BOOM: Trump Reveals First Dept. He’ll Cut as President… Liberals Howl in Horror!!!!

No, we don't need states like Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana to actually educate their poor and special needs students. No one will be left to handle all of the Pell Grants and Federal Student Loan programs. I guess we can do away with all of that too. Nobody needs to go to college anyway!

You're right, today's college is just an indoctrination camp for you liberals! All I have to do is look at the human debris that comes out of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and others!

Liberals? I am just stating facts. I am a conservative Republican but I am an educator first and I know the details that you do not. I have an inside track to know what you do not.

Well, ACT like a conservative! Your OPINION is worth the SAME as my opinion! But you'll act like a liberal college grad!

How? I told you the truth. Your opinion, while worthwhile, is not based on the same level of knowledge I have in my area of expertise. I have a Master's degree in the subject for a reason. That reason is to be a better teacher and administrator.

You must be a true liberal if you prefer people to lie to you. I may not like any better than you do, but facts are facts, despite what most libs try to tell you.

Do not feel alone, because many people jump to conclusions because the see my statements on education, but that is one area where most conservative never tread, so they are in unfamiliar territory at all times.

Lie to me, people with higher degrees than you state what I stated about Common Core, so believe me, your OPINION is NOT supported by people that have more experience and more EDUCATION than you have! And that is MY OPINION!

Oh, really? Who are these people, as I notice you don't cite any references? There will always be detractors of every policy, but the system works.

Do you know what math standards I used when I first started teaching? They were from the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and were adopted by many states. Now I teach using the state's Common Core Standards. Guess which is more rigorous (that means "harder" for the liberals reading this!)? Common Core, by the NCTM's own admission. At the regional convention I attended, all that was all that was being discussed was how to teach to the Common Core Standards.

What standards does your state use? If they use Common Core what should they switch to?

Indiana played a nice game. They got rid of Common Core, but the new standards are almost identical to Common Core in many areas.

Indiana Finally OKs Standards to Replace Common-Core Adoption
Or how about the possibility that good schools like ours do not exist anywhere in the world? Easier for them to get in? Do you think they get a pass on the admissions requirements?

Don't let your talking points get in the way of intelligent thought.

Yes, I know they get a pass on the admissions requirements, via the extra "points" they get for being of various races, countries, and backgrounds.

That's really interesting. I am sure you have something to back that up and it is not something you heard. Got a link to that policy from at least 500 universities?

The university that my daughter currently attends has a foreign enrollment of 2%.

The university where I earned my BA has 4% foreign students.

The university where I earned my graduate degree has 2% foreign students.

Wow! Those foreign students are really sucking up the seats!

Foreign and minority:

"For 2013, the average GPA of all students applying to medical schools was 3.54 and the average MCAT score was 28.4.."

" For those students applying to medical school with average GPAs (3.40 to 3.59) and average MCAT scores (27-29), black applicants were almost four times more likely to be admitted than Asian applicants (81.0% vs. 22.5%), and 2.44 times more likely than white applicants (81.0% vs. 33.2%). Likewise, Hispanic students with average GPAs and average MCAT scores were about twice as likely to be accepted to medical school compared to white applicants (64.1% vs. 33.2%), and almost three times as likely as Asian applicants (64.1% vs. 22.5%). Overall, black (81%) and Hispanic (64.1%) applicants with average GPAs (3.40 to 3.59) and average MCAT scores (27-29) were accepted to medical school at rates much higher than the average acceptance rate of 34.6% for all students with those academic credentials."

Acceptance rates at US medical schools in 2013 reveal racial profiling and affirmative discrimination for blacks, Hispanics - AEI

And oh by the way, I didn't say anything about the RATIO of minorities/foreigner-American/white. I said they had different standards that make it easier for foreigners and minorities to get in and stay in.

Do you not know the difference between colleges and medical schools? Also, your data deals with minorities, not international students. If it were easier for foreign students to get in, would they not make up a greater percentage of students enrolled?

