? Give me a fucking break.
Apparently the WORDS were TOO BIG for Howard's son to understand...would a visual help...I doubt it, but....

Apparently the WORDS were TOO BIG for Howard's son to understand...would a visual help...I doubt it, but....

What????????? That's a retarded cartoon. We ALL know it's Republicans who hate education. Republicans doing math????? Give me a break. You got one problem in school right, 2 + 2 = 4 and think you are a mathematician? Hilarious!
"I'm a Billionaire whose daddy paid $100s THOUSANDS of Dollars to keep as FAAAARRRR AWAY from you poor people in public school (and you blacks especially) as possible, now watch me cut the Education Department to save 0.0001% of the Federal Budget per year, because I'm a genius" - Trump.
Apparently the WORDS were TOO BIG for Howard's son to understand...would a visual help...I doubt it, but....

What????????? That's a retarded cartoon. We ALL know it's Republicans who hate education. Republicans doing math????? Give me a break. You got one problem in school right, 2 + 2 = 4 and think you are a mathematician? Hilarious!

The cartoon should show the Liberals holding a bunch of quadratic linear equations and multi-variable calculus equations on their signs.
Apparently the WORDS were TOO BIG for Howard's son to understand...would a visual help...I doubt it, but....

What????????? That's a retarded cartoon. We ALL know it's Republicans who hate education. Republicans doing math????? Give me a break. You got one problem in school right, 2 + 2 = 4 and think you are a mathematician? Hilarious!

Republicans don't hate education, why do you lie? Try making a rational argument for a change.
Apparently the WORDS were TOO BIG for Howard's son to understand...would a visual help...I doubt it, but....

What????????? That's a retarded cartoon. We ALL know it's Republicans who hate education. Republicans doing math????? Give me a break. You got one problem in school right, 2 + 2 = 4 and think you are a mathematician? Hilarious!

Republicans don't hate education, why do you lie? Try making a rational argument for a change.
For one thing, Republicans haven't made any rational arguments about anything. If they have, please, give us some examples.


If you defund it, it's because you hate it.

I think Rick Santorum does a good job of explaining it:

You're right, today's college is just an indoctrination camp for you liberals! All I have to do is look at the human debris that comes out of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and others!
What an ignorant schmuck you are

It just shows you how totally fucking retarded morons have become that the senile old man disparages the greatest universities, not only in America, but in the world.
Our universities have become a joke.

Oh, you don't know how true a statement you've made:

Donald Trump billed his ‘University’ as a road to riches, but critics call it a fraud

Donald Trump billed his ‘University’ as a road to riches, but critics call it a fraud

Never licensed as a school, Trump University was in reality a series of real estate workshops in hotel ballrooms around the country, not unlike many other for-profit self-help or motivational seminars. Though short-lived, it remains a thorn in Trump’s side nearly five years after its operations ceased: In three pending lawsuits, including one in which the New York attorney general is seeking $40 million in restitution, former students allege that the enterprise bilked them out of their money with misleading advertisements.

Instead of a fast route to easy money, these Trump University students say they found generic seminars led by salesmen who pressured them to invest more cash in additional courses. The students say they didn’t learn Trump’s secrets and never received the one-on-one guidance they expected.

What you have to wonder about the above is, if Trump is such a great businessman and so adept at making dozens of brilliant deals worth hundreds of millions of dollars,

why would he start up a garden variety petty real estate get rich quick scam, no different than all those that used to run in the informercials constantly,

all for the sake of bilking a few thousand people out of a few million bucks?

Unless of course confidence man is in his nature....
Apparently the WORDS were TOO BIG for Howard's son to understand...would a visual help...I doubt it, but....

What????????? That's a retarded cartoon. We ALL know it's Republicans who hate education. Republicans doing math????? Give me a break. You got one problem in school right, 2 + 2 = 4 and think you are a mathematician? Hilarious!

