Born a Homo? Part II.

Countless studies have been performed aiming to prove that homosexuality is caused by genetics. Gay proponents love this argument because it says, “Hey, we can’t help our sexual orientation. We are born this way!” Essentially, they can claim that they are helpless, get your sympathy and try to further the justification of homosexual practices because they believe the drive is hereditary.

Who’s to blame them? On the surface, the “science” appears convincing. In recent years, several studies have grabbed headlines around the world, “proving” homosexuality is inborn. The evidence looks solid. The researchers seem credible.

According to Joe Dallas, author and former homosexual, “People tend to view homosexuality more favorably when they think it is inborn. No wonder gay leaders (not all, but most) push the born gay theory; it furthers the cause.”1

Dr. Jeffrey Satinover, a medical doctor and former fellow in child psychiatry at Yale University, has taken a thorough look at three particular studies that backfired on themselves. Upon closer evaluation, this is what he discovered:

In the August 1991 issue of Science, Simon LeVay of the Salk Institute in San Diego published a study on differences in brain structure between homosexual and heterosexual men.2

The study, however, had at least three glaring weaknesses:

1. It was based on a small group of 41 male cadavers, including 19 homosexual males. All of the homosexual men had died of AIDS, something that many researchers believe could very well account for or contribute to the differences (in the brain stem).
2. There is no way to determine if the smaller hypothalamuses were the cause or the result of homosexual behavior.
3. The area of the brain LeVay was measuring (the INAH3) was quite small — smaller than snowflakes, according to scientists interviewed. His peers in the neuroscientific community couldn’t agree on whether the INAH3 should be measured by its size and volume, or by its number of neurons.

In another study, psychologist Michael Bailey of Northwestern University and psychiatrist Richard Pillard of the Boston University School of Medicine showed that homosexuality occurred more frequently among identical twins than fraternal twins.

But their 1991 study had a major flaw: All of their twins grew up together.

These researchers failed to compare their findings with a control group of twins raised apart. If they had, they would have discovered other influencing factors, such as how family dynamics and their relationship with parents affected who they were. Not to mention only about half the identical twins studied were both homosexuals. So, if the study showed that homosexuality in twins was purely genetic, then both of the twins would have been homosexual 100 percent of the time.

Lastly, five researchers led by Dean Hamer at the National Cancer Institute released a study in July of 1993 that attempted to link homosexuality in men with a specific genetic region of the X-chromosome.6 “This is by far the strongest evidence to date that there is an important genetic component to sexual orientation,” Hamer reported.7

Not so, said other highly qualified professionals. “There are several problems with the Hamer study. First, a Canadian research team has been unable to duplicate the finding using a comparable experimental design.8 Second, Hamer confined his search to the X-chromosome on the basis of family interviews, which seems to reveal a disproportionately high number of male homosexuals on the mothers’ sides of the family.9

Additionally, one of Hamer’s co-authors has expressed serious concerns about the methodology of the study.10 Finally, there is some question about whether Hamer’s results, correctly interpreted, are statistically significant. His conclusions rest on the assumption that the rate of homosexuality in the population at large is 2 percent. If the base rate is actually higher, then Hamer’s results are not statistically significant.11 An interesting side note is that the 2 percent incidence figure is more accurate than the oft-noted 1-in-10 percentage. The lower figure is brought in when needed to bolster this slight effect, but generally overlooked by the media elsewhere.

These are only three examples of popular studies that were later found to be unreliable due to failure to meet basic criteria for establishing scientific facts, lack of clarity on behalf of the researcher, faulty method of study, or ignorance of basic scientific premises. Other studies hold no weight because the conclusions have been insinuated rather than proven. It’s these flawed studies, however, that receive the most publicity.

Most recently, Dr. Robert Spitzer, one of the men who helped eliminate the American Psychiatric Association’s listing of homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1973, acknowledged that some homosexuals can become heterosexual. In an interview with the CitizenLink online newsletter, Spitzer said, “The critics of this kind of therapy (to change homosexuality) don’t just argue that it is rarely effective; they argue that it’s never effective.”12 (Emphasis added.)

No solid scientific evidence exists today that people are born homosexual.

Interestingly enough, genetic predeterminants have also been theorized for alcoholism or depression. Neither alcoholism nor depression is embraced as healthy. Rather, we try to help people who suffer from these tendencies to find relief and recovery.

