BORN IN THE USA? Birth certificate issue No. 1 at Fox News

remember how the left dug deep into bush's service records and they claimed he kept hiding them...

the hypocrisy shown here is telling

Can you even imagine Georgie boi or McCain getting away with this? Please. The more 'mum' Barry remains the more it makes him look like he has something to hide.

Has any other president ever kept his college transcripts sealed?

That is quite odd.

He Obama was as brilliant a student as the media would have us believe, why not gladly share the proof of that claim?
Yes! Completely agree! Bush's do nothingness over Lehman Brothers was so fantastic it caused this financial crisis and the stock market drop. Thank you, President Bush!

And for the last fucking time, this isn't issue #1 at FoxNews. This is issue #1 at a stupid website that FoxNews hosts called FoxNation or some shit like that. Not even FauxNews is stupid enough to run with this story on air.

It's probably the number one subject for freeper creepers, too... :cuckoo:

as for baby bush doing nothing... :lol: :lol: :lol:

but we can pretend, I guess....

thank heaven that "nothing" is done for now.

and i really think the right should keep marginalizing themselves and keeping themselves in the freak zone by keeping this issue going.

wooo hooo!

Their focus is Obama's birth certificate, it's a Republican wet dream that one day, he will be found to be disqualified and not only thrown out of office but completely out of the country..

Yes and if Joe Biden refuses to take the Presidency, then Nanci Pelosi becomes POTUS. The hard right better not be having any wet dreams about that! :eek:
its telling that no one is able to counter PI....all you have are ad homs, i wonder why no one can rationally counter what he stated....

Case in point:

Yes and if Joe Biden refuses to take the Presidency, then Nanci Pelosi becomes POTUS. The hard right better not be having any wet dreams about that! :eek:

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Disagree. The GOP's do-nothingness is preferable to the activism of the Democrats.

Yes! Completely agree! Bush's do nothingness over Lehman Brothers was so fantastic it caused this financial crisis and the stock market drop. Thank you, President Bush!

And for the last fucking time, this isn't issue #1 at FoxNews. This is issue #1 at a stupid website that FoxNews hosts called FoxNation or some shit like that. Not even FauxNews is stupid enough to run with this story on air.

Well... the day will come when that Birth cert will be unsealed and if that boy wasn't born the US... It'll become news and the crisis it creates will carry well beyond the 24 hour news cycle.

Pretending it's no big deal, doesn't actually reduce the value of the deal... I suspect this one is going come back to bite you idiots and things like this, generally don't unravel when everything is sunshine and roses... You can expect that IF Homey wasn't born in the US, that this little tid bit will drop within 72 hours of the worse day of his life... just to seal the karmatic deal; in my experience, thsuch things come in threes... so there's what ever makes up the worst day, something else of similar 'deal value' and this turd...

OH! While it's unpleasant to consider, perhaps it'll be something like a terrorists strike on the US, the discovery that homeslice was born in Africa and the congress voting up a bill of Impeachment...

Or maybe, it'll come to light that he's found to be involved in some offical malfeasance, the congress passes a bill of Impeachment and THEN the Birth Certificate where he was born in Kenya... as a Muslim, comes along... only hours before the US suffers another terrorist attack...

Oh who knows... all we know is these sort of lose ends generally stayed tied as long as those who are holding the strings feel that doing so is in their best interests; but when that worm turns... those strings get AWFULLY heavy, AWFULLY fast...

I can wait... for this story to thicken up... no point in serving it up until it's a proper soup.
1. In spite of how bad his policies look, they haven't taken effect yet, so to say they destroyed the country is premature at best.

2. The "right" is not innocent, they have done their share of "destroying the country" ... so step aside for whom?

3. With all the garbage to whine about, this is just getting inane.

Disagree. The GOP's do-nothingness is preferable to the activism of the Democrats.

Those "Contract with America" jerks don't get it. Had they any balls and done what they were elected to do, they'd STILL be in power. Problem is, they don't have the blind, shove it up your ass whether you like it or not attitude of the left. They spent 12 years acting as if the left still had control and wimpering at every barb the supreme idiots Reid and Pelosi tossed.

The Democrats suck because they want to shove their fascism down everyone's throats in their self-righteous zealotry while in contrast, the Republicans are bunch of pussies.

Both parties suck and neither deserve positions of leadership in this nation, and I'd wager neithe has a clue what the US Constitution actually says.

"We, the people," are caught between them.

