Border crisis, The Obamas taking 15 day Martha's Vineyard Vacation

No president can ever leave his job behind when vacationing, it's just not possible, sounds like you have vacation envy.
This rw "vacationgate" meme is long past old.

Yeah, I used to get mad when Bush went off to the ranch to cut brush (never saw the attraction of that pastime) but after a while I figured that if I had a job with that much freedom to take off for a few days here and there I would damned sure do it. On an unrelated note, I have been to the beach at least thirty times this year, take that you vacation envying republicans in your shitty states with no beach and no vacation from your shitty jobs to go where there is one.
A shitty potus opens mouth and has bad case of flatulence, that be obamashitforbrains.
If Obama went to the border he would be accused of grandstanding. There's no pleasing some of these wing nut posters. Notice how they take great joy and get energized when people are having hardships and tragedy?

Your side rose holy hell when George Bush merely FLEW over Katrina. THAT wasn't good enough for you.

But somehow, YOUR idiot in Chief shouldn't be a LEADER and see for himself....

Your logic absolutely evades me. Guess he "leads" while on vacation, right?
If Obama went to the border he would be accused of grandstanding. There's no pleasing some of these wing nut posters. Notice how they take great joy and get energized when people are having hardships and tragedy?

Sympathy with them is so conditional on who it is and where they came from and the circumstances of said tragedy and who caused it and why that they might as well just quit trying to even act as if they care about anything other than their own hateful selves.
Amid border crisis, Obama to take 15-day vacation in Martha's Vineyard - Washington Times

It's good to be the King.

Perhaps Obama should be spending it at these camps where children live in squalor and sleep on hard floors with tinfoil blankets instead of a 12 million dollar home? So far removed from reality.. He likes it that way. Does as I say not as I do Imperial President.

without Congressional backing what's he supposed to do ... you tell the board.
He is so good at bypassing congress unless it is something he doesn't want to fix anyway. Send reid down to the border, he is good at blocking things, like spending bills, oh that won't work, he is too much of a coward like obamashitforbrains.
If Obama went to the border he would be accused of grandstanding. There's no pleasing some of these wing nut posters. Notice how they take great joy and get energized when people are having hardships and tragedy?

Your side rose holy hell when George Bush merely FLEW over Katrina. THAT wasn't good enough for you.

But somehow, YOUR idiot in Chief shouldn't be a LEADER and see for himself....

Your logic absolutely evades me. Guess he "leads" while on vacation, right?
Never accuse a libtard of being logical.
The Obamas Have Spent Over $44,351,777.12 In Taxpayer Cash On Travel


As of March 2014, Obama has spent more time traveling internationally than any other president, taking 31 trips since assuming office in 2009. The 119 days spent overseas have cost taxpayers millions of dollars.

At the same point in their respective presidencies, George W. Bush had spent 116 days on 28 trips, Bill Clinton had spent 113 days on 27 trips and Ronald Reagan had spent 73 days on just 14 trips.

Read more: The Obamas Have Spent Over $44,351,777.12 On Travel | The Daily Caller

And the far left is silent and using their programmed defense of the worse than Bush president..
The Obamas Have Spent Over $44,351,777.12 In Taxpayer Cash On Travel


As of March 2014, Obama has spent more time traveling internationally than any other president, taking 31 trips since assuming office in 2009. The 119 days spent overseas have cost taxpayers millions of dollars.

At the same point in their respective presidencies, George W. Bush had spent 116 days on 28 trips, Bill Clinton had spent 113 days on 27 trips and Ronald Reagan had spent 73 days on just 14 trips.

Read more: The Obamas Have Spent Over $44,351,777.12 On Travel | The Daily Caller

And the far left is silent and using their programmed defense of the worse than Bush president..

3 more overseas trips, 4 or 5 hundred less vacation days. :laugh:
If this entire issue was a liberal plot to make the haters come out of the woodwork and make the republicans look like a bunch of heartless xenophobes it would be a brilliant tactic but all the credit goes to the RW hate machine and that's just sad.
Amid border crisis, Obama to take 15-day vacation in Martha's Vineyard - Washington Times

It's good to be the King.

Perhaps Obama should be spending it at these camps where children live in squalor and sleep on hard floors with tinfoil blankets instead of a 12 million dollar home? So far removed from reality.. He likes it that way. Does as I say not as I do Imperial President.

without Congressional backing what's he supposed to do ... you tell the board.
He is so good at bypassing congress unless it is something he doesn't want to fix anyway. Send reid down to the border, he is good at blocking things, like spending bills, oh that won't work, he is too much of a coward like obamashitforbrains.

so you don't know either .... yaaaaaaaaaaaaawn.
Personally, I wish that Obama would go on vacation for the next 2 1/2 years so he won't fuck up anything else. The guy does fly around a lot. I think he considers Air Force One as a toy.

LGS, it is good to see you back in action. I guess you have sobered up a bit since this morning.

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Border crisis, The Obamas taking 15 day Martha's Vineyard Vacation

Obama is an amateur. Dubya was the vacation king.

George W. Bush's vacation time (grand total)

487 days at Camp David
490 days at Crawford Ranch
43 days at Kennebunkport Compound

Total: 1020 days, more than 1/3rd of his presidency. Bush set the record for most vacation time taken by president.

Carter took 79 days in 4 years.
Clinton took 152 days in 8 years.

Reagan took 335 days in 8 years.
Bush Sr. took 543 days in 4 years!

So much for the mythological Republican hard worth ethic.

George W. Bush's vacation time (grand total)

The Out-of-Towner: While Bush vacationed, 9/11 warnings went unheard

Bush's vacations costly - Most expensive vacation president in U.S. history
Amid border crisis, Obama to take 15-day vacation in Martha's Vineyard - Washington Times

It's good to be the King.

Perhaps Obama should be spending it at these camps where children live in squalor and sleep on hard floors with tinfoil blankets instead of a 12 million dollar home? So far removed from reality.. He likes it that way. Does as I say not as I do Imperial President.

Stop pretending like you give two shits about those children. We all know you don't even want them here in the first place. They're just another political football for you to kick.

And if you really believe that any potus is ever truly on vacation, then you're not too bright.
Amid border crisis, Obama to take 15-day vacation in Martha's Vineyard - Washington Times

It's good to be the King.

Perhaps Obama should be spending it at these camps where children live in squalor and sleep on hard floors with tinfoil blankets instead of a 12 million dollar home? So far removed from reality.. He likes it that way. Does as I say not as I do Imperial President.

Stop pretending like you give two shits about those children. We all know you don't even want them here in the first place. They're just another political football for you to kick.

And if you really believe that any potus is ever truly on vacation, then you're not too bright.

Don't even act like you know me Shit breath.. you don't. As to your continual dick sucking journey with the boy king, you look like a fucking dopey douche constantly carry his dirty enema water.
It really does not matter where Obamafuck goes because he is not going to do shit wherever he is at. All he does is make empty campaign style speeches in which he blames the Republicans for inaction and gridlock. However, one should remember that Obama has a history of "my way or the highway" tactics on legislation. He rarely meets with Congressional leaders in an attempt to build consensus. Washington "gridlock", which is itself a constitutional check on power, is as much Barry's fault as it is anyone's. Barry has a nice little scam worked out to where he can create stalemate, then turn right around and blame Republicans for it, even though it is the Republicans' constituents who do not want what Barry is peddling.

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