Nice epic fail on your part! I'll be here if you want to fail again.

You think a medical school isn't a college?

No, but all colleges do not have medical schools, do they?

That was not your claim, so stop trying to weasel your way out. You could just admit you claim was unfounded and you cannot back it up for that reason.
Yes, I know they get a pass on the admissions requirements, via the extra "points" they get for being of various races, countries, and backgrounds.

That's really interesting. I am sure you have something to back that up and it is not something you heard. Got a link to that policy from at least 500 universities?

The university that my daughter currently attends has a foreign enrollment of 2%.

The university where I earned my BA has 4% foreign students.

The university where I earned my graduate degree has 2% foreign students.

Wow! Those foreign students are really sucking up the seats!

Foreign and minority:

"For 2013, the average GPA of all students applying to medical schools was 3.54 and the average MCAT score was 28.4.."

" For those students applying to medical school with average GPAs (3.40 to 3.59) and average MCAT scores (27-29), black applicants were almost four times more likely to be admitted than Asian applicants (81.0% vs. 22.5%), and 2.44 times more likely than white applicants (81.0% vs. 33.2%). Likewise, Hispanic students with average GPAs and average MCAT scores were about twice as likely to be accepted to medical school compared to white applicants (64.1% vs. 33.2%), and almost three times as likely as Asian applicants (64.1% vs. 22.5%). Overall, black (81%) and Hispanic (64.1%) applicants with average GPAs (3.40 to 3.59) and average MCAT scores (27-29) were accepted to medical school at rates much higher than the average acceptance rate of 34.6% for all students with those academic credentials."

Acceptance rates at US medical schools in 2013 reveal racial profiling and affirmative discrimination for blacks, Hispanics - AEI

And oh by the way, I didn't say anything about the RATIO of minorities/foreigner-American/white. I said they had different standards that make it easier for foreigners and minorities to get in and stay in.

Do you not know the difference between colleges and medical schools? Also, your data deals with minorities, not international students. If it were easier for foreign students to get in, would they not make up a greater percentage of students enrolled?

Nice epic fail on your part! I'll be here if you want to fail again.

You think a medical school isn't a college?

No, but all colleges do not have medical schools, do they?

That was not your claim, so stop trying to weasel your way out. You could just admit you claim was unfounded and you cannot back it up for that reason.
I never said all colleges had medical schools.
That's really interesting. I am sure you have something to back that up and it is not something you heard. Got a link to that policy from at least 500 universities?

The university that my daughter currently attends has a foreign enrollment of 2%.

The university where I earned my BA has 4% foreign students.

The university where I earned my graduate degree has 2% foreign students.

Wow! Those foreign students are really sucking up the seats!

Foreign and minority:

"For 2013, the average GPA of all students applying to medical schools was 3.54 and the average MCAT score was 28.4.."

" For those students applying to medical school with average GPAs (3.40 to 3.59) and average MCAT scores (27-29), black applicants were almost four times more likely to be admitted than Asian applicants (81.0% vs. 22.5%), and 2.44 times more likely than white applicants (81.0% vs. 33.2%). Likewise, Hispanic students with average GPAs and average MCAT scores were about twice as likely to be accepted to medical school compared to white applicants (64.1% vs. 33.2%), and almost three times as likely as Asian applicants (64.1% vs. 22.5%). Overall, black (81%) and Hispanic (64.1%) applicants with average GPAs (3.40 to 3.59) and average MCAT scores (27-29) were accepted to medical school at rates much higher than the average acceptance rate of 34.6% for all students with those academic credentials."

Acceptance rates at US medical schools in 2013 reveal racial profiling and affirmative discrimination for blacks, Hispanics - AEI

And oh by the way, I didn't say anything about the RATIO of minorities/foreigner-American/white. I said they had different standards that make it easier for foreigners and minorities to get in and stay in.

