BORN IN THE USA? Birth certificate issue No. 1 at Fox News


A US National is an alien, here in the united States legally. Obama's father was here legally on a Visa.

US NATIONAL: US citizen and US permanent and temporary legal resident aliens.

* Anyone born inside the United States * Was he really born in Hawaii?

Yes, he really WAS born in Hawaii, the State of Hawaii certified such, and his State Certified Birth Certificate states his date and place of birth, as with all other legally issued State birth certificates.

In addition to this, there is an announcement of his birth in Hawaii in the Hawaiian Newspaper, dating back to the post week of his birth...I do not believe that his mother or grandmother set up 48 years ago, the situation where their son could be president, by lying about his actual birth in the local news paper.

* Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year and the other parent is a U.S. national His father was not a U.S. national.

His father WAS A US NATIONAL, please show some proof that he was not....what makes you think his father was not a us national?

* Any one born in a U.S. possession, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year If he was born in Kenya, even though his mother was a U.S. citizen, the fact that Kenya is not a U.S. possession would make him inelgibile.

THIS DOES NOT APPLY, even IF he were born in kenya, kenya is not a it just does not apply, nothing about him being "inelligible"

* Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is an alien and as long as the other parent is a citizen of the U.S. who lived in the U.S. for at least five years (with military and diplomatic service included in this time). Is this the one that would make him eligible if he wasn't born in Hawaii? Would his father be considered an alien?


Yes, this is the Law that makes him a natural born citizen, NO MATTER WHERE HE WAS BORN Zoom...

And yes, if he were not born in Hawaii, which the State of Hawaii confirms that he was but let's say they are committing a crime and bearing false witness for Obama for some loony reason, and let's presume he was born in Kenya, he is a Natural born citizen because his mother is an American citizen, whom lived more than 5 years in the united states, whose father is an Alien...and YES, his father is an Alien, a legal Alien of the united states, making him a US National when here in the usa, or an Alien when not here in the usa on a legal visa, and overseas.


Anyone falling into these categories is considered natural-born, and is eligible to run for President or Vice President.

As snug as a bug in a rug, Obama is a natural born USA citizen, according to what you posted zoom
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A US National is an alien, here in the united States legally. Obama's father was here legally on a Visa.

US NATIONAL: US citizen and US permanent and temporary legal resident aliens.

* Anyone born inside the United States * Was he really born in Hawaii?

Yes, he really WAS born in Hawaii, the State of Hawaii certified such, and his State Certified Birth Certificate states his date and place of birth, as with all other legally issued State birth certificates.

In addition to this, there is an announcement of his birth in Hawaii in the Hawaiian Newspaper, dating back to the post week of his birth...I do not believe that his mother or grandmother set up 48 years ago, the situation where their son could be president, by lying about his actual birth in the local news paper.

* Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year and the other parent is a U.S. national His father was not a U.S. national.

His father WAS A US NATIONAL, please show some proof that he was not....what makes you think his father was not a us national?

* Any one born in a U.S. possession, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year If he was born in Kenya, even though his mother was a U.S. citizen, the fact that Kenya is not a U.S. possession would make him inelgibile.

THIS DOES NOT APPLY, even IF he were born in kenya, kenya is not a it just does not apply, nothing about him being "inelligible"

* Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is an alien and as long as the other parent is a citizen of the U.S. who lived in the U.S. for at least five years (with military and diplomatic service included in this time). Is this the one that would make him eligible if he wasn't born in Hawaii? Would his father be considered an alien?


Yes, this is the Law that makes him a natural born citizen, NO MATTER WHERE HE WAS BORN Zoom...

And yes, if he were not born in Hawaii, which the State of Hawaii confirms that he was but let's say they are committing a crime and bearing false witness for Obama for some loony reason, and let's presume he was born in Kenya, he is a Natural born citizen because his mother is an American citizen, whom lived more than 5 years in the united states, whose father is an Alien...and YES, his father is an Alien, a legal Alien of the united states, making him a US National when here in the usa, or an Alien when not here in the usa on a legal visa, and overseas.


Anyone falling into these categories is considered natural-born, and is eligible to run for President or Vice President.

