Boston bombing suspects did not have valid handgun licenses


They're probably all right wing extremist "preppers" who look forward to blowing up abortion clinics after they've stocked up enough food.

Actually we should just ban black pressure cookers.

black pressure cookers... You had to pull the race card didn't you? :D

Don't look at me :eek:.

It's the liberals who think all rifles that are black are evil:evil:

I'm just using the same philosophy for the Assault Pressure Cookers :eusa_shhh: (i put it in red to symbolize blood)

I mean does anyone really need a pressure cooker?

At the very least

  • it shoud be limited to a two pint capacity
  • background checks should be run
  • most importantly it can't be black.

We deserve a vote :cool:
Someone else might want to look into it, but 10 bucks says the sniveling doughnut puncher is on record somewhere excoriating someone for homophobia, while coming out here calling people fags.

You don't think bad words are worthy of someone who uses the murder of children to push their agenda? And calling someone a "gun fag" has nothing to do with homosexuality. You're just trying to be cute using false logic.

I totally agree... I think bad words are completely justified for Obama and the Democrats using the dead Newtown children to push their agenda.
Indeed - the only reason they were able to get their agenda as far as they got was all those dead kids. This is why they pray for more, every night.
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maybe people can report this thread and get it moved out of the politics section.

I know many right wingers think conspiracies and lies is equal to political debate, but...
maybe people can report this thread and get it moved out of the politics section.

I know many right wingers think conspiracies and lies is equal to political debate, but...

What lies? Obama most definitely used the newton shooting and those dead kids to try and further HIS political agenda. And when stymied threw a childish temper tantrum.
Did they have valid bomb detonating licenses? :dunno:

more proof mani can be a real idiot

As I already pointed out else where it is illegal for a foreign national to buy a firearm. And it is illegal for a 19 year old to buy a hand gun. Further the 19 year old could not legally buy pistol ammunition and probably couldn't legally buy gunpowder ( though I don't know Mass law on that).

We have background check laws for all that already. Guess what? Thousands of people a year violate that law are caught denied the purchase and Obama's Justice Department chooses NOT TO PROSECUTE the violators.

What the hell good is more background checks going to do, they are already IGNORED by the Justice Department. Further explain how a 19 year old or a foreign National would be caught by more background checks when they got their weapons ILLEGALLY? Criminals don't follow the law and sure as hell do not do background checks.

As I recall a federal law passed a while back made it a reportable occasion if more then a pound or so of powder was bought in a 30 day period.
It's interesting watching gun fags trying to twist a terrorist attack that has nothing to do with them into a positive spin for their stupid bullshit.
Says he who failed to read the OP and recongize the fact that the story included twists a terrorist attack into an argument for more gun control.

A goddamn bombing attack and terrorists using illegal guns to shoot cops has nothing to do with you or your cause. If anything it suggests there should be more regulation but we both know you're not smart enough to see that. So go on with you gun fag bullshit, it's stupid to try to tie it to this but that's never stopped you people in the past.

So, basically, no matter how much you regulate gun laws, terrorist and criminals will still get them illegally and the only thing libs accomplish is to stymie law abiding innocents a means for self protection.
If banning guns gets rid of all gun deaths, then why does so many countries that actually ban the private ownership of guns still have gun deaths?
Says he who failed to read the OP and recongize the fact that the story included twists a terrorist attack into an argument for more gun control.

A goddamn bombing attack and terrorists using illegal guns to shoot cops has nothing to do with you or your cause. If anything it suggests there should be more regulation but we both know you're not smart enough to see that. So go on with you gun fag bullshit, it's stupid to try to tie it to this but that's never stopped you people in the past.

So, basically, no matter how much you regulate gun laws, terrorist and criminals will still get them illegally and the only thing libs accomplish is to stymie law abiding innocents a means for self protection.

I'm not sure how I feel about this to be honest. I see both sides of the argument for more regulation. Personally, I don't want any regulation on guns and I don't understand why without the right permits I can't own a Tommy Gun. But if guns were better regulated and the government made that a priority, would there be so many shootings? Personally, I think the blood shed is the price for freedom and I'm willing to deal with that in our society. But still it's pathetic to use the murder of children to further an agenda.
If banning guns gets rid of all gun deaths, then why does so many countries that actually ban the private ownership of guns still have gun deaths?

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If banning guns gets rid of all gun deaths, then why does so many countries that actually ban the private ownership of guns still have gun deaths?


That's only half of it. When you compare us to the whole world, we are not even close.


PolitiFact | Facebook post says the U.S. is No. 1 in gun violence. Is it?

So I'm supposed to be happy that even by numbers conjured up by this source, the US is still only behind Brazil, Mexico and Thailand in gun deaths?
Says he who failed to read the OP and recongize the fact that the story included twists a terrorist attack into an argument for more gun control.

A goddamn bombing attack and terrorists using illegal guns to shoot cops has nothing to do with you or your cause. If anything it suggests there should be more regulation but we both know you're not smart enough to see that. So go on with you gun fag bullshit, it's stupid to try to tie it to this but that's never stopped you people in the past.

So, basically, no matter how much you regulate gun laws, terrorist and criminals will still get them illegally and the only thing libs accomplish is to stymie law abiding innocents a means for self protection.

No regardless how much you regulated guns or ban them the terrorist will still have bombs.
The difference between the pro- and anti-gun side is well illustrated here:
-The anti-gun side refuses to admit the failure of pre-emptive gun control as a concept; instead it argues that “we just need more to do it right’.
-The pro-gun side recognizes the folly of enacting of laws designed to prevent people from breaking the law and therefore soundly opposes doing so.
What do gun laws have to do with terrorist bombings?

Gun Bans and Genocide: The Disarming Facts

Nothing. I seriously don't get the picture of these two buying their guns at the local 'uncle Bubba gun show.' My cyber dollar goes for Al Qaida being their supplier for all the weapons.

And where do American al Qaeda terrorists buy their guns?

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