Do you not know the difference between colleges and medical schools? Also, your data deals with minorities, not international students. If it were easier for foreign students to get in, would they not make up a greater percentage of students enrolled?

Nice epic fail on your part! I'll be here if you want to fail again.

You think a medical school isn't a college?

No, but all colleges do not have medical schools, do they?

That was not your claim, so stop trying to weasel your way out. You could just admit you claim was unfounded and you cannot back it up for that reason.
I never said all colleges had medical schools.

Then why are using data from medical schools to support your claim about colleges? This isn't rocket science! You blew it!

Try again if you want to waste your time.
Foreign and minority:

"For 2013, the average GPA of all students applying to medical schools was 3.54 and the average MCAT score was 28.4.."

" For those students applying to medical school with average GPAs (3.40 to 3.59) and average MCAT scores (27-29), black applicants were almost four times more likely to be admitted than Asian applicants (81.0% vs. 22.5%), and 2.44 times more likely than white applicants (81.0% vs. 33.2%). Likewise, Hispanic students with average GPAs and average MCAT scores were about twice as likely to be accepted to medical school compared to white applicants (64.1% vs. 33.2%), and almost three times as likely as Asian applicants (64.1% vs. 22.5%). Overall, black (81%) and Hispanic (64.1%) applicants with average GPAs (3.40 to 3.59) and average MCAT scores (27-29) were accepted to medical school at rates much higher than the average acceptance rate of 34.6% for all students with those academic credentials."

Acceptance rates at US medical schools in 2013 reveal racial profiling and affirmative discrimination for blacks, Hispanics - AEI

And oh by the way, I didn't say anything about the RATIO of minorities/foreigner-American/white. I said they had different standards that make it easier for foreigners and minorities to get in and stay in.

Do you not know the difference between colleges and medical schools? Also, your data deals with minorities, not international students. If it were easier for foreign students to get in, would they not make up a greater percentage of students enrolled?

Nice epic fail on your part! I'll be here if you want to fail again.

You think a medical school isn't a college?

No, but all colleges do not have medical schools, do they?

That was not your claim, so stop trying to weasel your way out. You could just admit you claim was unfounded and you cannot back it up for that reason.
I never said all colleges had medical schools.

Then why are using data from medical schools to support your claim about colleges? This isn't rocket science! You blew it!

Try again if you want to waste your time.

Medical colleges are the example I used to prove my point about colleges. I'm sorry if you don't speak the language. Remember, medical colleges ARE colleges. I am not going to take the time to list all colleges and the way that they make it easier for minorities and foreigners to get in. Foreigners get a pass on entrance qualifications because they pay $$$, minorities get extra points for their color, plus the standards are just lower for them.
You're right, today's college is just an indoctrination camp for you liberals! All I have to do is look at the human debris that comes out of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and others!
What an ignorant schmuck you are

It just shows you how totally fucking retarded morons have become that the senile old man disparages the greatest universities, not only in America, but in the world.
Our universities have become a joke.

That's why everyone in the world wants to come here to attend college.
They want to come here to attend college because the standard of living is so much better than where they come from, and because it's EASIER for them to get in to our crap colleges than it is for them to get into any other. That doesn't work for our native sons and daughters (and by native, I do not mean Indian). They can't pay ENOUGH to get in.

"Crap colleges"? Our higher Ed is by far the best in the world.
You're right, today's college is just an indoctrination camp for you liberals! All I have to do is look at the human debris that comes out of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and others!

Liberals? I am just stating facts. I am a conservative Republican but I am an educator first and I know the details that you do not. I have an inside track to know what you do not.

Well, ACT like a conservative! Your OPINION is worth the SAME as my opinion! But you'll act like a liberal college grad!

How? I told you the truth. Your opinion, while worthwhile, is not based on the same level of knowledge I have in my area of expertise. I have a Master's degree in the subject for a reason. That reason is to be a better teacher and administrator.