As snug as a bug in a rug, Obama is a natural born USA citizen, according to what you posted zoom

I was not aware that his father was in the U.S. via a legal visa. If this proof of his 'legality' is at my fingertips, why are so many pursuing roads to have him release his long form birth certificate (yes, I'm sure many will just say 'wingnuts') and why, if there is nothing to the accusations of falsehood, doesn't Obama just show the long form and shut these people up once and for all?

Interesting to note, Obama's father was married to another woman when he married Obama's mother.

Barack Obama, Sr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
It's probably the number one subject for freeper creepers, too... :cuckoo:

as for baby bush doing nothing... :lol: :lol: :lol:

but we can pretend, I guess....

thank heaven that "nothing" is done for now.

and i really think the right should keep marginalizing themselves and keeping themselves in the freak zone by keeping this issue going.

wooo hooo!

Their focus is Obama's birth certificate, it's a Republican wet dream that one day, he will be found to be disqualified and not only thrown out of office but completely out of the country..

Really? This from the left who threw everything to include the sink against the wall, making baseless, bullshit accusations for 8 years.

Hypocrites, the lot of you.

It was all warranted with Bush/Cheney. The BC accusations are what's bullshit.
There aren't... and he did... State of Hawaii said so.


That $25,000,000 will never see the light of day. Not sure where it came from but nobody will be allowed to claim it.

A US National is an alien, here in the united States legally. Obama's father was here legally on a Visa.

US NATIONAL: US citizen and US permanent and temporary legal resident aliens.

* Anyone born inside the United States * Was he really born in Hawaii?

Yes, he really WAS born in Hawaii, the State of Hawaii certified such, and his State Certified Birth Certificate states his date and place of birth, as with all other legally issued State birth certificates.

In addition to this, there is an announcement of his birth in Hawaii in the Hawaiian Newspaper, dating back to the post week of his birth...I do not believe that his mother or grandmother set up 48 years ago, the situation where their son could be president, by lying about his actual birth in the local news paper.

* Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year and the other parent is a U.S. national His father was not a U.S. national.

His father WAS A US NATIONAL, please show some proof that he was not....what makes you think his father was not a us national?

* Any one born in a U.S. possession, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year If he was born in Kenya, even though his mother was a U.S. citizen, the fact that Kenya is not a U.S. possession would make him inelgibile.

THIS DOES NOT APPLY, even IF he were born in kenya, kenya is not a it just does not apply, nothing about him being "inelligible"

* Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is an alien and as long as the other parent is a citizen of the U.S. who lived in the U.S. for at least five years (with military and diplomatic service included in this time). Is this the one that would make him eligible if he wasn't born in Hawaii? Would his father be considered an alien?


Yes, this is the Law that makes him a natural born citizen, NO MATTER WHERE HE WAS BORN Zoom...

And yes, if he were not born in Hawaii, which the State of Hawaii confirms that he was but let's say they are committing a crime and bearing false witness for Obama for some loony reason, and let's presume he was born in Kenya, he is a Natural born citizen because his mother is an American citizen, whom lived more than 5 years in the united states, whose father is an Alien...and YES, his father is an Alien, a legal Alien of the united states, making him a US National when here in the usa, or an Alien when not here in the usa on a legal visa, and overseas.


Anyone falling into these categories is considered natural-born, and is eligible to run for President or Vice President.

As snug as a bug in a rug, Obama is a natural born USA citizen, according to what you posted zoom

I was not aware that his father was in the U.S. via a legal visa. If this proof of his 'legality' is at my fingertips, why are so many pursuing roads to have him release his long form birth certificate (yes, I'm sure many will just say 'wingnuts') and why, if there is nothing to the accusations of falsehood, doesn't Obama just show the long form and shut these people up once and for all?

Interesting to note, Obama's father was married to another woman when he married Obama's mother.

Barack Obama, Sr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

I have yet to see any kind of legal or logical explanation of WHY these people are posturing themselves behind this movement.

It is plain as day, that Obama is a natural born citizen according to our laws and only someone without any marbles would get behind this ridiculous accusation zoom.

And I am not an Obamaite....

I just know how to read and understand what I read, and the laws regarding natural born citizenship are clear as day regarding an American citizen giving birth to a child in country or out of country with a US National as the father or an Alien as the father....

