Border crisis, The Obamas taking 15 day Martha's Vineyard Vacation

Border crisis, The Obamas taking 15 day Martha's Vineyard Vacation

Presidents don't take 'vacations.'

That's because of things like the 'internet' and 'wireless communications,' certainly those on the partisan right have heard of them.

Of course, if the president were to forgo his 'vacation' the partisan right would whine about that as well, accusing the president of pulling a 'political stunt.'

^ that

eXtreme rw'ers like LGS are so full of hate :(
Your little hit and run wiener posts show how stuck on stoopid you are. I posted the facts about how much he has spent. How about since you support him spending 1.4 BILLION dollars so far we send you liberal idiots the bill?

Obamas set new record for vacation travel expenses; stonewalled documents finally released - BizPac Review

One point four billion you say?

He's been in office now what, five years or so? So that's $280,000,000 a year I in travel expenses.

If we whack that up amongst us 150,000,000 tax payers it come out to roughly $1.87 a year.

OMG! Impeach the FUCK!

^^ Face of leftism who will suck the nuthair from this President's balls in order to run cover for him.. all while people suffer, children go hungry.. THIS IS THE TRUE FACE of liberalism.

Children are starving because mom and dad have to cough up $1.87 a year to cover Obamas travel expenses.

Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound to normal, rational people?
One point four billion you say?

He's been in office now what, five years or so? So that's $280,000,000 a year I in travel expenses.

If we whack that up amongst us 150,000,000 tax payers it come out to roughly $1.87 a year.

OMG! Impeach the FUCK!

^^ Face of leftism who will suck the nuthair from this President's balls in order to run cover for him.. all while people suffer, children go hungry.. THIS IS THE TRUE FACE of liberalism.

Children are starving because mom and dad have to cough up $1.87 a year to cover Obamas travel expenses.

Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound to normal, rational people?

More ball munching..^^^:suck:
^^ Face of leftism who will suck the nuthair from this President's balls in order to run cover for him.. all while people suffer, children go hungry.. THIS IS THE TRUE FACE of liberalism.

Children are starving because mom and dad have to cough up $1.87 a year to cover Obamas travel expenses.

Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound to normal, rational people?

More ball munching..^^^:suck:

And out come the insults.

Dumb fucking ****.
Not gonna miss that smug toothy smirk. It's good gettin rid of him for a couple weeks. He's a real piece of shite.

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