Meh, the right leaders do have the same attitude as the left leaders really, just in different areas. The real problem is the blind party allegiances so many people have, if they would just stop that and stop giving the leaders so much power, things would balance out a lot. The leaders on both sides have shown they don't care about the people, I can't argue that. But the right leaders tend to shove other things down our throats to, and few of those that claim conservatism really are in power, just as few that claim liberalism are.

Again, disagree. The Republicans had the opportunity beginning in 2000 to shove whatever they wanted down the left's throats. They did not. In fact, they act as if they were recoiling from a snake whenever Pelosi or Reid whined.

The left has no such conscience; therefore, no such fear. Too much self-righteousness going on there. Attempting to claim GOP politicians have balls just to try and balance the equation for your peace of mind doesn't get it.
Please make this your #1 issue. Seriously...shit like this makes America realize what loons the rightwing are.

Like Bush's military record was the left's? Pot calling the kettle black.

You lefties are damned-sure into oversight when there's a Republican involved, but you won't even address the glaringly obvious when it comes to one of your own.

I'm not seeing the big deal by those on the right. At the same time, I AM curious as to why Obama feels the need to hide his personal info when his predecessors have been raked over the coals.

Then again, it's not hard to see an elitist believe he is above the same treatment of even those who have held his position in the past. Not hard at all.
1. In spite of how bad his policies look, they haven't taken effect yet, so to say they destroyed the country is premature at best.

2. The "right" is not innocent, they have done their share of "destroying the country" ... so step aside for whom?

3. With all the garbage to whine about, this is just getting inane.

Disagree. The GOP's do-nothingness is preferable to the activism of the Democrats.

Those "Contract with America" jerks don't get it. Had they any balls and done what they were elected to do, they'd STILL be in power. Problem is, they don't have the blind, shove it up your ass whether you like it or not attitude of the left. They spent 12 years acting as if the left still had control and wimpering at every barb the supreme idiots Reid and Pelosi tossed.

The Democrats suck because they want to shove their fascism down everyone's throats in their self-righteous zealotry while in contrast, the Republicans are bunch of pussies.

Both parties suck and neither deserve positions of leadership in this nation, and I'd wager neithe has a clue what the US Constitution actually says.

"We, the people," are caught between them.

Seriously. if the GOP had quit apologizing every single damn time someone pretended to be offended. They spent the last 8 years letting Democrats and the liberal media put words in their mouths. Even now, they can't seem to must a single pair between them all and call a racist remark racist.

Exactly. The right needs to get past running like little bitches every time the left makes their BS accusations. It's obvious to anyone with a set of eyes. Well, except those purposefully blind hackazoids from the left.
1. In spite of how bad his policies look, they haven't taken effect yet, so to say they destroyed the country is premature at best.

2. The "right" is not innocent, they have done their share of "destroying the country" ... so step aside for whom?

3. With all the garbage to whine about, this is just getting inane.

Disagree. The GOP's do-nothingness is preferable to the activism of the Democrats.

Those "Contract with America" jerks don't get it. Had they any balls and done what they were elected to do, they'd STILL be in power. Problem is, they don't have the blind, shove it up your ass whether you like it or not attitude of the left. They spent 12 years acting as if the left still had control and wimpering at every barb the supreme idiots Reid and Pelosi tossed.

The Democrats suck because they want to shove their fascism down everyone's throats in their self-righteous zealotry while in contrast, the Republicans are bunch of pussies.

Both parties suck and neither deserve positions of leadership in this nation, and I'd wager neithe has a clue what the US Constitution actually says.

"We, the people," are caught between them.

Well put..:clap2:

You are a great American.

The conservatives are in exile ...and the Republicans have turned into girly men like Arnold Schwarzennigger... and my Colon Powell... He says he's a Republican...this African American is confused he's voted Democrat every time... I guess....(bloods of a feather flock together)

Arnold and Powell are the future of the GOP. Those hard-right conservatives need to reconcile themselves to that or plan on the Demo-Gods running the show. Democracies move left. Period. The Democrats went through the same thing with Carter.

The RINO's and neo-cons are, if not the majority in the GOP now, close to it. All this blather from the left that these far-rightwing groups are running the party is just the usual shitscreen from them. The hard line conservatives, if anything, are obstructing the GOP from moving on.

2010 and 2012 would be PERFECT opportunities for the GOP to retake DC. They're their own worst enemies, putting in-house fighting above what's best for the nation. In the meantime, Herr Obama has carte blanche to continue running it into the ground.