You must be a true liberal if you prefer people to lie to you. I may not like any better than you do, but facts are facts, despite what most libs try to tell you.

Do not feel alone, because many people jump to conclusions because the see my statements on education, but that is one area where most conservative never tread, so they are in unfamiliar territory at all times.

Lie to me, people with higher degrees than you state what I stated about Common Core, so believe me, your OPINION is NOT supported by people that have more experience and more EDUCATION than you have! And that is MY OPINION!

Oh, really? Who are these people, as I notice you don't cite any references? There will always be detractors of every policy, but the system works.

Do you know what math standards I used when I first started teaching? They were from the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and were adopted by many states. Now I teach using the state's Common Core Standards. Guess which is more rigorous (that means "harder" for the liberals reading this!)? Common Core, by the NCTM's own admission. At the regional convention I attended, all that was all that was being discussed was how to teach to the Common Core Standards.

What standards does your state use? If they use Common Core what should they switch to?

Indiana played a nice game. They got rid of Common Core, but the new standards are almost identical to Common Core in many areas.

Indiana Finally OKs Standards to Replace Common-Core Adoption

I'm in NYS, and perhaps you should read some of these...

Stop Common Core in New York State
Home page for Stop Common Core in New York State. ... what we are fighting against and to educate themselves on the challenges we face. ... Tests" PAGE; Read and watch the testimonies of New York parents and teachers · The NY State ...
Educators alarmed by some questions on N.Y. Common ...
The Washington Post
Apr 19, 2015 - Educators alarmed by some questions on N.Y. Common Core tests ... the results are used for high-stakes decisions against the advice of assessment experts. The post also mentioned some complaints from teachers about the ...
Common Core | Diane Ravitch's blog
Dec 22, 2015 - Posts about Common Core written by dianeravitch. ... that one of every five New York parents opted their child out of the Common Core exams. ... State Superintendent John White responded to protests against the CCSS by ... But when the math committee assembled, the Louisiana teachers of math found ...
Lack of NY Common Core test info concerns teachers, parents
Times Union
Apr 24, 2015 - New York State United Teachers, the statewide teachers' union, has a federal lawsuit filed against the state Education Department which ...
New York teachers turn on Common Core - Stephanie ...
The board of the New York state teachers union this weekend unanimously ... But, I still cant quite figure out why "conservatives" are against common core.
International students do not "get a pass on admissions standards." Where the hell are you getting that?
Do you not know the difference between colleges and medical schools? Also, your data deals with minorities, not international students. If it were easier for foreign students to get in, would they not make up a greater percentage of students enrolled?

Nice epic fail on your part! I'll be here if you want to fail again.

You think a medical school isn't a college?

No, but all colleges do not have medical schools, do they?

That was not your claim, so stop trying to weasel your way out. You could just admit you claim was unfounded and you cannot back it up for that reason.
I never said all colleges had medical schools.

Then why are using data from medical schools to support your claim about colleges? This isn't rocket science! You blew it!

Try again if you want to waste your time.

Medical colleges are the example I used to prove my point about colleges. I'm sorry if you don't speak the language. Remember, medical colleges ARE colleges. I am not going to take the time to list all colleges and the way that they make it easier for minorities and foreigners to get in. Foreigners get a pass on entrance qualifications because they pay $$$, minorities get extra points for their color, plus the standards are just lower for them.

I do speak the language, but you apparently do not. Medical schools are graduate level institutions, requiring students to have undergraduate degrees. Medical schools are few and far between, whereas colleges are very common. Can you please stick to an apples to apples comparison?

Show me in writing where these students are given preferential treatment in colleges in the US. That is what you claimed.

You should just admit that you cannot do it and retract your silly claim.
You're right, today's college is just an indoctrination camp for you liberals! All I have to do is look at the human debris that comes out of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and others!
What an ignorant schmuck you are

It just shows you how totally fucking retarded morons have become that the senile old man disparages the greatest universities, not only in America, but in the world.
Our universities have become a joke.

