Boston bombing suspects did not have valid handgun licenses

Did they get back ground checked before they bought their pressure cooker?

I'm just waiting for calls to regulate pressure cookers, or at least their capacity.

Since hazlnut finds the need to send PMs but not receive them, I shall post my response here:

hazlnut said:
So, lets get this straight -- the strict gun law of Massachusets did not stop these people from getting guns, so the logical conclusion is that MORE laws are necessary?
No, fucktard, just less loopholes.
Your pre-pubescent opinion is noted, and duly discarded.

Like all other anti-gun loons, your arguments/positions are based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty; as such, no reasoned person will ever take them seriously.

People like you are why the anti-gun loons are losing, and will always lose, the debate on guns.
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Since hazlnut finds the need to send PMs but not receive them, I shall post my response here:

hazlnut said:
So, lets get this straight -- the strict gun law of Massachusets did not stop these people from getting guns, so the logical conclusion is that MORE laws are necessary?
No, fucktard, just less loopholes.
Your pre-pubescent opinion is noted, and duly discarded.

Like all other anti-gun loons, your arguments/positions are based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty; as such, no reasoned person will ever take them seriously.

People like you are why the anti-gun loons are losing, and will always lose, the debate on guns.

post it in the Flame Zone.

No one gives a shit about your personal bullshit you dope
A goddamn bombing attack and terrorists using illegal guns to shoot cops has nothing to do with you or your cause. If anything it suggests there should be more regulation but we both know you're not smart enough to see that. So go on with you gun fag bullshit, it's stupid to try to tie it to this but that's never stopped you people in the past.

So, basically, no matter how much you regulate gun laws, terrorist and criminals will still get them illegally and the only thing libs accomplish is to stymie law abiding innocents a means for self protection.

I'm not sure how I feel about this to be honest. I see both sides of the argument for more regulation. Personally, I don't want any regulation on guns and I don't understand why without the right permits I can't own a Tommy Gun. But if guns were better regulated and the government made that a priority, would there be so many shootings? Personally, I think the blood shed is the price for freedom and I'm willing to deal with that in our society. But still it's pathetic to use the murder of children to further an agenda.

So you are upset with Obama and the democrats? Or is that different?
So, basically, no matter how much you regulate gun laws, terrorist and criminals will still get them illegally and the only thing libs accomplish is to stymie law abiding innocents a means for self protection.

I'm not sure how I feel about this to be honest. I see both sides of the argument for more regulation. Personally, I don't want any regulation on guns and I don't understand why without the right permits I can't own a Tommy Gun. But if guns were better regulated and the government made that a priority, would there be so many shootings? Personally, I think the blood shed is the price for freedom and I'm willing to deal with that in our society. But still it's pathetic to use the murder of children to further an agenda.

So you are upset with Obama and the democrats? Or is that different?

I don't see Obama using the Newtown tragedy as a political tool. There's a problem, the President tried to fix however misguided you may think it is and the majority of the country was against his solution and we're back into this silly status quo in regards to the gun violence problem just like we always will be.
they are looking for the wife of tamerlane-----
----it seems to me that you cannot have
bombs and guns around ---and that
fact not be noted by the people living in the same
apartment...... but there was a report that she
worked very long hours as a home-health aide---
so ----maybe she did not know,

It also seems to me that a 26 year old guy and his
little 19 year old brother----could not get into all of
this stuff ALONE-----they had to have suppliers--
They had a toddler in the home too.

As abusive as he was, he deliberately abused this position of power to control his space.
We would have to start policing THAT level of criminality, not wait to see what it's hiding.

If we did start requiring counseling for relationship abuse, until both partners pass a health and safety check, we probably could catch all the other issues such as addiction and crime tied to the same situations. But this gets into such personal areas outside state jurisdiction, that's why domestic violence is difficult to intervene in the early stages of prevention, not until a crime is committed, and then it's still emotionally difficult for families to police. That's why it's going to be responsibility of local communities to police these things, by the time you pinpoint the preventative factors it's on a personal level only the people can reach.

People criticize liberals for demanding separation of church and state to the extreme of rejecting any faith-based outreach; and this is one area where clearly the spiritual ministries can intervene early to catch and correct abuses, where the state has no jurisdiction. We need all resources to work together instead of dividing to the point we are ineffectual.

Instead of criminalizing pot and guns etc., we could focus on health and safety ordinances to detect and treat addictions, abuse and mental disorders with more effective intervention.
No one is trying to ban guns


Perhaps you should be trying to ban Navy Seals and members of The Craft who bomb their fellow citizens .
Perhaps you should ban False Flags at the same time.
Never mind that The Obama and the Democrats are, unquestionably, trying to ban guns.