You can't blame this all on the left, nor does the left have a clue with their "mandate" bullshit. Equal blame goes to conservatives of all stripes who played that "if it's not MY guy, I'm not voting" bullshit. So busy taking a stand on principle you didn't pay attention to those of us that kept telling you the left had no such qualms. They lined up like sheep and voted "D" and look what we got as a result.

Some of you need to quit blaming others and take a long look in the mirror. Those who didn't vote against Obama are as guilty of putting him in office as those who voted for him.
Please make this your #1 issue. Seriously...shit like this makes America realize what loons the rightwing are.

Left wing pukes, like you don't give a sh_it where BonzoBama was born.... a preview of their total contempt for our Constitution

Sure, silly ass, sure. You lost the election. Your fellow proved contemptably incompetant for the last eight years. Just sit back are watch while people with intelligence run the country for a while.

Run it into the ground, you mean. We're watching. Then, when the inevitable backlash occurs, we can watch all you whiny-assed lefties play victim again.
Disagree. The GOP's do-nothingness is preferable to the activism of the Democrats.

Yes! Completely agree! Bush's do nothingness over Lehman Brothers was so fantastic it caused this financial crisis and the stock market drop. Thank you, President Bush!

And for the last fucking time, this isn't issue #1 at FoxNews. This is issue #1 at a stupid website that FoxNews hosts called FoxNation or some shit like that. Not even FauxNews is stupid enough to run with this story on air.

You don't know what you're talking about where the financial crisis is concerned; and,

I am not the one who posted anything about Fox News. Might want to address that to the person who did.
Disagree. The GOP's do-nothingness is preferable to the activism of the Democrats.

Yes! Completely agree! Bush's do nothingness over Lehman Brothers was so fantastic it caused this financial crisis and the stock market drop. Thank you, President Bush!

And for the last fucking time, this isn't issue #1 at FoxNews. This is issue #1 at a stupid website that FoxNews hosts called FoxNation or some shit like that. Not even FauxNews is stupid enough to run with this story on air.

It's probably the number one subject for freeper creepers, too... :cuckoo:

as for baby bush doing nothing... :lol: :lol: :lol:

but we can pretend, I guess....

thank heaven that "nothing" is done for now.

and i really think the right should keep marginalizing themselves and keeping themselves in the freak zone by keeping this issue going.

wooo hooo!

While the #1 issue for the left is ducking and dodging.

As I stated, "nothing" is preferable to the fucking fascism YOU and your ilk voted in. For all your chicken little bullshit over the previous administration's tenure, NONE of it came to pass.

You might want to reconsider comment on topics of which you don't know one damned thing.
1. PI says that a law in 1959 allowed Hawaiians to "grandfather" children born in other countries as "citizens", living in Hawaii in 1959 when Hawaii first became a state, then PI goes on to say that Hawaii stopped this provision "shortly, thereafter"....and you guys jumped on this bandwagon as if PI said something of importance?
- Obama was born in 1961, what in the HECK does this have to do with Hawaii becoming a state in 1959 and grandfathering those not born there, under key and certain provisions, citizenship in Hawaii?
-McCain was not born in the united states, and more than 10 other presidential candidates in our history were not born in the united states, yet, they STILL were eligible to become president because they still were considered to legally be "natural born citizens" due to the citizenship of their parent/parents.

Can ANYONE produce a long form Birth Certificate for any citizen of Hawaii?

What is on the long form birth certificate verses the short form birth certificate that you are so certain will make Obama not a natural born citizen, according to our law? His mother, was an American born matter where he was born, he is considered a Natural Born Citizen of the United States, is my understanding of our Laws.

Can anyone produce the long form birth certificate of George w Bush, or for William Clinton or for Ronald Reagan or For John McCain or for George H W Bush, or for Richard Nixon or Gerald Ford or for John Kennedy?

Are you all setting up the A-ok for Obama to be assassinated by some loony tune that thinks he doesn't belong there, like the guy who killed the Abortion Doctor because he thought he was getting away with murder? :(

Yes! Completely agree! Bush's do nothingness over Lehman Brothers was so fantastic it caused this financial crisis and the stock market drop. Thank you, President Bush!

And for the last fucking time, this isn't issue #1 at FoxNews. This is issue #1 at a stupid website that FoxNews hosts called FoxNation or some shit like that. Not even FauxNews is stupid enough to run with this story on air.

It's probably the number one subject for freeper creepers, too... :cuckoo:

as for baby bush doing nothing... :lol: :lol: :lol:

but we can pretend, I guess....

thank heaven that "nothing" is done for now.

and i really think the right should keep marginalizing themselves and keeping themselves in the freak zone by keeping this issue going.

wooo hooo!