You're crazy. Our universities are BY FAR the best in the world.
Liberals? I am just stating facts. I am a conservative Republican but I am an educator first and I know the details that you do not. I have an inside track to know what you do not.

Well, ACT like a conservative! Your OPINION is worth the SAME as my opinion! But you'll act like a liberal college grad!

How? I told you the truth. Your opinion, while worthwhile, is not based on the same level of knowledge I have in my area of expertise. I have a Master's degree in the subject for a reason. That reason is to be a better teacher and administrator.

You must be a true liberal if you prefer people to lie to you. I may not like any better than you do, but facts are facts, despite what most libs try to tell you.

Do not feel alone, because many people jump to conclusions because the see my statements on education, but that is one area where most conservative never tread, so they are in unfamiliar territory at all times.

Lie to me, people with higher degrees than you state what I stated about Common Core, so believe me, your OPINION is NOT supported by people that have more experience and more EDUCATION than you have! And that is MY OPINION!

Oh, really? Who are these people, as I notice you don't cite any references? There will always be detractors of every policy, but the system works.

Do you know what math standards I used when I first started teaching? They were from the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and were adopted by many states. Now I teach using the state's Common Core Standards. Guess which is more rigorous (that means "harder" for the liberals reading this!)? Common Core, by the NCTM's own admission. At the regional convention I attended, all that was all that was being discussed was how to teach to the Common Core Standards.

What standards does your state use? If they use Common Core what should they switch to?

Indiana played a nice game. They got rid of Common Core, but the new standards are almost identical to Common Core in many areas.

Indiana Finally OKs Standards to Replace Common-Core Adoption

I'm in NYS, and perhaps you should read some of these...

Stop Common Core in New York State
Home page for Stop Common Core in New York State. ... what we are fighting against and to educate themselves on the challenges we face. ... Tests" PAGE; Read and watch the testimonies of New York parents and teachers · The NY State ...
Educators alarmed by some questions on N.Y. Common ...
The Washington Post
Apr 19, 2015 - Educators alarmed by some questions on N.Y. Common Core tests ... the results are used for high-stakes decisions against the advice of assessment experts. The post also mentioned some complaints from teachers about the ...
Common Core | Diane Ravitch's blog
Dec 22, 2015 - Posts about Common Core written by dianeravitch. ... that one of every five New York parents opted their child out of the Common Core exams. ... State Superintendent John White responded to protests against the CCSS by ... But when the math committee assembled, the Louisiana teachers of math found ...
Lack of NY Common Core test info concerns teachers, parents
Times Union
Apr 24, 2015 - New York State United Teachers, the statewide teachers' union, has a federal lawsuit filed against the state Education Department which ...
New York teachers turn on Common Core - Stephanie ...
The board of the New York state teachers union this weekend unanimously ... But, I still cant quite figure out why "conservatives" are against common core.

Were we talking about NYS?

BTW, Diane Ravitch is dispised by many professional educators. I have read her trash and it is just that.
Well, ACT like a conservative! Your OPINION is worth the SAME as my opinion! But you'll act like a liberal college grad!

How? I told you the truth. Your opinion, while worthwhile, is not based on the same level of knowledge I have in my area of expertise. I have a Master's degree in the subject for a reason. That reason is to be a better teacher and administrator.

You must be a true liberal if you prefer people to lie to you. I may not like any better than you do, but facts are facts, despite what most libs try to tell you.

Do not feel alone, because many people jump to conclusions because the see my statements on education, but that is one area where most conservative never tread, so they are in unfamiliar territory at all times.

Lie to me, people with higher degrees than you state what I stated about Common Core, so believe me, your OPINION is NOT supported by people that have more experience and more EDUCATION than you have! And that is MY OPINION!

Oh, really? Who are these people, as I notice you don't cite any references? There will always be detractors of every policy, but the system works.

