Boston bombing suspects did not have valid handgun licenses

No, just less loopholes.


What loopholes?

By loopholes, does this mean gun sales between individuals
that do not require either a seller to be licensed
or the buyer to undergo a background check?

Trying to police those sales?
What about stolen guns, and how to police that?

Maybe if we revoked citizenship for any person committing premeditated
crimes abusing firearms, would that be a stronger deterrent than the death penalty?
Serving time at hard labor in a Mexican prison exchanging places with an applicant
on the waiting list who gains citizenship for the same length as the sentence or for life?

Friend too friend gun sells are still using a background check. If you don't know your friends background you shouldn't be friends with them in the first place.
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What are you trying to prove racist that you can lie more and more?

This is like arguing with a three-year old.

Why don't you grow up or start acting your age?
Children are bad about lying.

You've been caught in all the allegations I've made on you and I've provided proof of exactly what I said about you. Now you're spamming the thread with childish stupidity because I just knocked your ass out. This is boring and I don't care.
This is like arguing with a three-year old.

Why don't you grow up or start acting your age?
Children are bad about lying.

You've been caught in all the allegations I've made on you and I've provided proof of exactly what I said about you. Now you're spamming the thread with childish stupidity because I just knocked your ass out. This is boring and I don't care.
You have not provided any proof of your accusations against all you've done is lie.
Dude all I'm doing is defending myself against your lies that's not spamming so stop whining, while I defend myself.
What are you trying to prove racist that you can lie more and more?

This is like arguing with a three-year old.

You might want to consider putting reb on manual ignore, the feature works extremely well, and you’re guaranteed not to miss anything.

Is that different from putting him on the regular ignore list? I actually don't like to ignore anyone because I think it's a pussy move but honestly this guy is a mental defective and just posting the same shit over and over that it's just old and boring.
And all of this is based on nothing but your delusion. And this is coming from the person who literally dances over the bodies of murdered children screaming about gun rights any time a tragedy happens.

Look, I really don't care. Be the fat unloved middle-aged compulsive lying depressed failed plumper gun fag with a small dick and several personality disorders that you are. It doesn't involve me. And you're extremely boring because you just repeat the same shit over and over thinking that's arguing. Who gives a fuck about you? It's vapid and monotonous.

You have yet to link to any of his supposed posts that YOU claim prove he used dead kids. You made specific claims against him, provide the evidence or admit you made the shit up.

The only people USING dead kids is gun grabbers in an effort to outlaw specific types of guns, eliminate effective magazines and get a national data base established for a later grab of all guns. Look at the 3 States that have passed new laws, remind us how no one is grabbing guns.

Because they're not taking your guns thereby making the phrase gun grabbers stupid.

Threads on what a pig bigrednc1775 is

Here's his famous Austrailian fail thread where he gets caught in numerous lies. You can see what a compulsive liar he is here.

In this thread he claims gun laws are what are killing children

Here's his infamous Newton threads

Do I need to continue?

Let me get this right.... you link to flame zone threads where people make up shit and attribute it to whom ever they want, as evidence? As to his children one, it is true, some restrictive gun laws have caused unneeded deaths.

For example, in Washington State and other Western States some children walk in a basically wild area to catch the bus. Cougars can and do kill children and adults. Prior to the supposed gun free school zones older children carried a shot gun to said bus stop and left the weapon on the bus or in the school office when they got to school for the trip home. Since the ban children have died that need not have.

So basically if I start a couple flame zone threads that you are a child molester and get others to join in I can then link to that later in other threads to prove my claim? You are actually going to use that as evidence?
You have yet to link to any of his supposed posts that YOU claim prove he used dead kids. You made specific claims against him, provide the evidence or admit you made the shit up.

The only people USING dead kids is gun grabbers in an effort to outlaw specific types of guns, eliminate effective magazines and get a national data base established for a later grab of all guns. Look at the 3 States that have passed new laws, remind us how no one is grabbing guns.

Because they're not taking your guns thereby making the phrase gun grabbers stupid.

Threads on what a pig bigrednc1775 is

Here's his famous Austrailian fail thread where he gets caught in numerous lies. You can see what a compulsive liar he is here.

In this thread he claims gun laws are what are killing children

Here's his infamous Newton threads

Do I need to continue?

Let me get this right.... you link to flame zone threads where people make up shit and attribute it to whom ever they want, as evidence? As to his children one, it is true, some restrictive gun laws have caused unneeded deaths.

For example, in Washington State and other Western States some children walk in a basically wild area to catch the bus. Cougars can and do kill children and adults. Prior to the supposed gun free school zones older children carried a shot gun to said bus stop and left the weapon on the bus or in the school office when they got to school for the trip home. Since the ban children have died that need not have.

