Border crisis, The Obamas taking 15 day Martha's Vineyard Vacation

I often try to visualize his morning briefings. "Experts" tell him what is going on...they look in his eyes and see that nothing is going on...bizarre.
No president can ever leave his job behind when vacationing, it's just not possible, sounds like you have vacation envy.
Amid border crisis, Obama to take 15-day vacation in Martha's Vineyard - Washington Times

It's good to be the King.

Perhaps Obama should be spending it at these camps where children live in squalor and sleep on hard floors with tinfoil blankets instead of a 12 million dollar home? So far removed from reality.. He likes it that way. Does as I say not as I do Imperial President.

Indeed. I guess he must have really tweaked his muscles playing pool in Colorado a few days ago....... :D

This clown is so far down the tubes (and he knows it) that he just doesn't give a shit any longer. Moochele has told the skinny-assed half breed "Damn Barack! We finished! Might as well get what we can, while we can"

So, they pretty much stay on vacation. I guess, in hindsight, it would have been much better for the nation if the asshole had went on vacation and just STAYED on vacation.

What a fuckin jerk this clown is.......
We should turn Martha's Vineyard into another Ellis Island....a great place to process the children before they are sent back home (wink, wink)....where they can play in the sand and we can contain the contagious diseases.....and rich liberals can house and adopt them....
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I often try to visualize his morning briefings. "Experts" tell him what is going on...they look in his eyes and see that nothing is going on...bizarre.

I can see his daily Intel President?......Sir?.......Mister President?.....Sir? Everything OK?........Sir?

(OBarry)....... *sigh*......Turks and Caicos looks good this time of year.......I'll have to get with Moochele and plan that trip........ *sigh*....I'm going to take a nap.......

.............Sir?..........Uh...Mister President??...........
We should turn Martha's Vineyard into another Ellis Island....a great place to process the children before they are sent back home (wink, wink)....where they can play in the sand and we can contain the contagious diseases.....and rich liberals can adopt them....

I like it.. It makes perfect sense. I think we should lobby Congress and demand they start shipping these children to Martha's Vineyard immediately.
No president can ever leave his job behind when vacationing, it's just not possible, sounds like you have vacation envy.
This rw "vacationgate" meme is long past old.

Yeah, I used to get mad when Bush went off to the ranch to cut brush (never saw the attraction of that pastime) but after a while I figured that if I had a job with that much freedom to take off for a few days here and there I would damned sure do it. On an unrelated note, I have been to the beach at least thirty times this year, take that you vacation envying republicans in your shitty states with no beach and no vacation from your shitty jobs to go where there is one.
We should turn Martha's Vineyard into another Ellis Island....a great place to process the children before they are sent back home (wink, wink)....where they can play in the sand and we can contain the contagious diseases.....and rich liberals can adopt them....

I like it.. It makes perfect sense. I think we should lobby Congress and demand they start shipping these children to Martha's Vineyard immediately.

Moochelle can teach them how to eat right while she's vacationing there....and lapping up her ice cream cones...
If Obama went to the border he would be accused of grandstanding. There's no pleasing some of these wing nut posters. Notice how they take great joy and get energized when people are having hardships and tragedy?
Amid border crisis, Obama to take 15-day vacation in Martha's Vineyard - Washington Times

It's good to be the King.

Perhaps Obama should be spending it at these camps where children live in squalor and sleep on hard floors with tinfoil blankets instead of a 12 million dollar home? So far removed from reality.. He likes it that way. Does as I say not as I do Imperial President.

without Congressional backing what's he supposed to do ... you tell the board.

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