Do you know what math standards I used when I first started teaching? They were from the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and were adopted by many states. Now I teach using the state's Common Core Standards. Guess which is more rigorous (that means "harder" for the liberals reading this!)? Common Core, by the NCTM's own admission. At the regional convention I attended, all that was all that was being discussed was how to teach to the Common Core Standards.

What standards does your state use? If they use Common Core what should they switch to?

Indiana played a nice game. They got rid of Common Core, but the new standards are almost identical to Common Core in many areas.

Indiana Finally OKs Standards to Replace Common-Core Adoption

I'm in NYS, and perhaps you should read some of these...

Stop Common Core in New York State
Home page for Stop Common Core in New York State. ... what we are fighting against and to educate themselves on the challenges we face. ... Tests" PAGE; Read and watch the testimonies of New York parents and teachers · The NY State ...
Educators alarmed by some questions on N.Y. Common ...
The Washington Post
Apr 19, 2015 - Educators alarmed by some questions on N.Y. Common Core tests ... the results are used for high-stakes decisions against the advice of assessment experts. The post also mentioned some complaints from teachers about the ...
Common Core | Diane Ravitch's blog
Dec 22, 2015 - Posts about Common Core written by dianeravitch. ... that one of every five New York parents opted their child out of the Common Core exams. ... State Superintendent John White responded to protests against the CCSS by ... But when the math committee assembled, the Louisiana teachers of math found ...
Lack of NY Common Core test info concerns teachers, parents
Times Union
Apr 24, 2015 - New York State United Teachers, the statewide teachers' union, has a federal lawsuit filed against the state Education Department which ...
New York teachers turn on Common Core - Stephanie ...
The board of the New York state teachers union this weekend unanimously ... But, I still cant quite figure out why "conservatives" are against common core.

Were we talking about NYS?

BTW, Diane Ravitch is dispised by many professional educators. I have read her trash and it is just that.

YOUR OPINION, of course, it's NOT that others DISAGREE with you, that have more degrees than you!
That's what's so funny about the Common Core debate these days. Common Core was entirely developed at the state level, with state monies, and NO federal monies. 45 states adopted Common Core.

45 states. Those aren't all blue states. Hmmmm...

That means almost every red state loooooooved Common Core at one time.

Then the black guy said he liked it, too, and the next thing you know, all these red states are like, "Hey, how'd that Common Core get in our peanut butter?!?"

Very Orwellian. "We have always been at war with Common Core."

It's been hilarious watching conservative heroes like Jan Brewer and Bobby Jindal doing about faces on the program they approved. Talk about flip flopping hacks! Holy shit!

Yeah, the black guy.

You liberals are all alike. You can turn any criticism into race somehow.

Conservative Tribune ^ | 12/28/2015
Speaking with Fox News host Chris Wallace this weekend, 2016 GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump made a remarkable statement about what he planned for the Department of Education, if and when he becomes president. "I may cut Department of Education," Trump said. "I believe Common Core is a very bad thing. I believe that we should be -- you know, educating our children from Iowa, from New Hampshire, from South Carolina, from California, from New York. I think that it should be local education." Many Americans agree, especially as the Department of Education has grown into a massive bureaucracy more...
Hilarious! This is why Republicans truly have a "tard" dilemma.

How many right wingers on the USMB think the students overseas are so better educated on far, far less money? Most of them? All of them?
So by what standard do these uneducated right wingers measure how those foreign students are doing so much better than our children here? What makes them think those students are better educated?

It's really quite simple. So simple in fact, even a simpleton should be able to follow along.
The data being used is how well those foreign students are doing on standardized tests.

Standardized testing, hmmm, where have I heard that before? Oh, that's right "Common Core". Common core is all about every US student passing national standardized tests. The one thing Republicans hate.
They point to how well foreign students are doing on standardized tests, but think standardized tests are terrible.