Their focus is Obama's birth certificate, it's a Republican wet dream that one day, he will be found to be disqualified and not only thrown out of office but completely out of the country..

Really? This from the left who threw everything to include the sink against the wall, making baseless, bullshit accusations for 8 years.

Hypocrites, the lot of you.
its telling that no one is able to counter PI....all you have are ad homs, i wonder why no one can rationally counter what he stated....

Are you kidding? The left actually address a topic? :lol::lol::lol:


The very idea almost brought tears to my eyes. :lol:
1. PI says that a law in 1959 allowed Hawaiians to "grandfather" children born in other countries as "citizens", living in Hawaii in 1959 when Hawaii first became a state, then PI goes on to say that Hawaii stopped this provision "shortly, thereafter"....and you guys jumped on this bandwagon as if PI said something of importance?
- Obama was born in 1961, what in the HECK does this have to do with Hawaii becoming a state in 1959 and grandfathering those not born there, under key and certain provisions, citizenship in Hawaii?
-McCain was not born in the united states, and more than 10 other presidential candidates in our history were not born in the united states, yet, they STILL were eligible to become president because they still were considered to legally be "natural born citizens" due to the citizenship of their parent/parents.

Can ANYONE produce a long form Birth Certificate for any citizen of Hawaii?

What is on the long form birth certificate verses the short form birth certificate that you are so certain will make Obama not a natural born citizen, according to our law? His mother, was an American born matter where he was born, he is considered a Natural Born Citizen of the United States, is my understanding of our Laws.

Can anyone produce the long form birth certificate of George w Bush, or for William Clinton or for Ronald Reagan or For John McCain or for George H W Bush, or for Richard Nixon or Gerald Ford or for John Kennedy?

Are you all setting up the A-ok for Obama to be assassinated by some loony tune that thinks he doesn't belong there, like the guy who killed the Abortion Doctor because he thought he was getting away with murder? :(

Pubic is delusional.

You are correct, it doesn't matter where he was born, his mother was an American. These people have a collection of rocks in their heads.
1. PI says that a law in 1959 allowed Hawaiians to "grandfather" children born in other countries as "citizens", living in Hawaii in 1959 when Hawaii first became a state, then PI goes on to say that Hawaii stopped this provision "shortly, thereafter"....and you guys jumped on this bandwagon as if PI said something of importance?
- Obama was born in 1961, what in the HECK does this have to do with Hawaii becoming a state in 1959 and grandfathering those not born there, under key and certain provisions, citizenship in Hawaii?
-McCain was not born in the united states, and more than 10 other presidential candidates in our history were not born in the united states, yet, they STILL were eligible to become president because they still were considered to legally be "natural born citizens" due to the citizenship of their parent/parents.

Can ANYONE produce a long form Birth Certificate for any citizen of Hawaii?

What is on the long form birth certificate verses the short form birth certificate that you are so certain will make Obama not a natural born citizen, according to our law? His mother, was an American born matter where he was born, he is considered a Natural Born Citizen of the United States, is my understanding of our Laws.

Can anyone produce the long form birth certificate of George w Bush, or for William Clinton or for Ronald Reagan or For John McCain or for George H W Bush, or for Richard Nixon or Gerald Ford or for John Kennedy?

Are you all setting up the A-ok for Obama to be assassinated by some loony tune that thinks he doesn't belong there, like the guy who killed the Abortion Doctor because he thought he was getting away with murder? :(


Care, I've wondered this exact same thing. Even if he wasn't born in Hawaii, wouldn't the fact that his mother was a U.S. citizen automatically make him one? But there are questions.

How old was she when he was born (I've read 17 and I've read 18; don't know which is correct)? Were these ages considered being a minor in 1961 (under the age of 21)? If she was a minor, does that even make a difference?

The key question seems to be not if he is a citizen but in being a 'natural-born' citizen.

If you're going to be involved in government in the United States, citizenship is a must. To be a Senator or Representative, you must be a citizen of the United States. To be President, not only must you be a citizen, but you must also be natural-born. Aside from participation in government, citizenship is an honor bestowed upon people by the citizenry of the United States when a non-citizen passes the required tests and submits to an oath.

Natural-born citizen

Who is a natural-born citizen? Who, in other words, is a citizen at birth, such that that person can be a President someday?

The 14th Amendment defines citizenship this way: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." But even this does not get specific enough. As usual, the Constitution provides the framework for the law, but it is the law that fills in the gaps.