So basically if I start a couple flame zone threads that you are a child molester and get others to join in I can then link to that later in other threads to prove my claim? You are actually going to use that as evidence?

You didn't actually read the threads did you?
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Because they're not taking your guns thereby making the phrase gun grabbers stupid.

Threads on what a pig bigrednc1775 is

Here's his famous Austrailian fail thread where he gets caught in numerous lies. You can see what a compulsive liar he is here.

In this thread he claims gun laws are what are killing children

Here's his infamous Newton threads

Do I need to continue?

Let me get this right.... you link to flame zone threads where people make up shit and attribute it to whom ever they want, as evidence? As to his children one, it is true, some restrictive gun laws have caused unneeded deaths.

For example, in Washington State and other Western States some children walk in a basically wild area to catch the bus. Cougars can and do kill children and adults. Prior to the supposed gun free school zones older children carried a shot gun to said bus stop and left the weapon on the bus or in the school office when they got to school for the trip home. Since the ban children have died that need not have.

So basically if I start a couple flame zone threads that you are a child molester and get others to join in I can then link to that later in other threads to prove my claim? You are actually going to use that as evidence?

You didn't actually read the threads did you?
I'll ask you the same question. Did you read any of them?
This is like arguing with a three-year old.

You might want to consider putting reb on manual ignore, the feature works extremely well, and you’re guaranteed not to miss anything.

Is that different from putting him on the regular ignore list? I actually don't like to ignore anyone because I think it's a pussy move but honestly this guy is a mental defective and just posting the same shit over and over that it's just old and boring.

Talk about being mental look at your stalking I live rent free in your mind.
Let me get this right.... you link to flame zone threads where people make up shit and attribute it to whom ever they want, as evidence? As to his children one, it is true, some restrictive gun laws have caused unneeded deaths.

For example, in Washington State and other Western States some children walk in a basically wild area to catch the bus. Cougars can and do kill children and adults. Prior to the supposed gun free school zones older children carried a shot gun to said bus stop and left the weapon on the bus or in the school office when they got to school for the trip home. Since the ban children have died that need not have.

So basically if I start a couple flame zone threads that you are a child molester and get others to join in I can then link to that later in other threads to prove my claim? You are actually going to use that as evidence?

You didn't actually read the threads did you?
I'll ask you the same question. Did you read any of them?

You have the mentality of a retarded three year old. How else would I know about what a pig you are if I didn't read them?
Because they're not taking your guns thereby making the phrase gun grabbers stupid.

Threads on what a pig bigrednc1775 is

Here's his famous Austrailian fail thread where he gets caught in numerous lies. You can see what a compulsive liar he is here.

In this thread he claims gun laws are what are killing children

Here's his infamous Newton threads

Do I need to continue?

Let me get this right.... you link to flame zone threads where people make up shit and attribute it to whom ever they want, as evidence? As to his children one, it is true, some restrictive gun laws have caused unneeded deaths.

For example, in Washington State and other Western States some children walk in a basically wild area to catch the bus. Cougars can and do kill children and adults. Prior to the supposed gun free school zones older children carried a shot gun to said bus stop and left the weapon on the bus or in the school office when they got to school for the trip home. Since the ban children have died that need not have.

So basically if I start a couple flame zone threads that you are a child molester and get others to join in I can then link to that later in other threads to prove my claim? You are actually going to use that as evidence?

You didn't actually read the threads did you.

Read flame zone threads? Why? Anyone can claim anything they want in them and when in a feeding frenzy their buddies and politically same post the same crap. It is not evidence of anything other than an over active imagination.

I happen to agree that Islam is a problem and that unless it reforms from with in we should ban the religion and active go to war with its followers. the religion teaches that one way to get to their goal of world domination is to attack and kill all unbelievers that will not submit. And MILLIONS believe that is the proper course. There is another faction that thinks they can just immigrate and assimilate us from with in with massive births of Muslim adherents. Either way the GOAL of both groups is the total domination of all the Earth, Mohammad told them that Allah wants the entire world to be Islamic.

A moderate Muslim is one that believes they can out breed us. And even they support the outright murder if they can get away with it.
You might want to consider putting reb on manual ignore, the feature works extremely well, and you’re guaranteed not to miss anything.

Is that different from putting him on the regular ignore list? I actually don't like to ignore anyone because I think it's a pussy move but honestly this guy is a mental defective and just posting the same shit over and over that it's just old and boring.

Talk about being mental look at your stalking I live rent free in your mind.