So the real reason. Why do right wingers hate standardized testing. The answer is obvious. Not just because they don't have the ability to learn. They hate that the material focuses on science for one. No teaching magical creation there. No rewritten history. No earth billions of years old. Climate change.
They have to learn the material or remain failures. Get rid of the federal government and the states will teach what ever they want. Think about it. What idiocy do you think Tennessee, Kentucky and Texas will "teach" if given the chance.

I would guess the number one complaint of our employers are the education problems we have in this country. Their claim is that the reason they hire foreigners is because our kids just don't match up.

I don't really want to participate in a Common Core discussion; I actually thought this topic would be geared more towards bureaucracies in this country than teaching methods. But what I do know is that this isn't one of those Republican/ Democrat issues. Even talk show host Bill Bennett (a former educator himself) backs Common Core.
You're right, today's college is just an indoctrination camp for you liberals! All I have to do is look at the human debris that comes out of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and others!
What an ignorant schmuck you are

It just shows you how totally fucking retarded morons have become that the senile old man disparages the greatest universities, not only in America, but in the world.
Our universities have become a joke.
Not if you get the right degree from the right school and make the right connections.

Our middle class grew from big 3 union jobs. They put their kids through school to be marketing and finance and accounting and sales....

When bushanomics caused the great recession these degrees became wothless in a job market that wasn't hiring.

Companies are hiring now. Get a job loser.
Well, ACT like a conservative! Your OPINION is worth the SAME as my opinion! But you'll act like a liberal college grad!

How? I told you the truth. Your opinion, while worthwhile, is not based on the same level of knowledge I have in my area of expertise. I have a Master's degree in the subject for a reason. That reason is to be a better teacher and administrator.

You must be a true liberal if you prefer people to lie to you. I may not like any better than you do, but facts are facts, despite what most libs try to tell you.

Do not feel alone, because many people jump to conclusions because the see my statements on education, but that is one area where most conservative never tread, so they are in unfamiliar territory at all times.

Lie to me, people with higher degrees than you state what I stated about Common Core, so believe me, your OPINION is NOT supported by people that have more experience and more EDUCATION than you have! And that is MY OPINION!

Oh, really? Who are these people, as I notice you don't cite any references? There will always be detractors of every policy, but the system works.

Do you know what math standards I used when I first started teaching? They were from the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and were adopted by many states. Now I teach using the state's Common Core Standards. Guess which is more rigorous (that means "harder" for the liberals reading this!)? Common Core, by the NCTM's own admission. At the regional convention I attended, all that was all that was being discussed was how to teach to the Common Core Standards.

What standards does your state use? If they use Common Core what should they switch to?

Indiana played a nice game. They got rid of Common Core, but the new standards are almost identical to Common Core in many areas.

Indiana Finally OKs Standards to Replace Common-Core Adoption

I'm in NYS, and perhaps you should read some of these...

Stop Common Core in New York State
Home page for Stop Common Core in New York State. ... what we are fighting against and to educate themselves on the challenges we face. ... Tests" PAGE; Read and watch the testimonies of New York parents and teachers · The NY State ...
Educators alarmed by some questions on N.Y. Common ...
The Washington Post
Apr 19, 2015 - Educators alarmed by some questions on N.Y. Common Core tests ... the results are used for high-stakes decisions against the advice of assessment experts. The post also mentioned some complaints from teachers about the ...
Common Core | Diane Ravitch's blog
Dec 22, 2015 - Posts about Common Core written by dianeravitch. ... that one of every five New York parents opted their child out of the Common Core exams. ... State Superintendent John White responded to protests against the CCSS by ... But when the math committee assembled, the Louisiana teachers of math found ...
Lack of NY Common Core test info concerns teachers, parents
Times Union
Apr 24, 2015 - New York State United Teachers, the statewide teachers' union, has a federal lawsuit filed against the state Education Department which ...
New York teachers turn on Common Core - Stephanie ...
The board of the New York state teachers union this weekend unanimously ... But, I still cant quite figure out why "conservatives" are against common core.

