

Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009

Some chuckle head was defending Bush on the board earlier today. Stupid.


Yeah, that Bush.
Ummm obummer created ISIS, but other than that the meme is fairly accurate.
How cute...Jakey is having a flashback meltdown with an underlying hidden man-crush...:p

You're actually criticizing Bush for 2 authorized wars, thanks to liberal votes, when Barry dragged the US into 2 UN-Authorized, UN-Constitutional personal wars in which he helped Al Qaeda - muderers of 3,000 Americans - kill a sovereign leader who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in northern Africa AND currently in Syria trying to overthrow another world leader ... neither of which is any of our business?

Let's not forget how Barry has supplied, supported, financed, armed, protected, and defended both Al Qaeda and ISIS...

Instead you stand on the proverbial cyber street corner, still f*ed up over 'Florida' and stll in sore loser, bitter butt-hurt denial over Hillary losing to the likes of Trump, screaming 'Booooosh'!


Some chuckle head was defending Bush on the board earlier today. Stupid.

View attachment 105029

Yeah, that Bush.
And those idiots want a redo and voted for chump
Like many simplistic and “sound bite” arguments of the modern era, and of Sanders in particular, the argument that Hillary Clinton supported the war George W. Bush prosecuted in Iraq is nonsense. This falsehood can be broken down into five sub-myths.

Myth #1: The 2002 Congressional Resolution authorizing the use of military force against Iraq, on which Hillary Clinton and a large majority of U.S. Senators voted yes, gave George W. Bush “carte blanche” to pursue war against Saddam Hussein.

False! In fact exactly the opposite is true: While that Resolution did indeed authorize President Bush, under strict requirements of the 1973 War Powers Act, to use force, Section 3(b) of the Act also required that sanctions or diplomacy be fully employed before force was used, i.e. force was to be used only as “necessary and appropriate in order to defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq,” and to do so only upon the President certifying to Congress that “diplomatic or other peaceful means” would be insufficient to defang Saddam.

Despite those legal conditions, the following year we were at war—and millions of us were astonished that the Bush Administration, running roughshod over Congress’s requirements, hadn’t given more time for U.N. inspectors to complete their job of searching for weapons of mass destruction.

Myth #2: By voting for the 2002 Congressional Resolution which authorized (but was also designed to limit) George Bush’s power to wage war in Iraq, Hillary Clinton cannot be considered a “progressive” Democrat.

False! On October 11, 2002, Clinton joined a strong majority of Democrats, including liberal and left-center Democrats like Tom Harkin, John Kerry, and Joe Biden, in voting in favor of the Resolution authorizing the use of military force against Iraq. Later on, Clinton came to deeply regret giving President Bush the benefit of the doubt on the Resolution, and she has plainly admitted her mistake. Yet it is a “mistake” which many other senators of conscience made with her; if Clinton bears any blame for the resulting war, it is because she placed too much reliance on legislation that was actually designed to check a president’s war-making ability but instead inadvertently gave that president cover to run roughshod over the interests of both Congress and the public at large.
Funny how a republican president gets blamed when he has to deal with a hostile democrat majority in congress but the republican majority in congress gets blamed during a democrat administration. Bill Clinton paved the way for the collapse of Fannie Mae when his administration threatened banks and lending institutions with civil rights suits if they didn't make bad loans to risky customers. When democrats gained the majority during the 2nd half of Bush's 2nd term Barney Frank became chairperson of the House Banking Committee that had oversight responsibility for Fannie Mae. Frank told Americans that Fannie Mae was doing fine when it was on the verge of collapse. Either he was a fool or he intentionally pushed Fannie over the edge as the biggest October surprise in history. Amazingly the criminal enterprise known as the mainstream media never asked hem what the hell he was doing.
Funny how a republican president gets blamed when he has to deal with a hostile democrat majority in congress but the republican majority in congress gets blamed during a democrat administration. Bill Clinton paved the way for the collapse of Fannie Mae when his administration threatened banks and lending institutions with civil rights suits if they didn't make bad loans to risky customers. When democrats gained the majority during the 2nd half of Bush's 2nd term Barney Frank became chairperson of the House Banking Committee that had oversight responsibility for Fannie Mae. Frank told Americans that Fannie Mae was doing fine when it was on the verge of collapse. Either he was a fool or he intentionally pushed Fannie over the edge as the biggest October surprise in history. Amazingly the criminal enterprise known as the mainstream media never asked hem what the hell he was doing.

The nuts claim Reagan is responsible for all the wrongs in this world. When you are stuck in stupid like the Dems are and blame everyone and everything, you will never be able to fix anything?
Even Bush is smarter than you.

Hell a damn rock is smarter than this asshole.

This coming from the side that believes the 9-11-2012 attack was due to a video from a shadowy cryptic figure in LA. Bet you are also one of the ones Jonathan Gruber depended on for the successful passage of the ACA?

You think Jake is a smart guy? Lol! You are dumber than Jake.
You are dumber than Jake. :lol:

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