You're the one who started talking to me idiot.
Let me get this right.... you link to flame zone threads where people make up shit and attribute it to whom ever they want, as evidence? As to his children one, it is true, some restrictive gun laws have caused unneeded deaths.

For example, in Washington State and other Western States some children walk in a basically wild area to catch the bus. Cougars can and do kill children and adults. Prior to the supposed gun free school zones older children carried a shot gun to said bus stop and left the weapon on the bus or in the school office when they got to school for the trip home. Since the ban children have died that need not have.

So basically if I start a couple flame zone threads that you are a child molester and get others to join in I can then link to that later in other threads to prove my claim? You are actually going to use that as evidence?

You didn't actually read the threads did you.

Read flame zone threads? Why? Anyone can claim anything they want in them and when in a feeding frenzy their buddies and politically same post the same crap. It is not evidence of anything other than an over active imagination.

So you admit you didn't read them. Nor did you read the evidence and quotes piled up on this loser in there. Also don't you think it's strange there's so much evidence and posts on what a pig this guy is?

I happen to agree that Islam is a problem and that unless it reforms from with in we should ban the religion and active go to war with its followers. the religion teaches that one way to get to their goal of world domination is to attack and kill all unbelievers that will not submit.

Well those are the ravings of a lunatic but I support you having your own opinion I guess even if it goes against the entire point of the creation of this nation.

And MILLIONS believe that is the proper course. There is another faction that thinks they can just immigrate and assimilate us from with in with massive births of Muslim adherents. Either way the GOAL of both groups is the total domination of all the Earth, Mohammad told them that Allah wants the entire world to be Islamic.

A moderate Muslim is one that believes they can out breed us. And even they support the outright murder if they can get away with it.

Proof? And I thought the topic was either gun licenses for terrorists or what a cocksucking loser bigrebnc1775 is.
Is that different from putting him on the regular ignore list? I actually don't like to ignore anyone because I think it's a pussy move but honestly this guy is a mental defective and just posting the same shit over and over that it's just old and boring.

Talk about being mental look at your stalking I live rent free in your mind.

You're the one who started talking to me idiot.

Are you fucking for real, or delusional?
I have clicked on threads and read a comment you made and mention me, and I hadn't posted in that thread. Yes I live rent free in your mind.
Talk about being mental look at your stalking I live rent free in your mind.

You're the one who started talking to me idiot.

Are you fucking for real, or delusional?
I have clicked on threads and read a comment you made and mention me, and I hadn't posted in that thread. Yes I live rent free in your mind.

Well you are the worst poster on this board and I do reference that. However you constantly start up with me like you did today and you neg me when you think I'm disinterested in you. It's pretty sick. And who would want to stalk a tubby fat old loser plumber like you? Honestly, :cuckoo:
You didn't actually read the threads did you.

Read flame zone threads? Why? Anyone can claim anything they want in them and when in a feeding frenzy their buddies and politically same post the same crap. It is not evidence of anything other than an over active imagination.

So you admit you didn't read them. Nor did you read the evidence and quotes piled up on this loser in there. Also don't you think it's strange there's so much evidence and posts on what a pig this guy is?

I happen to agree that Islam is a problem and that unless it reforms from with in we should ban the religion and active go to war with its followers. the religion teaches that one way to get to their goal of world domination is to attack and kill all unbelievers that will not submit.

Well those are the ravings of a lunatic but I support you having your own opinion I guess even if it goes against the entire point of the creation of this nation.

And MILLIONS believe that is the proper course. There is another faction that thinks they can just immigrate and assimilate us from with in with massive births of Muslim adherents. Either way the GOAL of both groups is the total domination of all the Earth, Mohammad told them that Allah wants the entire world to be Islamic.

A moderate Muslim is one that believes they can out breed us. And even they support the outright murder if they can get away with it.

Proof? And I thought the topic was either gun licenses for terrorists or what a cocksucking loser bigrebnc1775 is.
1. the only cock sucking loser is you.
2. Maybe you should read and learn how to comprehend what you read.
3. Nothing in those threads proved anything you said because you can't understand how to comprehend what is written in those threads.
So grow up go to school and take a few classes on comprehension.
You're the one who started talking to me idiot.

Are you fucking for real, or delusional?
I have clicked on threads and read a comment you made and mention me, and I hadn't posted in that thread. Yes I live rent free in your mind.

Well you are the worst poster on this board and I do reference that. However you constantly start up with me like you did today and you neg me when you think I'm disinterested in you. It's pretty sick. And who would want to stalk a tubby fat old loser plumber like you? Honestly, :cuckoo:

No I negged you for blatantly lying. No I don't start up on you for no reason at all only when you blatantly lie. Yes it's sick to know that I have found a home in your mind.

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