The same holds true for homosexuality. From conception, males differ from females. Every cell in the male body is different from every cell in the female’s. There are vast disparities between males and females that are currently overlooked by the popular media. But, by design, male was meant for female, and vice versa.

Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, president of the National Association for Research and Treatment of Homosexuality, states, “We are all heterosexual. Some heterosexuals have a homosexual problem, but it does not mean there are two different kinds of people.”

As such, the hope for finding freedom from its trap is all the more real.

In the words of Stanton Jones, Chair of Psychology at Wheaton College, “Anyone who says there is no hope (for change) is either ignorant or a liar. Every secular study of change has shown some success rate, and persons who testify to substantial healings by God are legion.”
I don't believe either sets of children are victims of their parents relationship

I could not disagree more, and here I am talking from personal experience. One of my neighbors, a married couple with children, are swingers, and let me tell you their kids are seriously damaged from their lifestyle. The older daughter, is little more than a whore, and their teenage son is also damaged goods. He is a friendly kid and from saying hello to each other while outside the house, one day the kid asked me for a ride to the store. We talked in the car, and I took an interest in this kid. He was a good-hearted kid who was going down the wrong path. He asked me if he could do some paid yard work to which I agreed. As time went on he started talking to me about problems in his life. He knew what his parents were doing and it hurt him very much inside, and he started not to care about much anymore, and that was reflected in his behavior. At least this story has a good ending; he started to think of me as an uncle and really started to listen to what I had to say, and my thoughts on life and how to deal with it. Long story short he turned out to be a decent young adult. The bad part is most of these situations don't have a happy ending like this one !!
Wow, hot subject of late! Just so you all know, I was born a homo went hetero and now having a sex change so I can be a lesbian!

Well hell if your a lesbian then I want to watch ! :wtf:
eric said:
I could not disagree more, and here I am talking from personal experience. One of my neighbors, a married couple with children, are swingers, and let me tell you their kids are seriously damaged from their lifestyle. The older daughter, is little more than a whore, and their teenage son is also damaged goods. He is a friendly kid and from saying hello to each other while outside the house, one day the kid asked me for a ride to the store. We talked in the car, and I took an interest in this kid. He was a good-hearted kid who was going down the wrong path. He asked me if he could do some paid yard work to which I agreed. As time went on he started talking to me about problems in his life. He knew what his parents were doing and it hurt him very much inside, and he started not to care about much anymore, and that was reflected in his behavior. At least this story has a good ending; he started to think of me as an uncle and really started to listen to what I had to say, and my thoughts on life and how to deal with it. Long story short he turned out to be a decent young adult. The bad part is most of these situations don't have a happy ending like this one !!

Kids really get lost in all of it. They aren't as adaptable as people might think, they learn to internalize everything.
Said1 said:
Kids really get lost in all of it. They aren't as adaptable as people might think, they learn to internalize everything.

I agree!!!
they learn to internalize everything.

And this is where self-destructive behavior begins, as well as all sorts of social and emotional problems.

Yes I do believe that the lifestyle choices parents make greatly effect children, in a good or bad way.
Here is an interesting piece I came across, something people should reallly think about.

The question before us is whether homosexuals should be allowed to have gay "unions" or to raise children. Here is my response.

The homosexual lifestyle is medically deadly (the lesbian lifestyle is less so, but it is also a cause of some medical conditions, and is often emotionally abusive). We are being asked to approve of this lifestyle as a personal choice. In effect, we are being asked for our approval. The homosexual lifestyle per se should not be made illegal because it cannot be enforced without violating the right to be free of unreasonable searches and seizures. But the homosexual lifestyle needs to be heavily discouraged. There are a number of reasons for this.

First of all, living a homosexual lifestyle shortens a man's life expectancy by 30 years. This is because of diseases transmitted among homosexuals. The reality is that you don't do something to someone you claim to love that will shorten his life expectancy by a significant amount. Love is about self-sacrifice, and in the case of the homosexual relationship, the people are refusing to make the necessary sacrifice to protect their partners from any diseases they might be carrying (if they have ever had sex with someone else, they have also had sex with all the people that person has had sex with, as far as transmitting diseases is concerned, and they won't know they have contracted a disease until they have symptoms, but they can still pass it on). If you truly love a person, you don't ask them to take the risk of getting a deadly disease from you. So in that sense, the love between homosexual partners is not the same kind of love as that between husband and wife. The fact is, the act of sodomy causes medical damage no matter what the circumstances. You don't cause medical damage to someone you claim to love, and then claim you love them. Even if neither partner is carrying an STD, the act of sodomy can still result in the deadly E. coli bacterium entering the bloodstream of the receiver. Our bodies weren't designed to permit two people of the same gender to enjoy sexual activity.