Republicans don't hate education, why do you lie? Try making a rational argument for a change.
For one thing, Republicans haven't made any rational arguments about anything. If they have, please, give us some examples.


If you defund it, it's because you hate it.

I think Rick Santorum does a good job of explaining it:

Santorum is simply terrified of the prospect of more and more people finding out the Eath isn't really 6000 years old.
Apparently the WORDS were TOO BIG for Howard's son to understand...would a visual help...I doubt it, but....

What????????? That's a retarded cartoon. We ALL know it's Republicans who hate education. Republicans doing math????? Give me a break. You got one problem in school right, 2 + 2 = 4 and think you are a mathematician? Hilarious!

Republicans don't hate education, why do you lie? Try making a rational argument for a change.
For one thing, Republicans haven't made any rational arguments about anything. If they have, please, give us some examples.


If you defund it, it's because you hate it.

I think Rick Santorum does a good job of explaining it:

Oh, so what you're saying is that we Republicans were right all along: DumBama and Democrats hate our military.
Apparently the WORDS were TOO BIG for Howard's son to understand...would a visual help...I doubt it, but....

What????????? That's a retarded cartoon. We ALL know it's Republicans who hate education. Republicans doing math????? Give me a break. You got one problem in school right, 2 + 2 = 4 and think you are a mathematician? Hilarious!

Republicans don't hate education, why do you lie? Try making a rational argument for a change.
For one thing, Republicans haven't made any rational arguments about anything. If they have, please, give us some examples.


If you defund it, it's because you hate it.

I think Rick Santorum does a good job of explaining it:

Oh, so what you're saying is that we Republicans were right all along: DumBama and Democrats hate our military.

Democrats support our military, which to right winger bizarro thinking, means they hate it.

Republicans send our military out willy nilly to die. Then they want to cut Veterans benefits which means they love the military.

Republicans truly come from the Bizarro world.

Apparently the WORDS were TOO BIG for Howard's son to understand...would a visual help...I doubt it, but....

What????????? That's a retarded cartoon. We ALL know it's Republicans who hate education. Republicans doing math????? Give me a break. You got one problem in school right, 2 + 2 = 4 and think you are a mathematician? Hilarious!

Republicans don't hate education, why do you lie? Try making a rational argument for a change.
For one thing, Republicans haven't made any rational arguments about anything. If they have, please, give us some examples.


If you defund it, it's because you hate it.

I think Rick Santorum does a good job of explaining it:

Oh, so what you're saying is that we Republicans were right all along: DumBama and Democrats hate our military.

Democrats support our military, which to right winger bizarro thinking, means they hate it.

Republicans send our military out willy nilly to die. Then they want to cut Veterans benefits which means they love the military.

Republicans truly come from the Bizarro world.


Well if lowering the funds for education means Republicans hate education, how do Democrats not hate the military by reducing their funding?

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: One set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh
What????????? That's a retarded cartoon. We ALL know it's Republicans who hate education. Republicans doing math????? Give me a break. You got one problem in school right, 2 + 2 = 4 and think you are a mathematician? Hilarious!

Republicans don't hate education, why do you lie? Try making a rational argument for a change.
For one thing, Republicans haven't made any rational arguments about anything. If they have, please, give us some examples.


If you defund it, it's because you hate it.

I think Rick Santorum does a good job of explaining it:

Oh, so what you're saying is that we Republicans were right all along: DumBama and Democrats hate our military.

Democrats support our military, which to right winger bizarro thinking, means they hate it.

Republicans send our military out willy nilly to die. Then they want to cut Veterans benefits which means they love the military.

Republicans truly come from the Bizarro world.


Well if lowering the funds for education means Republicans hate education, how do Democrats not hate the military by reducing their funding?

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: One set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh

Ray, spending more money on education or defense is not based on hate.

Instead it is based on need.

Republicans do not feel that we need to spend more on education. They seem to think people are as educated as they are gonna get.