Were we talking about NYS?

BTW, Diane Ravitch is dispised by many professional educators. I have read her trash and it is just that.
That's a mark in her favor. Professional educators....pft lol
How? I told you the truth. Your opinion, while worthwhile, is not based on the same level of knowledge I have in my area of expertise. I have a Master's degree in the subject for a reason. That reason is to be a better teacher and administrator.

You must be a true liberal if you prefer people to lie to you. I may not like any better than you do, but facts are facts, despite what most libs try to tell you.

Do not feel alone, because many people jump to conclusions because the see my statements on education, but that is one area where most conservative never tread, so they are in unfamiliar territory at all times.

Lie to me, people with higher degrees than you state what I stated about Common Core, so believe me, your OPINION is NOT supported by people that have more experience and more EDUCATION than you have! And that is MY OPINION!

Oh, really? Who are these people, as I notice you don't cite any references? There will always be detractors of every policy, but the system works.

Do you know what math standards I used when I first started teaching? They were from the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and were adopted by many states. Now I teach using the state's Common Core Standards. Guess which is more rigorous (that means "harder" for the liberals reading this!)? Common Core, by the NCTM's own admission. At the regional convention I attended, all that was all that was being discussed was how to teach to the Common Core Standards.

What standards does your state use? If they use Common Core what should they switch to?

Indiana played a nice game. They got rid of Common Core, but the new standards are almost identical to Common Core in many areas.

Indiana Finally OKs Standards to Replace Common-Core Adoption

I'm in NYS, and perhaps you should read some of these...

Stop Common Core in New York State
Home page for Stop Common Core in New York State. ... what we are fighting against and to educate themselves on the challenges we face. ... Tests" PAGE; Read and watch the testimonies of New York parents and teachers · The NY State ...
Educators alarmed by some questions on N.Y. Common ...
The Washington Post
Apr 19, 2015 - Educators alarmed by some questions on N.Y. Common Core tests ... the results are used for high-stakes decisions against the advice of assessment experts. The post also mentioned some complaints from teachers about the ...
Common Core | Diane Ravitch's blog
Dec 22, 2015 - Posts about Common Core written by dianeravitch. ... that one of every five New York parents opted their child out of the Common Core exams. ... State Superintendent John White responded to protests against the CCSS by ... But when the math committee assembled, the Louisiana teachers of math found ...
Lack of NY Common Core test info concerns teachers, parents
Times Union
Apr 24, 2015 - New York State United Teachers, the statewide teachers' union, has a federal lawsuit filed against the state Education Department which ...
New York teachers turn on Common Core - Stephanie ...
The board of the New York state teachers union this weekend unanimously ... But, I still cant quite figure out why "conservatives" are against common core.

Were we talking about NYS?

BTW, Diane Ravitch is dispised by many professional educators. I have read her trash and it is just that.
That's a mark in her favor. Professional educators....pft lol

Uh, she is a professional educator also! You REALLY are an amateur at this type of discussion.
You're right, today's college is just an indoctrination camp for you liberals! All I have to do is look at the human debris that comes out of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and others!
What an ignorant schmuck you are

It just shows you how totally fucking retarded morons have become that the senile old man disparages the greatest universities, not only in America, but in the world.
Our universities have become a joke.

Harvard's a joke?

In what alternative universe is this true?

The bitter Conservative Media Echo Chamber Universe?

The guys I know coming out of Harvard are making $200-$250k to start. How much are those critics of Harvard making?
My brothers a VP of a fortune 500. Got a masters at msu. If his company let's him go they have to pay him $1 million.

Koshergirl has a shitty degree from a shitty school. So do I but I'm a salesperson so I just wanted a bachelors from a reputable school.

I hear we need engineers. Maybe koshure could do that
As much as I'd like to believe this. I'll believe any government spending, much less a department gets cut when I see it.

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