In fact, if you look at the dynamics of the homosexual relationship, it can honestly be said that the motivation of each partner is lust, not love. This is because they are seeking personal pleasure and placing this in a more important position than self-sacrificing love. You don't deliberately expose someone to a deadly disease and then claim you love them! This makes no sense.

Secondly, it is not an act of love to raise a child in a family where a deadly lifestyle is taught as normal. Even though homosexual parents might have natural affection for their children, it is not normal for them to want to teach their children that their deadly lifestyle is normal, and it is not loving. It is also not loving because it causes gender confusion in their children. Children raised by homosexuals have spoken out about this. A man who insists on driving drunk may be a loving father, but we don't claim that he is a normal father who can raise healthy children. We don't claim that the practice of driving drunk is just another lifestyle choice. If we are in the business of placing children for adoption, we wouldn't place a child in a home where the father is known to drive drunk habitually. By the same token, we wouldn't place a child in a homosexual home because the homosexual lifestyle is deadly, and children have a right to be taught that it is deadly, so that they may avoid it. Furthermore, children have a right to be raised by parents of both genders because every child needs to learn to interact with a person of each gender in a very intimate circumstance. In this question of homosexual parents, the rights of the children are being overlooked, and since children are legally incompetent, we have a duty to protect their rights for them. This means protecting their right to be raised in the home of people of different genders committed to each other through marriage. Furthermore, it is known that some homosexuals seek to adopt because they want access to virgins, to protect themselves from deadly diseases. We have no way of making sure that a given potential adoptive couple doesn't fall into that category. When you are deciding whether to permit someone to adopt, you are essentially playing God, without His wisdom. No person who is conscientious can afford to take that chance.

You cannot define marriage as anything other than the union of people of opposite genders, because marriage is a covenant relationship designed by God for the procreation and protection of children, and you can't redefine what it is because God already defined it, and we don't have a right to change it.

It is also not true that the homosexual lifestyle is "their business," simply because it results in the spread of deadly disease in the general population. This is because they don't just infect each other; they infect other people (sometimes children, sometimes a person of the opposite gender) and as a result of their activities, babies are being born with HIV. Also, many homosexuals deliberately donate blood in order to infect the blood supply. They even recommend lying about whether they have been with a man sexually. This DOES affect other people, so other people have a say.

Natural affection for children is not the only requirement for being a good parent. Teaching a child to live in an upright way is critical. If a parent has shown that he is unwilling to live an upright lifestyle himself, how will he teach his children to live an upright lifestyle? It is the height of cruelty to indoctrinate a child into a deadly lifestyle, and I don't care how much affection that parent has for his child, he is NOT a good parent. Affection isn't enough, and if you aren't willing to undertake the difficult tasks of parenting, you cannot be a good parent, no matter how affectionate you are. Teaching children ethics and how to live an upright life requires sacrifice, and it is a difficult thing to do, but it is essential, and every child has a right to parents who will not corrupt him morally. In fact, we used to recognize that parents who corrupt their children are to be held accountable. We need to return to that practice.

We are all interdependent. No person can live a truly private lifestyle; everything we do affects the other people in our immediate society. So claiming that these things are private is unrealistic. If homosexuals have made it known to the community that they are homosexuals, they are also teaching their children that the homosexual lifestyle is normal and healthy. The practice of homosexuality is characterized by disgusting medically unsafe practices, and if people aren't ashamed that they indulge in these things, they're not fittin' to live in polite company. Corrupting our society by corrupting the definition of marriage is also unacceptable. I do not in any way intend to demean people who have homosexual tendencies; we are all sinners, and we all are tempted to sin. But this is a very different thing from practicing the lifestyle and flaunting that in public.