Obama's birth certificate is a legal birth certificate for the state of Hawaii, no other birth certificate is required nor should it be required if the legal shorter form is issued and certified by the State....

you were either born in Hawaii or you weren't....simple as that....and he was obviously born in hawaii or there would not be a Hawaiian birth certificate stating is a BIRTH must be birthed in hawaii in order to have a birth certificate from hawaii and all other BS being said by PI is just that, BS....

Even if the garbage he wrote about kids in hawaii that were not born there before it became a state...before 1959....obama was born in 1961, after hawaii was already a state so he automatically was a natural born citizen being born in hawaii after 1959 and would not have been part of this supposed grandfathering that PI wrote about....???

None of it makes sense to me of why this group of loony tunes in my opinion, are pursuing this....and none have explained their reasoning with any kind of clarity within the Law, imho.

Here is a quip regarding obama's father from the link you gave that proves he was a US National....he was here legally, on a scholarship.

Education and fatherhood

While still living near Kendu Bay, Obama Sr. went to Gendia Primary School and shifted to Ng’iya Intermediate School once his family relocated to Siaya District.[1] From 1950 to 1953, he studied at Maseno Mission School, an exclusive Christian boarding school in Maseno that is run by the Anglican Church of Kenya. (Dreams from my Father, 2004 edition, p. 418). The head teacher, B.L. Bowers, described Obama Sr. in his records as "very keen, steady, trustworthy and friendly. Concentrates, reliable and out-going."[12]

Obama Sr. received a scholarship in economics through a program organized by nationalist leader Tom Mboya. The program offered Western educational opportunities to outstanding Kenyan students. [13] President Obama said of his father's scholarship, "The Kennedys decided: 'We're going to do an airlift. We're going to go to Africa and start bringing young Africans over to this country and give them scholarships to study so they can learn what a wonderful country America is. This young man named Barack Obama [Sr.] got one of those tickets and came over to this country.'"[14] An article by Michael Dobbs in The Washington Post, however, states that the Kennedy family did not become associated with the educational airlift until 1960, a year after Obama Sr. was studying in the United States. Initial financial supporters of the program included Harry Belafonte, Sidney Poitier, Jackie Robinson, and Elizabeth Mooney Kirk, a literacy advocate who provided most of the financial support for Obama Sr.'s early years in the United States, according to the Tom Mboya archives at Stanford University.[13]

At the age of 23, Obama Sr. enrolled at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, leaving behind a pregnant Kezia and their infant son. He had turned away from Islam and become an atheist by the time he moved to the United States.[4] On 2 February 1961, Obama Sr. married fellow student Ann Dunham in Maui, Hawaii[15] though she would not find out that her new husband was already married until much later.[16] Obama Sr.'s and Dunham's son, Barack Obama II, was born on August 4, 1961. Dunham left school to care for the baby, while Obama Sr. completed his degree. He graduated from the University of Hawaii in June 1962 (and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa[17]), leaving shortly thereafter to travel to Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he would begin graduate study at Harvard University in the fall.[16

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There may be more information on that birth certificate that would be of political value. Ever think that maybe his citizenship isn't the real target here ?
There may be more information on that birth certificate that would be of political value. Ever think that maybe his citizenship isn't the real target here ?
Yeah, maybe his father is a space alien from the planet Mars. :cuckoo: Or...wait...maybe it was an immaculate conception! Yeah, that's it!!!
There may be more information on that birth certificate that would be of political value. Ever think that maybe his citizenship isn't the real target here ?
Yeah, maybe his father is a space alien from the planet Mars. :cuckoo: Or...wait...maybe it was an immaculate conception! Yeah, that's it!!!

I think he means they are hoping for proof he's the anti-Christ, all birth certificates for Satan say 666, that's what they are really hunting for.
There may be more information on that birth certificate that would be of political value. Ever think that maybe his citizenship isn't the real target here ?

you hit it on the HEAD....and Obama should NOT bend over backwards for any such people....nor should I, nor should you, nor should any of us....imo.

enough is enough....they need to stop passing this OBVIOUS LIE around, it will only lead to some crazy assassinating obama because "he is not a natural born citizen and should not be president in the first place...thinking they are doing the country a favor by offing the illegitimate SOB''.... :eek:


There may be more information on that birth certificate that would be of political value. Ever think that maybe his citizenship isn't the real target here ?

