Boring Biden

Uhhhh, the 7 trillion dollars president Trump racked up in national debt in 4 years from the over spending, and borrowing money from foreigners to pay the bills... is the major cause for inflation now.... along with Covid logistics problems from the virus and business slowdown and shut down worldwide.

Biden's Infrastructure bill and human infrastructure bill, have not passed into law yet.... So they are NOT and can NOT be the cause of the inflation we all are experiencing now.... imo.
What does his have to do with Trump? You trust that Biden will spend wisely? You’re a fool ex cheerleader. A gullible fool
What does his have to do with Trump? You trust that Biden will spend wisely? You’re a fool ex cheerleader. A gullible fool
what does the inflation we are experiencing now, have to do with Trump? I answered that question already??
what does the inflation we are experiencing now, have to do with Trump? I answered that question already??
Zero. It is all Biden and the virus, his stupid decisions on oil and supply chain disruptions due to the virus. Why would you blame Trump for this sans you being a devout leftist without any financial or economics acumen.
Biden is so boring I can't even make through a single speech of his without falling asleep or changing the station, its painful... I freakin love it!!!

Thats how politics should be, enough of the circus side show crap. Make Politics Boring Again... MPBA!!!

When you need your politics to be interesting, you know you really shouldn't be thinking about politics in the first place.

Stick to TV, and don't bother voting. It's not for you.
Oh there is no Drama. Biden intentionally provided The Taliban and other Afghanistan Terrorist Groups with Billions of Dollars in US Military Technology, Weapons, Equipment and Ammo which eventually will be used against innocent people, and reverse engineered by China to use against us.
Read your posts dude. You’re like 10 times worst than the unhinged snowflakes. All drama. Pathetic
It wasn't boring when Biden got nearly 200 people killed in Afghanistan including over a dozen US soldiers. It wasn't boring when countless illegal and Americans were RAPED by illegals. It wasn't boring when thousands of American's were KILLED by illegals trafficking drugs into OUR country. Now try smirking.
I’m sure those were pretty exciting times for you
I got tired of listening to Joe lie about how since I earn less than 400k a year I wouldn’t see any increase in my taxes. I decided to turn the TV off. Joe Biden must believe Americans are really stupid as he keeps lying to us and expecting we will believe hIm.

Inflation can be a tax. You tax big corporations and they pass the bill along to you in their increased prices.


Why Inflation is called a Hidden Tax
Because the recipients of this inflated money were unaware that it was really worth less than they thought it was it is certainly “hidden”. And because the primary beneficiary is the government you can rightly say that inflation is a “hidden tax”. Every time someone has to pay an increased price for what they want they are paying this hidden inflation tax.
That’s a fancy way of spinning it but not honest. A tax is a tax, inflation is inflation and price increases are price increases
Biden is so boring I can't even make through a single speech of his without falling asleep or changing the station, its painful... I freakin love it!!!

Thats how politics should be, enough of the circus side show crap. Make Politics Boring Again... MPBA!!!

Yep, hard to get more boring than braindead.


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