Many gay activists are seeking to force other people to accept them on equal terms with everyone else, or in fact, to give them privileges not given to anyone else. They seek to force us to accept them for employment (even when the employment involves handling food for the general public), or as tenants in a rental property. Both of these demands would be the basis for unconstitutional laws because we are guaranteed the right to freedom of association. These demands would thwart that right. A person has a right to refuse to associate with homosexuals. It is not the same thing as discrimination against people of color or of the female gender, because these are biological characteristics over which a person has no control. Homosexual tendencies could be said to be characteristics over which a person has no control also (but you must overlook the fact that homosexual tendencies are caused by nonbiological causes, such as abuse), but homosexual behavior is a lifestyle choice. Gay activists also seek to enact various laws that would permit them to insure their partners for health insurance and similar provisions. We also have every right to oppose this simply because they have chosen to place themselves in a high risk group, and those of us who are prudent are not ethically required to share the cost of their deadly lifestyle. In fact, it is unethical for them even to ask.

We have every right and duty to judge people's lifestyle choices. We aren't obliged to approve of gang activiity or drug dealing, or beating your kids, or driving drunk, or a whole plethora of other lifestyle choices. We aren't obliged to become part of a risk group for insurance purposes that include people who participate in extreme sports. We aren't obliged to approve of the homosexual lifestyle, either. One's lifestyle is a choice.

Please note that I am NOT advocating that we forbid homosexuals from forming contractual relationships with each other, or willing their estate to each other. However, if one of them has a spouse or former spouse where the homosexual lifestyle caused the breakup of the marriage, then that person has the right to overrule the will in a court of law. The law must continue to distinguish between the contractual relationships of homosexuals and the covenantal relationships of married people of opposite genders, and to provide for inheritance in the case of an intestate person. We cannot afford to allow the law to give the estate of an intestate homosexual to his partner. Please note further that I don't advocate a different standard for people who act promiscuously with people of the opposite gender, or who have sexual contact outside of marriage. I think we should apply the same condemnations to their behavior. It is something we need to remedy, rather than going further in the direction of madness. It would certainly have been helpful if we had taken the initial demand for freedom to fornicate to its logical extreme a long time ago, so that we could have anticipated what was going to be the end result. Senator Santorum really deserves our appreciation for speaking plainly about the ultimate outcome of the current trend.

History has shown that once a society becomes decadent, and accepts the homosexual lifestyle as normal, it quickly falls apart. If we want to keep our legacy of freedom, we must heed the lessons of history. The future of our Republic depends on it.

The bottom line is that even though we need to recognize and accept homosexuals as fellow human beings, we are under no obligation whatsoever to recognize and acquiesce to their perversions, and in fact, we have a duty to oppose their behavior, simply for the good of the rest of the people in society. So while we have no right to act more righteous than they, lest we be ignoring the beam in our own eye, going after the mote in theirs, we do have a duty to oppose their deadly behavior, and by golly, we had better do so!
-Cp said:
No solid scientific evidence exists today that people are born homosexual.

There's no solid evidence the other way either.

-Cp said:
Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, president of the National Association for Research and Treatment of Homosexuality, states, “We are all heterosexual. Some heterosexuals have a homosexual problem, but it does not mean there are two different kinds of people.”

Now there's a totally unbiased opinion for you. If homosexuality is proven to be genetic, he's out of a job. It's self serving for him to argue his side of it. It's like asking a Chevy dealer about Ford products. The truth is that noone at this time can say whether it's choice or programming.

To posit that homosexual relationships are based on 'lust not love' because you cannot love someone whom you are transfering a deadly disease to assumes something completely nuts: that all homosexuals have deadly diseases. This argument is a non-issue simply because STDs are an issue in both hetero and homosexual relationships. There are physical reasons why homosexuals are more like to transmit diseases to one another, but the disease transfer if merely a function of a) not having your partner tested beforehand and b) of not using proper protection. This is the same trope involved in responsible heterosexual relationships. They both have the same potential for 'deadliness', and both have the same preventative measures.

Second-- 'It is not an act of love to raise a child in a family where a deadly lifestyle is taught as normal.' This is again a assuming that the parents have STDs. Its also irresponsible to claim that homosexual parents 'teach' their children that unprotected promiscuity is normal. A responsible, informed parent would never do such a thing.
MissileMan said:
There's no solid evidence the other way either.

