Border Security - If they can do it why can't we?


Apr 22, 2007
Articles: Where is America's Sense of Self-Preservation?

Israel, Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Italy, and Norway are just a few of the Western nations that energetically guard their territorial integrity, and some party leaders in those countries openly explain why they do so.

Israel saw mass waves of African migrates flooding into the country. Of course they stated refugee status, but really they seek to exploit the closest rich country. With it they brought crime, public assistance, rape, over-crowding and intimidation of the native population. What did they do? Built a border fence to stop the flood of immigration and deported the illegal immigrants. I hear the antisemitic counter attacks coming, but it's not just them!


The UK is also seeking to stop the flow of illegals, esp Muslims! For very good reason.

Articles: Where is America's Sense of Self-Preservation?
Britain’s Most Popular Party Calls for Five-Year Immigration Moratorium

In England, arguably the nation most similar to our own in customs, both major parties pledged to restrict immigration, and popular backlash forced PM Cameron to set a cap on immigration. Labour Party head Ed Milliband, a possible future PM, says, “I do want to get low skill immigration down and therefore overall immigration down.” PM David Cameron said last year, “Net migration needs to come down radically...from hundreds of thousands a year to just tens of thousands.”

Even France is getting serious about it.

Articles: Where is America's Sense of Self-Preservation?
France’s Marine Le Pen: “Immigration is an organized replacement of our population.”

The French, unsurprisingly, are demonstrating a desire to maintain their sovereignty, starting with stricter control over their national border to control a spike in illegal immigration. The “far-right” party Front National achieved a record victory in last month’s EU election, finishing ahead of France’s two major parties. The EU election was described in the European press as an “earthquake” and a “breakthrough” for FN. Speaking about immigration, the FN’s president, Marine Le Pen, bluntly says:

The Swiss are taking the necessary steps also.

Articles: Where is America's Sense of Self-Preservation?
The Swiss Send “Shockwaves” with Immigration Restrictions

In February, Swiss voters sent “shockwaves” through the European PC open borders establishment by narrowly passing a national referendum to limit immigration from EU nations. The reasons were simple: the Swiss people have a long-standing concern about being “swamped” by foreigners, and strict limits on immigration are intended to maintain their national identity. Also, justifiable public outrage over “welfare tourism” demanded a response.

The world is starting to protect it's borders, yet we can't even prevent the dumping of children across our border!
Why?? Holy shit! Thats easy!
Because the polititians are all bought off by corporate america and it is corporate that benifits. The smaller business' just go along with the ride.
Why?? Holy shit! Thats easy!
Because the polititians are all bought off by corporate america and it is corporate that benifits. The smaller business' just go along with the ride.

And Democrat's love it because they get to fortify their base.
Don't act like Democrats don't benefit from this.
Drive into Mexico by mistake and get thrown in jail and get the shit beat out of you.
Kids are now just walking across the border and we are powerless to stop this....

What the hell.
The problem is that Obama has no interest in enforcing the law.

Obama: 'Our Future Rests' On The Success Of DREAM Kids | National Review Online

President Obama reminded Democratic donors that “our future rests” on the success of people brought to the United States illegally as children, who would qualify for citizenship if Congress had passed the DREAM Act.

And then we have "smokin" Joe Biden:

Joe Biden: U.S. needs 'constant, unrelenting stream' of immigrants - Washington Times

Vice President Joseph R. Biden told a National Association of Manufacturers’ crowd this week that what the United States needed was more, not fewer, immigrants.

Specifically, he called for a “constant, unrelenting stream” of new immigrants — “not dribbling [but] significant flows,” to bolster the national economy, The Hill reported.
left-wing nutjobs love to accuse Republicans of wanting illegals here for chep labor; but it was Obama, not Republicans who stopped ICE raids on EMPLOYERS OF ILLEGALS

libs are losers who lie to themselves
The problem is that Obama has no interest in enforcing the law.

Obama: 'Our Future Rests' On The Success Of DREAM Kids | National Review Online

President Obama reminded Democratic donors that “our future rests” on the success of people brought to the United States illegally as children, who would qualify for citizenship if Congress had passed the DREAM Act.

And then we have "smokin" Joe Biden:

Joe Biden: U.S. needs 'constant, unrelenting stream' of immigrants - Washington Times

Vice President Joseph R. Biden told a National Association of Manufacturers’ crowd this week that what the United States needed was more, not fewer, immigrants.

Specifically, he called for a “constant, unrelenting stream” of new immigrants — “not dribbling [but] significant flows,” to bolster the national economy, The Hill reported.

Well...the right has no interest in enforcement either. Tell me...what did the RIGHT do the last time THEY were at the helm? Hmmm? And what about reagan??
left-wing nutjobs love to accuse Republicans of wanting illegals here for chep labor; but it was Obama, not Republicans who stopped ICE raids on EMPLOYERS OF ILLEGALS

libs are losers who lie to themselves

For Christ sake!
It's NOT a right or left thing! We are being screwed by them ALL!! Wake up...please!!

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