And Demcorats do not feel we need to spend more on methods to kill. We spend more on our military than anyone.
Like we do on education.

Unfortunately, we are better at killing than educating.

Speaking of education;
Did you check out those 501c3s?
Republicans don't hate education, why do you lie? Try making a rational argument for a change.
For one thing, Republicans haven't made any rational arguments about anything. If they have, please, give us some examples.


If you defund it, it's because you hate it.

I think Rick Santorum does a good job of explaining it:

Oh, so what you're saying is that we Republicans were right all along: DumBama and Democrats hate our military.

Democrats support our military, which to right winger bizarro thinking, means they hate it.

Republicans send our military out willy nilly to die. Then they want to cut Veterans benefits which means they love the military.

Republicans truly come from the Bizarro world.


Well if lowering the funds for education means Republicans hate education, how do Democrats not hate the military by reducing their funding?

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: One set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh

Ray, spending more money on education or defense is not based on hate.

Instead it is based on need.

Republicans do not feel that we need to spend more on education. They seem to think people are as educated as they are gonna get.

And Demcorats do not feel we need to spend more on methods to kill. We spend more on our military than anyone.
Like we do on education.

Unfortunately, we are better at killing than educating.

Speaking of education;
Did you check out those 501c3s?

I never said that reduction in funding was hate, a liberal said that. I only asked if that worked both ways.

You have to follow the conversation a little closer.
For one thing, Republicans haven't made any rational arguments about anything. If they have, please, give us some examples.


If you defund it, it's because you hate it.

I think Rick Santorum does a good job of explaining it:

Oh, so what you're saying is that we Republicans were right all along: DumBama and Democrats hate our military.

Democrats support our military, which to right winger bizarro thinking, means they hate it.

Republicans send our military out willy nilly to die. Then they want to cut Veterans benefits which means they love the military.

Republicans truly come from the Bizarro world.


Well if lowering the funds for education means Republicans hate education, how do Democrats not hate the military by reducing their funding?

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: One set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh

Ray, spending more money on education or defense is not based on hate.

Instead it is based on need.

Republicans do not feel that we need to spend more on education. They seem to think people are as educated as they are gonna get.

And Demcorats do not feel we need to spend more on methods to kill. We spend more on our military than anyone.
Like we do on education.

Unfortunately, we are better at killing than educating.

Speaking of education;
Did you check out those 501c3s?

I never said that reduction in funding was hate, a liberal said that. I only asked if that worked both ways.

You have to follow the conversation a little closer.

Ok ray. Explain why we NEED to seriously increase our military budget.
When we already spend more than the next 10 countrys with militaries combined.

What great new armement do we need to fight terrorists in the desert armed with aks and a few PU trucks with machine guns.
How much military spending is required to defeat those nasty terrorists?

Should we spend 60% 0f GDP on the military? How much is enough?
If you defund it, it's because you hate it.

"Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all." – Frédéric Bastiat
What????????? That's a retarded cartoon. We ALL know it's Republicans who hate education. Republicans doing math????? Give me a break. You got one problem in school right, 2 + 2 = 4 and think you are a mathematician? Hilarious!

Republicans don't hate education, why do you lie? Try making a rational argument for a change.
For one thing, Republicans haven't made any rational arguments about anything. If they have, please, give us some examples.


If you defund it, it's because you hate it.

I think Rick Santorum does a good job of explaining it:

Oh, so what you're saying is that we Republicans were right all along: DumBama and Democrats hate our military.

Democrats support our military, which to right winger bizarro thinking, means they hate it.

Republicans send our military out willy nilly to die. Then they want to cut Veterans benefits which means they love the military.

Republicans truly come from the Bizarro world.


Well if lowering the funds for education means Republicans hate education, how do Democrats not hate the military by reducing their funding?

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: One set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh

That's completely Different, you really need to get a copy of The Democrats Guide to Lies, Double Standards, and Hypocrisy.

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