The onus isn't on the other side to prove you aren't born homosexual. The proof is in every proven biologic fact known to man since the beginning of time and is evident in every fiber, every behavior of man and woman on a daily basis if one just chooses to open their eyes and pay attention to their senses.

now there's a totally unbiased opinion for you. If homosexuality is proven to be genetic, he's out of a job. It's self serving for him to argue his side of it. It's like asking a Chevy dealer about Ford products. The truth is that noone at this time can say whether it's choice or programming.

The homosexual leadership has been pumping millions upon millions of dollars for decades now into finding a genetic link to homosexuality, hint hint it doesn't exist. But they will keep on trying rather than face the ineveitable, its a lifestyle choice.
-Cp said:
It's not so much their gross choices that bother me, it's them seeking to destroy the sanctity of marriage and wanting special rights... It also bothers me that so many people try and spread the myth that people are born homo, which takes away the personal responsability of the situation...

They don't want special rights. They just don't want to have to subsidize hetrosexuals, as is currently the case.
-Cp said:
No.... homosexuals getting "married' destroy marriage because they falls outside the definition of marriage - "A union between a man and a woman"

Function: noun
1 : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a legal, consensual, and contractual relationship.

If homo's want to have a Civil Union, so be it.. but leave Marriage out of it..

I think they'd accept that if a civil union were to entitle them to all the legal status of marriage, but as it stands right now that is not the case.
Sir Evil said:
Paulie, you still taking it in the can? :laugh:

What the fuck bro? I'd rather have my testicles removed, be fired from a job and live under a bridge dumpster diving than to have anything to do with such a dispicable lifestyle choice. I have more respect for two dollar whores. :banana:
khafley said:
1. Lesbian's - Artificial Insemination
2. Gay or Lesbian- Adoption

An unmarried woman can be artificially inseminated, so that kinda defeats your argument - unless you are saying unmarried women should be banned from artificial insemination?

And any woman, lesbian or not, can go out and find a man to impregnate her, what are you going to do about that?

In general, it's very hard for Gays or Lesbians to adopt. When they are able to do so, they take children who would otherwise be in state homes or foster care.

There is absolutely no evidence that gays make bad parents, in fact quite the opposite. And there is no evidence that children raised in a gay marriage are significantly more likely to be gay than children from a strait marriage.

wade said:
They don't want special rights. They just don't want to have to subsidize hetrosexuals, as is currently the case.

Subsidizing heterosexuals??????????? Explain please. And yes they do want "special rights" since they are born with every inalienable right that you and I have. They just have to accept that if they choose this lifestyle they will have to marry someone of the opposite sex if they want to utilize that right, its as simple as that.
wade said:
An unmarried woman can be artificially inseminated, so that kinda defeats your argument - unless you are saying unmarried women should be banned from artificial insemination?

And any woman, lesbian or not, can go out and find a man to impregnate her, what are you going to do about that?

In general, it's very hard for Gays or Lesbians to adopt. When they are able to do so, they take children who would otherwise be in state homes or foster care.

There is absolutely no evidence that gays make bad parents, in fact quite the opposite. And there is no evidence that children raised in a gay marriage are significantly more likely to be gay than children from a strait marriage.


They inherently make bad partents because they send their kids the wrong message that it's "okay" to be a homo...
khafley said:
First off they weren't teenagers they were adults, second no it would not be ok if they were hetero. however if they were, at least they would be male and female thats a little bit easier to explain, since that was the way it was intended to be in the first place. Considering I live in a very small tight knit community where I know everyone, population is around 2000, the chances of them hearing about that on the playground are slim to none.
The biggest thing being talked about on the playground is YU-GI-OH and Football!

I see, because you find hetrosexuals making out in public okay, it is not so bad. But because you find homosexuals doing the same thing in public disgusting, it is not. So your sensibilities are what matter, and everyone else should abide by them.
wade said:
An unmarried woman can be artificially inseminated, so that kinda defeats your argument - unless you are saying unmarried women should be banned from artificial insemination?

And any woman, lesbian or not, can go out and find a man to impregnate her, what are you going to do about that?

In general, it's very hard for Gays or Lesbians to adopt. When they are able to do so, they take children who would otherwise be in state homes or foster care.

There is absolutely no evidence that gays make bad parents, in fact quite the opposite. And there is no evidence that children raised in a gay marriage are significantly more likely to be gay than children from a strait marriage.


Wade you haven't read here much have you? There has been voluminous amounts of factual information posted as to the detrimental effects of same sex parents.

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