Like his middle name being Mohammad?
There may be more information on that birth certificate that would be of political value. Ever think that maybe his citizenship isn't the real target here ?

you hit it on the HEAD....and Obama should NOT bend over backwards for any such people....nor should I, nor should you, nor should any of us....imo.

enough is enough....they need to stop passing this OBVIOUS LIE around, it will only lead to some crazy assassinating obama because "he is not a natural born citizen and should not be president in the first place...thinking they are doing the country a favor by offing the illegitimate SOB''.... :eek:



Oh get real---do you really think any politician is above lying about another ? It's a dirty business.
There may be more information on that birth certificate that would be of political value. Ever think that maybe his citizenship isn't the real target here ?

you hit it on the HEAD....and Obama should NOT bend over backwards for any such people....nor should I, nor should you, nor should any of us....imo.

enough is enough....they need to stop passing this OBVIOUS LIE around, it will only lead to some crazy assassinating obama because "he is not a natural born citizen and should not be president in the first place...thinking they are doing the country a favor by offing the illegitimate SOB''.... :eek:



Oh get real---do you really think any politician is above lying about another ? It's a dirty business.

Their focus is Obama's birth certificate, it's a Republican wet dream that one day, he will be found to be disqualified and not only thrown out of office but completely out of the country..

Really? This from the left who threw everything to include the sink against the wall, making baseless, bullshit accusations for 8 years.

Hypocrites, the lot of you.

It was all warranted with Bush/Cheney. The BC accusations are what's bullshit.
yeah sure :rolleyes:
the crap you assholes threw at Bush was just as fucking stupid as this
this is why i see you as a fucking MORON
Care, I provided the link because it proved that his father was in the U.S. on a scholarship.

So, even if (just humor me here) Obama was not born in Hawaii, he is still a natural-born citizen. Case closed.

Those claiming otherwise - what is their agenda and why are they suspicious of the short form certificate? What information does the long form certificate contain that the short form doesn't and why did Hawaii's DOH offer no response when asked why the long form was not available? And again, why haven't Obama's people just released the long form and be done with all of this?
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There may be more information on that birth certificate that would be of political value. Ever think that maybe his citizenship isn't the real target here ?

It certainly begs the question - why is Obama going to such lengths to keep the long form from being shown?
Birth certificate issue No. 1 at Fox News

So that means the economy, bailouts, terrorism, war in Iraq and Afghanistan, Supreme Court, gay marriage, abortion, etc...are all less popular news issues on Fox?

Care, I provided the link because it proved that his father was in the U.S. on a scholarship.

So, even if (just humor me here) Obama was not born in Hawaii, he is still a natural-born citizen. Case closed.

Those claiming otherwise - what is their agenda and why are they suspicious of the short form certificate? What information does the long form certificate contain that the short form doesn't and why did Hawaii's DOH offer no response when asked why the long form was not available? And again, why haven't Obama's people just released the long form and be done with all of this?

Hawaii State Law does NOT permit the State to issue anything other than their legalized short version....FOR ALL CITIZENS of their state due to personal, private reasons.

These rules and regs were NOT instituted by the state of hawaii for Obama, but for all of its citizens...I don't know why, I don't know what information is on a long form birth certificate verses a short form version and no one has ever presented a hawaiian long form version sooooo who knows why this group is even insisting on such???

I only have a short version of my own birth doesn't even state the time of day i was born, which i wanted to find out and my mom does;t remember! :( yet it is a notorized birth certificate?

None of this ridiculous accusation makes any sense to me nor how it has persisted for so long when all that i have seen on it, can be picked apart blindfolded with our own law or definition of the laws/regs, that govern this...?

oh, and yes...i did recognize why u gave the link...;)

I know Hawaii only issues the short form but surely Obama could get them to release the long form so this issue could be put to bed once and for all.
remember how the left dug deep into bush's service records and they claimed he kept hiding them...

the hypocrisy shown here is telling

Can you even imagine Georgie boi or McCain getting away with this? Please. The more 'mum' Barry remains the more it makes him look like he has something to hide.

Has any other president ever kept his college transcripts sealed?

That is quite odd.

He Obama was as brilliant a student as the media would have us believe, why not gladly share the proof of that claim?

My guess is that the reason is, that there's a boat load of Marxist crapola being espoused in those papers;I doubt it has much to do with grades...

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