No they're not. They may be trying to usher in new laws and regulation to decrease gun violence in this country but no one trying to take your guns away. That's just small dick fear.
I'm not sure how I feel about this to be honest. I see both sides of the argument for more regulation. Personally, I don't want any regulation on guns and I don't understand why without the right permits I can't own a Tommy Gun. But if guns were better regulated and the government made that a priority, would there be so many shootings? Personally, I think the blood shed is the price for freedom and I'm willing to deal with that in our society. But still it's pathetic to use the murder of children to further an agenda.

So you are upset with Obama and the democrats? Or is that different?

I don't see Obama using the Newtown tragedy as a political tool. There's a problem, the President tried to fix however misguided you may think it is and the majority of the country was against his solution and we're back into this silly status quo in regards to the gun violence problem just like we always will be.

He keeps trotting out the families like show ponies and you claim he is not politicizing the tragedy? But one of us pointing out a story about a bombing where someone wants to use THAT to restrict guns and we are politicizing it? You are brain dead.
Perhaps you should be trying to ban Navy Seals and members of The Craft who bomb their fellow citizens .
Perhaps you should ban False Flags at the same time.
Never mind that The Obama and the Democrats are, unquestionably, trying to ban guns.

No they're not. They may be trying to usher in new laws and regulation to decrease gun violence in this country but no one trying to take your guns away. That's just small dick fear.

You keep proving just how stupid you are.
Never mind that The Obama and the Democrats are, unquestionably, trying to ban guns.
No they'e not. They may be trying to usher in new laws and regulation to decrease gun violence in this country but no one trying to take your guns away. That's just small dick fear.
You keep proving just how stupid you are.
The Obama, et al, want to ban 'assault weapons'.
All 'assault weapons' are guns.
Thus, the Obama, et al, want to ban guns.
So you are upset with Obama and the democrats? Or is that different?

I don't see Obama using the Newtown tragedy as a political tool. There's a problem, the President tried to fix however misguided you may think it is and the majority of the country was against his solution and we're back into this silly status quo in regards to the gun violence problem just like we always will be.

He keeps trotting out the families like show ponies and you claim he is not politicizing the tragedy? But one of us pointing out a story about a bombing where someone wants to use THAT to restrict guns and we are politicizing it? You are brain dead.

Is he putting a gun to the families' heads? One of you? There's been an avalanche of retarded gun paranoia since Obama took office and it's exploded the last few weeks. I'm just sick of listening to this small dick fear.

Never mind that The Obama and the Democrats are, unquestionably, trying to ban guns.

No they're not. They may be trying to usher in new laws and regulation to decrease gun violence in this country but no one trying to take your guns away. That's just small dick fear.

You keep proving just how stupid you are.

And you just keep proving you have a small dick and are overcompensating. :funnyface:
No they'e not. They may be trying to usher in new laws and regulation to decrease gun violence in this country but no one trying to take your guns away. That's just small dick fear.
You keep proving just how stupid you are.
The Obama, et al, want to ban 'assault weapons'.
All 'assault weapons' are guns.
Thus, the Obama, et al, want to ban guns.

Those provisions were taken out of Obama's gun bill... so no, the government is not trying to take your guns.
You keep proving just how stupid you are.
The Obama, et al, want to ban 'assault weapons'.
All 'assault weapons' are guns.
Thus, the Obama, et al, want to ban guns.

Those provisions were taken out of Obama's gun bill... so no, the government is not trying to take your guns.

Obama wants an assault weapon ban. Or are you deaf blind and stupid? He has said so repeatedly on TV. Keep proving just how stupid you are.

He keeps trotting out the families of dead kids to politicize the event at Newtown. You don't mind when he does that but have a problem when someone points it out, just keep proving how stupid you are.
The Obama, et al, want to ban 'assault weapons'.
All 'assault weapons' are guns.
Thus, the Obama, et al, want to ban guns.

Those provisions were taken out of Obama's gun bill... so no, the government is not trying to take your guns.

Obama wants an assault weapon ban. Or are you deaf blind and stupid? He has said so repeatedly on TV. Keep proving just how stupid you are.

He keeps trotting out the families of dead kids to politicize the event at Newtown. You don't mind when he does that but have a problem when someone points it out, just keep proving how stupid you are.
Obama wants to ban guns; no way to soundly argue otherwise.
He, along with the other anti-gun loons, pray every night for another Newtown shooting as they know it is the only way they can ever hope to pass their anti-gun agenda.
Boston bombing suspects did not have valid handgun licenses | Reuters

The two brothers suspected in the Boston Marathon bombings, who police say engaged in a gun battle with officers early Friday after a frenzied manhunt, were not licensed to own guns in the towns where they lived, authorities said on Sunday.
Ya think?
But neither brother appears to have been legally entitled to own or carry firearms where they lived, a fact that may add to the national debate over current gun laws.
So, lets get this straight -- the strict gun law of Massachusets did not stop these people from getting guns, so the logical conclusion is that MORE laws are necessary?

Just another example of not letting a good crisis go to waste.

Well said.. this thread should have ended right here

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