Currently, Title 8 of the U.S. Code fills in those gaps. Section 1401 defines the following as people who are "citizens of the United States at birth:"

* Anyone born inside the United States * Was he really born in Hawaii?
* Any Indian or Eskimo born in the United States, provided being a citizen of the U.S. does not impair the person's status as a citizen of the tribe Does not apply.
* Any one born outside the United States, both of whose parents are citizens of the U.S., as long as one parent has lived in the U.S. His father was not a U.S. citizen.
* Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year and the other parent is a U.S. national His father was not a U.S. national.
* Any one born in a U.S. possession, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year If he was born in Kenya, even though his mother was a U.S. citizen, the fact that Kenya is not a U.S. possession would make him inelgibile.
* Any one found in the U.S. under the age of five, whose parentage cannot be determined, as long as proof of non-citizenship is not provided by age 21. Does not apply.
* Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is an alien and as long as the other parent is a citizen of the U.S. who lived in the U.S. for at least five years (with military and diplomatic service included in this time). Is this the one that would make him eligible if he wasn't born in Hawaii? Would his father be considered an alien?
* A final, historical condition: a person born before 5/24/1934 of an alien father and a U.S. citizen mother who has lived in the U.S. Does not apply.

* There is an exception in the law - the person must be "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States. This would exempt the child of a diplomat, for example, from this provision.

Anyone falling into these categories is considered natural-born, and is eligible to run for President or Vice President. These provisions allow the children of military families to be considered natural-born, for example.

Separate sections handle territories that the United States has acquired over time, such as Puerto Rico (8 USC 1402), Alaska (8 USC 1404), Hawaii (8 USC 1405), the U.S. Virgin Islands (8 USC 1406), and Guam (8 USC 1407). Each of these sections confer citizenship on persons living in these territories as of a certain date, and usually confer natural-born status on persons born in those territories after that date. For example, for Puerto Rico, all persons born in Puerto Rico between April 11, 1899, and January 12, 1941, are automatically conferred citizenship as of the date the law was signed by the President (June 27, 1952). Additionally, all persons born in Puerto Rico on or after January 13, 1941, are natural-born citizens of the United States. Note that because of when the law was passed, for some, the natural-born status was retroactive.

The law contains one other section of historical note, concerning the Panama Canal Zone and the nation of Panama. In 8 USC 1403, the law states that anyone born in the Canal Zone or in Panama itself, on or after February 26, 1904, to a mother and/or father who is a United States citizen, was "declared" to be a United States citizen. Note that the terms "natural-born" or "citizen at birth" are missing from this section.

Constitutional Topic: Citizenship - The U.S. Constitution Online -

If it was as simple as his mother being a U.S. citizen, therefore making him a U.S. citizen, I don't think there would be any questions and any demand for the long-form birth certificate.

And once again I can't help but wonder, why not just show the long-form and put the issue to rest?
Birth certificate issue No. 1 at Fox News
Obama eligibility most talked about topic on news website

- Barack Obama's elusive long-form birth certificate that would establish his eligibility to serve as president as a "natural born citizen" is the hottest discussion topic at the Fox News Channel's website.

Under the heading, "Should Obama release his birth certificate? Or is this old news?," nearly 1,000 comments have been posted - all of them since White House press secretary Robert Gibbs was questioned about the document earlier this week by WND White House correspondent Les Kinsolving.

The rush of posts at the Fox News site makes it the "most talked about" issue, according to a ranking on the right side of the page.

One contributor to the page had this to say: "Not old news, just a burning question that needs an answer, and while your at it, get some of that other hidden, sealed information uncovered like, his passport to Indonesia, his college records, etc. There are so many unanswered questions, and frankly you all dropped the ball before the election."

The visibility of the Obama birth certificate issue has also been raised by a new national billboard campaign initiated by Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND. Launched just over a week ago, the campaign has raised about $55,000 and begun erecting billboards that ask the question, "Where's the birth certificate?"

That campaign followed one launched months earlier to collect names on an electronic petition demanding accountability and transparency on the issue. So far, that petition has gathered nearly 400,000 names.

(Story continues below)

Yes folks it's going to continue. It's going to catch on like wildfire and I'm lovin it!

You idiot had your moment in the sun and you made a mess of things!

You freaks on the left... You've destroyed this country enough! Step aside. Obama! You communist from Kenya. The presidency is above your pay grade. You're just a thug from Chicago!

You may have fooled some of us some of the time....but you couldn't fool all of us all of the time.

Funny a right winger like you cares if Obama was made in America but you don't care if anything else is.

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